THEI MICHIGAN DAILY _ . Developing and Printing for Amateur Photographers E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. STATE STREET D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY Special Cars to lDtrol itom., and eer two hours util 8Hp. Sped cal Crs to Juickson 8 30 a. In., ad eery two hours until 8:30p . Htour local serice to iDetrolt 6:15. m., t 9:13p, nthen 11M1 Two-Hour localsrice tasJackson 710a. in tO~ 11:15 p. sm. WAITING ROOM, 01UR0N ST.W EST O AIN. FrINE ;LUNCHES We carry the largst line of Tttiii 15)MESTIO 8& MPBiTEIJ Cigarettes and Donestic & Imported Cigar. A cospete lee of all mokling artcles. We are agenhe for DnaarUT & sO LINMAN Co 7. an 3 O PIPES, alo for sTAOY'S & SCAFFEF eion chocolate lBON-BONS. R. E. JOLLY. Stat St. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Traa,.Ia&a LeaveAmesnaA.bor d sIng North 9:05 a. m. and 4:35 p. m. Ging South 7:20, ii &5 a. m. and 7:33 p. mo ,1, J KIRBY, W. T. WILLS, Genl Pa. Agent, Agent, Toledo, Ohio Ann Aror Mich Bell phone 13-I Home phone 6S8 IXLHI6AN CGEN "The Magara Falls Routh. Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Throughi Tralns Eat -.18 am., 240 m., .30 p. tn1 11.05 p. s. LcalsasBat-0.05 . sm., -11.10a.n., '4.05 p. no "6.3 p. i. Lrrugh Trains Wet-2.07 a. m~, 7 .5as.. 9.18a. m., 2.3p.u. 10.20 p. a. Lcals Wst-224 a. m~.,"&2875am., e1.0~P m.,,"0110ilp, so, *lfi~ecpf Sueelop.I Connections at Chicago for St. Lois Kanaa City and the INest. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbr FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ann Arbr, Mic. E ID. Knne, Pes. Harrison Soule, V 8. W. Clarkson, Cashier saptal. $100.000. Surplu and Profits. 10,00 BALETEMUNDS sprtin 1 Gob 31 East Liberty Street. , WAI KING LOO Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Glerge Yee Bno & Inc Prnprietnrs. C it,,k Fs ancy Dish.s, American Lunches of ail kIosk, K y}thl g fist-class for ladles and centleme. Chinese and J1apanelse Bric-a-arai.. Home Phone 212. 3140S.State Sireet. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor r 326 N, Filth Ate. 0cc Phone 457 bell Phone 457-L All Students' Supplies, Station- ery, Fountain Pens, U. of M. Pins and Banners. Cigars and Tobacco. Save a ' Walk and lve Us a Call. Students' Supply Store ttIii S. [Uiversity Ave. i i i ALARM CLOCKS HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE Chapman's Jewelry Store 206 SOUT11 MAIN ST, IFineP51 Wsa l I cispsring; weslead Ofici'al Watcsh s ol~srsf the AssI Arb1r11ilroad. BRANCH STORE AT 204 South State Street 23 cents for each passenger 10 an( from all trains between the hourso Is a. en. and 10 p. en., and from ;o p.m to 6 a. e., 5o cents. For each trunk z cents, and if taken above the secon floor 50 cents. For each couple to at( from parties the price wilt be $1.5c after I a. en. $2.oo per couple. fooszsox & Co. A. B. WALKcga. WV. 11. STARK. id of Id UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Sistf~l- .ofS.Brc 11)1.11 fo~r 1(;(N8 engineIely rrla Is0111 A S I N 0 %Vc1111'sdlls 4 p.os. XVilc o s t r91 IIOi lhl 1;1 .sisi'f capta1in atI .3I. DON'T P155 TO SEE ' lles 111111 lsh The Child Marriage Illser XX(111cdisaI-11nilgh iltthec111 -The Russian and Japan 1111l :r ivr Clrs.Naval Fight A51 ll 111111111111 loll dII rd sho llg Iills s1in th 11 11 . C'IA, a t. and have a good hearty laugh. I ll~sda elvenin-lllg, ocr thlprpc e f r-Admission, 5 Cedits 0511015,' 1 C IIV~rs3l9sfS.IMain St. i rs N I 1 I z E C A New Fad in the Latest Cravat AScarf Made From Wood It takes one million yards to- make one pound of Art Fibre Silk. There are twenty filiments eo each thread. No wonder they wear like iron. '[he only house that has thenm in the city. Li ndenschm itt, Apfel & Co.'s SISNIfOR c lN NER TElAM 1T0 IAVE' 1f(llS The p111cslclllillloIllfols o thII.em erc 1sf 111h117 engineer footblall 111111 vlli tak laI~lc ill 1oom112o5 ofthreIcu- 111111 in; ll)lllIilll.a1t .112:5 111103. III w1in~g fob~s as 0aIr(llvll I of merit,le 111llson, but1 111ellmemberls If 1111 eam 1prferredl them1 1tol nume~rali seatl- GIRtI)UP11 lC '('E'Is15 Nights or 11a1) 1ysldlilll,1111j. I Satisfactory tailoring at satisfactory prices. Fu~ller & O'Connor, 619 E. Will- Bijou Theatrea POLITE VAUDEVILLE Always a Good Show 8 Headline Acts 8 TW HOSNIGHTLY 20c MATINEES TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS 115 SATURDAY, 3.00 - -. au Amateurs Wanted for Friday Night. i i i+ E r B EL UTON 1.. 'c.' LCYASI3 GARTERS 11,1,(av11losl1 c1r1l 1 10d :.125cti r.1 1lie patetelld flat clasp 'Ij rreelnt. clsallss, bimlin osi ll ccirll) Ill the c'lthling. 'ihe Brighstons 11111 rk FltClasp fitrlo Is a,.flat as your Ihand~. '%Vorns by tn whnlo appreC- sel pa lrts of brss--1iem, ily. nickelsed. 25.1c1nts a pair, all dealers or iby malpepal.For1 senlcwoprefer a cosd garster, we save perfectedi LOCK=GRIP While they ace quickly andliersily delacled, yet thsey have thle firmstsgsip of all cord gasters. The lsclexible rssbber diamsossd grips with a hull dog tenacity. No11 star or tear of thle socks. Catst sprinlg loose or hecoise accidlessally dletachsed. Made o finest sisality webbsissg;all mallplarts11heacily Inickel ilated . brass., 25c and 54c a pair, all dealers or by 11011, prepaid. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market St., Philadelphia. Mieo ionee'1r .Suspenders. The Harvard Medical School BOSTON, MASS. WVithl thse 's-llpletlllsl sfrIthe' new1 bulildinswic h 1 wsre'd11dilcatedl cr111 ,,ler .kitlh 19 hi, is sholsanwa asailities andl,.llimn rtti11l1Illig and1 515l'0 inthe busildinsl , four are, l-1sdevotd Ietirely 1to la tol,0511 leachling and r111 c . The is nms'sicineusnd surgery. COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OP M. 0. A four year's cousrose, Iopen soIbachlo'rs 1of srI. Ilierature' ll, pll~~ospyo cin anss to peIsrssslofs'lquiv'ulentstandgld n dsp. to1 the, det res' f11.1 . he. studies111" of thes fou~rthl yellsr ar eiholly selective'; tls' oinclllsllu lbrryll s u ci-Os'. nrl'rai smedi- illci'nenral surge'ry and thsecslial clinlss' 'hnex51'tsc'hoo~l ye'ar e'xtsends froms Ssptr sblssr Ii, 19107. , t1 June1' .'. l). Send folluIstrtdeaslll'a u ellls'ad~ldrss HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Boaston, Mass. JUSTRECEzIVED For 11J Hop" a New Lot of PUMPS THE KIND THAT FIT Ask the men who have worn our pumps how they fit. 1' I The Academy Orchestra, l'ndes the imanagemnt oI l1os Grssnget'aisd leaderohip soi Eugegne FLsshel'. Comintioofh 1 frorss thrsee, to twelve iusoians. Can be eis- gasgeds for s011c1allftirs. Call at GIranger's Academy. I i Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors 1 Protessors! The best in none too good for you. You can't afford to waste your time atnd patience with the old-style fountain pen. Buy a Self-Filler, and there is only one practical and nuccessful Self-Filling Fountain Pen. In is CONKLIN'S FillingPEN "The pen with the Crescent Filler-the device that made _ 0 self-filling pens possible, practical and perfect" Don't he deceived. Accept nothing but the genuine Conklin. All other self-fillers ace in the enpenimental stage. The Conklin is perfect-been on the market for ycars. Used and recommended by'thousands af students and college professors. Possesses all the super-a for advantages of the hest fountain peas supplemented by the following distinct and desirable featores fills and cleans itself. No dropper. No inky fingers. No bother. ;; No joints to leak. No clogging. N Nothing to take apart.; A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. Why take any chsances? Order a CONK.IN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaran- teed natisfactory. Book Free upon request, tel ing about this wonderful pen. Manufactured only by The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Sold Ina Ann Arbor by GEOa WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. $5.00 PATENT $500V 119 S. Main St. The Up-to-Date Shoe Man i i t ALWAYS AHEAD IN STALES I MIL WARD, THE TAIL.OR TAE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING