I) I IH IA N \')HA,1 1.1Y CLOSING THEMi OUT What ? Schleedo's N ote Bok To do this' -we offer them, at 25(1 lDiscount, att [IOAG'S 201-203 SOUT[H MAIN ST. Occidental Hotel We hater to Banquets, Etc. I'iksoii Lunch = Ypsilanti D-, Y., A. A. «~ J. RAILWAY i i i i I i I i i I i i r-.ar 'I Butter Cup Candy While It Lasts 10c per lb. 3 lbs for 25c DEAN ft. CO., Ltd.. 214 S. Main St. . . f i f]t 3 } a PRICE CUTTING SPECIAL Here ale a fI o of he vo xT-vo h imw h ire000 ooleft for 1to1 Lo i to( rm'c r pt ice o .01 1)oo n w -------$14.50 LW') ?2 F I 10)! 1) o I _..-1__ _ -11--1___ $10.59 L~ot 3 o t O'liIC , '), ..1'_) $ 9.59 I,f~ .} -'01111 0 r pl-c. fIb 1x , 0'- -- - - - -- - $ 7.50 Svvcnt111finsuits~, h leiooi iws fot 211( y of'-ld ftor' It oo and cat? 1)r 11011) ti r'oeoat1Si(; 50. All Off f'alt 2.5 per cet coff. Mt )lfI)tt')tISlot ts o ~2 1 f 01 I' ofl. Several ots of Staley' 11."l V1s)l il I 00)we(1 ireiitormtotolt redfucedI. Reu le, Con~lin & Fieget 200-202 Soutfh Maim~ St. UNV SIYNOTICES 0 ,,) +,r1 !II, \\ III 1. (1 f I llct t lct) ) ~f i. ;I :omt 0. , 'l~l :t I) - It) lI otHall, I t,) II~'(-1)W (ti , I i 7, 1 )1 <( , t- I I ial_ ztt cr, \ i I t)))) It - (°l. .1 1 1 w .1' .1 th" ill)cttk ) I I )), I -t( vill a>(t :1 cI( wk , 1)(,~} t,', S t (ri tsI I .t'11 11 , t ) tlt ) lt rIcal \ 10, t, tt; It lIl-I,,Iv ( c pc til I It)) i l- \ 1 1 1']11I l : ' t21tc i"it'i'c"ij 2c 1 Satistor)y tailoring at tatislactttrt prices. Funlle & O'Connor, 60cq1E. Will- 1/q r' Winter Joys comeo'il odto H t'll)) aomaefrtified by abunttttliealth and vigorat c, 11 0oldid exposutret. IBodily' ttarmtth t l 1)Ime tom 1\hIt i n1) ct it 1 h11)110,' ,I( 001)0',) o'ClorocA'Ill & Cano)t 111 \\SI)Igt . 707 cN 1)00 t y a001)1)0pli t:51, 1175'l'lA 1,.1: l'1) H 0 0 5 t1t) 1)0 lo t (00)7) $11MH% \ill"a c mptt i e of a nre t- 1 1 1) X 011 (ot11. f'ee or choe ots, 10', an tlsri 0 csloyw i Sto reami)) to,,) fr('s hlnno T~o 111I 5) (11)10d FacI t 011 icketsoon t for s 0a ' 1110 Vau1g1hn. 7o .Unrsit y aN e nuter It atet lt Sc. Jhool.Omea, 01 hundredt),)))all 11)1)10p or either Iphone tReal, Estate(OiO cgo.,AcnA rbmyant Saving Bank lb okch oom 2o, 1) t grais', tc.,at I ,., ANNt RBtRc I S 5 Ad7. iWsion.st5etCprnts o S.C.A.Hadooks's Gre. Boo p 0 55 (''ih eSho l'om1ga,)oetc Chieosehra-neyr'sAaetauant Jut ortho f chtol oe Muioc. i f (he , I 1 aireH ,1?, smcare- R ulwe'itt au dry,( ClIOASRWINPO FIRSTNlTINAs AN I'. 