THE MICHIGAN DAILY .................. .... ............ GRABS Al HOAG'S1 This is your chance to get tte to{,s±tticrcltilse for 25~c that %you ever Ihave ltad. I iv, huoidr-1 ) (xc" filled good , fr II all ldepartmientts. Ivry G().od, hina, Fancy Ar- ticls, J, -s1lr\ , Stationery M9usticalNstrutitctt Intheli lot are 10 /ithers orthi tip to $250 ech. If uot sitisfied yott may haI xcyour monte. back. HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE Occidental H otelI We Cater to Banquets, Etc. [lixson Lunch Ypsilanti D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY a1o) i '1l )i(., andt ever2. 21 1 r to IE o'oit 11. . . Not ",HOW MUCH" a Cigar Costs But ". HOW GOOD' it Smokes. Winner Pittsburg Stogies 4 for 5c. $1.10 per Boux of 100. .... DE&AN t U CO.. Ltd.. 214 S. Main St. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. ofl We11 tres 22"icl lj ; I trasI o ihtte lneof "I.: ; Illn justce." The othe 111h 1 s i the seies ar: "M r iag ad i 111 11 "War and WW" 1112 11211112 1111 x"1 -Thu 541 %"1of 1ml." 1Tu 1ane 1111 thes1luc1r1:1is toshow the 1W A I im n A th inl l si th 3lean l of th presn1 d1111 losng 21111 v' wit i the1our111111) . le1112211 h 1 il I 1. I 1 1 11 '111 1112 J =}hop 1 1,111111(332 S. -c < 11 I Il to 111hr i Al1arm1 1111ks 11at aller's, Main street. Iak lc W'2e have J13 o High-Class Entertainment r i } i i Lim t Here are a few of the very good things we have left for you: Lot i -Former price $20. oo, now $14.50. Lot 2-Portlier pirice $i5.()0, tow-- $10.50 Lot ;--Foriter price $i2.00, nows_---_--__ $ 9.50 Lot 4--Former price $io.o)o, 10 $ 7.50 Seveiity-five suits, broken lots formerly sold for $iS.oo and $2().oo, are in this sale at $1o-50. All Odd Pants 25 ptr cent cff. Manhattan Shirts 20 per ceiit tft. Several lots oif Staley' aiid Ypsilanti Underwear are eiiormously redticed. I PRICE CUTTING SPECIAL Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 Souzth MaInE St. TODAY Bletween TIwo Fires An E xciting Honeymoon ors liSSS1INS I-N tIll' 12 PAIN 'IN'S1 Husirated Song-When thle Fowel Mis1122 N1.l'2, 332 S. StateI St. 55-v II Bloomi in Springtime. LADIEttS'T'AIL ORIiNG 1 w, - Iul ((rb a ,,r1.211 ,t Jackon 1:; a J Latest styles fall and wier 211112ts1and tII11 171 . WA051SON 111)N1.s ro1 A. (11aimde to order at once1 at reasoni-I ________________________________ ab lde irices. We have ilhe latest designs FINE LvrNCHES in latest goodls Johni J. Sctianz, 1120i'512y t 1, lllg~l 1e11,1tltvitiiO 11111 035I.. William St. ibiaoelh.& ill~ll111 1 c igaes. A lo~iit) t __- _ ___ . - lw ii s t11 N loll clllgc211. W Ir p3 L llaoaeC-so (f all kinds nade to order Il'10(5. le.f 111'.l,'Y 5 & 5CiAi+'i+'N:1"w'itMiss lovell's, 332 S. State St. eod R. E. JOLLY. State.tSt. G'lasse's repaired. Eyes carefully fitted ANN ARBOR RAILROAD Itd tested. George Haller, Maini stree't. AND STEAMSHIP LINES. T-a.Iea Leae.Aftae.Ar'bor e' 12 ageat 'Tro s.'Try it I ,ioln S~orth9:5 :1 n.ad4:. 1rct t. f arber 'Slop i0 Going tiou lh7::,Ua. i, 11 :35a. m. and it33p.t m Gen'l Pats. Agent. Agent, I Is at1.\iss 1.111 1110,3,2 S llhSt