NIew S prillg Woolells 1907 6. U. Wild Co. 311 South State Street If You Need a Base Ball Glove or mitt, or in fact if you are going to buy anything in the way of Base Ball goods, you'll find the largest s to ck and the best selec- tion at SHEEHAN & CO.' The Students Bookstore Money Loaned On Watchs1)i mod"sL. os, or othr persoao prty c. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains ia Watches.& Diamonds Office at residence 3m Et. Liberty St An Arbor. tour: 81to i130 a. in., 1 to 3 30 ad. 7to AL UIK9 CNE TI AL JOSEPHI C. WATTS THE MICHI. ClManaiii' Editor- Ilisittess Mnager News. ....... iMusic soil Drama. \Voen's tEditor... sIiaRIl George A Osborn Harold AssocAToer William A. Mlhern a. Ft.y Ritchilit (hauncey Bocher J W. MCndless 1t. ( . . illim", lii 1:AIWit Johnii F. Vtr Editor oay-J. CALV] "I Ica Si, b lritv and 5c. in Ui erit 1 Annualisenio iilldit nc Aniiiiti l batiquft i iterBay lii' siiiLilandiT couse Maci 110Hgi Miciga iist ps THE MICHIGAN DAILY .IAN DA ILY. to tsar downi relettlessly wet noes- _ ar, oftweneoti e toutght to keep Iis -Arthur C. Pounad I tnls off witetn iliihastnothintititer to ('If) ri ll ii llit th I iiit s tstiir n ~~m EXTBOOKS -C. . insead ksliglisten tthisNatnonik t itis se t e onS. otylari ot e Ii ity ciodutt s toe ever It is plesat itese ly s of stge fnsritcollege lift .Coluimtbis kiess'relistttto retuirtt occsitnally to the Druglititg lnst rumets Dabeid . Steensny it 5 tioitt ilLo i1] i t riitrlratmattsof a idoctsyers ago, Labiratory Accessories .Robert. BaClny tahs I iii tl ii ciIc i iiissivisos uectsy so- Engineers' Supplies .1 ~ ~ ~ ~ fo prtiI.Bole ii legs itiilhiscarethutits far gaius risia tists, ittd stiple 'Amer tt PamS.M w ar t rks littN Itin itts'aiiinlitchig tn is gladis-ar t "bolrne Iflks." Assistedl by s fits .Louise VanVorhis to hontoir, ievei as li sill ttlYIitiii onr otid s.iu lr' iss Gltiinscs n ltt -0 Everything for the Second L TAFrF. IGiorge'a. Vslittgtni. -ciingae:inch iiaIisply itt Frieze!Mos- S m se J. Earl Ogle Jr. - 't- iii l Iiilatighi~lt. There swre tttsty C. Smith Fifty srien yti s t otS tii ythir i d-ii iliiit ltS t Ise ovecoe sitd lititt- ical idepartmetut t he lltI.nileit liv ins o 1, suiit nt edii toli it is only e nEslonsS. fiunied; i this s Foiiilrs' lday firior iii to sy that ''istttrltllt''rose sabove t FlioydiI. Jones lriillrs of iheiscalplt and ao%,ii e i to ill 'lhere wurn timies (iiritg the E celn S lcto si Col IR. Moire fis tI i i. tS -iha irvesoth li e te itu nii swhit irs stre moist, as stll \'illiotuuF11Gradoiil lph mndo s siitivvs'M~ili anitsi:ci eviieidi , s ltisiiieittsmtils brte in to lugh- SECOND -HAND iconS. to rednaltihat slireivie yeiv ii s sillt- ter iiTh hullttnas titft, viissititie GereI n oatlg tirint. i fty -sen yaris hotfol viissiudeliyet everyotti ket Law, fMedical, Literary and Hiiam S. Cii'dy e i I i ii iii iilii iiiil li it ioad(i 'in tlil eht' sandl waitd x Engineering Guy P. Bliss a posi t iii of ifiai''andulhoniri u t liiIi taiiltIlli. lthioiugi tere stere otte C.Rtltkes ulitakoilostot heis einntingibtihgats, ttre tesstoote of titi teliliitt TEXTBOO KS lrisru l a ii irtI sliv iiit. lii tti hil ichiilis siomtetimitis tie reslti of a lie het es iiI ituettatl's ogizedu t'itenity es flriii nce itit tinly samateur. s STAFF ftr ihe st t vs admttledl t ith liiihe itiport uitily forcacit erit actig ]Tasrey Htllilllliiiyit wisrse liuit iis greatandIittuct tias imaide f it W A ll ' Atdsm Ietlec t i un e siuch iconditinstiheiies- IDonald hI iI mill ist e iioii of ntutiri' ialsh et of 'umiclcotillegiws itss i" showed exiictionl aiiilit The Booktore ?h lat's Never vstly hmre idifictli than tthie illrit- iti iltii ittmichttoward e itsuccss of tte ~ atesl oasiodrgiit ow _ _ _ _ __o1utUnesod theiir tilergy in l ltooa itgte li e i M r s Rgeis,'" kie ldIsit fri," itic t t iiiiass i-ild5success swell fstci. Jh iitt Iia s lre. R iges, 'the li -___________________________ 'V M iCNDISts orafetinte eetiil le iii otut" h ittlei-ilvary stll teir rather hifY22, t~ii- difiil caracer arts, ''Ttevwrk of L Y D 0 LIRY 2, 90. T is ftrnon te oernrloif o e till oorv, ftir lst isDreist, te steu- - f ouritgi~tit atsiil dlierittor, e 2sctl aithei' Marqiuis decRio- PHOTOGRAPHER NDAR alddr1ess~ it I u li n L ni cit al. i1s15:i-tini ihIi"a S tithafor itne hracer,"tilr i and5 , n o osus illc -sitiis t ii h erei tt l al l iidr is nati gstitiltl 'ihe as Mr. De sod tit A m esricall sllsrt' r1Atoi ge ntsII mel, tsii l e nitia nd maiaitest n' ofill ea l aveto clitasssani i l itta tisttt wast noi l ess versait l er sfhii' s of ist Vtitk ltei t etini humiiii ndi his messagt han exeLeather Onesco, Too hl tife Muic, intshouldc beiitvil erii sal. Tth sis c ha t , tit 111 lii IiAda (1mith 111anNod eGstaicetn itaetahleil al all lutci s atioil oy-ige autl ingotit Not aandiKteMCCInod Snalt y 'Fill htititstelizbtvonteguneningea- hits' eI'arcitgises t i iuthda halrtaiten ed tafo iveyla etic f l as Estbrok,_ ere all os-se ilt Atgl fl, n te ad hrtuiy-rs. ii itr i g t o beirt wd Iclit laid tltio -letd a gi el yts ro-lr eu I's sie e t ghsofNwiok timrileanciiip at iecn lito thoberinig Lue i nayeotga 15 A a her6-JOneshToro a len. rvimyssuentuerisdthcalle ETao the ioi iiisis Ytro na gis s'e l- I ei ush law ig< I iltI's i 1souti a edvta ag e oifsiv ittosie i i tt- santi goodii s itirs ad-nih Iat f Grangers. gt citfew d liis hinci'resei t apat for exec-ttut ' tatetttAd cult ill hldefitsi eguar ord sla - vnet.o. p ais of F ori- ry iclb is t i s ft thisu m ole T he I t law d patntut.g snduit m t :5' A - a l 0 6- ,Ni h o a Flacko h ithial ct' u i ng- teiseri te flow ll'nvy uret Ii'ens-v tfl ta iti' ouda --nii-natineloprain ofFrlecturei p, hup titt iastun-ofver-n lior iitli tigoit, ciey Clsice A0,erB..1101B10i0111ensate Univi t ark situ I.-....iiIS ntlshay-W it. L v7sc.ssNl cln 719itNORcTH FeN1"- lul itt icotts Kan. s tenSu pli e s tati I SharieI -ofutthe cl eItl ri t it' IA 'ttc stu lusii t g ut a ralit lirsi or a ci lii ~ ~ ~ calo ' vtiuhutorit cin the dam___________case______________ones.__ retliitI i sc-ull gti to h tie bl her oll apis-heniary it ul eg , it lt.Jol EoIu [ D O R N M if l iiti elit iium ay'.ht lu NReitsld tt isety rasient P L Ic~ L ~~ sent litt stig wthe er il tte icni m fvxsjsiidlthsato ntercn aitalThe Ann Ar or a11 g an ii- ii iii Forsiuut' C hin- sil wor'itt i luc t ilslitonnusctiniCapitSt sutckColt-0I.IVurplAsi$20&,Co tug ~ ~ ~ h canit i ht~tt itl e s uure of tetgrait udei'ii l of o tur litii ii tuu. sk sttest s IoInieigativeantatyis r' uic'sstu ii u 11451..han (.rate.rAiGioAnlii rooChacfseettisto n e ral a nt k tttigBusieT anutiiscted hrig. ii t h ti-,rSe is-ctry ailrinrat satsfatorlsy.d iututresir Al.ont iin Lint. tutu us s 5ex- Nices.anoFu tll& aionW' D n otol a lumberyii arefo r toa lokAtsi dea0p ii t i tuugi sssreegldthatthe 22ndtoof1 cituitiuui 5. ring' Cutto eltrcto1a.k0.SPADINGURBN OSE h26mNssauSt. efriendt oWaash vecht'st SNew and Text Books Second-Hand ANt) Drawing Instruments Laiu, Eigiee'ng Medical atnd Literary .':ext Books A C) n )[:t, Liaco' F, a itiPastsTablets, Note Books, etc. WE A1RE SOLE AGENTS Eugene Dietzgen Co.'s Celebrated Drawing Instruments and Supplies. See this Genuine Richter "Htoofi-Bow"vset. See oor Special U. of M. Sets. Remember, Every instrument is sold under absolute guar- antee. We protect you. .At THES CO-0P The store cif the Studentls, fty the StudernssAss' the Sttudeints. TEACHERS You are 'needed on the Pa cif is Coast. Do you wish a higher salary and a better chance for edvancement? Do you need a change of climate and an op- portunity to s ee t he wonders of the Great West? Write at once to The Pacific Coast Teachers Agency 164 E. 48th St., PORTLAND, OREIGON STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION Gov. A. B, Cumm~ills of Iowa Feb. 20 Leiand T. Fawers Feb. 25 Lecture will begin promptly at 8 o'clock. !L - I, I _t t1t Washington E. RANDAL-L, THEF P110TO GRAPHER Phone 598