TSHE MICHIGAN DAILY Fancy Vesting and Tronsering~ Window Display The largest and most com- plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right. We guar- antee perfect satisfaction. G. IH. WILD CO. 311 S. State St. Playinjg Cards With Your Initial On the back arc proving justly popsuar with every one who ijoyi the tpossession of a b~eautifut dec k of cards The backs are in two co- ors--rtd and blue--sell for 50 Cents SHEEHAN & CO.' The Students Bookstore Banners and Pillows 1 4Off at DARLING & MALLEAUX 224226 S. State S. THE MICHIJIAN DAILY. FUrteed as cod ciass attr t te An ArboruPtoie.u tPublished daily (Alondays excovytesli during1 the college year, at t117hbas Wahiegts st street. Bill phone 892. iHomcephone 76. Managing Editor-Arthur C. Pound Ba.siness Manager-C. E. Winstead. EDITRnS.] News............David F. Stevenson Athletics...........Robert H. Clancy Music andt trania..Pant S. Mowrer{ Wsoen's IEditor_.Louise VanVorhis rDtTORIAt. STAFF. George A. Osboern J. Earl Ogle. Jr. tHarold C. Smith ftl', t.s ( Thetaily still('COtMEDY ANDt tUSItCAL s' si tesexamtintionus. CLUt.BSt Wi(fItL.h, TPR'T'A iN S'''0a t s'rat' I.a special Jttn_ s'st lheislroi is'se. ( sni5uettfertt- Page One.) C rutmpacske~r;Lottise di ta Etaciere, Maltdgte\lililer, Nvlio appeared int the re- N is!sii~s 00 0. cont soiresesof the Cercle Francai's; r{," It5 ads as'isJasde.less NIP ott to de Ruosillc (coutsinto 5 1.rl: . rr t +st. i'z-tO tst '50 1 Lotise.), 'etslrced K (o,, ishto iwts int ()nFr ss(of 's'twek ocurs Mi-t'heItt()aittsinter' taosc ar, Matlsilsl I s311,1 it i tibll, andl lie 1poll (isoo55t ss to oits.. Elsa Hlletr, wso itic~ei willreeal its glorties piliyedt'st ilIts I )s'chts't'Verciti productt , is isr )t s ies' ('siit otsts mentt f is onsi f S "ies' Jsurttslistett'' last yeart' tl~e ..:Iit~ as sltotheicite tir-(lult./oss Isie s' isier tos Itrisetoou the), ImIa I,- .Th s itterfly lstrstitng I lsel atil te) , ttlht platyed asiiladsr 'Itsof 's d 'ii'.rr s ii i o a stitti'tet'r 's ina ts I Ts.e Outsider"; Mitt.. utntsttt its'sh=, it ban an s talshetCtr cs- I lrst'tkt't it c Ji. iss Mlas, a ntewt 'I sid ty ne ts jutitisit istl gaitt- imemsbelit'' ishi s a d ntosl ptrvir o s ex-' iscsi(deit~ 'tteissist .sn s.c rttn i iss 1 itt is saidl lithei showinsgi ex- (1,isi Isiatsfyng'fiis 2sine" p tro 's ''lt sital iltility: Painisc I sidit . O- clit all'inIais's' iThere iso isulertilt'slast year playedt a ostm t~,1, tta hse s.'ocial act'ivis'l arofi lir t liii rst r es ''tris't'ei rols. Track &Gymf Supplies Vhs.' opotting cif thei iitdoor track sea-sont sees usci' thta Nvelt setected liac of all thse toggerv.inI track ntecessiies,represet- lug standearsdtmaks Prices Always the Lowest William A. Mulhern Floyd ff. Jones r1 t si"lite ttlcs ut ltecsl- Is.nrsyFt' Schltels'c' %wl 'stu ms inits i is t Is ' si,'sssner n1cPu&ucuu. dii tI l i lii yrs haslt tlowet sIlcit- Chsatincey Boucther George 1t. llrshart i , isi toIsit itn'aplesatly refleceds A. F. IRitcthie 11.John Wambotd it t'd.14 5 da intsys. n d sitsha.riniss s J. W. McCandiless Guy P. Bliss I.ites f(rain S. Cody William F. Gradotphs 'l'ij. sit> - , s'urcstisalltconcene that 11, G.R. Witliarris LeonsasrdtC. Rid ty.i i fth 1 slitiso is will s'e'ilst' tll Cart R. Moore rssi'iiiis .0 slitd peetesof ar- i___- sIllissit i anid Iwh~ileNvit' t su 'u ile it BtUSINEiSS STAFF ttiSnt'ns 5555isassi s '1 tse admirehei JoshnssF. Wusrz Htarry H ill tlt 5, . 51. }etasi 1 allsil ttend Ile C'art It. Astatm thie i IIin s' bll snd sakest its'opr _____- i i ifeturitss fis ths' solle'gistsostial RATES:t $2.5n per yeae, nr $2.n0 i patd in life.sditits iis t1itilcad othy asall advan ce. t(i silts' sit isis is rtlst.y Addr'eis:CHAS. ft. WINSTfiAt, IBusiness --' Mtanager, 22n S. 12th St. Phonen707 L. Jis 5 a'.odit this Itl ie relatliv e to Ofifon taouts 2_3it ts 1:3o and 6t30) tou;3 s.ss1iiss M\icigani P. M. Daily. rhht" IIcxalntnl. tiil llnctt ithd11l01i01' sy st li eecause Addresis. ARTH'UR fC. ItOUND),Manaintg si i it stl litesisltl is Editor,. 715 Monret'. tetclyfesta v td~t Office fleers 2 in 3 P. ri. ODally, I I sl layt'e tlk'sIlti'i de Encept Sunday. b lt (sis's Iltniltin hist thterse'sre i' tlsyS (tcial st 0151 'i si tsom '. 1'ivsit y ' r la'sad tss inss tlsses'e tat a d it s l iii Is ilt s'. he'lit is verit tle u1' (7f ~st 5 s' tgs. exeris s.ed itsl issy t's.'ttttstt- Isml and hes«-h', arso isositlowe'r bsl Vditsor '(osay-WIsLsIbo F. GnAusss1.sto5Iitstsl5ist sssss 'tsy'ssis'r likrc ann t b Is'ostcriong sisessli- snct i gtinstthtlsc ust of ting;,ss nd 'l'''lttlt\E1'' JA N'l'U t''t' Ii3t, l ttf. wsileits >555 tstnut 15555 toiitsll tils o1'sitsit- - silts',s. e is s~ till a ltho i masks' (itsis- CALENDAR. glsintlusinly fslt .s.et itsoseldes sr ts _ i' it uit i t s's01 f ..'ssttists tito tfrot' .. ..tt ssissss Ispss lit wo ak. JUNIIOR-H11(' tA't'l(N'ESSES AND ( GIS'fS ANNOV'N('ttlyI Continued frum Page One.) h' 1) .'C ssiottt (rsIn f.I J. O'Brie'n. , ,t Granssge,'. GuI t J lo a I~ed Nia itsIVutlisellit."sagtt' t.s'e'elia sF. Rsisy. Ilniiotlil O. ; Grait 1. Netvills', borssl; MarylC.sltsam, lsy sr ittlesr W A IIR 'S Bestir iddocy', IKillsisis,(III.: aa I l 'tstlslssIoniaK, il iclo. Il nsI (Ilssa '('sits Ossiepti _________________________________________ ils. J. ). ISs.hlotterbseek, Ans Aror i's. . ('tCllinsi, Era t{ 21Ici C*E* ARTH1ETT Mrs. I. II.'(taylsir. Jetrcii';Is M I. A.1IotckeJAnn rbor uets-Lcil her, KooisIntisil..Carrtess an '* ('trio, Ill,; IEthl T'a ylor, I d t Itm PolessWhelt is rit;isI)soy 1)I- Medicekl. sty. Asits:\rborc;ls'IrI ts sit Is11- Deznt L isigostsn, N'7,1 \('sstsslssl, jl. 5 Call.;sit Is I1. J. V'5irastRocserN Y; s. W, It. hletor, ('hiecago.Gutis--Floreniss.As- kinssonss, Ds'rossit Bssie Cass, Rsomeoss Text-Books 11th.; Ne'll 1I0i tgitn,\irgintia 1.It (Its. tun, ChIicagto; 'tItus ge Iltisi, News. ((rls Dictionaries Cits; hasoz t ritne i, Nielttits' Coits Statues so , 'Ioledoi, I ( su rits tlrts's'ttttstts.' Ambo sy', N. J. Idpne ts: l(i'hpros t Ilro. J. E c C. tlss-tnssst I1)etssit ;5 .Nlrs. I: . lRake- stm Tonen. Nitests Jislis' N inlhtss, CASH or EXCH'ANGE~ Grnd al bt~id;tIo, li.,' Syltit 1. Sceliss, For Old B~ooks Deit Heartiss 1 ssy Brosit'is.Lanssing, Nicois s Bers'stha W\N'isrtz, (C'heboy gist, MNich.; ('shine Is ,. 1 Itiglsts, Caslussses, NIMisch. ; E. BAR~THEI.,I. Adas 1). Ni.Men, ii sitn, (Micht.,It siui '('e it illipcin. I lillsdtles.,NMichs.; Ftlssecte Tel 761. 326 S. Slate St. Co.1,. V'irgistissSte',r'ns, Adins, Ns li.; Blle Norisr', suit Arbosits' lizaeth (Oliver, Ks'st'.'tsss 11, Il; (:1v1st s I sit , - ~ ~ Nsss'sscs, IlII. Hlens Ftissarlo Ibas.eltor- SEND)YOURI NAMEI es°-'" es, II;l .ltt'peritte Stttsli s '('sledos ts ---TO - 0. -,(Isis's')tttf, Oask I (strls 0.s II (sltli Sp a l d I11nl 1.0 C'. NNilliasoSt. tLois', NI An(sislI tShimatitt.lV. liiss. TFor 0. C a logtie of Irtslthsli,,. ill giste. it slttlihse~iiiralit'rAthIitc C prneesnees'iss f it ts.'mstis selbtiset P'~~ ticio s .iscslishs e ver'' 'itcurrd ln t iisit hat-0 sor 5to