1tI 1i ( ; 1L DI)Ail N New Sprillg 1907 Ii. U. Wild Co. 311 South State Street Maybe tGym Suit A pair of running shonesdathandbal, or any one of the numberless g y m you need If so remember that youIt find tte best quality te argest assortment and the fairest prices at SHF EHAN & CO.' Th'ice tuisetis' tBokstore Money Loaned (u 1lal cllcY, D ianod c aw oo. Watchess and lsste'ry repaired. lBargain:. in IV cfs"& Diamond OuS~e atresid ec III . Literty St Ani Arbor. nvtrns 9to 1100 a. m. Ito 3:3ad 7to JOSEPHI C. WATTS THE MI H1I AN DAILY.1 Managing Editr-Arthur C. Pound B3lisiwess Mau,14,1er-C. E. Wiusteaid. I'DITORS. Nes '... I.... avid F. Stevensoni Athiletics........Robert 1-1. Clancy j Fxchange.. .....l4 , ln ). BrailteN Mussic anidlDramna.Paul S. Mloirer Wostmten's Editor-..Louise VanVorhisE :< tt i: il 'i I ie l i's c I i t~i' .i'tt we i re iC r 1 AIiss t'. l 311) r<1 t t It-I KI' t .5' l t rr tIi ti l EDtTOiRIAL STAFF. ii .n lac1'.ar George A. Osborn J. Earl Ogle. Jr MI,1 P i11111111 1 Hlarold C. Smith ii 1 all .n c ASOCI~ATtE EITEORS,.c, lc I'ic William A. Maihern Floyd H1. Jones,~ ,,r11i:c". REPOrTERS.116 t lc itrli i t r'd.i w f 14 Chiauncey Bouicher George IH. Hobart , Pt lic ~r , 11. Joltssinttambold IlIsit-it S cdti J. WV. McCandlless Guy P. Bliss 11. G' . . illititit. Leontard C. Ideid 111146, ilc its t ,r ti t, 'f. mot, BUSINESS STAFF ID Vtite Carl It. Ad~am Hatrry TIM is is ir11"tl i1c'e t >f O s:1t11'lt111M, iWC ca i l;tt t Wt )l itttt f tit =;(, 1f'itt ,: ult.. ii isiiin c i tt 1 p '.tssli"}, int tlat cit~tics()r llvscs, ll tti gs (ti i- ip ortiliitv It c%;.stta i t t il A c n t eiii'.' th ct nt 1111 cc nt ((riti 111>t Ii itit ton ia iplani.i' or it ii ti c hocimil Il li 'I n tt- o ntlt-. 'st- it °cirtsi; Ihiin lIt iiic tanc s ans vey itte. it "P 11111 , hild"a.lit liie I i dlf rclm c iii Jili- a im ltc b c t)- -tt'I % te tiwr iter b ti I I t,,,lt says iti ii i i ii i ii li Chal-ititiii ; ut i c ti tla c %it h tl sprtO .11 w i, ;n c t)he th I (1c l n pp aitsI alsoji';ttii0 It i aiii tiwlltel, h t e cd i ch t cni t ;(m;.t whoit li ke e w tit tithii t lt t( )r it . caI a vI iiItge (Il' sc itre is liii itittii I)att liii I itstit lic i iltappearan a~hit. a\cchn it lais uu i t \i iigitt t~ :all ocr ;1'1titiFtOI tl stI oI Icnirl\ Gvoi. M I ditittitoday--II JtOHN's \\t s It~ . CALENDAR" luti iti i ti 11 li t 2 i <11''' t ( If icigan Wass shii tit Kal t i ) t "lh An u l feh slahit 'i it a~ t V t ii t ii t thisi' ti II ill i la" u . ''c 't it) Innd II hilt'sttiutttt'.Qi _\i iii n nn io 111 ir i t ls f till'.Iwat ))m-ln io " IIIN \\iWtM), tii i a s 'and ) F_ ,'. ~ oolt, anaer r~nlf Rp tiittcaentt)& thua IC ila itl i ii rc trin dan tirh l-t to- It 'h M ckt of Vtutu ng .l)rancts1 under-huspii ices PofFerry l'turiitt'tt'. us ki n tllc r "iuii. t,' TEXTBOOKS Drastghtittg Instrunments Laboratory Accessories Eigineers' Stpplies' anid Everything for the Second Semester Excellent Selections itt SECON D-HAND Law, niedical, Literary and Engineering TEXTBOOKS WAIIR'S The Bokstore That's Never Untdersold. KODAKS PHOTO0 SUPPLIS PICTURES Night or Day GROUPS Night or Day Developing and Printing For Amateurs "M" Scrap Books 1Entarigeritnets F14.shltghts LYNDON PHOTOGRAPHER 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital sto,$50,000. iSurpus, f100,06 tResources, $°2,00,00 A Genera Banking Buinessa Trasaetd Urt0EeSs Ctas. E. Hiscoet. Pes.; W. it Harrimns, Vice Pres.;t AL J. Fritz, cacti SEND YOUR NAMIE .ht'. Foll ..Caktekogue of Spalding Athletic Goods as ora Ilist itt ioltige and sholisupi". Lh. Spnldimd AANSIeta Libary Texst ooks us every aiiet sport us' prr copy. Seed for Complete List. MaliOrder Dept A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 26 Nassu S., Ne tak. 149 Wbah Ae.Cicato iiiipit~ ii ilt'" '. 5 ~i'ttIs hteulus'.ork 'ItstllPuttnd iifityis' Tw iii i tts'ttstt' hay ls stiltsncI it,. surpjlu otis i he I' utn n te (f still he flltiseels I his'.year.i' 'Ilti'. fact shoul ibeal dd impietitsts s tward lt' libeal miriag A he l hlt'. li unier it itell andI isa itWill d h without tt'ixpec tin is iiti t it rliofit' Muc o ititthe ii spaetimet't'.'Asthe playet'rs is given .over 'o''.'.arsalitandtitittilo lists'..et thticestires'mphtts" sitsr id sit sissc s' ixpes''0 iven m a ill iii llt t (, itit its tils ii slthe'stit erusaysuiht sgis ts i s11o t ilrt iter et rances a schoIt iii'. s ia i /it.e int he ' l s choolsi'i' ii -' to tlis i ' tiit rte lg t hectlt sical rq iremits \i'st di'iIss.Is ii v ' le isth itreshol. iltcor il'.tif.' wes happen lar' tutdst, Oss'th obiositp lnist's pri' lust lte' i.silto titlist i'i'D r ti I li 'stil twtrit itc' titg one o pehor tntic.T hrieea tosiE guart ee ,oiip' rfet t II wI o rkl~E. ake a sdte isits is.for youtr thcsis stork'. Jistlitic & Iditiiltir. stpillt essu o v se o 'suiSI_ lu Jst it '.t of.'t''. ll ege1it' SIsIer11 a d h n -aitd c ie a Nickes' sore, 26 Suth Sate tet Text Books Second-Hand AND Drawing Instruments Law'SIPnlitie ritig, Medical and Literary Text Books A a It (i , t o o 1 ~taitsPetns, Tnhlets, Note-Books. etc. WVE'ARESOLE AGENTS Eugene Dietzgen Co.'s Celebrated Drawing Instruments and Supplies. Sec the Genuine Richter "Hoop-Bow" set. See oir Special U. of M. Sets. Remember, Every instrument is sold under absolute guar- antee. We protect you. At 'TEeCO-OOP 'T'he store ofj the Sttudettts, by the Students /ot'> the Sttudents. ,TEAC HENS You are needed on the Pacific Coast. Do you wish a. higher salary and a better chance for edvancement? Do you need a change of climate and an op- portunity to s ee the wonders of the Great West? Write at once, to The Pacific Coast Teachers Ageony '.-, 164 E. 48th St." PORTLANOR OREGON STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSQCIATION CREATORE iUniversity Hall, March 5, at 8 p, um. Single Admission = $1.00 :~J L..-. lifta, IJ dhngo .RANDALL, THE PHO TO GRAPHER Phone 598