M ICH IGA XN DI LY I Be your own Beauty Doctor ''Il ;RE is but one method of acquiring and retaining a beauttiful, clear, delicately tinted coplxio~h n. lihe pores of the skin mus11t first be rid of all im- purities and the circulation genily stimunnlated to carry nutri- tion to all the tiny cells aiid tissues. 4 * Pomipeian Massage Cream builds up and rounds out the coiitotirof the face and form by cleans1ing, exercising, and feeding thec sklin through and through- fy strengthening the muscles. It rem cC,a;ll wrinkles, blagk- heads, 1roughnless, and irritation, withouitt promonting the growth of liir o)r causing the skin o shine --imipairting a glow of health and beauty that only nature at lhe 1best can give. ~ ive O0n d $, 0,0r jar. E. E. CALKINS, 321 S. Statg St. ALAPFI CLOCKS! Cnapman's Jewcfry Store 26s01lit iiAAI N StiAI I11 it 11 tit-h7 1, t t IHACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE 4";:111 }it"'l lcll : lf ?r}11' } 111 iilld SI'' 111 io yr. c;Wli 11°1111} '" 1i i i I( ;111 204i South :Mate StreetW S; U NIVEITY51XNO TI 1111111i rl;t s~°t~';, r l >'~t1" } t{ ttl tl t t It 1 N -1 I ', 'r. \ 1 .,l t c I I r} AXlI D]., Y.. A. A. CA~ J. RAILWAY 1ut1ir t1t' t 11 1 ' 11 ,. 1 1 -' t ....1 ' t 1 11'i 1'. tt 111. e~ tItl l I Xl ti' lute t I t t It I' I;'11.H NC, Nt 1:V -To\ t C It N 'c' W I t iatt, tewelry antd eye gI; 1 1 tmg bItsk Iilledt sworkinen. Ina 1%"1)' 1 o t. 11 * t tt tlx I a erv Stare, Mtain street. Winter Joy, vgoltagaititsI It ol tind exptt-ore. Boily l iarnith it l11hs - Id tsi all y for II s-alt York ity.The are igit. vie111I t 1 11 ~tt a Clm tt ltt i-Iof tnd- I, x It: 11 ;ri I - - t t ti tit ; ft' -1 It he i tl 1 1 1 ~ t~r lrbt h t Iii I V ; tr c S i1 i iiNI I--$ iwill ltty a fire in- tm-iwtet Itlicytttlitt -sate you several aw milltt tttllItti Call Is lilt) tier eitherpoie ti S'Itthtanitstt teetil otheIt. Wc X. 11. Smith, Luz ttt - Detal-. Estte Isutrtnce Co, AitniArbr ,-(I >1 t i, lick Block, Rooni 20.oil tI.Ypt t itit g attdl mimteogaping It t imIehi Itarge tor smll hjobs, at I ~ \I rt itt tt Ic bros., over Skelas ook It<_, - m ; ,Stt e s e. S tte phloe 12584, tt tho 1"'tco tsct oi-ilshamopos $ioo Rain lasi reiiair--ae sd ahticet goti for sham- tirs rJew- twto it,1ma nie itlior scatl treatinit eod MssVauhn, 70 N. University avenue od Gassrpieti Eyes carefully fiet I en tesed (eorg Halaler, Mal street ie or lcion tickets, laice pro- ;nn, t.,a F AN AaunPenns, Q r17 . Wshigtnistecit; prnters of Th Xichin l al, Ilaiider, Aiin- ns, Techt, Uniivesity Nes-Letter, It tutu S C. A. I tl tttok, Yost's Great Book frotmt t~nFootall, 1 igb Shool Omlega, etc. We-totmotre priiniig for ute stdntii ctRts hotti%1thanall other sitps combited i', i tcttroct-ibutiltiig, M laynardl ,ir ItttpositGagrs Aatemyanti tole l ustnothcloftiScotol of iMutsi. f Kai ttciu°tiltrinti tsatifctt ;,ic,. h llerv & O(ICouttor-Chg 1;,i llut it liv it t, Bijou hlr 0 :1I POLITE VAUDEVILLE jAlways a Goad Show It Ot 8 leadline Acts 8 IIl t I Wit i,iiit'S NItitiLY 20c lith'' 7.oa5 .0 nc: i MATINEES (tt-l U C :t)AYS,Tt-lRSI)AYS 1ev-, SACTE ttA, 3,0 )- 1U. al - Aimateurs Wanted for Friday Night. t' i1U, j AI KIN)itLOi 'e. Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant (iieir~ee ienew A Joe, Pop eicirs Co. I ~§ c F-t \ sIs 1 \ucri osat mi- - I alt- ttol kid- -rtit i t f, l~r il -, t id l n it t 'll i s . l-- HoI , lIt'.21 314 .iStte St. To ngage the Assembly Rooms, or Orchestra, call at As the renednce is con- Gran gcr's Academy office.netdwht1 uILin, callers are requested Co announce themselves. Please ring. A New Fad in the Latest Cravat A Scarf Made From Wood It takes one million yards to make one pound of -Art Fibre Silk. There are twenty filiments to each thread. Nii-wonder they -wear like ironi. The only house that has them in the city. Linderischmitt, Apfel Co.'s "' k'a t Rrelnni :r. : t S °_-~rt ''c-<.' !itt. s i i iv i ... l a s i IttI i tt it in - BRIGHTON GARI GARTER . iei inal hacenr gturt e nltll tsttoi il)te~cit tt .I'ipaetdftcls wcitnt x il ldipgein ty. t t c -bin Iing':l~ir i in th citis. . theBrgho Lati itiitluteorifna tiCap(tu e r iSNmulait as ourhan. W rnVyimntwo apre e iuilr iste c;oalforit and -tc ts itt. l I is of plue ilkeasi vb ng Al ltac. 2l meul~c tali-parl lts i i ni cki edt2tcntitt1 ittlvi aeitaitiorts 1P PIO EERSU E repaCO. 703 maet whi prefaer ptacod+.-eveh e rfc LMites-s-ft I. I 9 4' .:, ryy Shredded Wh W heat ci lit of i s IIsii It iteat -t- tt' - ill t11st it- itt ers l" c1; -eI' It f''v lih : t sltc s. i t Nll that lStl iSULOwII, cc ti 11111"u o put ik tt it'111d1 sail . ACliv- ' lil I i ttofa ccl WIc-ssII"Ai"t i t .ui t iitllI colaItd wiSVw It l wlsll vvo-\ ii w t t is Olti iri tatet i)Otik it~st- iscutf Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors 1 Professors ! The best is tuone too good for you. You can't afford to waste your time andulpatience with the old-ntyle fountain pen. Buy a Seif-ill11r, and there is only one practical and successful Self-ilthing ouainPes-sn It ii CONKLIN'S 1SelflPE "The pen w ith the Creiscent? F/ilr-ithe device that made sf-filliung ports possible, practical and perfect. Dun't be decved. Acvept nthiing bnt tke geinune Cnkltin All niher self-fillers ire in the expeiimental stage. The Conklinu is perfect-been oii the maeketu fur years. Used anid revommended by thousands of studeits and cullege professors. Postesses all the super- foe advantages of ike best fountain pens supplemented by the followung dlistictad desivable features Fills and cleans itself. No dropper. No inky fiagers. No bother.Nojittola, ocogn. Nothing to take apart A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to nickel crescent filler and pen is full,I ready to write. Why take any chances? Order a CONKLIN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaran- teed satisfactory. Bnaok Free upon requat, telling +- about this wonderful pen, Maunufactured only by / The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. / Sol~d to Ann Arbor by GEO. WAUR'S TWO BOOK STORES. ''' The Natural Food A Niagara Falls, N. Y ALWAY'S AHEAD IN MILWAMa~D, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVI' THING IN TAILORNGc