The. Michigan Dailly X'v XVl. ANN ARBO'('R, 1\lf .4 N, Il VRSl)AV.1"1E14tC',\l3'21, t1007, STUDENT COUNCILMEN Coi~il VIic iot fe i (tl llplii WILL BE ELECTED TODAY fo fte<>, r;ecf lcr>ae-~ f~ Junior L~ts, Laws, Engineers and coie',I c tdn ci liain tiedics Will Choose Representa= 1cccIi ti cappr{ in f at1%irn in rete tives-flany Nominations. ii Oefre >1is° (fth >ld V ,t _-- il elc~it tI Y r~ °, 'er i tlci tcil. ATE TAKES STAND N ATHLETIC SITIUATION utions Adopted Anskingz Unin- % ikt1 ered Primary Control Over ct li Student Affairs. lti Iniiicli'n ini'itinhal, (hv 111sli s I1cctll" of t e t 111 ti T 1 . i. is afein tt milor mid %% ill 1 l dth j lor clss s f h litrar. C gin crnylaw and meicalii. departen t ilchoosin ii iii nti sa thist iitiime.ii Th it ill elit wo mlii rs II : iHot i liiiiox, 4 ighto , i i s cleinn tt i ll aiiiiii i iio C C vcr ity Itlill, t i i I'clck. ii liilt 'cti I iii I mmo t 'lock.l T e pla As a tmmmlmi t hei' nomnttions hemmmm ld i b} hei iorlae te foliit m l 'cmiiill ih 41el till Ro mi ',law bu 'itld- in , ro , i o cd: on Irp isnc tinc.T hepi>irnim cl~p, a I thIlcto i e ti tl tcc tomi.he cl it pinc utu f iit limted to twenty Sez liiti ll Ile atinl ntt iine iereena ivfrc' iit depat m en Sec. ii3. ccF a ch a ttsalsa on mimIreseti a t ittive Inor ieach liree t- than (wPt tlttnn .i nia. tin ''iiiieiii i d i iith t no or h anIic'i m'tic kii tie 1-l iili, n c ttuiprnedp.. 'ii uli ii c it 1i . i:ia ti ju iorosul t i l l e t i p cpr~tmmmof N lli i nc Ciiiall c lii'ilch tosio i lCuciptm 4ilm gthatc h,' in ii ilicrg inrl moileitn. Itin r - -Prtec tinct nmcil iicf lirnantleas t ' iea lt p id ~sti thie tn itme f i i clcmrgc. ,it 111 ithf Conpcinl itittmitccilir rtinn nptiinii' fur icn urte rn i i e stitl't L'\ i 4'S lttit 41411i41.1 1 Ih rli minaryiiitii ts fot t hei i l L i miii ilrS l l ic li K hoo-iii it-iiiil i5 andi T ll m t Iii iit c ,ily Waitedii ill nadalw oapae, ndC ir }c a p rl Irp~ ni i e ffi rii Iwe w Ii1 he t 1ld 1t iiii(,etil ill a c anc io show theiritalent. .Aiiiinrn tryou I' iii m'Atc a po ntn, d iii41c iiis i the 1 se at a c~tc a r ml uitimm t ii ii iex.. >1>1 at's rguaion ofthet ic. sco d i claus illl th mmmmhm de lred thatii lihe od ha a ri fih ilt e h it tc the prse t lit i'iain l There t itasm It 'l grea del ofIi scuson a,;to hitl I tfa itt itref tickli iii n nitt inli } I1 1 XPlii IN l ilill "i i '.>1. t RS> 4>1) I, 444cS IN 1, 4>111111 41.1 \' ("I mlil l' ' Ii' .1t it' 'mmIII rlil' tIi t, ArM om.ull ity A s ilb tilllii ic iii im' 'mmml lit iii tati as ne rly alio flitti ca ' e d me re silli n lit c eiiil thiit it tue hfr utey lae i ll i tlIirf h es rn tiiithei al .r (l i s v r- adih itaras r In thc lith sco d ar i f h ,o ,w illbe iir hicd th p cia is >r vauletill fcatucs. Yeterat cv Meei 'till lio- ay oe.C n lct m facti i n l t ii'ior i c char- Ict r, iii arl witiic s, a c l Ii i id iiOr igiai actsn)I-it unts i.' il l hlii Ni. 102. lic^, 1;IUNION IECTORS )N!( Itr MAKE FULL REPORT lwv itanial Status mmof lhetOrganization wl. 'l nd the lubhouse lans r is ! Are1Explained. 011 'Clr n .,kiie: ~ the M ic i i I niiiii iiii, iile reports c B ch , 'll ,Ilff'd 11c cii' c in ,i l < 1G llii-t i i ll' i ii i 'd Iby t Imp IIrr\ H il ,1tln t~d t1 i litiport ;ol :I1 -"1 i ha ' i ;Ii il ll" i 11 1tt Ii Ch 114 iitihi t I,. ' i-"itit 1j, ic Ii1' il~dt it t p ii ~ti l he I , nii , c I~Ioit clii i i _..._ii iti>t miiA i i f i -i b i o Il , , I, i ln if i"t i , ldcii ~ l l it -I l . , I i 1 i l I l(, r i iii rit it>. lc iiil I> .11iii 4 t ii i t i it i, i 1 , llii i till Ii Ih , kl ,,1: iii ])t in ii i ll lit c bli ng atiI " liil iiiich u h tmii ulln ps p lw JI. tmttfin t n t ft he 4 IN, I' ntl'', P I'lc freidcnisOf111c4411 e lhtsl Ill~ dw fc lti n Carig ciii te> raw' 1 Incnii Ir~c cr (_'Adadi nd gi 'ilac m a y th tlc s J I ' N I JIR C P I , I t' l'ii n li'' c l:I P N S 1 ii ' I 1 Icalil %%* h rIn, l<..-. 1i r> i 1. 12, )> }, ] . ( . t :. r}' _', 1't clc IC, ,zi 'a* 1 ;i rrcti r ' it> Gildu'Cwor-c>m~~i '()1 l tt ' i' tjlit miiSthe Ph'AIidl ii ial 211,111 I r Bate i iit ii ic,( vgi it ninni itrof.tiii '>1 ig ill I rr'ntm m ,i'em ii' Our irld All girl itreci i''ii>ii iii I iii i ,clc , t am i iiiaiiinth i ni IS c lii mug1> I iii o mi lou e i iiis i iiii iiiciias W I i1 1. n 1 eI ] 11it 11 1 F41i-tn it I hIlIiN E i i t i t.,t lp so o ;it ii>' i i 4>1>. ii i cii iu'mn it)r ;f r( 1!c: eected