1) I 1 ,1 ii 11clout1. i ... The Harvard Medical School BOTIONMAS W il) li' ,;;,, i t f l~' ))t t~ Ilci 1 .)vl') 1were') ii a, t e~e )1e :tt 19Iit i,,' i)i t V :,tti it 'lit) 0 t'5) 0t i ) 'I I I)i I:t'I I t 1d e ea c lt. ~ TA IlLORS jT il High Class FURNISHERS Merchandise HATTERS 1ii1 Popular Prices lDiretly North of Law Rtidinmt 709-711 NORTH VNIVEKRSITY AVENUE "I (I Shredded Whole Wheat isthIle fodthtat brings fulleos) i.'))f))) ttof twinteror VkI or) 1110y' becattse it is ticht in thte Iteat -snaking, ttttscle l buildling elemnetls attdbecattse'Ittis so easilytdigested,. It give's thte Ititeness attdlsuplen~oess )of littb tat ttakes Itelttttimt lbodly a t hitg of pow~ser a11)1beauty. A 1)1 a'J ast of SHR EDDEDil WHE"AT tC,IIT sitl tor coldtl~ tor10r001))) will stiplyIt theto' nergy for a whole dla}' wor1k, 1) joctft is te fl)1)1 as the lBiscuit cxc pt tatit is 0c1))- fpressedl into a ssafer and 1is 1us)1 is a 'I'f)AS'r fo~r a))'ny Iitain stead11 of swhiteou)110brotd. At all groceors. Ottr new ' ils- trateo k B ook 10s0s1)1 free. The Natural Food Co. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Here are t/he Reasons ff7Igy 'he Fox 7,Ipeuwrter is a Better ijpewrlter T/han ./h1y COt/er Typewriter fIHasPerfectisile ritn0 TIe en)ire writng leis ndirct line 01 It Hlas 1an AXsemnsionSurface or fi ye )iars of 16 t2Inches. (ther hisible typOssriteo' 41 z }'This dmoits of teIusof(atype bar -t7,oo n inchbmide- 15 (11adju1st /0 l give s l oxsiblethe durahility and permalnence of aoignmen~t of the'" hblnd omachines, a hi1terto imosi)bo le thtn in the0 construction of vsibletyewitrs It Has lmoerchang~iahle Carrdtecs. This means if you oswn a Fox that you do noav toabhy a new0 typewiteriswhen yo ned a lon,' carriago~ chlan~geablle 5with theono already on Ithe typewriter. It Has A Tabulator.er cy mach~ine is sopplied swith a tabulator, which iobilling, ivoicing andltabuloting figresispracically intdispettsahle. Iis fornisheod free'zolh/eta0h/) mt,'/it,' ItllHas an Autonatic Two-Color Rihhon Moveentn. The riihhon requires no ' h s0 1, lightestl atteton 1from1theopaeratsor fromlthe timeiti1 pautot themahn uniliti1wrnou.It o0) 1l1e1,0sos thatits iI, 1 11/0 0))) /10is5ustd, and by simpI)ly oshing a autnn Iel dej1 6' )10/ou1poin)a second colo-a'sa) Ithas a "Speed "Escapemnto haty iruply movinga lever the j machine accommoao l to theIs0peod of a fast or sow operator, (this preeonts a fast opIerator ''piling-''letteron 1a dslomchineo.) You ought to have these features in your j Typewriter to secure the best and most economical results -they are all found only in the NEW FOX VISIBLE. They place thoeIFox away in tho lead of all comitors110. Lt us prove tsohis to you in your owoffice. Catalogun aplcaio.) FOX TYPEWRITER COMPANY Factoryand Executive Office j Front Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. Branchesoiand RepresntatvsninallCitis. ' " I ii '1 ALWAYS AHEAD IN STIYLES MILWARD, THE TAIO THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING