TH4Z MICHIGAN DAILY Fall IaiIoring Who Iroakeo tour tlotli"'.' Rhather a pertinent and pointed question, to 1,,.e-tO, hut out'oh- t) in akinte it is to itt-;.you in} our'Supe-ior Sort of Tiitring- If you avreriot al ri-ad t a patr'on (if our %, u'We like the pleas- ore of inaking youtr fall suit. as a teet of oor ali ill to it and lea ceyou. There's Nothing Beyond Us in (Garment Making. Ourt'n011WoWolens are a ehoice 'teletctioti front he Ihest cof Foreign and Dlloteetit' looms.i'We show oiaoo hanjdeototandi 'celusive pattern eon lined to us for this localit Fou'r'. pwrftty sfe in puse' tug yourupeeltatlons very high, Sir iclen youi lea ve an ordleewith ons, for you will toeem int with any disappoelintmlenlt. You'll find our pricesiuoder- ate andipleasing - eernans. If we make youre lotno-tis steason, your future l t frl)na ge will tak eare 'ofitseelf, (G. H. WILD) CO. 311 S. State St. il, OU ISH Vi-T()Il [HE MICHIGAN DAILY. Arbor Postoffice. Pablished dily (Mandays excepted) during thaenllege year, at 117 hast Wahington street. Beli phone $91. Itone phione 7a. 'Maoiiu~g Edoor-AelkurC. lPond flu- lee'' Manager--C.'. 17.lwetead. <.tt ",>>>gtit t'' 111 1 e o laxc - ligork than th1111 -11 ;1-11 Itt' it 1o; titleI tl ti nt lii-dec ide tatit sarllite (rc:tl t;ill (4,111 liii i t il t{) li-it-eutatlol tii a oti-lil t lll til ii tilili it l i-i ('()llt vt ti 1t ' it r -ittiltiti it- ve ti l lited a d ot I -of 11 t l.t 'ii-iic thc alsvined tim fo tt? lnu l tl' ii or ar coiltil tt' 1u- to IIvitl I f «'c ti I.: 11e e t) Iia th t oth he a i 1; lei iciiiiiti~l lli lg 111i FOOTBALLS _ _ .__ _ _ _ I l 1 'save lMolley on~ yor Books anti Instrut- The Students' Bookstore, State Street. 'Textbottoks frtll depjartimcnts tof t'e'Universeity reftailedf at a' IDiscount from Wholesale Prices. SECOND-HAND BOOKS AT BARGAINS We carry te targest stock itt the city- of Ketillel adf Essie Drawing Instruments The kitnd recomimended bty the faculty- Our gootdus arc the' best, totr prices Ct tie owstu. Our $1.00 Fotantaiii Pen the Best it the City. Shielhan & co., Props. Pillows, Banners and everything in ROOM SUPPLIES DARLING & MALLEAUX Atltlic-- --........Roert If . Clancey New i ...... lo . ..Da idF .ft St venicitil0 lxc ftiiigt-.I leitry 7A. Sitotnitcim Muic l nd ~ iil I Ictitn afuil S. -Miter- ltec~ris N.Smithl George A. Oehborn J. Eical Ogle, Jr. If er F. Sefhult-e IHaroilifC'. Smithl Claretice'F. hlriilge Johnti '.\\tic BUSINES5S STAFF John F. Wurz iH. John amboltnd RATES:t$l.o per year, nr $2.00 it paid in advne Addrnes:CHIAS. Ii. WINSTEIAD, Bansin Manager, 220 S. 12th St.tPhonen 707 L. Otftnceilouns: 12.30 tn 1:30 and 6:30 tn to730 P. M. Dilty. Editioir todtay-GLEiNN'I I. BfRADLE.' C'A\11N I1I.f it S'cetol ftMsiiyeuttertIl.ive Mass tttletig, 1liieireily Iftll, 7:130. girlic givi-tiby DIlttJotrdan tu theti tilbourgyre, 5 lp,11 ft1 li alreptionibyitchooltt'i-lvii-k. facul t t th Std ts 4- p.I. 11111 r lass iii ii l tit i e -6 ). I t Fc r - lilitllec hith il i tit r NcosIe tlt'8'. n SIi iini''glittee li il h am 0il ct. t 1 -lilet icAssiat i on elii lecioi n Ic iivetilly Mailt ~t 0 -irstii ico ilc tit C rli )i onI- spirit uri~l iihe it la t hve l's rein ecittt customst h lve ente iiltd i w tit i ty CI111 c t i } t f 1'11111 itmass me ing frthe awak-ii e n in gttfic ' sp i itw i l h l i n i hupotan- itt-t tateer tdenit dm--llen