TIIl: NI ICIIICIAN DATTIY Be your own Beauty Doctor THERE is hut one method of acquiring and retaining a heautiful, Jlear, delicately tinted compuIlexion. The pores of the skiernimust first he rid of all im- puritieand the circulation gcntly stimulated to carry nutri- tion to all the tiny cells and tissues. i3 *Pomipeian Massagse Cream huilds up and rounds out the coitour of the face and form hy cleansing , exercising, and feeding the skin throuigh and through- hy strengthecnliig the muscles. It reniove- all wrinkles, hlack- heads, roughness, and irritation, withtiut proiioiting the growth of hair or cauisinsg the skin to shine --imparting a glow of health and heauity that only nature at her best cani give. .rbivee 50eand ,/00 per4ar. E. E. CALKINS, 324 S. State St. ALARFI CLOCKS HACK ANTI CARRIAGE HIREI Cnapman's Jewelry Store l,,l'-li a {itc 111.. M5i0tiki 206 iiSt aHt M NSitlTREEiT ntiii I i f tl i 1,' ~, tiii tBRANCHiSTOREt:AT 1f , 44 I 2()4 South .State Street I UINIVFERSITV NOTICEIS ;cr it , ,l t n iuiatri,, Iet tutu ittii itct, t r t,' ltclt i ll t,, i ig Ill litS t1 ittu, itt' m~ItIIInet i > thei lilchilti ii t tt if( y o All ,,,, ici ii1 1,1 lititlt ue ttd ittu re( tuuted ttetl. ii IIt l;>, ) 4 h la lildin t ,; ) , S tca .I( v fc th ilt g a ii p itt,, m d tab s lai ti t t p r t11c f t t > i i~ i t r l c m (itu it }1. t la t1i I t I \ i d\(V 5 VI ' \ a tII ()t St_ )cl~ ,it I( 7t20'iS 1, w ch I cd 7 5171lw;1 lV Shif aI 7171717' ll ho l'6v( 1:1 14, cIll SlcrckS t1 ":1 .. '2 , Il {} t' t' '1 1' li I i t Pit l ).I e I)t otli t hers. I i i i i fg (11 i it, it il ()tt5i iceil A New Fad inl the Latest Cravat A Scarf Made From Wood It takes tn ii t lie tn yards to make one pound of Art Fibre Silk. There are twenty filiments to each thread. Nit wotnder they wear like iron. The oly houtse that has them in the city. Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s t ,rzS c I r S l l l t t il l S Iittl ii iiit t S.ti l,, S, , ; li ct *t t t t t tuc ' itt t t I t t . l ''S f I i To lingage the As-,sembly Rooms, or Orchestra, call at rn ycr's A'ca'msu Office. As the redeneI G~ ~ ~ ~~~~c rat~~cCt~~s mtd with the buildtng, calters are requested tot announce themselves. Please ring. I Dl. ,Y., A.A.(laJ. RAILWAY ;!2 i t ' 1ti $1't illitt 8 :'itit I ll.i , 11, I r t : I i ll. lOl1 1 : 11 Wi~nter Joys ~tsr tiily ftoto'- ssho are ~fartifie~l lby abutndaitthlthtansd Sigo gitn~tst tilldstnd exposure. Bodily sartirh cionis trouts Ir d ,,c t ii ittifodl fo d.iioil i til istfromitiflattttls sitd os c i't . 4"I (.1 Shredded Whole Wheat is lie food 1lhatsit liitigs futllesti ifijit fitit of sit-hut sirk sot playt ic'c'it'-e it itchlinitshe sceat - itiikitig. itiuscle-biti sle'itet tss atl bItsie It is sit etisily idigestedit Isgh'sthe litlic'' cs atdntiitlilec'i.ss of 1111 t a tiii ike,: the isitttsti liiiilc a A Mt faItst of' SIIED)1-*1 \VIII\'l (ISI'lI isvvit ltte coil t sisk iii 5 catittill suplplly thie tisi 175*'sit a xm litle da~y's worik, TiistitS is the esic'eits tle ic' nscsit cxcthit that it jisitt' PrS, it t11 a ""'1ifer atisitu-ol is a 'Ill ST forlii its ' ic-i1its- stid alofwthite flootr lbresd. Ai ill grvers. 0ist seas llnss ti ticlCoitk lBooak is sent t ce, The Natural Food Co. Niagara Falls, N. Y. ;satisfacy tailorinig at satisfa, furl n cis t'Filler 'I, ounuor, io 1. Will- im street. t9 list s I ec I ,Vt iai Isn'1lV itt ii sni t t tt It sge faler.i II ii St. Homes eekers EXCURS IONS AT Very Low Hates fo Round Trip va the \\kI H16AN CENTgM "M Niagara FillsRousts iT arious Points in the Soth, Southwest, South= east, West and Northwest MarcttiS and 19, April 2 and 16t to. t. ItUfiiLtiS, U5enernitPsseunger Agent. Bijou ThVte QPOLITE VAUDEVILLE Always a Good Show 8 Headlin Acts 8 j MATINEES TUEtSD)AYS,THU11RSDAYS "'C SAT' RDAY, 3.00 - L! I Ainateurs Wanted for Friday Night. WtAI KINsi 1,00 Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant (tietgetettunw Attie, Proipiietorsu ' 4 ti-" ll(-liii, s. ll~ic tltuiof titilis,,, l-Krtitl l - c/BRIGHTrON ~#c no aisFLAT CLASP GARTERS ar ' vr analyo 400,0,lhemitatsme' wa.tile pateted flat elasp brings eomfurt-the seeret is in itst,,,,,-binding, noiriiiritatinig hold. It's as flat as a sheet of paper and h lieth okas smooiithlsthle skin. Madeof pureiltklastic webbing. EAll mtite r tsof ieavy ticlt-i plaitedt itrass. 25 cents a pair, alt dealers or by mail's prtepaid. -ot n hoprefer a curd garter, we offer - 0OCK-GRID w BRIGHTON GARTERS Theisa ,esi aiiiisadi, tifottilescod artert made. The rublibir duimiu d hold; itha i-iIkeitt it ll nevr r sp. Wtill noiititi lctinti Dosc Thcsmallcs,smothestflatit grsp ever useoactlitigarcer Fines t qucalitystcebbing.1Metal partslieavy nsikel platedas.lac an50c a ptiradelcisuor bynmailtprepaid. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 MirkitSn., Philattelpia. Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors! Professors! The best uisne too good for you. You can't afford to waste yoar time sancl patience with the old-style fountain pcn. Buy a Self-Filleratid thir-e is ously oue practical and successful Self-F'illiigi1,lountisin Pen. It is CONKLIN'S SePEN i"lhe pets with lie Cre-seent Filler--the device that made Ielf-flling peits possible, practical1 and pefect. Dunttie deceitvea. Accept nouthing but the genuine Cuosklin. All oiher self-fillers 'in is the experimental' stage. 'The Coniklinis perfect-been us the market ' fur years. Usedan td recommsended by thousands of studenits and cullege profesrs. Pnssesses alt the super-E inoralvuntagesuf tse best fountain pens supplemented f by the follaswitig distinct and desirsable features/ filas and cleans itself. No dropper ' No inky fingers. No bother. No joints to leak. No clogging.l' Nothing to take apart. .A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb toniklceetfleradpnsfu,{ ready to write, Why take any chances? Order a CONKLIN SE LF.FAING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaran- teed satisfactory. Bask Free upon request, telling - shutibis wonderful pen. Massufactured only by The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Sald in Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. 1 I 4 ALWAYS AH'EAD) IN STYLES MIWWTHE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAILORING