The MichiganDal ANN ARBOR, \lk'H I( \\ \\ I il)i nilAV, ii[ ii \N 27,tjO VOL. XV II. kit _._ I . FRESH-SOPH MEET OCCURS SATURDAY Freshmen Are Counting on Victory -Class Rooting at Meet wl be a Feature ll c n xtS t urday i gh lud tiit met a d i theilt ii rc d n t tnh vill I-it, i l% e ii - io . 'I'l(, o tr\ l~rn . fo til rcg~111111 I~rco i~rtiii ii oflwc. iThen- irc l~ o ii iiiia tt 0 o i'clock. l Iirt o t ii l i t ill hate pieliiii it n til t tlt lid thtiitti ititi i Il iteht- rot ingl t han i tt t her inoo nt th l hrenitt 1 n i ngiti, i':el thet i I>> rc ;~ he ret e nhibititn of lS irit.I ii tl I,; tt ilartheIcnicr \cc c t-d \\t te po t tu nit eac in-ti itt-i the chigh tng \ I icheredi\\ ti r uli nits,.t Athr uniui the i ml in TIn limi theIneti iii ii I \ the coreituitiioi co t ii tl \lcsmin nntiini ithem Il sIer i oo ,a, iftithe Iiico \ i li change he nilted c l T e r Slit n ihtutheirihopei largely onArhu tilte ht-puittiPattersoiniii h f, P lliik n intth iqu tr Si th i iltileur ast-i rt hur liii i he uh t cig-n man t ii ntti--ii l I ti icin i ic h-i igan fastii yearnii t aK tSitittli a high peiprcoilatioii n t iii hu ~tt ilt eii t i th itutinlyinn-u-imitn .t S t-i urday cintcsii:snlcicinen th po it iill tii met andi l ook;ilike 1ter al'so \u thalin] te\V cii.a' met. P llc i hK1 hisigl P th i iitin Itin- istug i lit ltl lt~ :itiWit ingitittitit. liC. mit, t<4 t hut--i Cenra htig huti -it tit-c cyIi ititici lii ii i tio pc iinar}'ierc t last i ti tn t t record it-t i it iii iic biei thei befit oppottmic o th yea fo the . aial ofte Ittts tcm ipe t i ther vntil of iDeita SininiDcita fratccity, nwni miaccridIt-It. 2icito > hi t y nkctttn of ('i101). DI-. A\hntsniiistc~ttniat Tiiicc Rivers, hiDRi lliiiIC \ i)RShiiSi iii-~- 'di titlt P tit at l snirtric edii in Ifm l Ao thili, Uii ti chatnsi stkn ii> iniiltin iictn , vl as Ii~r i 'ic itiii i l in it t oii liitutu> iiti l rte i iii in-i f~tt, n ur arg litc ihnsid: 'iti i Detro it tl itf titndi t h i l it- lift i tiln nt a e a e i t ii thi, i ii iii g IN ii t iohat-n i.l.lThi ih dea rae i nsltmitg, ian ti iltiottsihouldi it c it Ieiitt once hat thicadge Mima hnt ic titi n adb tampedii ut ..m liii- I tittinmi iii- liii-~f "I m1i tt i i"S R. (' IJ nlic thu ' tilcc : t i theitlitit ii li, a 7:it ndth e >1 it it it ettheso ho mor m iclit d:,;0. Thei int iga til gi ii mmteam i tree crmof il,, iitr it Ierii lo itli I~ctgu lofi Iliiii I~r V~mtdo iFii-;>tlhiighhschool ) iad lI'dr \mtI \ it Ni hof\ (111(1- tin idr ol. T heu iini i t;u' lii til ,o tam iiitnpi inhar ilthadtntii tlt inat - anlyCo' o t iteamisiii liifte I iii li in co lege, lil tili ii iti notdi htilt heii seii iii inti tl tilthlfa h u eier tithait hoc chitge htI-ni aditinii itl t he g m , flor .nd tem in h m iitngtrali-c- littI -i-itti itt- tiliin tilt tilein> unt ii ii i tnv tilt J~nio I .e, a[d ;o RSC(IIli%\ t tin I The i time cilock iv ing te ii- i , ii ii itele untei nit pra tic ll tin td m( wll n bi