thatiii genetlh i i i1c lihas-retilted front the ifootba l i litil ciiis: l l.ii t I ii lin ,ll ic-t g ri 1111 oth e ii (,"pN"Kure of llt tilspet ed ii i t- teidi rn h-111 i ilthel1k1111h trg gi i falti l ri nd te n p ii ltr y cring sordd of su itpropo tisian i-inc omuhethuiusmthatetu It k n il iic" iii ait dit noo interfee "Atliw Wait- i "ick theCv iOoc t i i v itv i itt i ll lititte "ii ii i n ic titke lpart wllthe eelin thit cititi of getting there ort et urn- tlt it) om iouti be ig troittitti i thir oppottei ts1111 hei freshmen,- i- li-Itl ii i-c teiltvi ted t gtrni (lilt tidtgi godinrsii -of yl icigan sirli citiad larnihoi-cto l lpci in i gi ng cii Neii citithe' ra i o t conceit- titlei a-i fre ii I n t itl to t-ats1at 111 tit eioriii bench.i cit. , o -cit sh'"dIc le t he Mei t te th irculat-Iiion of ti iti tllb olttit m helt- ierii till comiled b'll' 111 litpati ilan 1). KSy.It conta1 in1s isintended toI cu i g pyialcl it\ dilpc rtment. that ill he i ii it ii (Im- all the 1 read i tg, r -cmm Ided in ofi I-it-itel ch week, hit ill have- i tiitle t im tou tr. lttti - i~iii Howver i he m nifesation of'so re t a iri t of wkI o e part of heis able to di o.I 'T'os dtiri ng toI dtic oii tic ir relar invcs ty w rk ico rsin mus 11 ic ltl turd will have liamp le iiiotu ityt(iin, th co ig yercotoio, teilt-i-i lionc (rtstita li about fot indiidua till illitheut ive n frmlilt tn ThestuSntlmphN illi. 171111a whtiicoenli liii ii isat toranize, 1and1 whti c iii q nt o all- h u nt i tilt-ce t Ii cliiiohcl ilg te 1 ii h isto ica Itchecils in c , n lii i'cc, ilt - compoers. :C\inii ina fe. f 1,0iy alr IFa 1-11be K' 7imi eelticiieu iv oly. citas a1 d micel a eu pl'rcitits, 75 cents $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 $3.00 and $4.00 Ih TBcfookstore tha'sNever Undttersuuld. C. E. Barthell MEDICAL LAW DENTAL eooks NEW AND SECOND HAND CaoI ltchiange Cute Old Blooks. C. E. BARTH ELL 326t Sounti talie StretC Spaldiogs Official root Bali Guide Containing the liiil icii uut l is e i 11offo halifr t- schedule=: ciuiici e tci; icoes, picturnes oft ill-v h-tI oplutiers. Pice iocGen. A. Gi. tipAttUtNti & ( ii Yort. t lcagi, i ousi c lie.'ni tco It. eli tilictivh.ttuee. I~ttalo sy~rclls, int t 't Pila pia. t Bosctn Wit tI ,IC-icinti, atimoe Sendiiiyoutrtiname andili-t i;cre i-ittof tii tplinaF il l itt i -t st' - I C '.t lg ,i THE CO=OP STORE Utider fine Controi of te University of Micitigan Cu-operative Association. S. P. Weaver. 'o7 Law, Supt. WE stiLt. Eougene Dietzgen CO.'s Celebrated D)rawing Instruments and Supplies See te Genuitne Riciter" Hoop-Bowv ' Set. See te Gem ntftiontSet, witithCie 0"Bot-Thrut "'joint. See te Special AntttActor Sets; ditrable cottstrtuctiont and speciai feaftores. REMErMBEK Every Instrunment Is Sold Vndor Abeolveto Guar- anitee. We Protect You.. ALWtAYS tATRI INZE THE CO-wOP Tine Store of te Studettts, bh1Cie Students, fot'-te Studients Enmploymuent for Students There are utll 'afewo piaces opett for Univiersity inen Cut tork for room. Also The Supply of Hand-Books for free distributiovn is limtited- Studets wisiing copies shotnld apply aCotncee university Y. M. C. A. Mec'illan Hall WATCH THIS SPACE FOR Students' Lecture Association Announcement _ ;_ q CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANIEIS THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST