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March 03, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-03-03

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The Michigan Dil
ks N SkL lik '1, (11 i( S1N si \1' I N1 .11i}('1 3 7

Vol-. XVII1.

No Ic It).

Sophs Feel the Loss of Bowman-
Large Crowd Witnesses Contest
Between Undercasses.
held ill\c:1" he ro'iii x iic ls i g ht
eisiiig fctd ic oh47esb
beig' i i.i c, i, >-,. T le ovh liii lii
l' ir. icilind "lein cen-u
iti i ie r liiiace iciiih ie! noti
lo~i %Iile rci ini ll i- c H gvm.u i
a i ii ofii in( o te s p homor in l
theP ah ani te hre ap ; utitis i
bi lii it ai.
Thefrcimt caturd sx irst, itre
scorls : d te o s l ac i n theiii~i
D~ix Ixix ul l i nh, ii I lic rieirxxi
po i inter iifor iiixip ii luxu i .i ll!iiix
1adl uixiux oth tic Im ian hxigh i
lmrle a d ininiii c i xp I' o t iiix-
na b iedtolil) iiiiii heatiin orderii
7 xxxixhe as, uin(i al l i/li-ilhrats
li iincc i rs pac . P xers iii p
cniti on , juti iii il l(,ii ii iii ii iii li next.
Xiiili.N ightI iiiiiiiyH seti iaxiiiiiiireicord
for the gaxit)inx l-ii iig liium .ix ii r
iii I in ithe hi ii iin certa inl iiec ilpses
ii ma x1.1i1 ti i hiiii mxH in ai xuiiberx
ofxria. Ud der i Kxxx xx xx i liii iii xx
utly heiis xxiii ixx lxx ixixxthat Iiii
thatx xi pr i-e t it Xii iii xxii xxiiii u ix
Bix Hix iii tti sx ap ithixirp-i
pxrxntixisex Hexxix kXiilcc lxxityi mat-
Xird iccii h xtiexiiiii xxxiiiH lxxbarei mad
MxIii cxxxi lxxxicieixt xxpIac in h ie
rc cc xxiii o ikixxfuturie. iili n ix
Foriixthe i c i xxoe te h ixixp-c xi
ticiiar xstars ii)ve xxiiiuran Rubi,. - iir iir
and ixG ixili.iDuman xxii iiihe ithree ilap
in iioiii xii iiandcRixyxcaptxurxedgxithex
xiioliii- x xfxomix;Arthur i i iii-nine iinich xc
itoispaire. H arkerii lost cons4i derable xxi
ightx in. Xinlxiii i cc for ix iutic lceix
xxxiiihe xpiie vaulti i xii iliiriuincng iacciosx
sxic xxtixPaxx eri oii n theii ighxxixjuiimpi.
lxiiierxiii lilii ori oints - fori x i c sopiix hoii-
moriesxthaniandlofiisccxc>matxxs. Coiit-
ton ixxiii-ix lxxiiith xileicond iiin ihr lecs
and ix ix ihn ix-a good ii xc intsx ltoi
hisiciiiiias ixis. i cixcxxi i cxi
A recoi-breaingxxxiiwdixittenidiiithe

eachi ieiher at iilcx. Buti to iihx upper- xTHREE UNIVERSITIES
eiixicii iiicthecxiitioniifiiclssii HHiti
xiixxxcxxxxxi farcicxal. Asx thc xxii WOULD REFUSE DATES
1-11cc lef t gii i ,sm r feh en ee x-ii --iii <xHxxii xi

