The MichIganDily ANN ARBOR, M II lI (JAN.TlKI.Y llil\IY a, ). VOL. XV I. NEW MEN SHOW Six v: lt M yd 411 _ E UP FAIRLY WELL CLADS T10THE1UN1ON. Preliminary Meet Opens the Season'meeing 14 RoomC,1at114111X1 t..C Satisfactorily-Relay learn 11141 IInI.l ThI 1114 1114 of11 theI l Breaks Record. i -141ia0 %1 XII I 11551 h ier Ie. h las - p11 411 to h in11 1114of 4 .lng a Istu XXXII IX noI I XXXiti) 11111' 111111 IX ill teXind I 11 1141111actin ll prohab)I ly beI1 III 11, is t1ear411 aew material, not111\%X;I lls 11111 XII. on XXI(h i n te. T e CIXIs sXIIvIXtiI- 'iiI conrain to11 i nter1tdill \ -[tllaso dicusedand t I ,IXl liXXrIXof 11 11141111 athlet1ic fu1111 The11 111 11te 111 111tion11 nni ttlel11111w 1ill lbe 4heard,. of III 111an,( te seior 1111 XXi X) 11111T( NV V.I XX111 X i .h XXeamI XXXi XIXlIg of fur1 "W1 me1 .111n tr111' 1aser had he desr1,11 1i it is 11stl ci1 l l Wng he la II The atnouccmen in he cnt~e f I1'Igll la111111 in 1ilt, histoy ofthelir I theI XIIi g that lX 11111111 had11111r1111e1111(111 \4i of I XXitd o t"i 1111111 Ini cI 1 11111111 I 111)1ma 11 Iln s hee llX wogIrk1111111 Irr1n11 forh1 marXIIIln111t111ant IIIc n1111 X d sadv 1an 11111 t illIXIX 1 1 nine ra 111wor 11111 1fr111 111 IIt1 1 11 or1<1ether the XIIhoIteXs;11manager,14 srXaXII- 11 1a111for14the4 1111rdI of II IIXIIl111 151 111 1X ditor, or nett1114s eitor: 11wit1111111 I 'I'll(,relay) act,.X ereI a m st 1/1t1n, a room1t whichIhe 1rep 1144111uld XI 11 Is of111,me t. 1ut 11 XXim It II 1 11-X'Im" c sllrtp r ter sories; XI CXXXII XIII 1111 I Ill Ill III 111 IXs 1.111 XIt 1111 nuin ol: pae1ot1r1 14 Xh n tcbne o ei : wtou i recalof1h111 IIan tc 1id11o1tplc XXora Iieofit I.own1f1 re,:4wi th- h'.1 , colietitioll ath 1ug not 1, th lea t, I n l"n w esB ildig1111111 y i 01XXII 11 1co pee gan IXXeod , Il liIII,_Vr v1 1Xgr n 11th 11em.1111 o111 the1111 I.tIeritlI publ11 ici onIIl iX I ll helI e111>1 ill 1111c 11111111111 igib II 1 1111 I 111111114 1f11111i ls 11111 Xodern XII 111 at Ito feet tI inchesIX ll M l hotte11 l1 Ii i ck ansd1111 he entIX i r1111111uidig - 1.1111 ha .1 II 1111 11 IIIhere1I i111 1111 II 111 111141 1 1111 Ils 1111 1111 111111111dIwi 11114e 15 i~h i n11.1 o_11,n .tyi ,o11111 tims e.111 1111 111 :, 1o1f 1Chi-1 IniI) 11,[ale 111with '1in1e III 1)oal 411 11111115 II 111111 II 1 111 111 l 11111111)1 II 11n it is 111 XI - lls III 11 sII , t r ' , t e D t ot M r e n n h d l y d t e c m le- I 11111 4.11 Icho lsa o pr.fie t Iof te b ilig 1 11 XXXIIIerXXII 1111III 1111 111111 11111 IIn 114 IhercodIfsi cc, hug1t, eetrcan111111er, ae o (i d n n ai t oi11,1,.1i11c111111w11th i l parts Iof 11111111o Ill I 111111 11111111111 at:; la11111I iI form11 as gI -1Ithou '-.1 IXil tenetm nth weetings111 histe1111t1n t i4 1e ece t il rgh .cm b I ndth ily1111 will4> fo ta iin1111 l i ie1 it '1114;re ocod i teb Xeen.I'll(,111ground i ru fiX sXX ds H tfr, Iad Ii h lt(rtiI lll hl 111cu 1ied byX XXXfiXc111a11d441 1111111ial. tlirc the 1 me1 cyXl I srI llprs 11111.11111i, 11of 1 1f11114e lrgestg ( ThemniaiII Ihe'tli\ght 14(d roo Ims Nin tat.It4 11ot-ut-("OrelXII ira41411111ecb111.1xh r s 411 l trI c 141en 07 1111411, wII thXXeIIdsIani froth aXborveIby XXXI t_51~f1o1fl1111morns.11ll1TheIllil111111111) Xoi 1411414111414 -C145 IXIIr;f tic ~lioiX 41N1d-lbrXil-1I 11d4paXItments4 --- -11 - -111111 II I- -l1 ofIII- th11 e1irX ew ho se(,tSotl aest'1 I441114 reet~l The 4XXXsno oni t rneo n idi'a14111 patybegnnng Frda AST WELCOMES MICHIGAN TO FOLD I 1>4444ITS ill.WITHDRAWAL QUESTION S~l SK144.II 1WI II> IS NOW UP TO BIOARDI I ornell Aione Opposes Re-entrance of Western University into the Eiastern intercollegiate. Ia llXll lle it s 1soiaion l XXin New 11 114-I liligIl was11111 i141111111 I~s a11-ilI in v llblIXr 1411at111o11dI againXstIteXIIItis 111111en41enerally assignrd ~lis 11at11'141 ell Illrs N\ici-11 's dstnclX 5r-s 1111r1y1V.XXXIIXI 11111 1president41114 of 1t1 e 111111 \I a tigXen nllus'te se 1 sson o beI 11111r,11with 1111he ICorne1 ll repr111sI II- ill is Chief.1. quest15ion r.I l tline Ill . Ills g n 1111d tobere nstate after1111l1a 41111 bcIlldropped1111 I 11 111 IflIXo IXtinud n n pernire"I III nII 111111T4eII XIvI-I 111111 d1 bred mt XXIldiI C111t1inI reg laions by 11 its1111111- 'iaX 114o1 tack IXtsbe 1111an hat, 1o1 tepat41141'rha f c ;uaIv deardI t folllletn ,a TIrd bXIII asocatin.111ad S IheS 1411' 1 ial s<) s1411is 1XI~ I 11111to 4sivc1111111111 11111111e41 iI ofl an-I addIrs, 11111124 111 4y41danc11i XXIIIhe rIleX'iX1X' II III 44111b1 .11 is XXX 11141414111 IXWs Il-14X Api ~sl 2,41)III AXi ceI icl ( pat e t lXXsl 41111111 11Iailt~l tls 11an1 intrtr14 in' theXXXII oratory1ofs lalll- 1111111141 1114111of 'ush Medcal1Col Ill nd hsenas'o111 cXIIX iated withXIII 1111 41141~ c in t11 e wm-X ()It11 1 ), 1m11 lac . 4\a114 411rak I.1441 1 c0 \4Xs r \V 441441 4. t >1/I ci ry I S(4(1 IKU 1111 1411111114111IV II s.AIXIII Ills nre II.111Agn1111' -, IIf XII Ihm l. .C.Mc1 elan l :ll X I 'I S111111 41 T 445 I1Z 41F 1S( 111 The II oXII nlritt11 of student11 s app111 144l1411 ' day 1X-riX g. The11 114' XXII th114 XIII wil al ledI inX' theI nearl llltliro toXlcIl-I Niews plnsts h pese1 e attht tm. TIel iIllIllIIi . it 1trll hul I ca1 r,111 it111I dal fr111 II ; It1 m.t,)deide'X the s it 11, 11111 X\\ XW.)Ic i III 1111 \.111. I 111111 1', s r\l 1will IIf t e11111 - 1111 XId <) i t 1 r11 11111 1111 I 'ci XX-IvI titr 1he 11 ci lXtrel ll he.11 I I nert1)111 II 1111111 I 14 t e 1111c1nn itec to 1 XnI ' . )c' II 11 I-Il 1e1i i; \ c h I- SINS lPl1K\'lII srXX\Is Prof.4. 14. 44A4'il~iI i'XXXsIXIXofIhe11 111 1414>414\ 114 14'111*1114II Ilill XlX1114 ill SrahIX 'I I 411>11ig Il 11:1111at8XXX S k m 14. 144141114Mil illXt XXXIII X bXyI i nvi Fr I XI c III g". The -e 111 slr< l XXXa, I1',fse., X14s ill ' ,(II i' X i' d retI ) Il 1141-sIul- 44ihl.llsIIIisll td wt .4 ml 1111 411 . 111- iXlllX P-14s. htII birth, \cII ieithe l ay'XhiXmX 111 111111I, 'Ill h IIac- 111,11 lia ge~c rIXIX 111111 XI III 111111 III I fs t or r mpls111re Thel 11:1111 11ur1,1xXX 111111111 t i hu m , li 1.1 11 44 141111 iI 111111111 1111 s1111 % X;, XII he l)X lectedh.11111 f IX r~l, hare beIIIXIX IIII 41I11 XXXII 411t 111 to IlI m l XXXa I (he IlXl inlorde ,ith 1) 1t e 111 ,) th-XXII y "I,,,1 1111 IIwi- sXXXX is- IhXII'Ill ' f l IoIIc I t Is ;, 111111p111 a11d1 m1111 c li XIll s 11(1111 I Ii(' (It'll 11) 1 tit' It 111'. artst, 1h) 1er 1111il Drnch11 IIII it XXXIIt atthe layX I , a111 IIIXXIIXX,.fi1111 t1111t,11: 'c bII 1 111 rece ive I lc IltI the1 Maill ); ]-111I dc IThXXX (i,11111 d~v \I.1111 i-di 11 1 X'lc~i. \ IIXXX 1 1 ;11 51.111 IIXXiII, -, (1111,111 111'I,f \I. 4 Ih l I XXXIII 44. S. 111141 I 11111 .1111 1 ,l1111 XIII 11I'tia W h ell; I w (le 1 X III IIIX tiX I I dIX l rilX I . . 1111 Il l it e T ile l, 1 2 tell,; ill (ta colXXX III I 11IX I.1S)X ""k1 . 1111 111,1111ic 1 XXdani k, tailor,"I- 11111 Il-X' >1111411' XI., .ffi ba41)l 1111 \ 4114 111il,1 44111 ip Iic l" iltt 1 \11 X XXI414 111,[ 11111 4 4L , 1?1' . TIIX 1 114 1111.14 1111XLiterary 114111 tril Sen F1re toAct Stude-nt ' Iitiom Hlais een Startedi. 111111 111 (' lil ' \ t 11111~ 'tl k1111 111\\ N XXIrI +f (tI t" . T 11111 ' I (" 111 i(( 111'il 111 t ai n ll n lt w(l'1.11 1 i1 1( ll(rl il( cl 11t11 I' tl' r(11 W i4411 lrl. 1 ",1( tr C (l l r(11111 I III(-I XIII 11111111 . 1111ti a fr m tl- Itl I - -~t 1 11 to Il 11) l i,111 t 11111 f it' 11 11r 11 I111 a Late-- an -- .Ke1- t - ha.y .1. -ft'I. i , I. tl I II 4 . Imo ~ form 1 , li-- rt' '1' I XX ( III)' ll itloll IImi Jr - I l-I-. 141-11111141 S I tX i ll XIgII c N>1111111 lIaE 111111 I I'IIX<