TMICHIGAN DAILY New Sprilig01 W oolens 1907 Gi. H. Wild Co. 11 South State Street Buiy Yousr Seconid Semester Textbooks of Ils an'1 1 ii1 1 w i e su (1t get tlIIl M te 0lwes pice 1 i1111u Engineerinig Instruments d0 hel hd 1of s Second-Hand Text Books fo ll d p tt1 tts SHEEHAN & CO.'S I lie. stii uts li B ootorie. Banners and Pillows S4 tt at MJALING & MALLEAUX 224-2261 5. State St. THE MICHI !AN DAILY. P 1 11 1 Ii daily Mondays xc ped f Iin the colliege year,1 a1 1 7 last SSaslli nh 11 sreet.t Bell phe 892. Ill e ne 76.0 111 inaiiig dtrAtu .Pon " oisMnlager-C. E. Wisead I EIOR~tiS. ^Nell .......David F. Sevenon ANil.1.11 ....Robet1. Clncy, Muic and Dram ~i'iua.Paul S. Mowrl , W, --''10 P11110..Louise \Vavoris;. l.IIITIri~AL STAFF. George A. Oslorn J. art Ogle. Jr Hlarod C. Smith ASCIATE IV ~IORS. William A. Mulhern 1111y11Ji. Tones ! Chau111110Bocher (eorge1H. 1Hobari A. FIRichile H. John Wmlold J. NW. MCidles uy P. lBlies H1101111S Coidy William F'. Graiolphj RC .%ilai enr .Rii Carl R. Moore tBUSINESS STAF - RATES: $2,5opee year, r $2.0uif paid in11r adace. Address:l CHAS. 1E. WINSTII3AI, BItliao Manager, 226 S. 12th S.St, thoe r77 L. ffefousE23to:0an630o7;0{.f P. M Dasil. 'Adtdres: AlTHURl C. POUNt, Maaging I lEidtr, 715 Mrett. Ofitcer; 2 toI 3 P.1. tDtaiy Exlcpt Sunday. : gilt, I, If 1111 ofiN(!ls.Eitor,11 1 0 'hI 11111 Dail . ::t. Ollie(- I I l 111 1 11111C 1 .1111 0 'lo~a 1IICN RY F. SCIU~LTE, > TfII II }NN 111111?1lNI4N71, i 14!^_ ('i l ;, Il 1 11 1 11 1 1c, 1 .11 i l ldiuc u 1I 111 i ll 11111 ch llel 1.1 11111' 11111 ll:uiencellof1 Ii 1111 1111 Ii it it , I niI iha h m s (I~ IfII I- cr sn1 otee 1:ndf 011 1w di.a11 h 1111tt~ ~o '' 111 m-, their lw 1ld 1\1ll, ll e'111-, 1 -AlmIa51Date." c 11 .111111or11-indeed te ti1111 111in11Il 11 4 ilit.11 11.11 he 1 ton 1.10011 111 If \chn r1-1wm-o 11111 11.1 1111111to 11. 1 11,, 0 1' 111t L,1;m111 Ill i 1}t: d -c'Illlt(1 ltil 11 It 1 11 iii 1 11 tha t 111'11f1'1 i i C' I td 11}tit' ' 111111C}U {ar. 1t'(." 11;v d a -,11 '.'171 11111 I'T.0l(' I }" ?1111 III o11111.11h 1 1 , r,_" ,11 f l' :1110 11 11 hl, 'II I I 111(1 I1 by 111111111111 1,z 1 j The a1 11 r11111 il 11 s1111 1 c t 11c cx .' 1 rf1 1 V11 .11wre( gfn ii lt.. )ill tfl( .1 1 I(ark d 1 , 1111 th ltl 11-I .1w '" 11111 1110 1,.- ~ f h( [111 1"t od . 1 1 111( 1 il, )i Il11 1,1111111 II 1.', I w las 1 11a 111Ills 1gra '. 1Ia\1 11c11111.(1 llths 111 bou amount >f1work1011- l! whic to 00111010d000110 to1 1111e 111111 1111 1110 111100(: 1: 11 the dozen011or11, 00110110111g Quatityilas7 111ll asari t01 - lue1 1111 1111110100t1100 IS 1111 IOP TI h 'INS: M beIll 111111()r1abi 11111 111111101I- 1111' 'I1:; -.1 0l te1110 lo Vll er o il' 111 rvav From Cover to Cover ever thn ist11 111111h111ighest stndard111 ofll the0 1111 fac ily (1h 1111' 11all (artistic coerdsin1 ad1nexelet11nts 1) 'I'll, 111gethe 11with 11a'diversi1t11o1 i t'esiiig coten 111uke 1' .magaz i ''111--ei l 10111attracti 11v1e111.11-1 1T11111e. (f11enit ' 1b11D 1111' li, '1117 ,1ha 1 de oft1111111-tr~c expsedby arlR11 1ill a01:11111111 11111111' 1h1o 71y.(1 1' 11mo1allhe drawN sketch fragrant will11111 111111' 41111111 0.of Old Santa1l' ii c.1110111gs and the f1l an"11 is1111 ridi1 ss11 wit1a11l 110111ter .try ouch. It i a piture -f1hi TEXTBOOKS Draughtittg Itnstruments Laboratory Accessories Entgineers' Supplies and Everything for the Second Semester Excellent Selectiotns in SECON D-HiAND Law, hiledical, Literary and Engineering TEXTBOOKS WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. C.EBARTHELL Lekw Mediced Denteal BOOKS Text-Books Dictionmaries Statuztes Quiz Cormpends Etc. CASH or EXCHIANGE For Old Books C. E. BARTHELL 'IN l\ e) 11 I,S114\ N ONTVSl 100 , 111111 (}]I 'll 11111 I 11tc 1 lt c IIi . ; t 1' arts1 il ly 11111 t . ,1 1I 1111}Itl 1- op n~lls cCtI w an t117 o II'-wt of pix h111ill ;o (11d 11, 1 l1'1111of1the101111 "t l 11 111 1111)m y rwl,1had11 :111 ' i , 1 111 1111'.10ll' 1111hav 1e 1101ere1 1(11,111111a 11- 111 ((III 111 71 Im(ll 1. 1 purclmI w drat1lm'1s0'from11 Tel 761. 326 S. Slate St. II . 'cc 1 i N Ib 11(01011-1111 1101tIwork. Get youir election tickets, dance pro- 1111 of'11110r111has114a1111o11,11 gra~mse., at lTHE ANx ARBOR PRScS, 01111 -1 1111will11110, 10earing(toill1i7EC.Washimgion street; printers of :1' ' 1who milght 1111therw0ise eMichigan Daily, Inlander, Alum- ills, Technic, University News-Letter, .cl1Sia .I, . i th and11 :1114 . .C. A. Handbook, Yost's Great Book 10:11, . 110 101(00ill this y01100 oiiFootball, High School Omega, etc. 011.11.1- 7110ar1 111 th u sam eWedo iiore printing for the student VIu (,{ the judges 011 said lstbody thian all other shops combiined fI 111: 1 tlo 1nderstand111he apatihy Sooin in our own building, Maynard stuen h:11 1v11 street, opposite Granger's Academy and cal at I ime 111e110ad,1an1117just north of School of Music. tf y"c SEND) YOUR NAME __ "~b1Spaldiing MR For a Cateiogxse of Spalding Athletic Goods 7101110nwhallt sport 711u areinotereste rad 11 ash for a list of college atndlsosolt sappilie. tON. Sp.ldinsgAtlstette Library 011117. Se1111foe Comllplete' Itso. Mail Order Dept A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nassau St., New York. 149 Wabath Ate,Chicago, ' , BooksNew and Tet!oosSecond-Hand A NI)- Drawing Instruments 1, 551 ooii~eligMediceal anid literary- Text Blooks A L 011 in1 1 o{ itotaiin Pens,, 't'ablets, :Note-Books, etc. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS Eugene Diietzgen Co.'s Celebrated Drawing Instruments and Supplies. See the. Genuine Richter ''Hoop-Bow" set. See ,10 Special U. of M. Sets. Rem1ember, lEvery instrument is sold under absolute guar- antee. We protect you. .At THE CO-OOP 111 stori. of the Studlents, lay the Studenits fbi' the Students. TEACHERS I You are needed on the Pacific Coast. Do you wish a higher salary and a better chance for edvancement? Do you need a change of climate and an op- portunity to see the wonders of the Great Wl.est? Write at once to STUDENTS' 'LECTURE ASSOCIATION Gov. A. B. Cummluins of Iowa Feb., 20 Leland T. Powers Feb. 25 Lecture will begin promptly at 8 o'clock. The Pacific Coast Teachers Agency 164 E. 48th St., PORTLAND, OREGON ~uI lIlt CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS OUH334 '~~lSTATE S