_____ _______________________ HB IC'HIGAN DAILY -___ _ , ALARM CLOCKS HTACK, AND CARRIAGE HIR Developing and Printing for Amateur Photogjraphers E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. STATE STREET D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY Spe lal Crs t o crta. n1., ad .very tweeIhours unitl7I.m !pe1ai ,tII>011uks1on H10 a n.,adeery two hour s.1or I 1 1 p r. (four ]1ai ,1 1001to 10etroltL0151.0,ll., t ToDu ot sreto. lacksn 71 aI WAITING 110118. 10HU(ON lT. WIIT (It'MAIN. FrINE LUNCHE;S We carry the lrgest lineofT RisH.~ol 11011117001(1& I 511'UKT'D I'I .gattls 8111 Dlomesotc & Ito pled CharN. AcomNpete lneo ll o"I n111g Iarticls. We are agens. foDma, C~itoio&1., LINKMAN & 00. and 3ill PIPES asofor Ts.YS& LIAFI N' Ono1 chocolIatlON-ON R. E. JOLLY. Stat St. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Trwna.InLeave rnAnn . A.bor' Going 1South7::0a u1, 11 :311. in. 8nd 7:M7p.inI ,I. J. KIitBtY. VW. .WILL., Gn'1 Pss. Agnt Agent Toledo, Ohio Ann. Aror 1i1h Bell phote1-tor 11080ne 11phone169 k. LCHIGAN CiNiL1a "The maitgaa Fals Route " Chicago Buffalo Boston New Yrk Turogh Trans East osni .m.,.d . 4.5 P. N,, i.(Sp. 1m. 11.05 P. mI. L83ip n..tlt ~ Throuogh "TinWst-'.'.07 a. ,,7.8 a.11,.. l8. 1.. l.33. 10.20 P. in. Loals Wet 74a.oNr., '1.70 a.1n.1. 'lOv h= Xelpt Slold(1.y 1onecions 81 Chbago for1 St. Lous 1Kan1sas C(ityand 1110 West. W. W. CASI, Agnt, Ann Arbr FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oft Ann Arbor, b. P. D. (Inn,1Pre. Hlrison 0Soule, .V ,., W. Clrkson. 1Ca',hier I'npt(l. $100.000 ilSurpus nd810PriIt'. !5 0011 BAILEY & EDMUNDS sporttno Goos j ~ 21ennt Liberty Street. WAI KINi LO) Chinese Chop-Sney Restaurant eilrg Yeetln & Jo Proprietor. Chns c y Ds"soy171 , AmerI'ianiLtunch'1s o(( all (i.11,5. 171 05111firdst-lalss foo isdieo 01111genItlemenI1I.. C1inese and (Ia Jp011l'5l Brie-a-brag. Horne Ph (oe 1. 310S. 1011' Srol. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326hN, Filth Ave. No ('Phoeo15.7ell iPhone t17-L All Students' Supplies. Station- ery, Fountain Pens, U. of M. Pins and Banners. Cigars and Tobacco. Save n Walk and Clve Us a Call. Students' Sujpply Store lollf S. University Ave. Chapman's Jewelry Storc 206 SOUTH MAIN ST, 011-s 1001 1110111 Fn V itf 1' (1t>kr 1- welad, A oin t1111105511 kt r f heAn BRANCH STORE: AT 204 South State Street UNIV ERSITY NOTICES. A ll 1 001(:1df1 2 1wo. ~ 1 ,"r11 t() Il 1111(11 - 1(171c (0, 11 - ti, I john.(1 1 v ~i-i'.11 -11 1,1its 1 at 1i 'titi 7111' piog-11121 0 'I 1ing '11.ry ld l~rI ic at 001101111( , {;T(11c 1'sfollo vCint{"re 61J 1.11- ~ t (11 tet. 0U' II(1'U I Nig ( )r day1. . cl ticket (01()1( 200, 115T, 111(11110 (Ie atf 1oi v r lcii'1r 1111it 711.t. ooL'.floM,r77N in r tty 0001111 pries.1110lleronoer, ich iatt (0031051retpp. co-I 0:. t', h c 1 11001 11 ours I 1 x1 i 11d511from to p.s 11 1017.For each trunk 111 1 1 111101above the secoi I1) r Ol For cach couple to a1 e . 111 i rice witl be $t.g 2 1 - $200pcr couple. I-G. Co A, B. WALRog V. I-1. STANK. I . ; is Of0 al rot 8t01(1 E ad' oif 25 nod nod, 10, CAIN DON'T '1155 TO SEE The Child Marriage The Russian and Japan Naval Fight and hav e a good hearty laugh. .Admjxvssiom,. 5 Cents 339 S. Main St. Bi2jou Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE Always a Good Show 8 icadlinc Acts 8 1W11tO HOS NI 'ilL 20c}t 7.31) and .00 1)l MATINEES iTUESDAYSTHURI~SD)AYS 1(1e SAl II) 1, 3.00) - = VV Amateurs Wanted for Friday Niglht. F 0 A New Fad in the Latest Cravat A Scarf Made From Wood It takes one million yards tosmake one pound of Art Fibrer Silk. There are twenty filiments eo each tirtd. J No wonder they wear like iron. The only house that has them in the cite. Lindenschmitt, Apiel &Co0.'s The Academy Orchestra Une 111'cte lllattgetol'nt (If 11 I'k 011501 1111(and 15110 lip '. r,; l ioher. ('Olunldtion 1of 10111(1rclto.'twelve01 11 0111-co . ,, ( I gaged0 for 011001 lalairo. Call at (iranger's Acadcenos. i The Harvard Medical School BOSTON, MASS. 'Kith 10(1e111 Is It ion olhl n wIll ( Ijw(1(1(11(. 11 15(1 1 1 ol ,( . ((( .'51 COtURSElFOR T'1 L II 'd111101 M. 1 ) .I A fou iI(0(yea's m110' 81(15 open 11(t~(1;t or far '.' , re.11150111110 ((1110 (11(11 an , w'.tnf~ iAvatiRrL I) IiIICA. tI t t Is,. ,I ,D. Iss. ii'so t F c~t r'tor "J c Hop" Itat Nexlxr it o Prie n a U~r-ytuiti ,t~r 119AR 5. Main St. The0 UpBotonMateshoeMa FLAT CLASP GARIf~tRS its nIonbinding, non-irrttilg hold. 1('s1 I ill.5lllIfj 1011 holds teok aootlh aolleskon l. 75'ic'0- f }>u, lk cl.l1r11 9. Alil mllllplIartsof heavy'nickel plated11l700..2011-111 ; i10 . i11 50 1(or 1(1y11iIprepaid1. PFo111(1se whollptreft-Isa 1113 211(01,('& LOCK-GRIP{ Y BRIGHTON GARTERS ' The('nea te ,0easiest (and1 mot comfortab~le cord garter nade. '1110 ru1)11(e ll siaonomld;101111avice-like grip tht w11180 'r slip. Wil1 not11( i jlirel t1 h iesose The mallest1115, 1m11(t1e0t1flallestgrip 0v00 n~ickel plated0 brass,. 25c Oand 50c 5aIpair, all dealers o by11111ma cilaid. <_. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 710 Market St., Philadelphia. :takbArsof P'm. 0010 u.,polders. I Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors!1 Professors!I The best is none too good for you. You canat afford to waste your time and patience with the old-style fountain pen. Buy a Self-Ftller, and there is only one practical and successful Self-Ftlltng Fountain Pen. It is CONKLIN' S Se'lfg.E "T he pen wi1th the Crescent Filler-the device that made Don f-fllin e ns possible, practical and perfect"err Dont b deeivd.Accept nothing hot the genuine Conklin. All oter self-filens are in the experimental Ntage. The Conkins ts perfect-been on the market" for years. Used and recommended by thousands of studetnts and college profesoes. Possesses all the sopr not advantages of the best fountain penn supplemented 'Ey,' by the followtng dtstnct and dtsirable features:ja' Fills and cleans itself. No dropper.1 No inky fingers. No bother. No joints to leak. No clogging. '' Nothing to take apart. A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. Why take any chances? Order a CONKLIN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaran- teed oatisfactory. flood Free upon reqhuest, tel ingV abotit this wonderfol pen. Manufactared only by The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Sold in Agan Arbor by GEOn WAHR'S% TWO BOOK STORES. ALWAYS AHEAD IN S"TYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOM THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING