The MichiganDail \\\ \RIIU, i NI111 8 \r:\, -L\11 I)\N NI R(I . I1 Moi- X. vIi. FRESH-SOPH MEET - STATE LEGISLATORS TAKES PLACE TONIGHT INSPECTED UNIVERSITY Promises to be West Interesting ofN Indoor Season -Senior Engineers ecs sily Sof LargerttAppropriaio Will Try for New R lay Record. tamned by President Angeli. Wha jlt111 t, ~ctit'I1()t tel L1,10hIlist' idL ilaei LLLLL*llilt'I,it I 'LI'V LLI LI i L'LtILLL '' l ti~i il 11t~~i1' ilc tt 11c. \""I wil e'he st te l g l l LL''IiIc g'l i IL il a tilt' Iii iI''L1'I' 'LIII I IL\ lI IlLLLIillIilL. N t iIilcl r ntni Il LLL LIII lltiLtLL . il ILLILL I is LILILIlcgand1 1 . tie \<,i tti r +IIILIII1L LLI LLLpcttLL ILIILL iLLLIIILinchIL 11im- thLL 111 ic Ict ~c110-CFi. lvllLL iL tlL il' LcI IilLlitI ILL IL-' exctg''thal vc h f'Ic. 1')11 s Ite i LLhe L' I ILL.' i'Ll hi'l L 'I ing h 1111in h. MlI lss s ar and 111,\\)I 11 1 1 i r" places1 I )tnal r LI f Lll II i ast as in i i 1111irt111 eani W all and illim, l,) '11 il lI ll L L I l l I Icc ofL 111- \\ 111 h h t f t e C1 Ivs l L [1c so ])nl o II's Is. lII 'LI au c 'te;lII, 'iLL:nn IloLLI' lIL. oL:L' MI arkII r, 111k \':II(;IIL- 11111 .' c;': ' i tlILIII , LI'lo. KI ' Jo.LL II' catin'Garl s, I'L "I'rO R1111111 11, re M e 'tl; I'. Cotto1111 LII; LIII Ill L '1o:L I nc'L LIII' \IIIIILL iiI I 'to: RemldI only) T~all adg L NI'LI'I L. N contrIc111111not ben drawnInpILL I'LL andI in all LprobbilityLitL Itn~ pt NlI IligalLLL tt, n Ie o rl~lc The, amL'alLLI II snethill Ic i LII II I L 'i'l on1 NI ;13 LII fI)ILL hat datI i . AIL c Ier t s , iftiethI I LLLIive sLL i tl most 11elaborato Lcer Lmoies.I IresientI Two or 1 11 IL 1gam1s wih N. A C dain sprLg ingLL vaction arLLLL'Li 11 lLIm ILL Ih1s111orn ILmadi. ItLhaIhl stedha IoaL11'II IltLif ofL I llini s i llILIS c11 LL l c .ii these ga'mLLL, w11111 NiL'iIg.'LLvei f LII tIi" hir'rlL'vs tLII' fr (LI prviin meet11fain lILILLL'LLIiIL'idl~ gi 1. upntis matterLLLL. A<1fewI'g'LLLL'' of LOberLlin, 1bot 11II I,- lith il i p 11 will11 ILL' Ibad ILL'fr tisyeaL T IileLfoo IballI LI'IiIliL illd wt (he except''ILionLLoLIIone1g'aLeLLLThe1 Con- four havLalr'eady i'ILI 1hIL LIarrLngd. TheLL onL~lyLLuncertaintLy Lof LIIe four1