THE MICHIGAN DAILY HOAG'S Cor. Main and Wa.shington The btgs Assortment of Studeints' 1Roo011: Isi liligs. La rps Waste lBaskets Fish Nets Brushes Pictures ,Books Stationery Mlirrors L'aar. Ka1i vein Scisso)rs Leather (joodS Banners Pillovos Soa ps Jewelry 'Playing Cards Lamp Tr imings We Cut the Price ont Alarm Clocks HOA(i',S ALAR~M CLOCKS Cash Postiy Cayh Gl tk' tiat No orders for parties or entertainments Chapman's Jewclry Store will be Ithkss this season unless cashac ,7 cospanies tfee order. lob SOUTH AI'ST5. RAIES stat"_ ' ...e, tlsne'5 sse t a d fom parieso ANNOUN CEMENT Atutmn with her golden htues anid mellow colorings frotm the paittpots of Nature, is with us again. We'll extend to ostr friends the season's greetinig attd witht it att earnest initatiton to call and( see the elabsorate provis- ion wve save utade to futrntish ottr patrons with the very hest of Clothes, Hats and Toggery BRlANCH StTORElAl 204 South State Street S lstie s e of ca srriaes ------03.001 Ciiu[".02.0(1 Walker's Livery Holmes' LiveryE Rohinson &c Co. W. H. Stark UNIVERSITY NOTICES. t 4wII I ill, I S rti t tt fit' dil pti : t' \ t tt I t i' t l C j !i 's I s . . . 1 t1 5 5ls We selected wsithigireat 5cire the chsoicest pro l's ttiitss of tiimost isotediimanfactirers in their respective lines. It is our sictermiinatiosn ontIsic to sell tiothinug that is inot thsorsoughily good. Its t° o tt~dOur pries will alwas , be fssnd satisfactory ansI as low as out high standardI of quai~lity will allosws "'tReuleillConlini & Fiegel e," 200-202 Soizth Mairx St. 0!ranger'S S ~ o Ground Floor, Maynard St. One Block W. of State St. Stores RAH! RAHl! RAIH! _, >ir t y;sts'i ;'r'is 5't tIl 5 5 - l''" I' sr(l it s X11r i~tt 1s t ra, t ,115 t5) ll Issll t ts'S IlsIss t sitS i D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY itcii oifis 2105 s (1t1 'it's'issl (''s'ss t is"sroi i t.I. , andliii 5 ' y 555- 01.55's r, itii ii ,.. ' I'li ttss' a t'ost'stt itti:" 5'.5 n. li lit tlsc 1 1s r1lits't 1t .'11 WIt'ss'r i stt ts tissist stoNS yS'i' J I'tiit N'. it i j10,1t:l'it .5& iltistit clci siroics on l t,ssss,t~isr' .ttsM~t'ICunt . A 'sssplet'+ I t1 ' tMitlist1)1' ii FI ~i111 tir t i~ s t,'.tnu) t1u i i ,sit' is's ii s' for 1st itt Cii lsT'1IM 11tsoass ,s ilcrill.o );1I) PlIP~s), sts t)fir 5"lt ' Xs rIsilA FE 'S R. L. JOLL.Y. 80.5. V ANN ARBOR RAILROADa AND STEAMSHIP LINS.S Trh-r sL..n sr. Atns iAr'bor' Gotig Soth 7:20s.sinst. 1:5s t.i ).ssil :3 i n Osinl Pss.Agsntil Agnt, Toledoi, itti AtilArbo M'ii 5 Bl iphone 13s;1-1r H1e1 1 s69 r :IwHIwAN C CiFnL "TeNiagara FallRsoue'" Chicago Buffalo Bloston New York 'Throgh Trints Eat -S- l s. i _ A 0 n)Ui. 4.55p m. i .0 p. Ii . it ii p.its n. Locs s .,1. 10. a.tIIi )i, *405 )its,. 08o3 p.II Throughlrains West- 2.7ai. I .58i.III., COAT S HI RT S 9.18a, In. ' I.1.t .n. 5are5maistsots sf the bstswhte rolor-fass fabis. Locals West ii t.,'riti sIl~ li.40p. You cansot whtyouanst ofyr &th~ltr if M., *6.10 I . tsu sis t oits. $1.50 nd mor S Vre pt Snda.)IOnado ffsiattkresa a. OsII~tsttrt'st t sChiii'go foarOS.Leeis CLUETT, PEABOY& con. lKasn ot'i ityrandthet We~lst. 5 ~t ttiateii tst'',)1A lnt ri i l sit i W. Wv. CASH, Agent, Ann Arbor t5 ii fatotry ii 312 iS. I HNRY Q CO. TAILORS riiiHigh Class FRIHRMecadsIToM HATTERS ~~ Popular Prices Di-etly North of Law Btuilditxg 709-7I1 NORTH VNIVEKSITY AVENUE PALAIS ROYAL 2o9 Ei. Liherty St. ALWAYS ONE PRICE sit tu' si's' ^ i tr' I n lcitn ofis cS titl I all(] lisa tet111, stilts aissid a is's'r . I'le esli eii tc nis s,tl)Sise 1 ChoiitIsg itish II rshgiiis ansdII,atiherns Alssl Kindss of 1Fastcy I)ecesatitls. A AUG tt IT WINS tip. ii J " Oh Fudge I " u r ALL O ' as r Dn etIF YOUR OLD DROPPER-FILLED FOUNTAIN PEN MAKES A N'ESS. THROW AWAY YOUR INK- DROP3PER AND (JET A WMn BOLLES "Standard" Self- Filler NO NO NO NN TROUBLE IN FILLING TROUBLE IN CLEANING TROUBLE IN WRITING TROUBLE IN B5UYING -Standard" Self-Filling Pens cast no mtore than the old kind. $2.50, $300, $4.00,x,5.00. S01L11AND (itIAIRANTfi EI) BY SHEEHAN & CO., Stationers, State St. CUSHING'S P0HARMACY, 336 5. State St. SOLD) AND) GUARANTEED BY DARLING & MALLEAUX, State St. A. E. MUMMERY, 123 E. Wash., Cor. 4th Ave. SOLD AND GUARANTEED) BY DAWSON BROS., Druggists, Huron St. YE STUDENT SHOP, 611 E. William St. '! ALWAYS AHEAD IN SYL ES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING