THE MICHIGAN DA IL Y In GRABS Al HOAG'S This is your chance to get the tii 's tomerchanidise for 25c' ti t you ever hiave had. Five hundrelr oxes filled withgood, cleaitdesirab' goods front all (depirtini its. Dry tG )ods. hina, Fancy Ar- ticlesJewelrySiatiiiiiery, Muical Ins -riiie ts. Iniliii lotiare ioZ/thers worth tipi to $2.50 each. If ntutsatisfietd youtiiny hav 5c"~our utoucy ba~cko. HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE Occidental Hotel We Cater to Banquets, Etc. tiixson Lunch - Ypsilanti D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWA Y SpoctilCars to rteroit a,it., aindever two hours me tnitthours un~ttl :tiip ini. Do rlclservic toDtiritt6ti5 a. im.,1, Two-ttturlocal setriee ito.acksoni 7:15 a. In to 11 15p. M. *AITING ROOMitilHURiONiST. WKST OF MAtIN. FIRST NAITIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mich. E. ft7. Kinne. Pres. Harrison jtuie, V S. W.Ciiarksoii, Casiier liapttti, $100.000i. iSurulustanod tProfits. 15toOtt Butter Cup Candy While It Lasts lOc per lb. DEAN ftb CO., Ltd.. 3 lbs for 25c 214 S. Main St. IF, '1 ii - PRICE CUTTING SPECIAL ,Here are a few of the very good thitig we lhave left for you: Lot i -Fomer price $20.00, ow'- ---- -- $14.50 Lot 2-Foirmter price $50,tO - - -$10.50 Tot 3-ortler price $12.00. now- ------ ------ ------ $ 9.50 Lot 4-Formuer price $i o. oo, now----- ---- ---- ------ $ 7.50 Seveity five suits, brokeit lots formerly sold for $iS.ooaiid :$20i oo, are ini this sale at $10.5o. All Odd Paints 25 per cettOff. Manihattant Shirts 20 per ccett off. Several lots of Staley and Ypsilaniti Uniderwear are einormiously reduced. Reule, Conlin &. Fiegel 200-202 Soxzth Mairn St. 11cnii 1111 11111110 1 igii \1 re la 7 ta .11ot111111117aft /1-1-0 11131to - i)i,1O71klifo I inll tr out. itte, gr 1 ilt II 11111 '1111 w llhod 1Iil a 1d111 tm lii. 11 m 1 1). C llI fur thet c ii) C nci'l w ill1) B.W Inlrs'11'e, dat1, -Mo.-11111 aran, C1 ris d111 cr The wiill ct, lili tcicusethollfor slan 1111i 1),s iil ii , cial ior sca u chatiei- anlinn ti,77 .talveroidy aveiiiie alld\Vclncday()f he omi;;eodk II 1111 1111yo 1u 1111 1 "111the ieu ift 111 lii 1ii--11 x. S"111girs lie to be clled 'hiter ish," ut nc (,,r e ff)lish )nough to1ca fmc a Cat_.----- I X f C c. C, I 1 I UHNRY (Q CO. TIOS - HihCasFURNISHERS ) fl Merchandise HATTERS 1IY Mv11Popular Prices Dirretly North of Law Butdiding Winter Joys conic only to those wvho are fiottifietd by abunidathle althi ande vigor against cold atni exptosuire. lBodily wsarmthI cotnes froii good digestiotn atielgiod fotoil, nt from fiantels aind overcolats. r1 Shredded Whole Wheat is the foilditihatbriings fitllcst ciijltyttitii f xviintr work tic play becatise it is rich itt the lieit - tuakinet , miuiscle buiildii elcitic is aintl becautse it is sti eatsily digesedi. I t givs t h le lithieniess atid sitplpleniess if littbl that itiakes tlhe litiiiiaii Io y a tloiig 1of Ipowertanl heauty. A breatkfa~t (if SHIRED~DED WIIITA1' 1BISCUIT wit hut cotlil milk tir cream will sutpply the cit rgy foc a whoile clay's work. Tciscuit l., the saute as the Biscit excepit tist it is cutm- pressedto 11a0 wtafer and lis used as a TOAST for aiiv nieal in- steatd of while flour bread. At all griocers. Our tots illuts- ;rateil Cooik 1IIuk is 57ilt free. The N~itural Food Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. 