THE MICHIGAN DAILY Developing and Printing for Amateur rbotooraphers E. E. CALKINS Druggist [324 S. STATE STREET D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY '-eietu C'ar's to ttrtrot t 8. to., andievery tleia arn tojlksun 83 it . tm., and every t fouiir loattereItto tiettoit 6 :5 a~. Ito 'ino-liour local service, t Jackson i :15ta.u to 11:15 p. to. WAITINGI ttOOMttHURtO T. WEST OF MAIN. FIRST NATIONAL BANKj Of Ann Arbor, Mich. i-t1. ttnttntPres. lHarrison Soule, V S. W. Clarksio, Casherr uoaitai,Ol0.tOO. Surplus and Prolita, :O,OtO0 ALARM CLOCKS HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE Chapman's Jewelry orei . n Forof to Sa. AI o 1 1 It., el Itr each trunk 25 206 SOTH V~v etti. to if I k-en above the second In k'fltte t'aLt 1ti iiieut't w' cd i r , o cents. For each coople Io and Art-t W <> friiyo t Ai pac'rties te price xwill he $1.o% itt a.'t m. t2 txi ter couple. BRANCH STOKEt AlT i ~ & io. A. B. WALKER. 204 South State Street « W. 11. STRK (:,assrepaired. Eyes care- UtVIE UNVERSTY OTICS. fllyfitted and tested. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Haiti St. ti (]:o ' epot fo wok d it, it 1 ItOr tll juniric tict Iss.eItoilrng'sro Sore, Moit fltii e layititgte a t re ort ill1 ii t il c I a s, tc iitil d, ci tineort piSihagf iton ai t1i i tl it lti tllt3: ita - "oo , M g . l l(I st M at xlt iiite ige or,. aI ji' cit , t0 0 Glee till list rii e portt alii t 1)ilt' Sti it t i ci StehnRto I itie l iii t 11 i_'r tie£ t s i it} lsr1 t t rees t . ti sr i tlt it t e od~I. ])Itecil itit ll e il t he i'''ttiol' 1,00111 oft 5 iithe trsigym to it 1, It . tj iSie . iis 32 lae i et A New Fad in the Latest Cravat A Scarf Made From Wood It takes tone ilIlion yards to make one pound of Art Fibre Silk. There are twenty filiments eo each thread. No wotnder they wear like iron, The tinly house that has theni in the city. Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s ii611 iinsstlltaliqid ir lantlilofii'its otii Lost, for rentt, etc., adts are tattnoontly it thte ofiier of thtehiusintess mnalger dutritng flottrs, and are casht in advance. 1,.111)1;5' S'I tlt lNCSS fi -15 Ilesfill at itnstler stilts andi slitl sit ittle to torder sit otcee st reason- stile pi ese hav oe the latest idesignts tll latiestt isdI. JohntJ.Scthante, trodI 6o5 I. WtlliatmiSt. S4it Islet icy tailotring at satisfactory treces. Fllter & OCottnor, (61g9C. Will- *3 I The Academy Orchestra Fisev. (,")I iih oftt Ittti it 1 t tihutittttt v- v uiians.t Ca(n lbe itt gaiyl for i~sot 5illI iCall at(iranger's Academy. I I I Rates are one cent per word per itnser- tion; no ad takeno for less than twenty- five cents. tf Micttigant pins, fobs anld spioo. Hat- ier's Jew,-try Store. Main street. etid iam s streel. t# Wi'nter Jy roume otly to those ixio are fortified by abundatthlealth atid vigor agaittst cold attd exposutre. Bodily wartmth contes frott good digestiottattd gootd food, not frott flanttels attd overcoats. 05' «t Shredded Whole Wheat is the foodtclthat brintgs ftullest enjoymenot of winter work or play because it is richa intthle heat- making, tmuttcle - butildling elettents and because it is so easily digested. It gives t hi e litheness and sttpplettess of littb that ntakes the huttnt body a thing of poxxer and beatty. A breakfaot of SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT with hot or cold milk or creamt will sutpply the energy for a whtolecays work. Triscuit is the saume as the Biscuit except thtat it is coma- pressed inato a wafer and is uised aas a TOAST for any mceal in- stead of whtite floor bread. At all grocers. Our new illus- trated Cook Book is sent free. rci ' ofIiiB1atsberc Sthop. tf Itsereiiret yes carefitlly tilted shut eset eugeHailer, Msait street, Si 55 tr ilt>ICSNDitS TitRElithey witits wiit sit it' of c:. r icho'olatte, wth il iii l sssit' its w' i ppcdtts cri seamstil Wa'stcli, eteelry atnd eye glass repair- ing bty skillehd workmini. tallers Jew- elry Stocc, Mutt street. eod 'Alsrmticeocks at I1llter's, Main street. t 'sWesiarry a gotod litie of cig- I I<1-s an taeeos, sitways AA frest. iur ieaders-tEspeo- Itla isear ItHaaaCigars- ire fine. Satisfactionigutar- siti, 1tHstotn Bros., sole distribtoris.51ry ttem. CASINO 339 S. Main St. BAILEY & EDMUNDS ,portin G ON 121 Eat Liberty Street- WAI KING LOO Chinese Chiop-Suey Restaurant George Yee Bow & Joe Proprietors. alt kitnds. l1st 't It i, ic st- 1 for atties aiiditl ttlihone ati 4 . Sin tStret.1 Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fifth Avte, New Phone 4t7 IBell Phone 057-L it" ,t a~i VW t : c l 44,,O~o O 3 :'-it 11() tip lt arl egarter o I t lsalt ata testiettoftapier and IS I ' 1i. NSit ititi tote silkelstoi vvAhiint. h 1 o 11 pr efel a tiii gaiter, we odeer "I'liii'sitit,i'sa I'. i t ii I. .it tetimade.t i l ii !rtb e- ia o i Iim c i I it lne st lip. W ill PIONEER SnuaPE-flu t'13 . . , r -5'.., PitlattstttO WHEN YOV WANT SHOES REPAIRED RIGHTI Bring them to us, for we have the two Best Shoemakers in this state. All Sewed Soles are put on with the new Champion Sole Stitching Machine and heels finished with the Champion Finisher. Our work is better than new, because we guarantee stitching not to rip. NO DELAY Can repair shoes while you wait. Will call for and deliver work. HOME PHONE 573 119 S. Main St. The Up-to-Date Shoe Man ~ ~~'~r*. The Natural Food Co., Niagara Falls, N. V. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR~ THE BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAILORING