The NMichig9an ~ily NAip XVNI Nc ItNSHC ,FRDY.MAC Vol'. Xv I I. PROF. WENLEY WRITES ON RHODES SCHOLARSHIP English Scholastic System Places American Appointee at a Disadvantage. III heli briii cimbettlar oft htheiun- nn P4_R.AI A'eiei n a ni atcle \\t-nlca-t c -i icc ci l o is i- i in Scfiii I~ dtnihtg tstdi he s 1inie 1am lir it11 the ri tis a l iii cii ci f. I li; itli com ec l lwt A e inii critici l e s hi int t~( Ma boa omaioniiibetweren thet~ ~-li-ct ii in In, hi-n \( -a tt ccc the wcl iitil- wsti air an iii r~an l- ,,- real Ii tin on ut ti I eetion f -tr'. I al-A ic i ildi e Ii Imiiicu ip cii ilA. . Itma e ' In n? i i t t i lit ' a'nlel in te :\ eriein ,rga i tio ta- It. is o :c, h ww wei i i ?firc itt r tcin up i ioi ii lec t. l l n ittili hol thei Lea,", itithi ' cacc l I iii Ic ;thilttil thi, l " i le ww i iiw s ,, ii rxiii-i : ii ~ Il,'at ilta ofa liii f-m the Ir be iitut u i itii . "A I} r call s -.t wf il, t ;,, +,f a n i ct~ i e a fI' rant ;aIti tipld -ic c lact Wn -l riCii ft- i or -ta-a I. lii cc low rpiiil ea s i l( liiaatr) s i t liii t' ic ~ r h~ it} nd 'uii hi ur;h lr~t;a he ph iii it o ii iticn illi iiicc n itn . I lt ina i c ~fiii a l i :'e r l ticrop .'t i liii iMil, 111 'ii m lo niht arlip itiOrforatp t~r l ,culrhip r~ccs 'ralglry icc hit for ad C ilhrigc lilen toiih;i go p oflclii .\ c .inIi ti d nw ii and ' iunithetagfltii;1speia SMO~KER AND iAFFIEF 01heiOhio lub till hlutanmokr to- crrowieieningat techclb riiiistsn Staireastrit Afeatturlof teetr tati-illtwr*l tic ra fleof a Miicl- orerr, tiill beti- iaken- for lar phr to- hei itiscaru. Noadtiionaiawiil tae chtargeda-tIcdia large- attnanliic ic x pecti. IOh ioimllinit a ilirlady tmtemblir ofi theilt- bicarticca ll vtd MI INSTREL TRctcT S REVEAa ))iL~t\ Tateicseries aof tIOra-il acliiid as egtallythelibit rt t ucit ptee-ofiiie ccaill liy iahaiiriani Ptcttr. Tat r-- t-rechtii ore enitcoulitiraging titat comitteid-oimuch so in a facttatli- it om ite ill tconsiierc arfullty- mit res beor 111 i t i t t wtil l aninouncetits i chicelof thliiiuccsiul ones. songsa ittl lit'a joke,,agnttast i iitu a., iga ckilt iie skechesta ntl tll the iticitic of ntr iitttltainment inown i is attic to bea ificutilttonec, lar otutof ight tI tiy fitrplacsi th Mticignt tth tiltasonneli iof a lh wi itlstiwill t i lateultht ofiiilsitre lr tl Ii tti iiar it it ill tatgit Ias ilott a i th mcu ar11eicchildenilfor te cocrusandtit iii the ifran immentscreraoutttofa wo:ii tnecessiiaryt ereta- hwa It AcSAA \ L\)IlANIIIFhi itrrsoit fthett lwit~ti htici wilttlite hldt liYps'tilantilltomortirowieven-n ing. I'lt(,b iniut c ommititteeict tilt all tic lansicarraned or he atai-al Ipromises thaticit w i n f te ,A utmbactofdtic aluiii are111cexpe\tcit spclittltcitha bencaritrct ott tic D. A".,A. A & J railtay, tic lle iii G F.Ilt I iittit