The Michigan Daily \AN ARBOR, NIC.Ilk \ I \-IGA\N X\. \ 0,li.1I)07. Vinin XVII. AMATEURISM DISCUSSED BY PROFESSOR LLOYD -Academic Pause in Life' is Its Efs- sence -Application (lade to College Journalism. ]rtso Lly fi ill,, ph ilso tillde- pn-tnn cnniin p n.tna&i;mire entin1i -. i-i , al, t iitc i itt i n t fthttute irne ns.t Ast t i lt, i e phass ofcollge ativiies t idrti is iirltidif tisiitfill[ Soeime tago i ittsteakig on an oc-iii ia e trk ii masiin tt~g ihlin iii tilgn! thatnwItumi'gd hatinisolienn any prt Iii etifrgsocimaiie ittlu t n itforl caie scit wo.titrith il. t lear setptnners lt- that wlhat In itliteyinslicene,11orwyn lf: iiap triteionlmftinewcaniit tat N~l M t e s inii nti-clletein our ikki tiiigniithan bif ay t itint in trini n-mt iienin colnite ainils itn soItt e Thus ti ttuit inhate ftini -ineat he i i ma iold nteetsl i ai ndiii irela iti n itf al ite ne l itiit-u i t -t iii it-nottit tige into( nt iltappti tnt if tinl ititiin Oin i cotniionli tha t ibe ln " t l iife t:i itla nge, - iii i v r c ntiten tinti-t hut t the ch , rit is ypurh ,isit niuly tie tuttie i<,fthetmnthe n I n -lg nitmii i it inyo I th t te tinle nit comesnu to tcollege itdfiniltti tu thei ttuc lle itm us it fti iiii rt -, accoringt t ie it irrnli sstmoferr diiltti urtintifreni tn litti of t r tih mautint iteniouragetdt I %Ctim e sys'tiemit-uiu tu itirncoinenun theinpwhole diimaniway cometo collinegei an , e e niii thiitrunl Imp d cnt ionii ttdntth ritillege Triir in stsofaicni s iio i t oenvnrinn ii insitprelstutu In-i steit only-iii indutitter ie ne r i o-l lnenn Inl,,trtue tndnuca tn nute Itn Sittti in ii imid ittiinni ll ama n'seiiiin hardened-uviridlings.flat amnateuirismi dlemands aiso a kittd of teen-Heantirdn oipeni-mindnedipinanfultinss, -dice etter- inne-oni youtth, tie sometniesehear it called~=aitdl-woe tinu the university thai in ttciitfertt<}it.ti tus. ticmn i ii nNO SUNDAY CLASSES IN plitcf-ity titi-t-i11titii ii- iiiin I il 1t),1\- imit isn. ii them intitiititi MEDICAL DEPARTMENT NN Ii.\niiniFhfi'k1=S \ \l ED NEW SETTINGS ORDERED) ___ ' 1itt 1 '1c FOR COMEDY CLUB PLAY I f itoin ihav iiilundrtoodiitic otw see ihati atIi i it III Ily inpi ci,t heti mtin titti Come tin h e iit nivi ty i cta any ('ih ii i thi III ltthe n d aie tut orn nung i lte i sie o i fe I-to lIIC ~~ ()t 'tc itI thrl.In 'et emilt lt ill atnt otier mspiritIt hem I imm vcciiii ii miioInher spiriIiiiiiiiii-it.a dn Iy ae b th en g iitmti i yoi ih n inefetin g tim l very ciii ; W iic t ti iii iit iuii mmitsexs t it'. tini i li 1in I neetdi ntt-iiliii n tom n apinatio nton your it tna iti n t imimi hi nk a ul iii iitai n iurnl tutu n c)it ers for nyloui bu ii tlt yurin ttert i iihin ino" inteest- Nor in heiii lrs( I but thatitiiiontrllingi ittiminwith iit li>id o e tn- iithe ine - h rrratl tnt tire ii notvt b1 nd t i wordnut- oldi fot lie nset "ced-iit of Ow i ciiimin " tio fler prm r linore lt-stake nof ii th e i r n d , tin 1 aidibInn rei ofnill(. illumti inatint haii t it til t it tilsuch fineedomi. Ptrapsit youri ann al-tioi iesi i i tt rii tititti nil a clsin jornaitlismtiis-ia ney good trlily l iot sii t o fi tin liltui . tnt-i ony -o i ift n ii it nitggestnedi ticsun t i lt iethai it i nt nn-i ndl -te itt-tlt I iu t is iimlntmtntl ifi11In-id-e tn-i Sht I~dtti i a tni t rfcsInime artctntnt toa tu hs ileat haii t I iWttmid presint instutt youriunienity lilt-inisnroadelr. (ConitnauediontPage Thre.) President Angell D~enies Report That Such Class-es Are Held- Students M1erely Visit the Sick. 'rcinniniit i )nI1nnni i t" i n l t t-i iii (I I 11 ti t ' n fnin il(' tint- i itt \t it tSitnitni- iiii l( AI I I-i ipf- m i i iI I II c(l I doiii. ll lt lc t- c"* h tintt -t Ic iitt lt ha tu it in; "ttitit I tht theInt Iu rtnt-tIsmimtnnneti liiiit iitciti ii tn tIn t the pitintins i iit te i fital i in n tiy nt an is mmii mii i wm iii tiiiiini- ti-ti i 'n-ti Nii oiiin harm .NitheI,i vcst Ni(thtthisIi iinito ti niin I""Al 11 n (01KIi-- ,I-t-i-ni tint n-tn IIIvcImiii in tint;Il c 1 nn rc miii 1 c tcrh n 1 ui n I tt i nw comlete an i cy tI n; iof Pthe ipinters.i t % a peaill thisweek Themajoity of theiiiorcheis- tt tmnhcrs arn to ine accimpaitiinidliy QMV l let ia l iit t mh iijiei avredtrangeiofmiomitteNo\m titnlti-ill il-intl d lightsn lituitdnctmi it he n tthe m lmettimm il m theml mue ii li htutu It hedcraii- scemen- illmhitmadl-i nels int m ofeen fecitsi. ii- mmint muic i i1l I m mii- iniu~ nit npma-tit forth igccrl effeit-il nasitiithe -nu fici- ;elf til I lmutc mest-m tat m can mmmuime ob. mug Te iwillemitalinepife;frmi t it, mmeas tint-mgnt m-, nTle lie :ilil," I"Ihe ''n i ie ftheitit -mmiiand mmm i rl laetply Th ai ian tmlil , ntil wil furi inihthtinteuilaritdancemnumbieis, i tin e of th hest olii f iiis htmld in lthe tim ni I hainitainkmn manympmitt es mmNOmmiior whliich itm ake;titni spec ian ltyii nc: Deit hand, "miIWO wiiIiitill pi laythliMit- m;iniii tf m, tiistalso v mmmiionitin t boi Ilmth organizainsi piii l imd it list mimiciandispecil mliitnillihe eni .iti tiitr1 s it "i'-eliiircomii v ttc IIcw t his u-i-nit. .aal ii ciii- - is h a t In lim ai t im tim iii iT , Sl'n I' FO111 S'iliI) ' W e iiiben n n is of tnthe cas uct C tiimiiil mist vmim-ite i int s ee tea . he nv c, folow l. A i iithat elecutons minmumeiiorl sins fr q) I, M rn.T I.W ltr I . 'o ntof ne'it smmstee. uy-muaw innem- lor- If1. I I.R~ nc mm 1.mii f nit nt 1.(;or . liii mmiii - t i ii ItinItt iip tint limitttilt iutciImut Ir c' m I s~ l fll mm inm a{4)1tcu-m f(nut iith emit-giatmi mIIcfthlet I mmiii ti md te -1111 I n > it tiitcimu mli its liii m l m lmt iNttr il fiittti"wmti a iii ii i M~lwstint ii for lii NI mii am-itt ii W ork minim ', iclj ctit-e IT tint'~ nit ofii N'iigbiit mttJauaryiuvp)mmi orderlu ito forimmlmiym-libathe al lmilmivrup- if thei hitli lin nto f kmuclt-i ?.' lu-u-. Woman's League Promises a New Drop Curtain- ist Performance Set for Feruary Q. mci t i ntu 1 1 fit' 11i!1 ie nii' tiii t tit C m ccth u mtthin iminew Ny "\ Sren-l ed. I mitt :ts lt lu irt u el i c m iii c limit nun -nm-u- c li-ti- efIntl-h tint-t vol of tlt ii Iii m iii ii t iitt~itt Tilt cad, ha sai tutu-iftown for-u l nMagi' nititt;-n aitdI titus -~i, t chililim tiim it \ m i n ~can muFtt-nil lii orh mir i i tirnish fnit tin mii s in m ili i t,, n«d iliiipl r, tin i-i IhIits hllmwmmiii it~ rl~kcsn ic tim-i ;,ntt ( mum l oI I 1: l NN ii r mi Iiic m d iii N i hm Iront . I t ni st mlii tien t- iii n elnmum Int i lmiitl E~ i ri -tt Niiuf < Nlilcr, N 'itu fmir ii Nimim I umumum u lurh -I;~wl mm ii int l muh i lmithe mSat- wiill 1c r itt h tt M rc ,o ,t itiiier ifi \ra g t ltti t-n days ht' il uiii r Jiuunit- loot par(ii i i ttatinii it -itt tnc' he l itti m m[1,c miii all iii I i ,N1"ht i I iiiliii o ma itt ti ob r h~l it' polnicif , Sil flt I-ca l , hi~ Nhuucrin imumu inmm ml i mi mm ti Y NI IIZS7- ~liii ; tint inn I 'mmmiii liii-i n m metin th I. :fit . A. n>la l i t >r nun liii- ; oflimit n a tuvo'iy il chil).i Ti Snm mmiii Ii thni (111"i(1 Mill iroth t in " e i ;n l f'1In1 ,1 fehmihmitig ~ r tk hoja ta b igt mmm iii h tin m t( wn mm- inmliiimmi fiii i litmi a co sin i n mitt1- it,. it heldii n t tli'ncuilt tml ii ,it nn minocim the Nu e pe t i iiliihoting mum ct rn itv~ ani - iiiiim tiug mmi I i llmm ihiss in inn ing.Mim mm't t heiniliiic-ti nt n limit t hard at -tiltli t lillgM rl in a t ni t'ci~" FIVI;1 1"1;tuit tt 'il) \ t \ lc ln ii tutu ip-lim cit ntw lint priii r li i i mte lic-'tint-n t,,ulll o Ith( 'er ca 'f iic liarit ni i -n -mm (tl, d s x i., ; t~ tn i ll 'i c Im ' ,Im 1- it un pit) gmftrII thinim l ilt i inn limit 1,y iii ti)t.. ictnit mmmi lmit tim mmm'co a l miiifomer in yn m mgr o ill, ielin,,m i mii im Numnim nwteroic TImMc CaInUnS ASIiTnLOOKSn -ODAin