rTHE MICHIGAN DA IL Y GRABS Al HOAG'TS Th is, is yout chatncet get te nit)s mserchtandtise for 25c litt you1 e-ver have Ihad. Five hundred l oxes filled wit good, clelii desirale goodls from all tleIartnltuit. D~ry (is)ois, China, Fancy Ar- ticles, Jewelry, Stationery, M tisical hIs itt iuttis. In the lot are to /Z0iters woth uttltto $ 2.5tt each. If ntlotstisfiedyott nay have your imontec vbtck. IHOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE Butter Cup Candy While It Lasts 10c per lb. DEAN ra CO., Ltd., 3 l bs for 25c 214 S. Main St. - r r i PRICE CUTTING SPECIAL Here are a fewr of te ecry good thinigs we have left for you ol t -Formner price $2o.o0, itow --------- --$14.50 Lot 2-Fortler p~rice 1, 5on, tt ------ $10.50 Lot 3-Forit:er price $12.nn, oi----------$ 9.50 Lot 4-Former price $io. ooo----------$ 7.50 Seventty five suits, hrokent letas foitmerly sold for $iS.ooanid it*2t no, arc itn this sale at $10tt50. All Odd Panits 25 per ccitt cfi. ?Manthattani Shirts 20 pier ceitt tff. Several lots ctf Staley iand Ypsili ioernear are ettormotusly reduced. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 S0%xth Main~ St. UNIVERSITY NOTICE.~ tellV1)11, Mgrt Final tpmt ) ti()o itt reay tcittit i i itt 11 13. \I] cii ttist e jjtti 'Mar- tie I Espeitella Clear Havana Cigars, 5 and to ceitis, IHutstoin Bros., disiributors. Msttle specially for its by tie ttatntfactturers in Netw York City. lTey are right. FOR ]MIN --;iteis rosmitstie liiwk c- f a >11. 53 h (liii S I tret. 53 C A - ]lllS 1\llI\\tS -32 fur 2 a st 3te lii. 32 4.s ltatle1. Tot. 4 Stilts itressedi 25c:t;trousers, Inc. llecr & OConinor. tf (Classes repairesd. Eyen carefally fittiett antd testetd. George I] tIler, Main street. IHENRY (Q CO. TAILORS xT~ i igh Class FUVRNISHERS Tin iMop f Merchandise Occidental H otel \e~ ,,1, We Cater to Btanqjuets, lEtc. lis t ;,t, till Hlixson Lunch = Ypsilanti"' j lar lit cl.i i, ct~ .t it' t i ii i tii f 1 i it W Tickiet fur fotur shattiptos $t on kRaint!HATTERSj JU VjY01 Popular Prices testier tisetd. Each ticket gootd fur shiantHA TE pomnicutett,facittl or sctilp treatmiet.I ielNot ofL Bzld Miss Vttttgitt, 70t7 N. University avenuteDity No hofLwBdd, en709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY Itu - tnaiu Spctal Cas to Dtit atis. ii t i 'siev ot, i r,- sIlt)-s itwhstuanat ),iu tsutau~ tilt.itinItiii itilt Hour toa t servce tt eto ii t: :5;1 , it i at Ann Arbor, Miii. '4i . t l it iE tt. Kt tte. Prens. tiarrisni ouleat, V tilet<, t~c ttt St tV.Clatksnt.Cashie .55555 It r11isisc 1aptltt,$, 00.ii 5oct05atitiPretits. I.),, 0i til is tisii;it lIt LAISIAIORING. Ii 1 I 1 '; j Ltatest sty' vs fail andtitn vtter sitits alittl sipi 44ttisi la coks ttatde to itriderat ontce it reastitt l Cran lk..tltale trices. W~e listee thte latest designts 1iiiin< isptl t ,its lattest gosos. JohtntJ . Schantz, co. , iil fro, E. WcilliamttiSt. haul: c. tttli )1'1 1)'11 ' .telt'tii. Its tessit, ,isis itt0-2 NOTICE===FwRATERN ITI ES lnter=Fraternity Bowling League now being organized. All wishing to enter please call on S. ROTTENSTEIN for full information. 707 N. University Ave. Winter Joys cotte onily IitotoeWae nsittit e d i blIy alutdttla lthdtistc vigor agaitnstetiol anthexpttsuite. lBtttilys wart otties froti gootd digest ittitandilgoottifoottilolfrotitiflanniels andcl tvercosats. Satisfaictory tailoritig at satisfacto prices. Fuller & OConnor, 6io E. Will- imt street. t. li tll'-'sialtswt iss Ii ttteeit is cv liit>r st is6mtsFotrsetttittst acw: rewadif ClTVIBIS CANDY STORE they arenosereitng a coitplete litne of satnd- twicliesiwitt tot coffee or chiocolaite, isititha tittundatice of whipitped cream. t Get your electioni tickets, dance pro- grtums, etc., at Tim ANN ARBnOPiRESS, 17 E. Washtitngtott street; printers of rTe Michtigatn Daily, Inlander, Alum- nus,, 'echntic, Utnivernity News-Letter, S. C. A. Htatntbookc, Yost's Great Booka Ott Football, High School Omega, etc. W~esdnotmore pritntitig for the studset hotly than all oilier shops combnied Sooti in our onwn building, Maytnard street, opposite Graniger's Acadetmy and just niorthi of School of Manic. if 141 (I Shredded Whole Wheat enujoyttetnt of wntler work ttr jla't tecatuse it is rich itt the licat - miakitig, musctle - butildling elemieits ndtt because it is sio easily digested. It giv es t lIte lithentess atndlisutpplentess of littib that iitakes the hitittati btily a ititig sf110wer antdl beauty. A breakfast otf SIIREDDE I) WVHEAT BISCUIT nvtltltitt or toltd itilk ttr creamt will suipple tie etnergy for a whottle d~aysi wcork, riscitit is te samte as Sthe Biscuit exceptl that it is comn- pressetditito a wafer atnd is tusedl as a TOAST fotr atymtieal III- stead of hlite flour bread. At all grcers. Ottrtews illuts- trsiteul Cottk Booik is senit free. CASINO Admission., 5 Ce mts 339 S. Main St. BAILEY & EDMUNDS sportinlg oob'6 121 East Liberty Street. WAI KING LOG Chinese Clhop-Suey Restaurant George Yee Bow A Jan Proprietors. Chtinse asey Dish, Asmertean iluttehes ot all dkiiis. Everyt hinfinst-glass fitr ladies ondgientleen.. Chiniese tad .Jopstese Biet-a-brag. itm Ptc hi on 12i 34 .2t4 dade Sireet. Rowe's Laundry I Thomas Rowe, Proprietor I 320 N, Fifth Ave. New Phonie 45I7nllthoe 457-t. Here aeth esons why The Fox Typewriter is a Better l ewriter 7Than Any Othier 'Ipewriter em It Has Perfect Visible Writing. The entire writing tine is in dtrect ltne oh vsion oh the operator and all the matter wrirten remains so-does not paos oat oh sight ooder any pact oh the machioe. It Has as Assembling Surfacse foe the Type Barr of 12Inc hies. (Other visible typewriters 4i2). This admits oh the use o a typo bar -i1 oh as inch wide- R its ad ajotite liar-gives the Fox Visihhe the durahility and peemasence oh alignment oh the "hblind "machineo, a hitherto impossible rhiog in ihe consotruction oh visible typewtritets. It HaIonterhanigeoable Carriages. This means if yotu own a Fox that yoa da not hose to hay a nrw typewriter when yoa nerd a tong carriage /utr yJune rmachine, simply buy the carriage. It is instantly inter changeahle wiih the nne already on the typewriter, Ir Has A Tabuatoor. Every machine is supplied with a inalator, which fcr billitng, invoicing and tahulating figurer is practically indispensable. Ir is ftrnihedfrtc with each tmachine. ' Ir Harano Aurtorain Twon-Color Ribbonr Movement. The rihhon requires not tbs slightest attention from the operator from the time it is pat nn the machine ustil it in wotn out. It oscillates so thot its entire sorface is used, and hy simply touching a hutton is the hit ioard you print a secoend color'aa testired. It har o "Spend" Ehsapreer so that by simply nosing a loner the machine accommodates itself to the speed of a fast or slow operator, (thi prevents a fast operator "piling" letters on a rlow machine.) You ought to have these features in your Typewriter to aecure the beat and moat economical results-they are all found only in the NEW FOX VISIBLE. They plane the lox away is the lead of all comprtitors. Let os prove thin to you is your own sffice. Catalogue on application. FOX TYPEWRITER COMPANY-- Factory r:-dEtEroti-:rOffi: S Front Street, Graasd Rap 'do, Micth. t Bransanod Representaones in nl itiher -j The Natural Food Co., { Niagara Falls, N. Y. _1 ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYX ES MILWARD, THE TAIJOs~ THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING