THE MICHIGAN DAILY GRABS Al IHOAG'S This is your chance to get the most merchandise for 25C that you ever have had. Five huidredt loxes filld withgod, lean, (desirblec godts fromi alt0dIpartmlets IDry CGoodsICiiniIFaleyAr ticesJewelrySatioery, Musoicatl istrumiinlt.In the lot are io Zithers worth tp to 2.50 ech. If uot satisfied you iiay have younimin iey back. H OA G' S HOME SUPPLY STORE Occidental Hotel We Cater to Banquets, Etc. Hiixson Lunch- Ypsilanti D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY tipciatleers to Lrlt sit m., and 1ee) Special I ,r. la'ks30a.II., andievery leeur 1 :+1t eli NIt etr 1 :1 5 a17 t :111.:1e.tie t11151P1m WAITING 111111G. IHURONiS T, welRTO111MAIN. i FINE LUNYCHES NOcalry thel~tte! 'lofTRISH;e~. IllJ 7'0Fz1 ilt&iMIitI; I (.I igaretes and1 Don, ls'llI & eyel°iig(1sas. A cmleilt 1li1e111 all 15511177 il1I1-. XW" ae agluts feor IClel&I'>Io. IKK AN & 1)0. Mnd 3 H Iii I lsofu I[A C -,& SCHIAVIPI I ie lolelaIheI lN lONS R. lE. JOLLY. Stt t. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. I Seling Nrth 913177A. m1. ad 43 p. m. 10o1ng Seath t:W a. I.l 113 . at. ab f:3 p. II .1. J. KIiIIY, W. T. WILLS, 0enl Pass1. Aget Agent, Tledo, 1Ohio11 An IArhr Mich 11e11 phe ll13-Il Home phe dw se IXLHIGAN CEN "The Nfiagara Falls Route.' Chicago Bulffal lBoson New York Though 1Tr1iMslEat-3.1 al., 2.40 I. La! ls Ml-se05. Im., *11.10 aMi.Il.,405 p. in *8.35 p. III. Thraugh [rais West-.07 a. in,, 7.5 .it, ., 9. isa. M.,i72,3P. mI. M20p. Im. Lcals Wetl-221 aIn., '.20 a. Ie, '*1.40P en., '0 10 Ip, Il. * (C thulle Sna.t CMnectens at Chiage fr St. Leeis K11111111City ad the West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbr FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ann Arbr, Mich. F.. I 1).Kin . Pres. 11.1rio le Vt. S. WV Clrken, Cashier eaillxil.$00.000. Srus aMd Prefits. 150,00 BAIEYD&DMUDS 121 East Liberty Street. WAI KINl LOO Chinese Chp-Sney Restaurant Ierge YeeRawt e&Joe Prpietr. ol 11i1.faly 11100,, Ameicanl11 lees ot Ever)1,,IsIything ft irs-lsorldese~ and 1gn1temen1. Ch1iullean1111Japanese Bri-a-bran. f t,I111I' 'io1)1W.12. 31 .s, tae sireet. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 3261 N, Fifth Ave. .5 Ph110ne,4577 Bl P Ihoe 45 7-1L All Students' Supplies. Station- ery, Fountain Pens, U0. of M. Pins and Banners. Cigars and Tobacco. Save a 'Walk and Give Us a Call. Students' Supply Stfe 1 ff11S. University Ave. Not "HOW MUCH" a Cigar Costs But "HOW GOOD" it Smokes. Winner Pittsbu rg Stogies 4 for 5c. $1.10I pe r 1to x (f 100, , D]EAN tom. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. U Ll PRICE CUTTING SPECIAL Here are a fewv of the very good tings we have left fur you Lot i---ormier price $21.00, IIOW-_.___ $14.50 Lot 2-orier lprice $15.010, 111- - --$10.50 Lot 3-Furmr price $12.oo, ulw - - $ 9.50 Lot 4e-Formuer price $Io.oo, 10 - - $ 7.50 Seveutv-five suits, hrokeii lots formierly sold for $18.00 sld $211 oo, are inithis sale at $ io. 5o. ll Odd Pt1ls 25$p elet ciff Manhlattan Shirts 20 per coolt off Sev eral lots of Staley atnd YpsilaInti Uuderwear ore eniormlously redtuced. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 Soath Math~ St. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. the:alp a 1" 15 1)rv ,ict t is -i F 1esh ineic tryouts1for Mayltra next Sa~turday af,)ternioon 3"ld, t' Wlaterman gi y31). WiNl~tll% Itr Ntiei - of icw lit fotal own t In ett 1 st , ,itiii t iii hal, tN I t t 1)77 lhk. iiptiiii 771)o 01.i ii rl ( u c ii > p ic ti i i. h a trn ilt in i liii Nn.11 ll, A. 0"lit '11111club til hg 71 coiiiiti .lhueciioc7711 .1, 'S $5 2 intt iuy a fire in- .1)711 ~~ '111