putiit It,. ''i lodi>: tiNIittmadeIiill te lt i Iciacr mlii ii ii> ii unde h eii direction> ,i ~ f o ti- tittii so rtint lated that ~hettlIatnitinedtoithlargmi m T i, the iihane tutue tintsc ipi'i t'ii itit i tim tinteled ulit> tnt iii \h - intmcde. it> i nn elicu nint thr N ntlt ilt rS itiiib a c i ttga COMl i-n-V. fa t' nt 1 itcprogtm chatigi-i. Heitc-itccti thattnt 1inn ha -t tit-te m n i ill bei rei nt DEAN COOLEY TALKS ON .ini tinItn-t ~t ilinihich the ii tic (in t FRANCHISE APPRAISALS'l , iii ii, l iat lt t tl~ _i o liii t ilt';w h ni ttritinnit i \ tin t 11W ( Tells lingineering 1Society o Wrkt on Chicago Stret Railway Commisson tit a ncig ~ the I'inn nint g t c el llc ;Itco n ti ),alt ~ Ii otn inI th ,itl t ti it i epi m liii - n roi madu t tnntheIntui t diii fcult prti on l I I tuh In a p i i - iii > tutu i ttin i Inn a~c, xtnltalliiiit nn t i nt nil>, f Trtin i tl i n~pait ii iii ti ii i c 1r" faedIirctrl; vt i 1itit tun i ,o h in iiti in hi ca o cIclm i he fc th till, int Intl ic-nti l i i i-hric o c ni-i tictti n- tithe - ti d o li l \%I, o I -ap n e ii theiiria ii ,rctri lii> tin - til>a nlttith in ivi I ntt11u t iii i l- i had tt in l iii i t ti-tltw ftheitil icm at nt ,Idylli odd i l liii> l1"".ii tut Ii M11t 1 ,va, piii inii iiivt (gyre([ cval tit tt ii - ti' tt'h a priumi 1 f a ii nn hl thoug tt it tilt lin c:1 ftvin lt 'IIIC i - - -cf h p~ hc wr cu tincittllintotnvo reasontiTit ii iii> a ilt nit c - o frathniseittmni - ing intl pcti iin-ofnlinelilt- il ant iltc iii et ntiim 1 int iii ntile-, ur illc c npui- rf: to iul ei t h IInt thi ln in ti i n oftutu i rtc ics t l iI ti c I (1:11:1 iconc irin -it- uh i : d - I)- lciithu n!. iilniih ~f thi cn olii mi i cli i II eh rc I III% a i c tin tr pi til it tilt ihu hti i , cinn v i i te ilit ah l i, tnt itit c -n in i,',i oliin. iliumcaleii c '1111 lt~1 :Id t 111 tin-i cuuungcn,(", iiiti lt h(itiIl cuediropne"tuld Ie d owr to it 11 t i mul', tin itm11,)h .11 l:i11 itt-nt1,1 - nuj~t iiiI ti utii ituF-inn-y, hit hilt-n iiio g1 intl it ii i tiy of t liii Si I it of ith nihiuiof n1 1IX1, th ptti-tl of theitin1111 thititi i nt> tit.; I>A, till iit althin tittitit u n fo at ion ftvtillohu iis t -in tn-inti.intte oui n tf thi(n- lmuttilti wt°1-is m t -atinhe i-r milea i i en ,ithe.hctrthi duct ofh ti th hn itnl iti of car;ittpin t- eidii Ito hitr hi t h'iit vain-tc:s icx l. ilx t w ~t hI hi I , nnn i itt ai r I hii th , re i h I.a cIm it atin ii in I e~cdn ht I nit d i theI I c ittItt cimlilil ~ n Iti int il tltN ii -t lt itti lt the Iit lan ith iled it i is i hp dit I t ttinn a ii e -. ini ,111 ml th n etin Si i t ISll .IIS t, uh~nii lihPcoItshi di tut in i n , -n h o lsaItnmingitf-it iti ti I h\.I . I uhlnnthuut winlninhi- It uuh nnu 1th M imIN i tt itI, l It tilt h1, Iun t hin n i gi il , II ' c ,Indetlt h it te cl - hcpi(t if thhe -multi [atol,~i hin IIe il il] g titi referenctil t heiti hi ilttil i litneal minutiul hnnI Iiui In -re th it l-- tu it uhitgis I lin'in tit~I -tatuu t Chautiir n I itt-i I heli llit ii r~ I ite i, n dtilt I inlig Inn irtitu hi i nal in u--ucf r he va i(nuu ,It itlit ch-n lt I c pc tollheild h i nai t r utt I I Ii rn r te c il iat 7 II'rit unt m tt millC tumul h1ic ll inn iiil 1]I:I hel mmi sid111e fit 1 hilpiltp I,, tdhin eroli te IOnnitI'll e,111nii c eiIhe gld II1 mhit> alnithittil ,Iu tI it-ill, h %%-1t,1feel itthittthe I hilt niuitil c i I tealh, mtit tumu l nIntui iit it--h ,trclprog am. htt, ar te , ,ttcIut ;ill i , hi es e in I 11 Si aN t'II itI lm-in;'yccuai Ni, anditis hi -ped h11 i g itlatJ7hh i nt cIii inn ,an< R ,II C.IIie t h ahi ,h i , ilt i mythu- Ip tn k hIill titht Iu l, t, itcio tese timj ear ti ii th in 111111 itiit ninh I tiic i (.c+Ir{c I occ-n I-, - n n ' c 'c (mnn itt- u-cme ast ii- t mtit cuut it uniytheil I,, hilt hu (in (1111[gulntuts i Imlift "icM" gu t hilctc Smiimitmid(ittbtetn, n-ct ildv i.lihilI th 11jinoS teS i h \l S te n's h mit I nt ti1 at7o Sill, I)~ nII S 111111 Slhif STUDENT COUNCIL WILL HOLD INVESTIGATION Ftairness of Junior Law Election is Questioned -Junior Lit Tie Vote lDecided. I the in ucmitum iiof thin Smi muml i ntitl nil IhI Tml I liahm hlnh iltiiit I Ii11it - c in uih iti i I N i til-ItItI tin m t-ti t heiitl to IlaI se ti1 Inf 11 1 111 1 mm ih ctIfttitmanit in etiyltit h t ii 1,ci moracl itutn uiti I mltig nth g ltrut in mm l i tinaltc-hut il-ium It thin t it i the rece n nt vicehi nnun-1ummi muunn Itlt Summit iii t ( mttitm im-- l il t mmi .iig tnit i1 i~~m I nitfilium eii i tml tulntilt i(In I it he ur;l i li,1 o hit lttit it t iil uti t ml:1 hit h in cur it t Iw l l Icr; ntl pori-l ii;tmu, o~l c,1clnti tn~l- to li Itt-itt m tt i thn, i1 :, i t (( hlfilpt Int hi-1'.tt i titn theini-i ltot here ii i,-mitt ntI ulitin-hllirl t~al l , im-mt limitr t , h i mliiiit l mite trit t-Itt thinte~ liii hlt iit ' I 1 it mii f i c m tmn ii11mthil llt 111111 e'c ,Ilml tc~, . 1 i 1 ~'as take , 4 i t tin -min rim i 1~ th iott t I uiiic ofmu III, hum I -mmi:ii n i mmmiihe cn i- h I im mm m~lit t th ,ec ti~n of c thi - ,mihi mm m ii lh , huh ii hilthtlthe 0tumu t mitt 1hihiti Ill hil[ t i tim-iti tt 111tilt-n heli m it .ii hi cc ()imi1t Iiu-imiiin ' il tuhit ('c p- iltn~li lmit ml i mm i tmm lifid lul l I I i - - mc ~ l lt it-tlt 1thin- it t.t I - lt ill t1 illne tr ~il tie pll( 1, 'l ela ct ni }! .\ 11:1 i I t," ilto nuthiuti tt lititifunth Init ill i r r,, nniitn t itth gii~h-t il ir t, '( (imt:11 1('}, mmlir i I li grit ,, I ~I I(- 11, ( 11 ncANN) the i i iintty igt thin- thin- --tl im it nut mu i l l .tcioi 1~t the liite ti lt nwith ii is l:llm !,mm mu- c illt hi Sm mulltmlt- -uice,( Intlitr h illmum a 11mntil mum - ;11([ttiic> i, tu-ccun hcgual - l ''.ti r~iln thin" entuitit 1.i mmi huh myIii he c r, hum-c l t111igt- 4~mliI 1S(' 11mul : l hin nuu .. num I in tin- , toe h liithoI i( tilt o Ftifty-ive ,t udchmit mm--were, mitun I lifrm tth h ol t N i1)sar eut o 1fi titheNi"l lii- iw" i h