The Michigan Daily
Vol'. XVJT.
Annual Underclass Rush Proves
Most Successful of Any Held in
Many Years.
For tle third aar rnntinitg the spia
Il, I,, h t tti ed p~cI iitie 'tttt
rITsh. This ioneCtwas alhort ut cct
ttg conatetst lstngaaonly. six mmt
Tlie' fresltsaents fougt (i sisratri, bt
tsce cotdd ta's a ts elf by ' th
,saissquala tstttanrors that a aMali uc
ofl tite tatatmei tteri abe t cimbstal t r
ther bo ldrs ani gaint e ovte
tote tat of Vre~halsaaaOtak las' tha
I 'aiia''t'ita' caretahe ';a stralat' sfer
n u . It iis itsttas s'aled hat' 't rigt
plcaac se 1f ititcadescenatt tlihtt.
A tvietor't'aat' t pa lassed ao ieahe l
t throwsa Ot lha ilt lttoit at tl sit' aati'ad
ar d t ai p le. hapollitwa ei ppedaitia'
ta:rth o i it isisil at lih tp
aoreia a efeeel scas'T e ala'
aic f v l t a itlu nn it
iria arsistg ithe is ofithe s ea t n tilt-
icereSc'hua ts aa a soil tahaal isa
itt ltma i ar i i' iiaaa ex lal
ink t e ruls to the .t is i'. tl 7
it iiin pla e i, I talks hie s'f a ra'
f~r lm cr hr-si, t sitr , ar air
hal~c.a t } h t 'c'as forIed il
clo' s'e arayii' a ts : i,,1 the sp l.Th''aes ret
tv~lc ll til, iciasia o .I of a allo
iii hi i t io men 1,1 i thitii a' lit
Th rw I sal tlas as at'alt
up n he 't(lt'e rl. Till ist e asioftheii
lookrt Nhmils fihic mmteei
its Iiand ha arla uta wre kep
a taor:Dle t s b afor tithe aushi t
hered she i ii sf ists coala' iattaeea
liii ave l As' sahae istise thes'iaasI hsh
iic1 01} a fcsaisaa' a'a laaaas i uan
I t11 toll, ti isilaho itgraph sisalm ills at
ausi sl its agadlit ts'asg ali as o
thesce e, cre lef rvthit tc das as ris
fornc ty te iretvdk . ' n l s it
1 sisi asaiofssaissaaaai ts tails fast
Ithrong l it t a lists sand t itica-
ts ated a b gvi
cl tig ass slal, tand mtkiitassitaslal itt
liii iii s siin sig t. Te ,oo
si t at s latssitagrait alat ts anis ' i ttr
eaas at hantd . As ison its.ihi'ttis i-
formed e sas' las'signaland tailI astsi
lhe' f asahi tasittasisa al uta from sl e
tr ssisromthela' dietCion ot hedenlts'
sitsldi 'sta comm nceto'ail out
a 'sli Iet fo tsthelas' vI't moundi'lisl t helii
tils'. TIe itseass h asiandsisal sat o
saetIl ft illsophtalaas poved to
greatand te lins broe-lTii wer
clsd tp a mslt in ass ass ilt1nst t lass
a stats o inn is issaleldearted i I i Iis
hoei h tni s a te lan ala
isa ala ia itc'tartasi lilc the
a iii aof sir) amt Au0'e caititngi asia
a'cratssisna l si tas it ala ttntitinsiosi
ti l r lt ibyttthe iii i hatii asshIt'' g
opne uasrn is o e ashou alt
aihe la rg unhofspom rssr e
tih assa ila alas las Thel feshmen o
thes'5' l a' id f i imass wtesriea
cltIB t ht h'' is I assailnsitf lasn a
st deci f he ol stci l 15 s 1
he li a I dits 1 Assists iho t
"togii sailthe etas:asf"Kiteat
sis aledlfa shlista al a lln c
to tit p let at a sma5 ll ' iilad of oph
at s chia laptda up o ansass ao l as
a is alas lic a la o h~ai a a ttempt
kc p i n l( n a(f h ill sts asist
fro itis haiti a la a i ls i a, ala,; t assals is
iA'' r e o h iott t s s a th
ni id . 'eL eftissr515fise is u
rIi titusstisasinis it t he IAI vi
cter an t at th . i s satf at'ox) ii is
\ ret del ofcnttlitas madeasi
las ls tdn it its a lt a asnas sseiieala
iI aNr(, t cil t ti is is S chsa t t"s
atn ela iti plilt''it it aatiaii'al we i'iii
lsevertii.:ie anchi as tisisaitii lfe
~iicitl; IIsalha ril's> halt itil'
the aush lts isa irst agi ali~n . th
olat eflact s I erenoh tll it ito1 I
IFICIh' ; 'ih1 I 1a"llh ' -a l ) ;
'odt w i itlsts' he 15iifisl-Iititi el
tg If thelas' las' lrry ilalgt, to itahs
fic5l itisce'ofat l Ist c l- t1ct l
acl~ms i, ntr inc iTs c(ita oth Ilst
iat NNa rioI
ito I a li t.5:A5 -is iii 115 ia sia ist alas
\tlsl titA -sha ills t~ hisplcss ill It
ui .''c ~ll tills sarl p isa l\
Large (athering at Barbour (iymna-
sium Celebrates Annual Fresh-
man Receptl' n.
Denll m al Ittil l tsi,'s at, ll'
his I aslo alitIt" ,in ll , Iah f Il
,rl - il 1 1 1 i a I dm cc ;r i
it IN dccrllI ~ Ilt~ l s gsac l sta1cll
11ill 1 i t sal in Ii ~nr h 411,(i
Itm Iskal il ' 'lla i tw11111con
s~ ihia tr~l111 iIlli111~\ tlIn
at las aa a 'ali. "sits;pokei ,, aI a id al' i
5111111 lii a sa
'I'hsits 'isaid, 'h sll ,nt 1111
mater, ofll l <111'>> 'a ii ill1
'h" ll ty t, lp Illa Is liea igiat
,l as if 1 li, a l, misis '5'~rh,
Si~tsI ;k slats > f , 1 h5;tc5 h 1 l;~
by th kcill- ll ils sdtills sit d
isa' ha' d h Ow i iit~. S , l o
lief la f ya 1111 "'pl ug is ''s s tal
lii astthaa 1,,1 f g r-
cais t th s'it r ill ald isa iala t ih a
Ilan is I nlitti ails Ia ill ( Lill
olcct~ltt, , \i~e tai~ l li la Ii is 5551
stlls . I s 'l, i n lc d 11 gi l, I cf
liii AI I t i"iC 11111 1 Irhta ll \
in trnIl l~l11, P iii ii hiand sTitaa
sla t. htis' lt li I. lta, IC51115 ss
laseesi S asies. i'] 'i li asrat'iassiaiss
Wlas' fell'ill lllla lsis s slslss la
.hl~isi hh'laa'u'a il ia'isillsila< 'velast'
asill ,peakh s to lls a' iwtailiat Snalsy
slt esasassasat 4 o'clocki ati heatisrry Hl! ,
51i S Ia 1? IC i i i I I '1'.
"Ihc nu>t c usul} ai ass assm alas
nia li a l~ls savinllllt '55'liii fO
sills A --_. 1 \ i sp sile
N[ -loll ats ' I assail'icck
is a isall ass as - m k .. ala last
'Illtc , Isi ica h ld ill R55 111 Is )
hl ) t : c1t t5 huh 11s1sit all ala gc
111111 iw]byth fct l' I111" t .
S I'mit'.1
I 7 Il7f
I [ r a u c - I ) ; c 7 , 1 c
I'i. I; c id ml '. Vl ;"aii 1 7[
's\Ass Ia asOi 'i VI ,l~aIFA' 'I'si)
\c t t s liii l ii[t t a si l as1l
tacd .n te cliii isaann lto a clse. a
;\ fI\d y, u t lc 1 1 ii ss lil ti
his Ii iii ihe slate slar[ia' it ist c
ax~isast I atisay, andal sa il hull 11 sit
tisassas huh ti; Ilts li[ tiir'las t
sa r il i al lst s l alal n sun i
a111, 11al 1al 11,;.s t a len ''haul f 11
(.h tcIItck t n I I 1111 if. ais Iisa
1c- ar ' pe,,,1,c l d n ea h ~
thesalisaer Iteass Ilae, f[r i[aur
its alasas ' is iate cl hea l1 1 cc lass1'
1 lnn t ;l It i sisr ll Ji j elts
a J l h t f t h I 1N i aa I c lilt' Ic
i ickat as a silsIa saa1a:sat sit li t
fn [h thi . 'at 1i la i. a ttlick tar
NewRules Will Have First Thor-
ough Test on Ferry Field-Case
Stronger Than Usual.
li~ oitit 5155 au l of theiyeaisto
lii 555. gAtli l,-ssahit s shut ' atjt o
si(i lo t l Issliralas titigihi a l
lI " illa tili it iis tiasgh ictilof thise
lti il ls taipr ua at s'tic full f
su lri iasi alco i slli as a gaintt hlih-
i~ran. \lrI'm I Cac i, tiasarmertisl
has an int~til alisa sat
tla s r w wti5 i sill pa,.in thri ltist ni ht'nlit'it
liii, hsa li arI)l)" left cnd Cul-sssa leftu'
tc l : I.ti l ust 'sl~iarl I Isital. 'iii-
t~ ; li ightC isa gas sloftys aright
I~ack \Gorcmaulefthall' asush.nk, right
idi i i hu f lls alk
the tam ill ;ite W .t icn thIl '
iII1prl11ifii i i tCills ~r.
lil sf 1till stilastil a ome ( iths
11 t Iasidt ii - Io as'i , it r111
irt1111 ofI rl1ii k
I hnilica Iw assa a nd isal 'sri
a - , tli-t tsillsii ,
'it a r k p l il rmthi rat' b ti
i ic saii 'iir.
t slash. lii liii iifooti' andiIi lic iiiih5 itii
'ln al t list itshi ' a th o sf lih a
sassnd wil a cr~lasa is ofth oiv
sctr rn ills haul slash ii stan
s t asis1 , A oW ilc tll usisde foott
ten tilsthnI~asIstuuus I ti
st mssal asting asair cth ai t'fayer
1n "t 1 t0Jl 1- i,1 ,I i i, adl i a d
isrIl, h a as su. is ss I 'i'h
Hllsis is an p Ili sofathaere
tr in tic isall exass ist ,asshauls iior
raiis ilf:n s plonis th ( all asw
1',11,7- le nt maY iik i imse ot i
al- sas ar ehis csil ati,s .111 forass e i
ism ni, lts hasIt, halisha-c I ftomaith'.
11li i sta islsiitd
hi h sssl amt hlas offiideslit tu Ihehis
shuI ll s alts ' il sasit h. s
sillsa I issill llline Iand, i th re ass
asl Ix, I o tis oh saes iii ts
y;,n f te i ce ae m s ill hi,
tlo c oI ii is this its'dul,, his'gost
'i~ yr~l hck5555 athr lasya isiaket
isii, at ll tll ln . 't hiftingi tos
s'71, t i ls111 stllhesa llisshtlt
s'c i ar' apit~5illsh Ile ls' slsw has
it c i llallat hro\iidell thli s :: h
liii iy ai ta n il w t "n il a list'
lii ithit. p lay ,hsi dIn C a'" iithe a
ituch sasst, ass ''sis i ts Isis''lr lt.
hhaiaa iiaishahshslratusesa
tla, hush~ ,,i, wilh 'si-riala i ii o
1, Ii a1 acc, te las r iasusl. Oasis'
filt' ha l lls' ch-iss lsa' C isasilIit c n o
\ ii3a sr ra'rsuaastoick hshoashatr
:t tslitslt sa wil its ),us allw dta adjusa
tis. Ball1 assils. hatss(Ifithehiss ldessr.
sit form, lof ilt 'csilty rlusts ilit',
a ad\Vh t la erI ts till lifi
ai- teamI hhitslsl s asfths a acet
is, gaohatne
iaiah' s'preceding tterwasha;'thet 'art' auto
illdawitha tall st llof i>ssaalllkins ad 1 Ii s- hAdl'lili itsterarv ,oii illus'
''turn~sts ''this ls htaded lno small insaitiss a''s'siasr. h as lii' titag st ill has
amutso5f tsasisa to lahatsiadehabisathis salush at 7f
shscn.thrs. iii staerse15tiltysqultezedi
tasguh(ar asnalonassnarascatcir"accicstt is lasa 1arlar
compsed ofs merel i lockediaa'h'usi ai I o- . usassuat IEi''tut--Scostt.
gauth .t hathl ashd ntsh ha"' a their I hist lhi1;thh .
voihc laii'hs.sal p Ti rwdjee'oshbte-R~v.. hitsCua shulda
diiter 'a'sIas suitedluts'eirttit satine tai ls eft. tol asgull'rushia't's'f itathrstha
met l as nthuasm~.ra.hav aa'nriaas sisiassintrfrec. hf'iruua-
lTe 'Commtionssswas soshgreatsthuaat.thi', .IhsC'usilass nea'tives. Lecers.
Rfre a'Schuslte upsrluhed asiass alasthat Stisa'i l ihae
palle sssol stthease the libarars'-rclork .1 sia'.
and4 tad to bhattold ultrn the tallflaotic hllsitarwasess welcomse.