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February 19, 1907 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1907-02-19

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Be your own
Beauty Doctor.
THERE is but one method of
acquiring and retaining a
beautiful, clear, delicately tinted
complexion. The pores of the
skin must first he rid of all in-
purities, and the circulation
gently stimulated to carry natri-
tion to all the tiny celia and
tissues. 1
Is Pompeian Massage Cream
builds up and rounds out the
contour of the face and form hy
cleansing, exercising, and f,-edin1g
the skin through and throgh-
by strengthening the mnuseles.
It removes all wrinkles, flack-
heads, roughness, and irritaitio<n,
without promoting the groseth of
hair or causing the skin to sh;ine
--imparting a glow of health and
beauty that only nature at her
best can give.
'Price 500 rand .O00por lae.
324 S. State St.

25 cets for each iii ( r to andI
al slienth apman's .iewdiry Store i .rnadCio,.iadfomo n
(itb iiO t~ikIN-5 toi0 a in., 5r) eitl. for each trunk 2;,
! Cenits, tini if takJlen aftovc the secondi
it i o ii at fIoor ; ces. Iroeaccroupleto andl
ii it i t Ot froot tactics the peie will he $i.5o.
'fter i a. m. $200 pier couple.
204 South State Street t V. 11. ST uRK.
NNIV[RSITY r 11(1.
i .i . 1w h'

A New Fad in the Latest Cravat
A Scarf Made
F ro m Wood
It takes one milIlion yards to make one pound og Art Fibre
Silk. There are twenty liliments eo each thread.
No wonder they wear like iron.
The only house that has them in the city.
Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s

iii "J.

till} 1

D. Y. A. A. J. RAIL.WAY t I I ~o l r
ta cute. nitt 'tip i
d u l o an rvie o li,oMt ft:i 5:r.i ii t
if t IA t ttp Co tt.letia..i1'at t
WATN 5R. c'iRr}ti Tt. NtaSTitir I.
'astrallliti'tIrO.t1at(il it'. air !1tr't'11115
E.I) K nn , re . f .),t t tI Ii i I lit;7to t i '1
S.ijNi.i ii I ii iiCtittila ir
I:iix,*l).0) i.. I iiand its ii <ato ii
colle ony t thoe wh rte I'rtilli-d.. by is it' P if lltli1 1'1d
good igeston ttd ;(;d foo , icl t tU iiifll titatitmdi t rill nitlihl
7 5 5u t i Iiitit e t ilillcit I iok ior
. r tya . 1 i 5'l aiit is r ic l the
S1C:,1 t - Ilt Itt is (soul free.
Niaga1 ra FallsIN.gv.st i

IarSic tff
_;l c . I'lt h

To Engage the Assembly Rooms or Orchestra, call at
ranger's Academy Office. As the residence is con-
_________________________nected with} he building,
callers are requested to announce themselves. Please ring.

%IIvis11 2 ill fity a fire in-
1-ini policy that ii 5 .Ive11ou sterer1l
IR, ._d cc i liioithes ttl iit.C.1. iSmit'
ii iii 1,111k 1Iiiii c si Vt'OOM I2 . Ctodl
Wa-~tclii, jtwltycit y tl ergltts erpiri-
ira by sloilicil torcimen.ii Ifalhr' s
ii Sit liity a dsoosill
'0 ii hursl if M185.a let. o 'iti~' 'C t -
elr. Jfle' el y p Stare, fNlait .
1 i ictitr uiIiti ti trir rireilim0
1 al d r iin liii' I 'ortmtll jobs, at
Slot-. M at stre t 'i iN I liii 12 81,
' hfhll u i tte idt e td.
I cctr iflls rNI:ltm St.
Admisisiomr. 5 Cerats
339 S. Malim St.
!Bporting 3 00N
i2i Eait Liberty ,treet.
Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant
Oenrg eYetiowa& JoeProreta's
il ililn. Iterytiu ti s-Xiii fo ade
andi er en, t lensti r' .
it i neelt Japllcek i-'ba'
Rowe's Lau ndry
Thomas Rowe, .Proprietor
326 N, FiftthiAve
a Netw ttai une47Se hn 5-

t h v ln "' r t., ' ' a
l/2Icct Icii. it1elic i g0 fla hClap
f , re e t'h+ fiu n 1 '. , r ' t) ' ' I Tefrigtittt
r1,1l t las tlri "faitt sittit urItctrt.ciitiihi:rt byuu re l ppr e-rt
fgp ith b ll doigntenaci'ty. Noiichte tr terif tue<itiks.
this .5 n d 5t0cifatip, fi'', l it ii fo tuicyima il, prep id. j
PION77ER SUSPE v'D:n CO., 7513 M~arket at., Philadclphlai.
Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors!
Seniors !,Professors!
The best in none too good for you. You can't afford to
waste your time and patience with the old-style fountain pro.
Buy a Self-Filler, and there in only one practical and succossful
Self-lFilling Fountain Pen. .It is
"The pen with the Crescent Fl/er-the device that made
self-fllling pens possible, practical and perfect." a,, fl
Don't be deceited. Accept nothing but the genuione=
Cnklin. All other self-fillers are in tfte experimental -a
stage. The Conklin is perfect-been on the market I
for years. Uoetdatid recommended by thousands of l
studets and college professors. Possenses all1 the super- It'
foe advantages. uf the best gountain pens supplemented
by tlie following diotinct and deirable features t
Fills and cleans itself. No dropper.
No inky fingers. No bother.I
No joints to leak. No clogging.
Nothing to take apart.
.A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to I
nickel crescent filler and pen is full,
raytwrt.,Why take'any' chances ? Order a CONICAN
teed satisfactory. Book Free upon request, tel fag y- - -
about this wonderful pen. Matiufactured only by /
The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0.,
Sold in Ann Arbor by






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