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February 28, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-02-28

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The Michigan Daily
A\NN' AIM,( )RII-AHGA TIt\ ' RISI)\Y, VKi'i\Y 28, 17.


NOi. 1)

Director Fitzpatrick Exrects Meet to
be Closely Contested-Classes
Are Working Hard.
tim lo. , a, it lit iSif lt freh-so lile t
ofitlilit ti i gh ee ont o
in rpdy n il t ili-i--it11 lii th
i lii ~ vcct11lig 7I rt i t-ll {'o-i-
night, whetilte tituclIdose tit -
iwte it ilth bIh clIs i i ii itI he t s-ol -
sne It th etill Iei tl ii -til- protit
te lin iontha he t o ilslieit tut
of poits..B w a,', w n tecah
tietfatst alu~ lutitcllstI.uuinuthesht
dis tisce. lisu treng 1th iei n tcsar
su i" t an , stu nrte il Ii i lI gh
i outitg rin n o ItliltIntl li-
am thi kil l e pit per) q-l
Co ilw o a dd a lia paeiltt ('
Ins tndtu cti i n ill ,,liighslts c S t
tight nigt, hasi beeni romlding iit o
con e n t ibe S i thii ' tthe tf li-
ii il DltotCnta tutahrd rn
orp it.. The lttrstartlidthust e
liiDr tthI l lc lii tit ti t t 11ei illv hih)
°itus tying Cotitons hisn i-numberior
poini tssrd itii a),i tiI t Tall
nidt i, 'ti tis no55 t n it- I tedil'tlt
th Iac, w ie iiil~t i i 'iea t, it gple
The poleut vtut illd4 ve411 initS
trial of skill Itetwen lii ,'w) n

utill lit i-tlutn ili alo g il ap t St l l ii is
up o hereayrae n ttile itorv ii
esecaly pr s rlittitii. eqai- ty.
Iltn tl IllS II Stra\ h totem
th niiu l 151 S,< IIll IT f 111111
ii-liiit-tilt -
ir n ll a itit l heiiitt ha
ges ic st t h lof; i l i ll th
S , itR i ,Iii Ii-;
1 ,cd csit iul ti i, il theI si o" i t
Itn and' mat t i lva s itn icts iit ill(li
cat lf it tuwrini ofthsirls' at
-Italliiteamsfor Its i. twa c
cii thaitt t ils ot he 1teaitt o ldi
lea k ett i-iuss tilgtheiteit
u itt liv igI illnd miekn wn thi
de si' at file I ii tut itits iiiiii i
progro ii i tiltestltwortilt mong the
c I i a lii- sit-us-s us ati fititi I fli
itt-ittiul s i tss li l i-imite ssp k ist inthi
ur ing that iill( tir msn take nits ftii
gilImtm k tenit e an I tu u lilsti
if is iututil- litoIaictilt intwl t h all
satilstory N I NJIof dliSNlls h
Iee\ed Itb51forms1(iIf tile KASI S-io
itklt rrng d i t till uvttitnuitut lit
i-Itot.. lii tis(peel ht n


