THE MICHIGAN DAILY Be your own Beauty Doctor T HERE is but one method of acquiring adretamniga beautiful, clear, delicately tinted complexion. The pores of the skinl must first he rid of all im- purities, and the circulation gently stimlatedi to carry nutri- tion to all the tiny cells and tissues. I P lompeian Massage Cream builds tip and rounds out the contour of the faIce nTd form by cleanlsinlgxrisnand feeding the s-kinl throtwgh and through- by strew-gdteimitgf1bemuscles. Iremoves .ill wikeblack- heads, rouighne, and (lirritation, without proin (tingthewgrowvth of hair or caiusirngth~sin t) shine -Imparting a glow o(f ealth atnd b easily that only nature at her best can grive. r~6ie Scvad$/.O00 par/jar. E. E. CALKINS, 324'S. State-St. ALARM CLOCKS1 HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE Gerst themia 25 cents for each passenger to and from att trains between ttie hours of Chap an s Jwely Sore6 a. in. and to p. in., and frum in p. m. 206 SOUTH MAIN ST. to 6 a. in., 50 cents. For each trunk 25 cents, and if taken above the second ti, Iiiiv SVateii tirsairinht we sead, flour 50 cents. For each couple to and A Wae thInspctrt fth.An frons parties the price will be $i.5o, after i a. m. $2.00 per couple. BRANCH STORE AT Rimatnu & Co. A. B. WAL.ica 204 South State Street W. H. STARK. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. 111 c, itUpper iPiisila clubi smoiker rill bei givenii at 8 o'clock tonighit in Xcsli,ial.Leis, S lit ii forialliIn in clits Oyster iii Iall onisght.Recadinigs, songs. cats, Adm\iiissiiiisfIne. All nut. C NCI;RT 11H111AIC'I'ERNOON t'his aillerilolilat 3 oclocill iiSarah '; il lngelli IIai1l lie Girls'tiGlee '117 illtipiaiiifir js stbieciion- ' ii if i I N~c. Thesudiensce sin this wcaiunis o b exlissively femiiini'e, mti tiiilien willi ine givienooplortunty ii tend haceiniitihe iiiarfustusri. '11'h i lubiilln ritenrso.ixinumbers, liI', Joiiii'iit,sisni sopao sloist 01 lie; E'ehitrineiicirc, 'situ iy .tissn tiit, f the ScihoolIofiMisic. The progratm ill b i al-lied iit lwiithainsiby Miss 111 'jim iii oStoitihi iis eritis The io jIig states representiedli iere last gear iiCcis iiiiifoliis: Ohiio, 412 slt dents;Illinoiis, 31; ;Newi York, 2(8; .Alarmt clocks at Hlter's, Main street.! D. Y. A. A. J. RAIL.WAY Spillctat inn. to! It.; I, it' .x. , I ever '1 iii t':irtr; I at. im,, n.ver floaur -ticL I ( r Olt,) ij rtac s8: 1i . ~ t 41:5 p Ii,1' i w n 111" FIRSf NAflONAL BANK at Aaa Arbur, With. i, 11 inne, 'Prs. tiirrlii ,"imialr, V S. W5ilClisioi, Canhtfrr STUDENTS-$2 will buy a fire in- sutratice policy that may save you several haunidred. Call us up over either phone antI we will do the rent. W. H. Smith, Real Estate Insurance Co., Ann Arbor Savinigs Bank Block, Room 20. cod Michigana pins, fobs and spoons. Hlal- er's Jewelry Store, Main street. eod Watch, jewelry and eye glass repair- ing by skilled workmen. Haller's Jew- elry Store, Main street. eod Estalished 1858. The college jew- elers. Hlter's Jewelry Store, Mai street. end SOMETHIING NEW, Butnt:T. Fisciher, of tKalamiazoo, andi featiunedlby his otrchtestra at the "J". llopt, is nnwnit sale at Root's. eoil CLOTHIINC SAtE. .A11 stutter suits, overcoats, and rain- coats, at a big redutction. IHart, Scttaff- tier & Mars lute inscuiied. Ltz, the clothier, end Tlypiewritiing and mimeographinig cheaply dotie ins large or smuall jobs, at Edwarits Bros., over Sheehan's book store, State street. State phone 1258. end Wasihingon's irthiday C. E. soicial at p'resbyeteriani church Sattiriday eveninug. If I ito your deselopitng antI printinig. itis. don te right. L~yindont, Phiotngraphesr. Suits pressed 25c; trousers, inc Fuller & O'Connor. tf AT WEBB'S CANDY STORE they are inow servimng a complete line of sand- wiclies with hot coffee or chocolate, withi an abudance of whipped cream. ti Glasses repaired. Eyes carefully fitted antI tested. George Haller, Maiu street Straight, legitimate tiropositioni, gootd pirofits, uiquitie novelty, easy seller. Slt cleatis. mile tatu feimale. 8tn S. Unii- ivirsity, 'Thutrsdlay afteritittn, all Fridlay andi Saturiday. A. TI. Fisher Co. 2-4 Glasses repaired. Eyes care fully fitted and tested. George Halter, Main St. A New Fad in the Latest Cravat AScarf Made From Wood It takes one million yards to make one pound of Art Fibre Silk. There are twenty filaments eo each thread. No wonder they wear like iron. The only house that has them in the city. Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s T o E n g a g e t h e A s s e m b l y R o o m s o r O r c h e s t r a , c a l l a tAs tera e r s c d m y O f e . n t d w t h e e b u l i g callers are requested to announce the n-selves. Plea: e ring. I Winter Joys colme otnly to thtose. whio tire fortifiedl by abtnanit lhealth andc vigour againist cotll attilxposutre. Boditily warmath comes from goodt digecsiotn tand goiodlfooidi, not frno flannels atnd overcoats. J, Y. { \ 1 r 'l i \\'' V 1 y 1 i :..:a. / F O Shredded Whole Wheat is the fiotohatt britngs fulliest entjoyitetnt of winter work or 'hay biecause it is rich itt the lii.'it - emakitng, misole-.bttilditsg elemtits attil lecaulse it is so easily udigestetd. It gives t he lithtetiess andisuppilpetness of littib that maskes the Dumniblo lt'a thtig of power and beauty. A brfiakfa t tof SHREDDEDI WHlEATI BISCUIT withi hot or (ioldl ttilk iir creamitwill suplply the ettcrgv, for a whole clay's swotrk. 'I'rscttit is time satme as time Biscuit except that it is con- senssed ito a iafer ande is ttsed as a TOASiT for amny smeal its- steadl of olie flotir bread. At all grocers. Our nesw illtis- :raitedl Cook Blook is stilt free. J. Y j hae long b11>*.1 g23ce li er.Thl 'u tetilsflat clasp Itfzkerd relentseihaiing, bindti7 ng 1 sctail ii. .themlclothi . e ieBrighton Trnei. k laht Clasps(Tirtercisiua-iiat a,3 liir id. Worn\Siuisby lmesnunhoallpre. cisle ciiiifiit aiidineatnsti. Malenofilireik elastic ebbisg. All meiii pacts of birai;s-eapsitetnic kelsil. 25.ntus a lair, all dealers or Isy .m mail prepaid.listrmliii ivtill priffieaaccrd garter, ne have perfected LOCK-G P am' Y BRIGHTON GARTIERS White mihey ice q~uicklIy anidleasily sdetacedsi}-et they e ~sethe _ Scusnesm grips nf all ecord gartes . 'Ihe tisuile rubbejr diatmund giils with a hull dog tena~city. No tour sue tesrotheis socks. Caust spruing louse or lbecomte accidentalily dletascheid. Maide of finsest quaity webbliing; all metal hurts seasvilyuiickel plated heass. 251c amid 50c a Ipair, all dealerssor by' ma~ih, Iprepi. Now. PIONEER SUSPENDR1 CO., 710 Marset at., Philadelahia. Altem of Pionner.Suspeers. on Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors Professors!I The best is none too good for you. You can't afford to waste your time and patience with the old-style fountain pen, Buy a Self-Filler, and there is only sae practical and successful Self-Filling Fountain Pen. It is CONKLIN'SBelflPE "Tm pen with tbe Crescent Filler-the device that made self-filling pens possible, practical and perfect." a. s Dualt be deceived. Accept nothing but the genuine Coaklin. All other self-fillers are in the experiaental - ' stage. The Conklin is perfect-been on the market' for years. Used and recommended by thousands of. students and college professors, Possesses all the super-j ior advantages of the best fountain pens supplemented by the following distinct and desirable features.: Fills and cleans itself. No dropper. No inky fingers. No bother. _Fi No joints to leak. No clogging." Nothing to take apart., A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. Why take any chances? Order a CONIM SELF-FILLNG FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaran-- teed satisfactory. Book Free upon request, tel lag ahout this wonderful pen. Manufactured only by/ The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Sold in Ann Arbor by GEO. WAIHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. CASINO Admissior%. 5 Censts 339 S. Main St. BAILEY & EDMUNDS $Portino GoobG 121 East Liberty Street. WAI KING 100 Chinese Chop-Sney Restaurant Gsege Yese Bot & Jome Proptrietors. Chinime'e Fancy Dinss. Amernas Iaeseaof oil tends.Eveerything, 0tst-elass for ladies smutgemntemen. Chinese and Japanease uric-a-birae. If sue Phone 2t2. 31tOS. State Street. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fifth Ate. New Phone 457 Sll Phone 457L 1'iiitk~wl - . The Natural Food Co., Niagara Falls, N. V. {~k ALWAYS AHEAD IN STV! Fs TILlAR',THE Al 0l " E BEST OF EVERY MIL ARD TABTHIG IN TAILORING