,. .., __ __ _.. 1 GRABS Al HOAG'S iis I your chanoce to get the toostomerchtaodise for 25c ttatoever bave lid. hiv Ithtuttred bxes filled wti t(oodl, leati, desirable goods front all departmtetnts. 1 Dry Goods, hioa, I{ scy Ar- ttclesJeweclry, Sta tionery, Musical IntIrutmentts.Ittthe ] lot are t o /tther worth tip to $2.50 each. If not satisfied vott itiy have your mtontey back. HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE 1 OccidentallHlo tel1 We Cater to Btanquets, Etc. 1 Hixson Lunch= Ypsilanti D. Y. A. A. J. RAIL~WAY to mm uto~ntil h: V)tp. u . tlour total 5nI tt l etri olt It:1tli. tn., to 1:1 , p. in.,O wnt i11:15. Two -It loc al.servcet toiksotli7:15a, to 11:11 . p . . VAtTiNOttROOM,ttlUtttN ST.WESOFiRAI1N. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OfI Ana Arbor, Mtch. F.,1. tslno,t'ro. ttarrison Soulen, V 1 S. W. Cilarksttn, Cashietr 4 11 itital,1$ltl,000. urplot. and Profita, 170,C001 Butter Cup Candy While It Lasts 10c per lb. DEAN E.CO.. Ltd.. 3 lbs for 25c 214 S. Main, St. j I PRICE CUTTING SPECIAL Heoretar it. t oftfhit-- n t h vt iios weshave eti fot toil lot t 2 " 11101e totloi~e ()0,it11f) ----- $10.50 bot 3- orm(pit ttce $tf2.00, n - - - $ 9.50 lo(t 4 l-ortttt ic-r t ), t 1101V5- - - ------ $ 7.50 I_. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. 17r Sol~ ]i clss tcoil" ill e 1c'I # 11)1' It c 1111 ttlt stt h alt I 1 1111111 i tI Ilittt I l ta tt it 1 I 1 1 rv tl tett wc.11 1 .1'. 11t w l 11.11=c( ltr 0 11 Ng- lhe itpo c i glilCC111 11 this;17 l;t11t11 111 We ~. I11 Ii 01 1 fc111 111 11ld dtc f>'vi-t i1'te t al l1'l a il l l 1l r 1111 1 fItIrr t ice ,i t >11 th11 1t-llelcc o ttt '-it ii1 '1 't 1111 tiktits, dancte prtt- - It F ir: M . , AtiittiPntos, Sot -l t fiv'e-stilts, bott- lots, ftormtrlt' sotld for :1 5.oo5a1117 it ~t1111II-tett prunters of ;2100,ot are ii t iti s saeatt 1i1;o. Ait 0(1tIPantsti 7 25 rpitt tt (,I ff itt' ;ttoCriy News-Letter, Mantt an 717 111tis 20 ~r 11 it f. Severl:- ts o'.tf Sitaley It, i, IIsi i tol COtteg-, etc. o l: r thsco tdnt ! 1111 .1s1 lopsltgco-inReleConlin & iege 1,1 Ositsrat g:',r Aats tty ath200-202 Souxth Maim St. vTAILORS /T ~ [High Class it'l.FURNISHERS ili i li Mlerchandise I 11 11 1 HATTE S 11 ITI Popular Prtic 1rf. , Diretly North of Law 1Baildisxg 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE d1pe innuter- 00, U 's17'S 'ANVItO' 510T Etey tiihI I It I I I tot ittt, lwI pc f i 7: l t rn1g7111.w i T7 t' 1 i 1 7- VIII 11 11111n c itt"10ttar {i rsliety actiget cod "ad thI NiDetiI-Jttrnal, ichligan's test ltliti' I te- cod-tf NOT I CLE=- FRATl ERN II lE4 Inter-Fraternity Bowvli ng League nlow being organized. Aill wishing to enter please call on S. kOTTF NSTH N for full information. 707 N. [University Ave. r Winter Joys coote oily to thtose whIo ttre fotrtifiedi by abunttiliIealtltittnd vigor against cold atid exposutre. Bodily wsrtitli conies front good digestiottattd gootd food, tot frott flanttels antd tovert ts. 'Ii I ii 1111 ii 1.c The Harvard Medical School BOS[ON, MASS. it lI , 11et(>1 f11 to Il Iwk - c: i r ee cfctt I t ie t 111 ".111 a III l .. ,n 'I 1, 11e eI;,1 i1t i,n 01111t1 1 1(1 lIt ,o iv I i liI s tf a IAe'd2ti'c ll Il l lt r: r'te (til.t' ill II'. t wt Tlw Il rtrc2 llt 171 (>fi t Itt 51 11 11 ( _t,,c i ~ }st1 Ii It I, 1 lfo .ctnicl : . lt 111112 il medtt le tltttttI 'Ist 1111 II l l-l t', t I t tti,. a 111111 est 511,,t i It II I s;117.1 , , I o l f. 1iutu i" i I Ill 11 ltI ar z2tlre ItII 11y t , 'ri ?I , lt 1a r s l.e_; ,- ~ ~ Ie i HAA RD ' 1Eit )itt.. S CHOOtL~t, ttttton, Pias,. i.iI"tSt 157 ittl,,t,' st1t li'St, -co d ra Shredded Whole Wheat is the footd that britigs ftullet enjoytietit of winter work or play because it is rich itt the teat -making, tmiuscle - btuildintg elettents antd becautse it is so easily digested. It list li11 lithtettess atid suppleness of litmtb tat ttakes the htitan body at thtitig of poswer andI leauty. A breakfast of SHRFDDII) WHEAT BISCUIT with hot or cold milk or creatt will suptplly the energy for a whole days work. Triscuit is the samte as the Biscuit except that it is comn- pressed into a wafer anti is used as a TOAST for atiy tieal in- stead of whtite flour bread. Al all grocers. Outrtiew illtts- trated Cook Book is setit free. The Natural Food Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Glitsses repatire-d. tEyes carefutlly fitted alld tsted. Gt",!-- ' Htlier, Nlaiti street. ;A n° , ~ ~ t I f I Ii i. lthhPt - !,lsses reptirod. Eyes rare- eorge a ler Main St. h CASINO". Adm ission., 5 Cents 339 S. Main St. BAILEY & EDMUNDS ~porting Goov 121 -Eat Liberty Street. WAI KING LOO Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Oienrree ie ins & Joe Proprettrs. al 7'rl tttt titi aittonotfirs nt a fr alie Cit oc t'1110 71105. Plat Street Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Filth Ase.. N'ety Pholne 457hli tttttt. it4,5 -I, Freshmen! Sophonmores! Juniors! Seniors.. Professors! The best isinone. too good for you.. Yo cin'tforti to waste your titto tndpatience lbit the old-style fountin pe. Boy a Self-I tiler, tnd there is rtmlyoeractical and succnssfttl Self-I'Filing I(Fotaitin n.It ts CONKLI N'S Sel "T he pentith the ftescentt File-dthe devtce that mode self-filling ptens iposiblt, practitcIalxid pefect. ,r a Doi'ttbe dcived. Acceptting1bt the genutinie x11 tonlin.t All tother self-fillics:acc intt e peimteittntal// stage. The Conktintti pefet-ben on thtemoctet for yers.Uscittd rcomtiitnddby thonusanlds nI1 stunts tttd cnoilege tprifftsors.Pses ssall the tuper- for advntanges of theiestfounnin pens 5supplemnted by the fnllnwtig distinct and deIsirableteaaunee Ftlls and cleans .itself. No dropper. No inky fingers. No bother, No joints to leak. No clogging. Nothing to take apart. A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb tol nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. Why tte any- chantclOdcr n CONKLIN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. tisttctt - teed natisfocincy. ibotk tree upyonlett el tiig " Itt- - about ihiswonodertful peti. Manttfac'turedoly by The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. " Sold tn Ann Arbor by GEO. WAII'S I TWO BOOK STORES. I' ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING