THE MICHIGAN IAt Fallcy Vestifig anld Trouserinllg Windol Display The largest and most com- plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right We guar- antee perfect satisfaction G. H. WILD CO. 311 S. State St. The Shamrock Hockey Stick Made of finest Can- dian rock eln. Each one carefully selected for perfect grain be ore being s tai n ed and polished. Price 750 Each 230, $0c n ,d 60c Eah. SHEEHAN & C003 The Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, iDaicods, LweStoos, or other peronl propery. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 E. Liberty 8t Ann Arbor. Hours: 8te11:3) a.t., 3:30 snd 7 to JOSEPH C. WATTS THE MICH-IJAN DAILY. be:c eo: i:::rk fir work's. Entered atecondclassemtier at te An ril l:,ttr tlt~t:,. Ntichl::go:ha. Arher Postoficer. . .lc:a: of arrnateurs, ot.d:tticof sport in01it. is. definition tis blroad) Pubhlished daily (Modayrexcepied) fernge the college year, at i17 East Wasinigtene c::-c°t} c ttt idorall th e e pncol- street. Bell phoee$92. Hoere phoee76. litit hr)vind tt :n tim onork for the gretettr good:()t:the ::Univerrsity. Social Managing Editr-Artlhur C. Pound srvitce in:a Collrg: world is notchimtera Basiniess Manager-C. E. Winstead. hill;all:c tulty wie::c.e mrrtin:g every ci,::At rce t thcirty Imenitare d:lt-~ EDITORS. ing an appreiablepartot theil:ir lrisu:rr News........David P. Stevenson to Ow::productc:ion cf a UtnionIIminstrrl Athletics .......Robert H. Clancy so, t heeeforts tile)esxtect tc: itt: itatge ... . ...."lelmt 1iI.tradley ttecivenotinitg excepItthetcrectognit~tin Mu:sie and Drama..Paul S. Mowrer oft1irfelow w olppreciate te fact Womens Editor.,..Louise VanVorhis tict theiiartrtrthlclenlgagetd. F::rtl:- ttIITOtltAt STAFF. cmr hytk rd nsrihfr George A. Osborn J. Earl Ogle. Jr. -itdtil ir tt i.ldtre .putrredl ftcl1neeo Harold C. Smith thiao n ror fttr their cau:se - ASSOCIATEZD zORS. tcctctct.:tin th eicest:sellse. William A. Mulhern Floyd H. Jones fir. tthi it tter n0t i:, einsuent taf- I ie:ry iF. Sculte tiic. ;itx ytears ag)ctsttudentlatlv.ties REORtTERS. werttec:rank switi: graft..Situdentint:tan- Chauney Boucher George B. Hobart agee pcktethte sptol.ilsttand t commit- A. F. Ritchie H. John Wambold t icc c n robb:dItticit eitle.becau:se J. WV. McCandless Guy P. Bliss ict eascntt .against t tecotte tf tud:entf Ilirate S. Cody William F. Gradolph .ettic,. I ly fiou: cyearagetw stu- 13. G, R.XWilliam:s Leonard C. Reid di ictte Ira:::.. etlfor snakin:g te Carl R. Moore L ccte Assoc iation a :soutrce -ofilgti illgit- te croit. B~USINESS5 STAFF Sinc:e thca t cune ss a :trrf::l chainge Joh~n F. Wutrz Harry lill ii,: comettr th ~e studlent crity. Today Carl IH. Adam tict One ctttc t.. graft in ::astudenr:t entler- -prise, fig cor littlc. X grafer twould: bt RATES: Satso per year, or $.00 it paid it in :: int iilocted 1fiaiit n ,nnitte advance. ccit.fti.:e rttrly:: :: Address:CHlAS. F. WINSTEtAD, Bsinesrorn ec if is fteitow. \Ve case lea:rned~ Manager, 226 S. 12th St. Phone 707 L. t (c-iii respons iciCit: in the last fou:r Office tiors: 12-30 toe1:30 sod 6:311 te 7;30 P. M. Daily. Fcr . The "an:ts-grcaft" coli::::ltee, t cl.: ccctivitie..siso odlo::tis t stu tt:s, Address: ARTHUR C. POUND, Maaging:ci1cee:lesetftlI:tcfl:r Editor, 715 Monroe. OificerHearst 21to 3 P. rn. Daily, cthan ittn1: thepat. tIn: our op~in:ion:, this Exocept Sunday. ihodvt, wh i: :choce hadlcctac:fun:ction:, Itas Officie tours o7 News Ediltor, 1130 no dtilcit10 ice:ccc: 1::Stc.leoisttcs:ngt illy' at Offct :i ce:::: o- , iiilsecsity viia cbckriedI iy itevwll-definedl _ _ _ _ _. - in r a snse of tieC: olleige commnt:: :iy. Ftlitctr ttday G;ccttcH.if11::st: \tttmateuccism::, 1honest candclfearless, ithe sutrc sgnoft: th i e..irlingti:s iherean tit(Sli. A\D) DRAXMA. fhe tt::svig pograms sill e given iy theoppyil. of :biss Minine N1. Davis and: Miss [Ala Farlin at the University SeltictI of Mttsie this. afternoon at 4:40 PrceludfesNos. 2to , ..I.Chpi Buttterly .............. Greg fGertrudclePatterso. \ly MoitheirrBidis Me.ind titMy Hair. IHacel Stimsot. Con elut:ot:Me I(Messiah): ...Haede EithI:Taylor (:n1:1aPaheiqe".... 7nsfitve (garen:Song......... Dichoi ilcttt:r::ee::. . . .ynes, Ethel Slaytot. Fic:riesReel......... ebrock 'T'aran:telc.......... llfaDewelf Mary Hacyes. ii cr Sontgs ..... .... cGanor. Btecuse Shie Kisseti41Mt In : y Gartietn. lThe Widl Went Wintg tie Roe. Rosy[Morn:........... Roald Stella tEtearvds. iir.t::cy. . . . Beach Mrs. D~orothy Prbeart. S Vitlit:ntbligao:biy R~eer Johonscn.t Valte .............. Coini Fredl Ericso. tMajor Sonig ..... cycc..I1cl:t:d MrsiLotta fDoan:, Ftredi lErichsoin, acc::tompaiti In te imesI WagazlJ:pincsfo:r Jnary ChIarles. Kleitn, aiutor of "Tec Msic," "Thiton and :1:1the Mouse, and:thIle Dau:ghters of Min, whic: icnlcys produ:ced du~riig the pati three staones, advcscn1 interesting sulggestionl. As it is a mtter of thit greatest impo::rtacectiat there should ie at high: moracl staning governig thteatricl rpresen~tationis .\r. Kleini thinks thact iboards o:f pysiciats anti m:etaph~ysicicanis, not alderiteit or politi- cali cnsotrs,soldibe formedi to exer- cise ctntrol of tteplahoss. "Peopile" sayst Mr. Klin,"go to tiec lays itt a recetive tmoo, with: mids easily ablscren:t. They recee in teir stub-cnciouse.seltettcerinfi:menal pie. trs whlic: imay ave a very marked i~fluetce r o te stbseenitid:eselopnent ofcchlaracter. Itpressions tus received stl-contsciou~sly the individual is vr apt t istake for ift ossn:original thoughpt. It consequ:etce,. tere is an equal likelihood that we will fbe omi- nactledl cythemt.. it:adietce is in a: auo-hypno ::tic stte, and te psycologi- cael clftltinflu~etc of preseitedi pictures ofcchcaracters is of te utmtos itmpo:rtcance." At a timte whlenII tintsockey as c mocral ceisor is a qestioni mtore or les it: issue, Mr. Klei's suggestio: will ccause contsierable discussicon. STUDENTS-$ will buy a fire in- surance policy that may save you several hundred. Call no up over either phone and we will do the ret. X. H. Smith, Real Estate Insurance Co., Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block, Room 2o. eod 4 Track &Gyml Supplies The openiiig of the indoor track sea-oni sees us with a well selected line of all the toggery aolI track necessities,represent- ing standard makes. Prices Always the Lowest W A 14P 11 I1 tillkiL1.J LYNDON PHOTOGRAPHER $2.75 FOR A MICHIGAN SEAL Ycou witl realize up~oootnpiari- son that its this liest value ever offered. SOME NEW POSTAL CARDS Leather Ones. Too Nothing mosre fun thani takingr flashligiits these long evenings- tbsp make good postal-, and en- cord pleasant events. Call 1096-J, Night or Day In a few days I will make por- traito and group pictures-night or day-in a neat, new operating LYNDON 71VR TH AVE- Kodaks and Supplies The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitai stock, 550,000. Surplus, $200,000 Resources. $2.200,000 A Generai Banking Business Transcted orresans: Chas. E. Hiscoch. Pees.; SW. 1> Harriman,. Vice Pres.: At. J1. Fritz. Cosif SEND YOUR NAME ff'3Y.t ( i, . Spa ld 0in L'to For a Caao'e of Spalding Athletic Goods Mdentio what sport youar in :tersei In ash for a list of colit-ce aeni schoiol supplite. L~he Spaldlnog Athletic Library Test books on etery otttet c sport, licer copy. Send for Comipete 1.1st. Malt Order Dept A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nasa St., New Yorki. 149 WabaishAe.. Chicago ea.I fu cthe gtwttepging it Sptlitp- libt-- I xasoici:tilt ei rsfcit .tilcc. e tit eltieti Imigh:t lhave Fltt. 2--Xl. AnactoleIt rcaz it: Scarah c:: cs c::fccc:i~pc cci : (Caswell An~gell Ihall, 8Io'clckci un- f s~c der tic: ciuspicsccifte Cencle LFrctll- cc3:yitf accounc ttigifor thits sthall cis,lectuirin:g ccn:"The Fretnitch ut iunconvnionalccci:rcaise ill pie, th~e Pr vics ~ ccccc:::itt c tutmbers: siytut ttthis ill .t:::,clecekitip tcarges.fBesidfett tcey Feb:. -IJuniior: uop. r cctni icpt oreu mcccey:)focr dlecia- Fetb. o C~ omedly clubfipresents irst ptic ticcit. Wic fesicctate tocidicfts hetrout- dcifi::of ."i Scrap f: c aipcrtcin:1 ies cl if::the men cfncctarg ccofthis greatt- the acftrnont. ccstuciailfuntctionccofctieiyearcbtt weci s .ulisicali clubfs' ft."Iffopcocti, ill :cnnoct rfnil fromi ttu sctyitig that latf the evenitng. .crc ctititittet cdida ttigfity goodjob, 'el:. 13-Secucictisemtester ibegin:s. paid focr cheO cing, and botuccghct expell- lieu. 210 . I.(Ctummtinstton S. L. A.sit: fobs:-fromithetctsucrpluis--tand charged coarse. onlc f rtic tateboa ccrd . lThe estra Fel:. 22--Governor Hutghesu. ct thte lots tiecommtttiitte'senlrgedf pfcan, cut less exercises in University flal. cidancer. will ntotice the ou:tlaiy iof te iittmitcrs Day exercises of tiedli-ccliitionali 1$3 ,1c ctti cvbythe~se estrao en:- cii depaorttmen~tSatrah: Castwell At:- riiccticcns. gel)lflall. Feft. 2);-LelandTi.iPf ersr on S. L. A. LEfSSO3NS IN C}fIIA PAINTING coutrse. MAiss Ltcrcits, 330 S. Stcate St. 8 -eod How About Underwear ? Are You Well Supplied? If not., take advantage of the BIG UNDERWEAR SALE at the Co-tip. To niove our enttire stock of winter goods we are selling the samte greatly BELOW COST. Best $1.00 Girade, now - - 65c BetS 4 - - 3cIsRegular $1.00 Union Suits, now - 80c Regular $2.00 - {6 A{ - $1.35 Faike cadvantage o the opportunlity. .ipp lVnorself for1ne)t wintle. At THE CO-oOP 310 SOUTH STATE STREET U l l 59 Oyer 59 THIRD LIST You Can Read these an McrMillan Ball if you want to. The Alumnus American Ilfustrated Magazine Century E-dcational iReview Forum Haurpero Monthly Indepenudent Lippincotts Pacific Motnthly ftecreation Service Strand Technical World Tensed Magazine Worlds Work Scientific American The Bibliceal World Association Men Intercoilegion STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION Booker T. Washington A. B. Cummings February 20 Leland T. Powers February 25 Creatore March 5 Oratorical Number March 15 W. J. Bryan March 22 S. W. Gompers April 2 Senator LAi Follette + CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANiDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 Ull STATE ST