,rHE MICHIGAN DAILY New 1907 6. H. WId Co. 311 South State Street Secom~d Semester Textbooks of u's an you kvil he sre to get then] at the. owe st prres.' Thistn-hadeli Engineering Ins' runents Sold undreer a go ir Ot cn bein Itaolof Os Wee buy sil sell Second Hand Text Books for alt denpartmrets. SIIFEHAN & CO.'S the Sturdents Bookstore Banners and Pillows 40off at DARLING & MALLEAUX 224226 . State St. THIE NIICHi IAN DAILY. 'fRringoitrt I ort; ring in thre new.' T e Diy ra- ropes that thre erlirip- c>>rr cass materaithsre Arrr, rrr t l s r irrr r tin is r {;irrpoesnrsrrjs ' Cfo- 'r)r Ps ssrsice e 1rr i p;:trr- isiriri crli i 'el l snob lie ir11 - ri rrrgorile rrrtin - rrr'riW e<55 1 4 11S iii.i111C Ozr ""et- iii imemr ers of1 th theiiiclay eso'eruheldinre ichoiisrrhill sut(w lin ng. m ideiito iriof stheImer- Micign sng,, tn i ohsir ofi aispopusilar I sXtaindfrsoXmXiuN'in isusuXally'X :"c IIc iiiiim so-er i ii ii messtig ws; fiullo sspilrrurit agoeli is sir ill, i-s- Siis; fiwry robsarlrutsat ianotherwills be XXeld isier s ir fiur e s rn s n ovii igin at i rhs iii iii i sillrir yes- th Wmn".irlcr age rus unrier tis-r h-cio fissiiiCrranidiiMiesirsrIiii . er ir r-disogr trie 'Spiris f h sinus saffir s i th sir r si i.si- iri As te grlsc~u1e i thy i e- gil iiil is sir irs in tirile firmliof resdih e r ith la e wii ii i ritieniilrthis . Lir i--orii valeniii s i -icl haili beeni cutiiiriw is sdi i rbn csiiin te i rlsii ho istce hrpivXX for partnersXliiin he gr nd marc ~v1ic islo ins it srrs 4 iln nt hereeiis lmp Xsisiin inii ng-1 Ic-c. g'iirii-. 7ieo s colerusin, Amer- ic h-re as r-lo.,ryi: -I isiiiisni, fnde Piceon i 1i7gi 6; irlhg, 782 ; I ii andiLee, 17ig.N C lt711 i1 74; 117 " 74 MIusic anb Mrama Elsi Riegge, ilosrellist gave ample cvde errsin nieriisity- INall Ilst ight of ]ler right toi rank among te foremost. - Ph55is itRegger performed the fourth eurirer of itie Choral Uniora series. - ice is-ee o exaggerations for effect, nit froredi tuies-jrust cleerssweet rel- ody;. Threeuighit all ran aa air of quiiet, digiie'difemrininiiy, whih thie large auiencs-re see-mredrqickieto recrgnie anid appreiciate. I wasi a plesurre to hear Irciwomranriartixitaiwho makexro effort to irestassiroistre itoral rcaracteristics of muscias lite onuresex, ut irrder- siandus thatiin a ssyie- distirrctis-femninise the' s; r e-somretinigquite s delight- siiherop eniing rnumiber wsas tie toca- ieli sonrata. Tie first movemtet, ii sltegriosoderatorevsealedl ranreqiate maisstey f iic, nd nntie second, it isdrgio, brousight out Xliss Reggers cieuf schaer-r lcompriteliirg touch ii siiiiple imelodyio- tin lie losser strings. Ii fre In iris-strp ilaying tortsas effec- Faurre's i it ginruinsinelited these char- irisi sit still ire stronsgy, buit it .eas prerapsin itt ts Ci 1 nress-sie- (IVi, -Koil Nilt is ithtthin climiax sas reachediTs i'iihe rrick 'selorie ' ad tie Schmn "Andissat n rr rte" iiwrein itsimtilr in iSi uruin i ":somnist ,XMusicai- ntl iltie- Firs slirniRrno" oh of nareerii-i a;ndt idelicsy sons loud ppas. l Cs groin Of Sainst-Saens, ini isiswnsnitusrre giig wie interpre- itatie ieeasirwsiseaintifulsrederedi. ''ti- re rrgeri ecIsert ssth nsrarrrsig addfiutiesriptiv e iiiby liprrr ai 'Stiiiilist." Miss Rurggers position ibenruing oirelre 'cello entanced the realismitof tie numbeircr. 