COMEDY CLUB PLAY hIt ilii yeatrs ilgus Iltiit fiilliitvs
tinunlls ittit tt iti lvngr iI-tlat-t antdttti
COMES ON SATURDAY timgdsly(o(i'lilrgadf)
teirsioddi ilst is 'if lie huts te (veil i
Big Success of Junior Week, "A smiiilint,-that thI it lIv a lcn(
Scrap of Paper," will be Pre- it iiise i ts 1}est his its lithillstr
sented on'Uhils Occasion. l s-Th ug cin_(f tiilianimalstfoI. hit
- -- .s litti st-tit-sI here - is- il
Th - 'i~ st - iii sy (1(11) is t() iol Ii Its li t oo h( meowtlt iste it \ithl
of ilhttltsilse - ttu I in S ra iaw ltAll-oll illts 1 lm ~ iht ill isap rohiaet sae
ti l( i ts thus- huh ind t\'(l i uluct it hts I lsth i s s hut . III v t'vtu s sItltll li1i
soiii I it Ihe Jli(v Iolilnlc c Th olnaslp f te au orisg
o tilt is till and te lid)-- lu l n l ititii ni hps ii t leve i ll t th is thain 11111
dnion i-ss- lviaci nglt toltheii d1 mand i s u utiuallowetoiut S rt Its. d \ t-
Ofalrepato h stttiitlstltiperti S si tu t tntl -til.I i)Is t iii s
i'p r" w s wtltitt it y- the us hchuadt hh ti f s lii i tli li ii iltd I r lt a in
ti~is lat iu- lit. IJ II -ravi ii itp- ututh
stilt hic atiossphll s ld -t an
thise itt sct u-n hhkus lac ill rance1it1-71 5 lII I I'4"Ct I1? TOIN It"IIT.
inear this chatu i ()fI litl i suis i I hic
phthada t i upon thi s(Ili--it or; 1 sta thu I -ii wit l t dtu i telt-v is
ht h uuc-sm o ti'v" lt t itt n tilt sragc11c 1(1 tic
I~ ususilul ti l n isct situ s t i it a lus(t ;;v lg al l vt r i) S c
n tr( til iiitiles Gtld Ius stu( tha t altI Ic l(t - '(I 'dl is luwht
I u u ces v cu ivetushl l lo) ws ii
Th hactn u;hdclas- -il c mpetent is i u ust wht ever i theii ltit tu ncc is tiill
ti icst e ytn erahi,515s 5a tush th ills h(t st1 ills I ii i ll()om CSUti
dnctoni ach part was tiptidy lin i ll,,trsuts hill r 7th l IdIu:luItU ions
li thetihlts-sptity s -lutiti tsh lutistrel how1111willhe ihll.
dip t uh tad poi tu sh seld(u l stint itsit \ 11 usier u)r hu t the mills 11111 his
Hi. hete. hi w s he moe olllc ( t ill he igitt 1 nd111 tte thus
fit the rI suit that oi t ic lullseof ('CIIs(, c"5c n s lunt s l iii) this
t ie lts hiss I s lir I II. was ult tiltnd inuhsuuhssity of il( ca did te
cas if,1-the patt fiii thllt ay 1(- iiiwilIh. sit I utu I thus iuilulg.
clrdi o llthtl( at llusthe hlty{ itCh suisuui n ter itf thes tIt 1111111-
TII ii tilts it its I ks CI.. l ri-Ii tli anetl eiist c~v a


situs hudts iii ul ine m,$ w sill
tu rtu dy andi h thu 5 ill lnes (,
sla hil ls :Misi uI ttl s m d(t re
sito - tusy ttha s ul I idher t re umetiher
iii Ill pp aru)nSait urday.tt -st sis-t
Mu~t iss- itt- st wh-luil tk hut hes fit i
vthlilIis y a' a tush titi t h er ahiliut y i n i
lea shgIv-utnuswsilI u rsh ln i
isnIamate uihetias a it lasha in
wor- s luuit Ssulus-us d hs uuu5 ut lli ist h
hn i te itnn at~ . tc>r ( 1(X
it ledn S11rta ae rfa ig h
part ~f t e d it -is ilust, sh (.(t
in a - n its--il t u kins (, lusteIts , i
sl at SitcaQOtilt Isiy hi
pics arii he sameufsrits l seau s a ith
mtin ;( cets1Fw heuitnng
5IN. Ill h-AI I hts 111
In the iini ut Iuisis 1 (i 5thuc Suits--
iicalitmaga~inelit panttediitush slts Iby
Juuless Vrue De-.s 1rigI, so it
e itrif this-Inulan er 7% ite," het
Rebei-llin of at i ll Nh e ' o s n t
ieseal-the u ra tsthtlutthi stry deIs Iwsit
circu linit t ra l ineds iotu s, hilt in stl-
ecin w thut11u-Mits h n( i (I
1iihe ittihliusuutiv u- is an ss i s n tin
of lts- itusiut-tu bi tlity, tilts(, illsit-i
this chanute-u-,f goingtback to the intg
firt- o lit niithts wutlltthis sity lius hut,

%v o -al d a likly h 1 surtust fii atys- ot
to cmi t tilt e trlyus uts toit , tl T hlere
are ec~len c hites fo 1placs-an
11' It )RS II I 51
uh a mr i s s %V-its l l ld o
hini h s l niuu and dance uuisus lu-itlvvetum-
ig Iery efisor tas heats i lsh fyrt1
heu h eeso h-is itt-l-i ss in
hus lc elt hatttis liiirtyill hei
that sti u tl( 'lck te p ry w l
hartakeioftlut ll liste li neti and lit
stn ts a usuulul5 o tuh aItls. i' tostvl
tutu- ,, thf it e ing- tiill hut- and S .li-
1" w n hisetherspeslut ;td tei
injets are thu folloing sit
Th (.ls Clss - i m o lini(-).
Th irls Jhns'I .iCreighton.
Atlh lics- I ul I' SI ug"iuhit
STeI'Slis MSlytsite.Ilut
Coslls-itt-F1itt-ttshut -Olive iucks,
Si 9u(;'hlok the-su-rgean t -t-imsill1
coplthehtoasht-uaslIt- t ives-tilt e
st usr asdul Is u ncesuuu thut daninhg uill
be ilt No timlulls itit itill hItse.titupon
thus daninguit it ll11girls itill mtitsh in th
haur utsgymnatsiiu it lt ihit-vsthey
still hlotush tiots-dI1,y thes- menustof this
hc i las. riarIsaseteIxpectedtotlti
frot iithes commuittee-sori at Ilts- dositu os
this gymnsitum u atfteitt i o'locklv ntilt
su.setm nineer- s itll itaiti-
laushd ill itlitw S-lttl9 a -h Hi t Itt-
suit gymnsium. sut'Iickets scatliteilt-
tae fro it lSitt i-thaynrofthe lsoc iatl

Sophomore Engineers Defeat Fresh-
man Lits and Junior Lits Win
From lFresh ledics.
S litutnucrowdtsa uitthu"sopstomlre
enigiinvvv-i wi ,ti tiii vsilit ltlsihutll
contet rnt te hisl it -l tight r
thi sor sit ; to i_,iTherow hsh
jno lit ad oilp iy h ilt thui
Ie i, t h t ofl thiltush thus- f~
lo e o lt hi itu I II theI ;I ic
ro ing f heisitiit iirs i itti
aisultvI forthirtklilinutui n. sus wu
iatt sc. 1is rc ilt li S i I tush
th n t ot hersll.i-u IhIi- nits-,it stiu
and lliitglithis.,core-ut theudsiofs
thes hi f ir,( hl s iii this I in faitth
othlurv ly imosre hu t hu ltt p inits utili
ju u io imts htfh reii thu tuit u
he tush iltusiuia ;Ifsis stus ilhi
a hlyiu sItthi sastlts lilt us t<°
nuhutilt tt isth nihus hadto isry thiso
theyts-s stit thelir it .hu
The -frett- - - --ere nil i-u-it
susedit fotir tut tutuhull yhoi uuua
fore. l'T'hitr tork wa s Ith, u-tilt of this
.urryvvpShill hinguit fi - his Ilta usy
hfeis I. Ii- t ih Ina ag i f theu lu-ttu Ie
lity endl h anticil -the i" lie;
cetdcntiialls ltist-'u tst unnt
itat".s-fitr this it., usu liohtt, ish uvtutt
tutu 1 ilhiy fatut tutu-il itthis fer ic
Tl u ir lit it-i-h msi-u mei ti ts i
tilt u t hci t i l lit '; eaflIt- t
right guutrvdIofithe isthteamsu i<tc h e
lie this a l akii fi in , n
hir s t ,itight ihe ds Iill s itua n I Ii
u u l <us lr ,p aet ly lithu hi hi iiiihu
lnst uve- insconit ion.it
tilts Ind lrantilt Isit t e; f,
tnel for- thise si a ts, lts t~n w r
Is pc stil h otsit sisil lea ls 1y I' iltsr
utho wseit-v moisch haiersuit s th s i usp
Ions -ills thutew thins- hcsin h
gttus fcarcuvy
Intalev second draings olu teu
uutiliulug ga esi tltthutscstltl t h e thu ftut
Iitr u-i gluts th 'h " ant d
not htutohutlilyaginutiuluhthi semtiu
lun l tiday igt the Is Ntlts, itlitl
thuslie soilaIws. In 1the -tir Isism
(Coni tiuil suite Twoy.)
J1INII .II 1111 S 'NI 1(11
II- iush hclss b uuiuuc-uu icu-l-lwasi
formrlts-ty-plannedtf- r I st lu-i :stutu-h ru-
I it-, ill hie lhliidayl i -cSl 1uat
suairbo 1usaittius SIt-. Slhit
Ilhits-its-5- c arg of thes tilkt;-
to hic stolh uo thus gui s i tecls, e
ports that there:t rctu ou onlytutu us ,
I I suremi iiii jTeetitlst hu ts- lu-
tali- htuufrom uttul i uuJodit S tI o t r
i-svitty firan o i u ssI) %lt
tutu gyitttEiut IIThosviu iht
comeuIrue.vyugvldt luy titck,:,
oo ,is linisilrhi heIts I ii ti htwill hut.
glut tit S o'clocuk aitS (kitus usill follw.
lt'ite hrlueu'if tshe ickhut is 70"k

Sarah Caswell The Comedy Club tMrchy2
Angell Hall ",A SCRAP OF PAPER"Mrd2

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