THE MICHIGAN DAILY Developing and Printing for Amateur Photographe rs E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. STATE STREET D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY Special Carsto D lcis t s i i :ed iii two hour too tihs13,in tw'olhours utiill :'f0 p . Hour local service to Dtoroit 61 c.Il., 9:1.5 p. to ,then tl1i:1. Two-lor loa serieto Jatsckson ; :)las to 11:15t p. to. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mtch. 9. 1. Kinone. 'res. ltarrtson Oole, V 5. OV. Clarkson, Cathier linopttol, $100.000. Suomls and Proftits. rIts St0 ALARM CLOCKS HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE Get theill cj25 cntsfar oath tpassenger to and fra all traisbteen the sors of Chapman's Jewelry Store'ra in. ant ito sp. bt.,'antifrom tIo p.t 2o~i SOUTH MAIN ST. to 6 a. m., 50rents. For each trunk 2; ctnts, ansd if taken above thse second Inol '%%m(1 Wetoties le ast floor 50 rents. For earls couple to and (Wtlistr t iissP ost,ts oflteAnn ftrotmparties thse price wili be $ aftert a. us. $2.00 per coutple. BRIANCHI STORE: AlTtlOE#S tos &CO. A. B. 204 South State Street WV. 11. STARK. RI.;,CI(AS tv I ilFt(Jtlt,'S f UNIVERSITY NOTICES. ,(SSTIFT .of I 511 ii. 155 iI:1l1l ill. ii: Satur- H .j3 1 . i E, A New Fad in the Latest Cravat A Scarf Made From Wood It takes one million yards to make one pound of Art Fibre Silk. There are twenty filiments eo each thread. No wonder they wear like iron. The only house that has them in the city. Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s t ii 1(I lwiic in Nav I ' stillias SiMpir I~t alt (iT isiSanl - w 1c cn . c t C11 a 1 1ht ii t (t h "~ct' sp1 ll a ii i)11iglo5s5at W 55g5cIi Gttr0itt5 elecintcets, sianre pro- is -s ANARisOsR PuESS. 17 E.Vs W issssgtosss treett printsers of I[lie MisclistasitilyIinlatnder, Alumts- us, TIchnisic, Unissrsity News-Litter, S. C. A.1Illsishok Vot's (Great Boofs SlMiTl'iNG l\ l I' Ii I itF-s he, of tail. 555/i, satd ftltred 1 Iis issisi siitse j I Is)p i s PO'A5 OI i lii .it 1Boot 's. c l C l,'I I I NI SA ItS .11lstint 5wits, Osisc sit ndran ots at a .i . iredsction.s Iart, Scshiff- iser & Miax lineis is is I Listz, thec a-larsmsclocssrsat I isller's. PMasinstreet S'I'l ilNTrS.-$2 still sbuy a fire in- is ise olcy thast msissasse yous several hundreItsd. Calli s s pover esthser tphonec aind 550 isill ito tierecot.XW. 1-I. Smsith. reail Esate Iisursanie Cio., Asin Artist Sainugs iankslocksst, Roio20. cod WVatcts, jeswelry andi eye glass repair- IC To Engage the Assembly Rooms or Orchestra, call at rage'sAcadeosmys Office. As the residence is eon. 1aI1,I.t~ l~ai..ttynected with t he building, callers are requested to announce tht mselves. Please ring. to otlall, iHigh Schsosol Osiega, ec. isig blip'sllced sotrkmns. Iltaller's Jew- ie do mo iisre sopitigfor te tudsent cloy Stosre, Maini street. eod ' sid ha ll other sopsscombsined --- - - ,ao hin our1110awn sbuilitnig, Maisynardl Stichiganspi11, fobati dtsp teons. I al- rcsit, osiiliite Granigers Academy antilercsJesoelry Stosre. Plaits street. eoit ust no tf1 OI Z!)Ct2()OJ Oz AJUSIC 11 Winter Joys come otnly to thoise svho ae tsriifiedibyIaundattlsntlhealthi tnd vigor agaittscolda nduteR .xhsntre Itilsp sarthItcopstiaftroti good digestiots andigosoid fiodsot frotitfliairis asdttvcit is '5) Shredded Whole Wheat is the food f-tha t insaflls-st etsjo tyttettfswinter svork or p'lay biecause it is richith le tic it - mtakitng , mstcsieebilintg elests' its atnst becautse it asast eatily itigeattil. It giys t he lithienesats ansupplensess if luts tatttmaes the- ihumtasnt Iol1y a thtitt; of pow ier atnstbeatuty. A bceafs't uif Gi-l Ri DDEi) \ViIE"AT' BISCUIT withhtitor vold mislt:oicem illis ~ l C .S It. S V11EWS 32 Isoc 25 cenls a iis l'' Issell's, 33' 5 Statle streett 6-co Laistiaihil ifl8. 'The college jew- elers. IHaller's Jeswelry Store, Mlaini street. end 'l'ypscsiritisig sissi misse ographitnsg cheaptly tone its Iarge orsirasll jobsa, at F~lwarsds Brrs., over Shiehatn's tbsob isire, State strect. Stascteiphonie ia5Sl cod Bannsuers if all kinssmiadle to tinter it Miss t,ovcll's, 332 5. State St. coil Site pre'ssedi 23c;ttross rtoe Filler & O'Cosnsnor. if Ssatisfacetory tailsirinig at satisfartori siros. Fotter & O'Consnor, 6iq R. Will- amsitrteet. 5. ATI NV11BB'S ('ANtI SSTORE thse. Ire nowsi secrving a compsilete lutle of sandts clii a s wih isitcolicec sr colasste. Xitth isn1auitdsiteof wisppittidlcreams.tis CASINO Admissioru, 5 Centfs 339 S. Main St. 41% I7L- A'T CL. use' AITT1 ERS s i ? ~k ace tor nutatissslly ctis4.l,f0,00 legsy-the' iii tt yopular garters for its sweae. ' lcThetd flat clsipI siz- iii, iimfotthelinsecret is in 11 it isits o-biniting, n isritsatitng I lii. I s a, fsit as a ahoet of paper and y hls esi rock aa smoothssaiatle isin. Madeiof purcsilkolastic cwebbing. Au ii1s1 etl sartsflhavic keilsll siodbsli . 2:5Plcentsa pair, lldealrs ort1y;irsaisullpeai.Ft~iocoipe~fer'dgrister, wenffr 1L~3HONGARTERS Thiessi 'ii,t , a ictis I nssisssiinfisetatlesisilgioatcTadte. The snhe iarisii ld ,lii ilisisvice-like gitatli wiltiers sisp.Will r~uti n ur> t e ine t iseiT sni' ,ili tasmt es t flattt sri sye Pttti-t.E, ttCU-P-Q CO., 71S M-rtont St., Philadelphtst. _liii is oif i seaa R,c wic WHEN YOU WANT SHOES REPAIRED RI6HT Bring them to us, for we have the two Best Shoemakers in this state. All Sewed Soles are put on with the new Champion Sole Stitching Machine and heels finished with the Champion Finisher. Our work is better than new, because we guarantee stitching not to rip. NO DELAY Can repair shoes while you wait. Will call for and deliver work. HOME PHO)NE 573 119 S. Main St. The Up-to-Date Shoe Man tihe jices aicas A ralte The etnergy' fit' aiwssle cap s k. ricut s te am a BAILEY & EDMUNDS Biscuit except that illisCcottt- $Portiiilg (300 scsi itstsias\vfer antd is used 121 EastOLberty Street. TOIAS'T for atny iteal its-n- _________________ d of whlitc' floutrtread. WAI KINGO1LOO Chinese Chop-\ uey Restaurant nal grocers. Our ntewviltts- Grorge Yen lw&ose AJrP iietrtn Ciise's' lanoity lsh s . Amer ints liss is,- si :d Coo u )k tkis senttfree. aslsinds~is. ltu-t'yth ,t~si st-tIa55011or ldl 1i(i si t n' ,i '. 314 S. otate Street. Nitura1 Food Co., Rowe's Laundry Niagara Falls, N. Y. - Thomas Rowe. Proprietor 326 N, Fith Ave. _______________________ New__ IPh'itrO tone47 Bltl'hone O5t-i MIL WARD, THE 4LWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES TAI OR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING