THE 71 1(11 lAN DA I LY I CLOSING THEM OUT Whnat ? Schicede's Note Books To do this we offer them at 25(1 Discount, at [bAG'S 201-203 SOU17H MAIN ST. i I Butter Cup Candy While It Lasts lOc per lb. DEAN ft. CO., Ltd., 3lbs for 25c 214 S. Main St. UNIVERSITY NOTICES I iiif{r ''itlilti t i iii it ti iht 7 i)''lc~lc t acc it 1 iidwe it el)stet l ) c t anlnci ''s.yi 1.i.1.lylJ ~iti 'cirii at Pi)'cric to n ght. for ilt b.'11(lu t it 111 denta holl, 1ptilant i The la tl ti'l l wl i~d i pt l i 111 lti i ll l I 'sii ctO i1,1 il ) -ilig 211 tititrcl. it nict, 1 111(111 a t t - at l ()' ()t tlt 1ill 11}_ t I ti l e: A'I' V ii .] ;III ":T lI .Sf5V' Itt t:){ 3ll '. )i 11 ": Occidental Hotel Wec Cater to banquets, Etc. It lNIixsoI Luniclh =Ypsilanti ID., Y., A. A. ft J. RAILWAY + ,i1 t1 }t11 il il i tti S t t : 1 t:1'- ( i l -. {+1i :j i l. 11 ,"i' l '' 1 11' 1 t i I'iti7 ) 1 '. { r i3t : i 't i i It 7 t ii l ' 1 ") : I., 11 1 1 . 11 c ) 1 : 3 It I , i 1 t.l t ti i ' s Jl ii }11 I f Il r i 1 {i t I Ij it 1 Winter Joys title. otnly to thtose ,who are fa)rtih'edl ly abundant health aitd rigor agaitnst colil and exposure. Bodily warmnli comes from gout1l digeslt iii antd good ford. not from flannels and(1overcoats. -Stuientstaie alwaos tel- cometi' at Iistitit frii<' Reati otr paer, riseitthe telehottne, se the scorie bord i et yoirciiietndst %Vc trill you right llIES' 'lAHORINC Lateti shile fall ad in jiter tisu itd ;]oks 0deto Irdr at oice at reason- able prices. Wec ae le latest desigs in latestgiotds. Jont J. Scan, Cod t b(oy V.Willinm St. 'ic kt foritiiircsampoos $.. Rain wae sd ac tiket godlfor 51am I.,o, anicure, facial tr scalp treatmnett S4it, Vaiigkn, 707 N. Univertiy avene eod STUflENTS -$ will buy a fire in- surancc iflicy drtttmiay sae you seerl hundred. (all t ilts poer either phone ;mdt ieitIfil o the res.S. 1. Smtith, Real state insurance Co., Ann Arbor Sarinigs Batk Block, Rott2. ed Satisfactory tailoritg at satifactory rices. Fuller ,& O'Connor, 619 E. Will Al WEBB'S (CANf)Y STORE tey arc niw srtitg a coottlte linc of sand- wnictsiitht ot coffee or ncocltte, wtithiani aunttdanecof a liilicil erean.t Glasses repaitiedi. esicart' tully fittedl andtetidi. Getiorge HIalt,. Main St. CASINO Admxission, 5 Cernts 339 S. Clain St. FIRST NATIONAL BANK I:, 1 f i 'i ii, 1r s i Ifri S 55 Elt\ict-recti . ' Iic atir BAILEY & EDMUNDS Zporting G~oods 121 EASI' LIBERTY STREET WAt ICtNtLOO Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant tiattigo Ye Baa & Je Prprietr Chm- Fanll )itii . America iii ii .tf aulluind i. l~x rIii a i t Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ae, Nw Phonec 1it Bell ithot'47-. PRICE CVTTING SPECIAL Here arc a feiw of tce very good tinigs we have left for yon oI i Fortttcr price tuo.0, iton'----__---_-$14.50 I,ial 2 Etrtttrprice *$ty no, lowi-r ---------$10.50 Lit ;---tirirer fitice $1 2.00,. nutW'------------------- $ 9.50 Lot 0 --ortier lprie- Siocoo, tiow------------------- $ 7.50 Si. c ti tyive sutitslbroikeii lots forierlr- sold for $t8.oo atid :,$0 0, roiiictthits safe at $ to.'to. All add Pants 25 per cent cif. MVailatati Shirts 20 per cent oif. Several lots of Staley a:1 icl aithtittAderwear are eitorittously reduced. Reu le, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 So-ath Matlm St. HENR ( CO. TAILORS T M1CJ High Class FURNISHER.S tf Merchandise HATTERS I1 1~fjPopular Prices Ditretly North of Law BSulldli 709-711 PNORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE The Harvard Medical School BOSTON, MASS. 19)1,ti cahii-uuithas-ilico iir anltel i mesiitniilt f t lt initani rey. a r ithe b l in ', tourare et c w' 'tielyt' labortrt e ain gad-ieac. h COURSE? FOR1)1'THE DERE;OFl OtM. 0. 1.1wiftuthiiyercareWhllyc i-ctir L bt-i i'I .'vil et'I alstil y nsbj 'is. 'iiiirai e -i HARVSARlD)MEIiCAL. SCHIOOL, Boston, Mans. 54 Shredded Whole Wheat is lie fothtt lat bfinigs fullest entjoymtient of wrinter Wott fori ptlay' becauise it is rich iii the heat - imaking, ii tsele - hitilalitig elements and hecause It is so easily digested. It Elves the lithiettess anid supplentess of linib that makes the hiunan body a tiing of power andth heault. A hicak. fast of SH REDDEaD \VIEAT CISCUT with hoct air coldtl ilk tir creamt will sn; fply the { netrgy for a wvhole clap' work, Ttiscitit is fthe saute as the Bifscuit exc pt1that it is com- pressedl into a wa ferandt is uisetd as a TOAST for any mtetil in. stead of white flou rtread. Altill groacers. Our new fils- trted Cook: Book is senit free. } - I' ',v i -. -- ;- I . r. 5.> t' I ,,, i. ,5 ''; y: I f f _r ' ; , = __VflIL ~~.Here are the Reasons Wf'y The Fox Typewriter is a Better lI pewriter than ,Any tter 'Iypewriter It Has Perfect Vstble Writing. The entire nwriting line it in diect line at viiolo th eopecator aad all the muatter wititermans ta-dart nat patssout of tight unedenay pateofthe machine. Is Baa at Assemahhng Strface far the Type Bars af 161 Inches. (Othee vitihle typewriters 41). Thistadmitsof theue ofaatypehbar -a6lfan inchewide- a l t i/eaa/ia fr-g'vs nheFun Visilethie duabilityanad permanence of alignmtent aofte blid" mnchine.;, n hitheeto impossihle thing ia theconnttantion of visible typewriens. It HasIetrchatngeablaCarnieges. This meantsi youown a Fotithat yon donot ant tonbhy a new typewritee when yau need a lung carriage /tor yolrar nchtine, impyeify rtecareiage. ft its itantly ine chanagenhle with the one already on the typewritter. Ist Has A Tahulator. Eery machine it supplied with a tnalator, which far hilling, ianiting and tahulating figures is practically inditpentable. Itis furnihed freewth tac/t emachine. It Hut en Autoamatic Twne-Calnr RitbtoneMovement. The rihhan requirms eat theasiifhtest atention lernmteaperator leaom the time it ie pat en the machine antil iisawon t. It oscillates en that its cen/ire stir/lace is used, and by simply tanching a auttanPit P/ic keyt Photrtdyon print a aeconed cole'ra desnired. It hs a"Speed" Escapementso thathbyimlply moving alneerthe machine accommodates itself in theipeid ofalfasItlor low oaeraine, (this prevenet alfaoperaine 'piling''letter n atslow machine.) You ought to have these features in your Typewriter to secure the best and most economical results - they are all found only in the NEW FOX VISIBLE. They plac the Fan away in the lead of all competitora. Leta-sprov his toyouninyoureownaofice. q't Catnague on pi ain i FOX TYPEWRITER COMPANY Factry and Executive Office Front Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. BitncesanndRepres~entaivesin alCities 11 Y '-~ The Natural Food Co. A Niagara Falls, N. Y. ALWAYS AHIEAD) IN - STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY. THING IN TAILORING