2l; lEVSSO)NS IN CI IISA lAINTINI blsIu 1.7111's, 312 S. State Si. Op ciii Sitis pressed 2001; tousers, t0 ~idlier & O'Connto r. if Satisfactory itilorinti sia.tis~fatctr, pirices. Futiler & O'Conntior, 6i1g1E. Will itu street. t Al''l 3l'S CANDSY ST1OREilthe tillsov setrinig a cotmpleie lite of sand wicihis Nii lthot coileccotichclaiti. tit lii an i otbti iccof swhippececam.t Glasscs repairedl. Eyes carefultly fite' and tesicid. George flaller, Mai street LADIES' TAiLORi NG. Laiest stylcs fall anid i ittiersuis aut' cloaks tadttlo orider at titce ai rcasoni ilei prices. We lhave tic laicsitlcesigii- ini latest gootds. JiihiniJ. Schtanz, Cod605E. William St. TKI'N BY N l' N SI'AK VE Nellie aoid 11111 satin pillowit ricIiii doip1111denti Ii i>th a3'J lop. lFinderccplcace 111111 Eiiinilelc esgu i i 11, ott eckciacy it 1717 1711r & Coi., Siait ecciee. Glasses repaired. Eyes care c' fully filted atid tested. George IHaller, AlaiSt. SAdmissio, 5 Cents 339 S. Main St. BAILEY & EDMUNDS $portingGoods 121 East Liberty Street. WAIKINGOLO Chinese Chop- uey Restaurant George Yeer Bit & Jo Proprietors. ChituttitiF-tiiy 11h s. AmoeriantLuntchts of all kids. CEverpy/t in i stlass foriladlve, Chiineseanid Jatiansutric-a-br~ae. II,il tie tite 2127. 31idS. State Street. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fifth Ave. Nit Phone 457 tdeltPhone 457- 7 The Harvard Medical School BO ',TON, MASS. 19,V~ i tll~)nIV1A fa t ctutie;adet11p fit rtut i,'r iituan ittt siiuttiiit i t,(hi It tiltiiuilanduililtg y. COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OF M. D. A four er'~s cillese. opentto bailtlo ofatdtrttr,lpil sciuplorecientce. lt helrth yer arktiwhlly eicti'et yinpicitietlatloaty subtjects, ginraiitd- ivtin . ilurgery anduh te ,tal cf(c~ )alhs fiend fiii illalcraili loct alou addrtiless HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Bo-ton, Mass. Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors ~Professors! The best is none too good for you. You can't afford to waste your time and patience with the old-style fountain pen. Buy a Self-Filler, aud ftere insioaly one practical and successful Self-Filling Fountain Pen. It is CONKIINI~' Self.orm "The pen with the Crescent Filler-the device that made _ T self-filling pens possible, practical and perfect" Doo't be deeeived. Accept otohitig but the genuine .Csonkliti. All other self-fillers are io the experimental stage. The Cosklin is perfect-been on the market It for years. Used sod recommended by thousands of it studetits and eollege professors. Possesses all the soper- i for advsotages of the best fountais pens sopplemented by the followng distinct and desirable features t: Fills and cleans itself. No dropper. No inky fingers. No bother. No joints to leak. No clogging. " Ii Nothing to take apart. A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to ii nickel crescent filler and pen is full, _ ready to write, Why take any chances? Order a CONKLIN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaran- teed satisfactory. Book Free spits request, tel log *-- "~ about this wonderful pen. Manufactured only by , The Conklin Pen Co,, Toledo, 0. / Sold Ian Ann Arbor by GEO. WAUR'S TWO BOOK STORES. NOTICE==uFRATERN ITI ES Inter-Fraternity Bowling League now being organized. All wishing to enter please call on S. ROTTENSTEIN for full information. 707 N. University Ave. ... '09-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE rto{ 7f t 4LLWAYS AHEAD IN STVLES MIL WARD., THE TAILORIt THE BEST OF EVTERY THING :IN TAILORING