A mostintersinc xixg biti of<iy-iiaix-tlik
Captai- iJ xi ixGi elxxii o advanta-
ofhi irst ii ii Hnigh ofintexrcxci meets
Noma;lath'to th mee . I -l idxinoti
othe glantiiiiiis diid, utldlthe wayix i
to the rui ngli I lxiii hitheirilit ' lsIi
lig capta ii xii in o k a s --t a farxfrcxxxiex
his compaion.xxixI IiHateions xxxxrHexii
xxii i i xxxns.Mnyfieinds ianH xxxii i
took a deepiiHi inreti texittlhuteie-ax
tix. wich teisxxparicularlyitimuxixxilinxg
Hein aii ll his folr Feaxxiii> ridec
in Axxi Axbolicom iipaxy ith a youncilixg
that ithe girl xwas li lixixi- ii- iihe icoxi-
dlph~xii liii>xicfa llxsee hi plyi-andx
theaier ft iii-hegxme. liii-climxofii
thein xciden-txilasti nigixi xxi> reaceixdixhen
tlixbluing iiiiicxipieixweiri pleithxil
ric -iad cweregi-en xaigxxcxxxa ie
rah;ia, theylx ftliilhiiig. Captainx
Garrelsiasxxxbusiy ati a ltxe houric xxx
Statix xireet te-lig hisiendiisiithalxibe
cxxiiill xxxis ot eg-edxxnd lxthat the cxxxii
laixix onixyxxii s ister.i
sec Id; xg, 'to, lxhir. ii lxi xliii 38
'xxi rdl.xii lie--:o04 -5
fi;(ixililix 1)xxxcoidilPlxlk~. xxi,
Ilugh h l es--Simixxihi '10, xfirst;Cot
l.xi, isecxond;xxi Xiarkr, (X, lxird.
Tlime-:5x -5
-oy '1xix >xxco xxd; Pollki, 'oirdli
' ie - 47t
igil juipli atterxoii'x 0,iirstixcx
Marker.i'oolKxxpplV)i andxSitihxilliio
lxxdxforreminingxx ixpoi. leix;-i-
fex i7 iche.
Sx laps---ixoiiiiix 'i o, irst; ix erry,
'o)- x xxiii Phlpsi x xx lxird i meI
Nielap-Mlay, x10 lxirst; iaxxoxi
_ Claxschionshxxxx Xi xrlay rces-x'osi
I lengineers defxltii '7 lix; x itslxxde-
feated '08xiiic;xix'07 lws> lefxxaxii xx8
law's;'07iegineercx;xxioirt<bxxfofill x cxi
iHd) mxiiis.x
lxxii xaexprosct:xcix icago meet- i
ingithexcxxik Japaneseaxlxilx eam fcxxx
txxxix xix xxi XXf a exxi xtong.x
lurch xx cleg i ioiy xaxstudenti
x ouci-axd -a colege- sxniate oifiuxnder-
rgraduates has lradiy blxxxinstalld

IfWe Withdraw From the Confer- it
ence, Says Judge Lane, Quot- i
lng From Letters. lx
T1lheitorxul of The< xlii l):iii 1
a lxxiiihc of lelx- ixxn c cxcx-. hisi
most rxeilx xla xixie- I oe iixix lettxxxii lei x
ing thexpat year
illix wriii;x"I have no hiation iixIi
inx givingxxy opxinx~ionixtihlxilexxwouxil not
xxiix-iixix-gulleasxiith-lxxivii- l which
wihde froml c lxxiieu ionferece.ii"
Xmither ais xix Xiiixuixxxixxfii x<Iicli
17111 xfrontiithe iConi-erenice xxwouliconi--
xtiiit .ti- x siuion inxx xwhx lih wex Wo lul
fel- xxomxplld t i thdrawixilx frontxxialli
athltic elatons ih her."
Thelcxnmiiiat li from iheitirdi I
111(1 I xm iali toii- lxx iiiliix xc asoxn xI
of is hain-xg lxiieen xiiiI.misib tit isloxxi
Ie~ et-xxxi in thex lic xameuilinix a xdiitoit
thex xsamex effec.I
modixifig lthem-. V.It Ii. lxx-.
MOC( Co7 iNSF iT lfiON l
CO IVI,'NX'Ii N iuiil XNil.D
Fifteeximi n xxxiii sterday afternoon
i Room Bxii of11thei lwii ixixxfx xixi r
lxxi iiitixcxrgaizatxx xiionlof 11bo111beainuxg
the mleiof te ixicigaxxxConstixtutiolx i
Covetin ~ u.I xl is xxie pupose ofxtis
orgxaniiationxixoiconduiiti itsl mex ti-----h n
exacly lihi-sameixxc xx i asxixi eIStai e
conveioniixi xwhi iic ill-l o elieldxiito
lrxwxip xainew statei constxition.ii The
members lxi x this lxyxhope lto familiaiz
themselvxe-ixxxix-lix the propised changes
ilx lxhat doxiicument. Thicirmen of thei
vaxiusixcmititeesixi ill propose changes
whlichx xi l heudicussedxiiielyxxixdxxii lll
lihe-folloinx-xg officxswer cted:ccx
Presicidn. l-cimxix: ivic-pidentilxii,
Tate; xsecetaxry Tilura, asiantIsec-
retary, lxxci-ixxxxiiI ixi-xi-xxxxi-c. I
loinx-g ch-irmcxnx-x fxlcmmxliit x-es: Lxgix-
1 liie ltcixixixii catxioxfigxicx-rixxxx-i,
liiiecxxiii XeiiiiixTatxi; jluiiry,
lxxix xiiieleionsii, Rr~s meth
xxxiiand rernlvLk ii' lrXxixixixilxxidu--
cat i l ixxiiion eo o d; ciixxxxxxlxio lxi-
ell txxtiionixsxlaknxx; xxmilii, Eiees-
xxii, idaxi~y fii-ixxiiixi. ati2x, )xldei.
Xxiyxstuentin the liivesiity-ixxcixgiiix-
to lxxi iinbtsixp xIt ixdeired tatIlxxi xi
BOLIl1NG i1,AGX.liO 7LL( 115 Al P
xxix-x <ciii, ii two outxxxiiof- uhree
percxils 1>1 in xxstrda'sgxxmexx-x tili- Su-
lThex ixxxliixx :i-C Hgxaxix. -w
Xii l it rs .. ... .. ... to 2 1.3
Tigers 8 d' fIx
Azeiii .. .. .. .. .. I 1 - 4-4
Impercx ial ..... .. 4 P8 33
Bix 1 8 .iii

IN~rE SIHiOWlliX i .XX171H l
IS NiOW 11171NC Slri t1)1
't i uiiire lirtt c mi tteeiix ofiIthie I xiii
xixxxxx xsh xxxxbxganitheiprocss ofisorx-xc
xxx amiit iix ar ixi- g tici mateial at axx x
xxxix hxx euxx ld yesterdayi cilxxx- xli iiix
his x hasxbien xcomxleliedithl li lx wili
alunt. ii lxx lixima ' lux1i1 l l cii i iii xulilix c
4xi seecing xxii l-illill-cbe xuised ix is ifi - I
--upl of weeks l ime.iI
11uxulIXxNII '1111lRI) RAXII
Aumeeingluofxx hexl eliirical branchxxuxxof xi
the l-xxgiixi-x-cuu xx xxxii i asxxxix duilil l
d ctvevei'inil hli.sxociiiixroom, - at
lm tirdil systemsc weri e xl isii- xi
xxiic advantag-xxfxi hexoveheadi>- ol
its superioitiy oler the i r -aix l x syii
tellx;,rcgardsi>sxafety. speedxand eia-
bilityof ervce
Inxreplyx J . . xiuxxix-xxlidefendedxi the
thirdil system, H x maiintaxiingutihxxlxxixiire
it was>atiall xsuiiabixle xxfor xuse it xicxst xof
costucionxx and x ia xxlxinx-Iuxilcc xwere
xxxiii ix ix lxxix lxthat i o iiithe i-i-ilii-x
system, iuxxuixi1g iguxux->tox xhiowxithai
lireii c s f construx< xxixxictxionx xxxx xxxxxx
23 per scuit lulw-i-canixcostxiof1< 1ixili
xliiisti l xless. i, Lanxglyv xls
tuhe ionthiluc ivsiix e ix1-1Contactxux
lxiiicliiihe Irolylc andixxixirexxi, xxii
Ile-iil xi contact -shoeand hirdiu l ,xxii oingixx
thei xaxiianitxg, f lthe xxxii- ixgrx-xter
areaxof coIctxiiin thexlateriucaxsx.
AxxpaperxbyxJ- . In xgrsxolli xix.lihe
bex R. I-. HIlandiiniu whxichux weire.xiis-
cu-xx-Itxlx- re-ixtivu - xosts lfxs iuxxi--
xxiii andiaidiret uiiiix-iilxxitell 17
lx Iniihe generalxisusionx whx x-ihx xoi-
lowed it i lixx xgreed-u that eachx xsystemu
I~,,,-Iaxux xiixxxuixgixi xwhihlitteit forxx
partxxicularxfild-hi wortu-iu lin ase
weeetemiighti bex usxdi lhiriexwxi
ax gretxivxesityui ofipin~ioniiasi tox wichiuil
wuld iiIncxxtheiimalreiiadvanixxageugs.x
'I'llecntt meingoilxx he lcricalicx
brnc xxii, lannedixi forui <xi iuiixx, March r;,3
at ic theixli subhject ofxlecricailwauxuxy
,ignalx i ll xxii i c i c dxxi
NisXX\% l CIHSI7 XIiii 11
Anxinnovtionxinuxi theliisxudyixof1<plxxxii-
cali pharmacoxloixgy andii ii x-xxxi lulIuxaxx
lxxxriiiated by the x liii uxuuix iii ofllthe
juo mdclclaw.> xThe- xiii xundelx
cxxix ix-uuioixconsxistsi xofxlpendxingii ani
horec week- xi xll i inwitinxg pxscix- on
for diseasesxix pioposed axil all instrxuctor.x
lxxx Fixdnxxxisac-xidiI Haxlexiv- cnsentedii
tox take chaxrgi- of thuxwxirk, and ilxi
meet--- liiiho>desire xito-lxteri-thei-coursi
xxi x'xio lxxii orxiniiuxg xat ou ouclocik i
lxxe wxx lx lx- ixuu x lectureroo xifxth xxix me-
cali iuildig
Theicourseiis ptionul and Ixxiintende
lt~ keep lii-x-the xx~ varioustheraputxicin
cilexuedill itiniig pre-cripionsxiuxresxh
ini iithle ii> xl l xidsofte xxnelxxxua Iisin ii
itendedx axx-lsoxxupplement theiiliii rk iin i
maxxxiiaimedxic,,ixxof1thelIii- xtwoxiiiexxxi
andiiprepare these who havliielxxinishedxx
hii>course for theicliiucaludixxxisx of
thuxic onion i lxxi

:omedy Club Stored Success in the
Sardou Comedy--Characters
Were Ably Presented.
cxmedy I, "A Scrapliofi Pxpixu," xxai-gien
1yfleiiComedy-u pclub in xxSxxix (xxxaxwll
evening.x- A llxxxghu thii liii) xxix lxxx-
owii to iii lii ati ons oifiiii seaxxingup xx
Six xi ixon iiyi:t xusm lall uu ii o il lhr
polisixih >iing Ystrdy tliti gxn- p
hadi i, tu nx a, safeii. sax te, lx x ile con-xi
-xi sofcriticixxmi xxi- idicided-ily -icv-c
ax cuireucnized xi factor xiin lg- lii-. -Xxx
frixu iend l xill orlxii luuiiic honorsiiu Ithei
lxy sracxxl xiii hci fl-ia x cst ofi "
Scrapiof i t l'xxlx-x dx ll xiicxxxii ltxii to
xx uxhully dixlihiflxi ixu iu iix x
Theiplaii) its l i w i tted for xi xxx xx-
lxxix lr 'iixl iliii . Iii lih, i ttxxx iii x
livuly, iyet i(heio.x:ie ilixtil~inx i t ca i x ll
igfai nore lxxx xxxxxxiof xactxx>ii uIinhg.
'lituxcharacterix a xic xirxxxxixdi mcxuxxxn-xx
asx iterpreiedxyesterdayhxxx. cl an-cati ii
Thei-worku ofxllxxi NIauclwxIN xx'ic u-
is d xserinig of thei highesti xxxxxxxxxx l-
-xxii general-xxx i lixy xxx xxit, xlshownii1l
chaacer wxsxix ffliclt, bxiii lexi i s- x
persi illa lxi amtinip x ix lxxxix nic
Xxduagexxinu- -i awx-xlxily
5l-x ii-i-x- 7 u:xtxoxxxx lai iii Xli, Iill xxxix
much xuixxu.c-uu lr yuh xui pxsumedxxxIx by
Nohl M. xii uhxx iua capab le mannger.ii
xxiic -xl lxx axdx Mrxxxi liii-
as Xxser iants, hwere ,M ie satisfai-ctory.i i
It isnly whlxnifoillowingu-uxheCiproigXli
orderxof (ticastihatlhex wmenxxmx
ch~l xx li Lii xilg fsonw ix iolxxiiie.
MiliiiSuziannex illRosevxille he lxx ii li
cous xi, whs;headx l forii xxx -xxix-xg diii
in the- luuu fina ita laul, wxxxit - I i xi i c
lxlxxxe er ine. ?Isel I liii xi 1<,
ingxxxoplpuoie Anaxleulas Nxx XIihxultil,.li
plx iixixx-ioxIonixise, cuxuilxuxli-uil
igixitll}, MXliii-- I 1i'iiuxxiix insterxix
xiiiidibyilabexl x-I lxi flux> l il \x-ui
cxxx-goodxl xaitheiixxxx-ix-xhxc xxxid' Jii uhx
Cutlcrxwxixai pretty mxxii
SXTxX 17 XNDIIN 11 li I lIXT
TheiIxiUniviy (ivicx chiihx t
fiirs xciaievenxxiii thl lx a lux stlxxnuihti
iir shapexxiuxof a be-Ixtixul xiuuuu- at
ax downtownxux ietuxranti t'i le ix-i tcr
formers xxhadiinoiisxt xprogramciai llii
diiugedI i xxix x-iixx il ii- xiii ix)Iiilii Iof
thex feasti xxii alixifrlxxux Ixixxxxxixxu of

5M A~A cg A $,A.am
8 P. M. anid'"The World's Most Famzous Band" $10



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