'liii-seniorrdestal studrensillsitleas-c sir tire 8ro'cloeik car this sorrnsisg for tetri tsro rtinsi a metecisg of the Mc-s h^iiii IDentatl sociiety. Scvreal iwees ago the- oirgsirre-dla setior dettasl liott tesaire piris the st soiey aid isise arrngedl to honld meticnrge-ry to wteehs. At these miestigs aers iii nsriirtsosciseentificinrters swill here-diandriscessedinlThie forllowinig ifisweec inlectind: Iresient, xW.hE. XNiison;i-iice-preintsisJIt.tLisly; Xi tile'rie etinginssDIeroittodiaylaa rimcricirfspearsecxfrom NeseYrkr CityPhildelp i sd usicgo wiill e precsent. lire arnal banquet of te assoiaisonosiciurredrtlast ight. iThe XWebster soiety held a stecial rueseing ini their romrinttie law build- ig lst night. After ash lort bursiness meing .thisy deatedl iposs trseques- ion, 'R-isoilves-,ithat ecsnecrsgressional dititeet elctocrs for pesides, i- sir-ai ofithetiresttsystems. The junrioredc i class hrld a short rirg eserdiay-foreooss isstiesest ..rrrihitirsaterr of tire-ness medical hbuild- nrg toielet a itmedical reresntaive to seres sixmembrereoftie Stideit Coin- sil. hinle IP. Gregory- sas cosesa for TEXTBOOKS Draughting Isstruments Laboratory Accessories Esinseers' Supplies and Everything for the Second Semester Exceltest Selections tsr SECOND-HAND Law, fledical, Literary and Engineering TEXTBOOKS WAUR'S Vise Bookstore That's Never Undersold. C. F. BARIHELL Law MedicalJ DentalJ BOOKS Text-Books Dictionvaries Statuztes Quiz Comarpends Etc. CASH or EXCHANGE For Old Books C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. State St. Y" UUOUR NAM 4s~N For M. Cea4.lojgre of Spalding Athletic Gods Mention wat srrt ynnutre itersedtr ard ask fsr a 55st of cllege ad schi ni splie. TtX k somrni eery aelsisi cstrt. ic per espy. Sen for Coturtist s. MaltOrder' D-pt A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nassau St, Ne York. 149 Waash Ae,Chaas Text Book S New and AND Drawing Instruments Lriev ,.1 usqirsoci 0!AzMdicat tid Literary I'Text IBooks .)t_ 111(12 o[ i F0hjr sirs tPutas.Tablits, Nte Books, etc. WE ARC SO LAGFNTS Eugene Dietzgen Co.'s Celebrated Drawing Instruments and Supplies. See tise Gennine Richter I'I o o-Bowns set. Sec or Spireat U. of M. Sets. Remember, Every instrumentit osolad under absolute guar- "antee. We protect you. At TIHE Co-OwP Vise store ijt tsrdStdets, taiy the Sun ccets fors the Stensts.- mom i TEACHERS You are needed on the Pacific Coast. Do you wish a higher salary {and a better chance for edvancement? Do you need a change of climate and an op- portunity to s ee t he wonders of the Great 'West? 'Write at once to The Pacific Coast Teachers Agency 164 E. 48th S1., PORTLAND, OREGON STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION Gov. A. B. Cumm~lins of Iowa Feb. 20 Leland T. Posers Feb. 25 Lecture will begin promptly at 8 o'clock. 1Washington F. RANDAL-L, THEI, PHO TO GRAPHER Phone 598