i llit t e cctoatminstaecr ofl thic vingitiapndtil tiill c all cin tc fol lowiingp fr rcsponises: tOur acicity-IIhit.Pricat, '07 hetetr-CarmeilMain ii'07 The cTaili ftietKt-cI. S Carty 01)j CornetttSoiott.CA Dcitt 't8 'Ith alic er tPniilitican-it t toarlt 07 Pleitnhg-IPter Iiacii '07 JAthletics-M.tV. I ncrttait'Al . D. Gleciit0ci Grat.i.N icosoncit til ITheicar-ShaeiridaniDoneytic)07,a408 Remiicecsc aof Ia nir-tHISon- ctiasclicii'07 6 tR:ttat ~ . 1 11 111 ;1 Ci ?Iclii I 11111E;.\\1 ii i 1,ii ii CREATORE TO PLAY IN UNIVERSITY HALL Contortionist Band Leader Will Giive Concert on March 5 on the Lecture Course, l1) I ii c1 ithti the iii tai i ti c l i ti lIi ve tat 1iliit 111 1 ii c ii i ii ta lTo c-i It ill i h r is IIm n ]il sciii atic 11111 ( tilctida 1(i1tl4)(t Of cir ()fica c rt iii iii-; 111 i a il thact i s cii lit ti l )Illtilt' 1111 rb () lils tc(it ta)t ic c-,A , ha )Il(i '(i nil la Yit tic gilialt lhila 1111 w tl l th nic Ile illc cs 1, i ii 1 it tilttl ttg ila t i t ilt al-c rs (, it c lli c tilt111 11 ac ,,Oli itiOfa 1tita li 'Tapher ntrc it-eriti-c ttloi%- 11I 111111 ccii I ccwicact Icis tat cli ]r lI) \II 111111 iiatiiot s(-i 1111 I a rs. cii 111 l i versiiitttaltts at lims (I'cta c 1 1111 ((* . . .,, 11 cct pitaili li 11CI'c) I .Echocs of I lthu Melhitt p Illicit~r,,, Intcriticz, "Ntionig Sa". ,Aftiia tittittilis01lii ialtsic icily c Srl has lt-c alnd l r ica liCo ri atti M al, " r , ttu i of1%ctry t the 1o, h i i ialac ir1covealp Piay I blii I etil riil iiih me of l whmsl lit s ah r h a, iithelight igies adanaatage- t'> tict onei i dcal d t hentil e other.. V IO e gw; Inthe lica v IilillltemeI bc~cnrct mor an Inoe pedti-at iii thelil -A a s i-as " is p r ia a- a a ar l isi tl atn a Iri s a ) is in rtrtilt, i vcoro R i ans ti ~ ynll iandiithetite itilli& anld t ;t t a ut Iym n tof ii alit I,,, Icrdcc .\ theia I it iii liii tp ac t h e i illiilar i - i hu I ii t on th brntg te ic thc the ac i ke t iti a urv W rd ealier n thework a th - al iii crtt- 11111aling of t e oy h lltheta cclii I i that atnitce t ti alea ( thi t t C c le a r agicia d hein ilriir ictio pt elit irt thi conalit cli itt a Ce lnd m liach i, nta tin~ a 11t lltion t I i. " w ,,ctle i, p al , h It t atri v ~fal: t s lelaredt hhV I0- NNtor ltc SI aJO t 1tillWItttillil I Att I iia i"Al i tian J.ilM hgler attlt Ietia r-cllipcntillla lar thecir in- till Ii clctit tticbe hald ahiat8 TIe tic tam ee sct uuredl tat te tevent a ,ar Ifo ma rceptio i ll 111111 da a a ouse il l t 111 fhIipacarcone iitiniiid pate l w ill b ad l;oS meshi 1will tlbe tty t t tat I oi te o ca in R. I,. haka liacs 11 cull t Sterian, - hh Il Pn- iad trl tut ila-ute it- lilaanqu t 1 l ii itlt teugone tic the i uutcuuI cat tn "ia r tat Iit,11o11 its kid hldll l fit, d' tuaata alcia 4CTRESSES PREPARE ELABORATE GOWNS lostume - for Comedy Club Are Fin- est Procurable--Paris and New York Creaions to e Seen. :hachat icntnat ,lila ui ttuta tlti p dada lul cotatitilc otprtarti on for thur, tltu -A Scrdiap of Icatacra i he presentiueld att at aih tuna a d evening'p iniSarahCcitt Pcl Angehit1ihilt 1111 uctc 1o h ath t e lgt t ,-a', 110t b ll tl. w a~r o t hi tilt Faha uu a lit t nalla hi t et cilia W1l it I i I c il a fcaht i af t i r acesses. at ilittit mti ngtu t o 1 au d htcsitarfa olr ccart^ I tutu 1clIi held hai a t a I ahaaci.a ii ac t a i lau ch d, and it r;,ci rtarcit aaat ta Ai nori c~eic Ia ru s act, i mltt a tait Ii thoall a liii li hc es lt ia tat re that r sth a dic a ytch i t ht Ix Iid ttia t ai t aia n alr r huia ha i ii act i aul t a :1(1. il taut I ih a f irs ta t s11 111 taca til:t ,lit wii tei llth alit ac i w l api lta Nit rut cuttlar ftat i _ tm h r ie a t a itth tth l c rc t it) it alher Ililar 1a liiiMclutchwPltalcwtili ccc a first ilt atat I tIint1I i r tah I a t ',cei ~ teI ca tit ng n c i a itiin - + ill ilctr attc-- F I t t a iltl ;alite il - riihit he"oe ~tSe wtill chirryiaiing; crtutu au-cat c at auau M tteil TI a yt wi tll c rapt tu atil a fromh er ia t l ii tll Ihantica a;hilld ~cai auto viLau d y t i tch itat l ai tatild at haoiti ab ho~ ro i~t Ia alm, to t.' alcpp ti ar l f a hI tca l a ccJtie , a it lati c ahclact uta t ally nalah i Ith hatie Iliac; woul i I taut ca idaag ii it1 liii ro ed i l iacrs froatIt li;cltaililt-ta, c-lil Ialtered al iit t it. father i rtic tat iotthei at t 1 i vccarutl ot bre akahripautthat al hUIC~pAt, P1II 'ahhlll hAil StRItNG TRIPlWI-ST clubt wlh itittcat tall ,tat d ing t he t the puarcatee, I lt i :ll iccia capit l at ap rtd b l letat fact tyti l an ,O the at e- itt a att ithilht a i lathl mitll p I ii vs t ia t a tiCity. IlacSt, andhith ctao, it1t i rlt tal utiitliac aicia Ihe clnbn made a iirtilt e ya aageClhtarkaid- hat-ha,,wa n lttich in till tar ta th uh are at ag-isbP 11111 tatIc ifttLo , rti e of-ut at I c ni acauua ca ala at a t h Itinictrat-tah I ithi a tion Ovtr e rn loSta llitc t , 8Tla' i.alaia l Saynoupsis.- hatIn 181 'apf~al ii cii J11 tecedc isaut rlth euaaff at hi., la I re ralther tu cat sutrrendera-a tot theat- tat j tiii inhitant, u etotercity. drivingulia ithe ia taut. I h( h, I~ trait'sa uicea laaretrelaat Nhnaiti h itau taut been tteisubjeat ot a till t.P v iatitig. It aistroutdtheisatohiyaloat-e fighinth t thitllt usian M ilaste ha tatil atahsmhoaanic plm--Au iaw11in crce- ly ticdecsribeat s aciantveture, lan thelt reao foitlauh itsaptuairais mtahr tat tack Alroaadi fhaautiaug, telodyaat- li-a fromiaonetaofI liiichtus ehadhiaint- GdmncniaCaurchi, calensaIN woautand It i as preasentlysucceededt 1,a5atar ie viidly iuliresqueai"battler iuaaiu"T htil lfiht Sarah Caswell The Comedy Club Saudy Angll all"A SCRAP OF PAPER"