THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fy esting and Toseringl Window Display The largest and most com- plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right. We guar- antee perfect satisfaction. lk 0. ti. WILD CO. 311 s. State St. Our 1-4 Ott Sale ot Sweater Vests Is rapily clain tg up the the stock. If you tneed one youd best comeint 1 before the line of szes is broken.i $600 Ones $4.50 $5 00 nes,$3.75 SIIEIIHAN & C.'S The Students Bookstore Banners and Pillows 140ff at DARLING & MALLEAUX 224-226 S. State St. I THE MICHi JAN DAILY.! } c fWilp ltl 1. Il 1Cu S 'ii- hi. c .. her athletic Enereed a secodils ismatrtthe Ann n1it.liiii i."cccolleges. Arbor Potoffjice. I 'cic 1 cgc recasonsl;but Publisthed daily (Mondays excepted) duinig ltrI3'henoe t the college year, att117 East WSahingto ii '1iihiIc eapiio uncertainoty street. Blluphone 892. lHaie phiine 7.6 h - il.tIi sclx~ii's withiithe Managiiig Editor-Arthur C. Pound.. itVhi hr cc t; i ti cii. l, firithe cai tis not Hlenry F. Schulte Glenn D. Bradley iic'iyio ifavorableiiii' iiiarils tic wsts. William A. Mulhern Floyd I Jones I s It i ldbe cIi iihei, fore:Michigan lii t iii ist holdw ith iie iandI before RElPOR.TERS. i iii."ii Chauncey Boiucher George B. Bohart C11r tiiiiiirtowiarids iiclhigani A. F. Ritchie B. John Wamboldi 'on ~ csni iiiii i, iiiiionieiof re- J. W. McCandless Guy P. Blius 'Il, Ccit Ii acion meani Is that IHirani S. Cody William F. Gradolpi 'lii , i otiuie-.I \icliigiii again it G. R. Williamis tLeiinardi C. ligic ciii ,--nlssChlicago should Carl R. Moore aii. ciiii-m fom ith iuifrnce. _ -Chi~ig dos int wntio ithdsilirawc,lbe- BUSINESS STAFF ii ii i iti icii I ei iciii thiat more JhboF. WitreIHarryilli icii rmstiniig tiy tti CarlIt. Aidam}lt:icadrlldngisefts RATES: $2.o nper yeas. oras $.nn itpaid iN iiini sl cs advance. 1bic gap III CI. icigcl allci i shed le - lCicg iiiiirily iegreis itiat the Addrsn CHcAS. 13. WINSTElAD),Bitnesst iii iiiil iitrtan rgient, ire ainc Manager, 22o S. 12th St. Phone 707 1.. Office Hourst: 12-30 ta 1I:30 and 6:30to 7;3 ort t i rii iii itic eitltticrlattiins P. AM. Daily.tht l lii w bguinltoi make interest- Aiddress: ARTHUR C. POUNO, Maaging iiig hii ccii.11dItraiioii Eitor, 715 Macste. Ciao ie seli is, otis swithi Offic ce ur; 2 to 3 P. 11. Daffy, i ri isif.lcliai Exacept Sunday.alr 1 traeeloso lihgn ltiiis t ew. ~li~ie.1116mli his i go liii - Biii cc believc the al.Itis qiteI trueii t'lit thii east miay nit %-1cm 11with moreiCa'l~tes, hut as N~ ia liii I l irdi hails pted o ult, except as c Brd a igtracl.: mect, sic tiave iii li i ciii I r()tlsiing itlpirsenit forthi Editor toiday--GLENN D. BRADLEY'. tlei eaions ini theieast, if ace ilc ii gig Si AYi, JANUA.RY' 24, 1907)A1 noti i ill we i rese tilmedt th col. tillt tiecointrary, CALENDAR. i l iiifc iis imakc' it possilble si-csill gilliciiriiopenrltioiis ccwiihChicago, cir Jan. .1 _Sisllliniorc tt litdnic' iltBr-i n ii' Cnfreiin'c llege' iii stantd- biiiiiigymnaitlsium.lti .''lc rioctici'elcegislaiioithtie jil. 25 F. H ophinson Smtith on S. L. i iliii u c o or eseintmeinlt 1aswell A. Course. 'is thei'gireateist ev ideiice ofIConiference Seniicr lass'etectioni of tiashetbill iiimnagii h iicili i «is lit the wsork iif miainager. I. iic,'igi ikdciiise aclhnger sciteilule Ja.ui 26---h-ell (;eet players il l ' ai-wa loadI yChiciago. 'ihese wsere let," after'noont 111d1evenling. titii pet I liioslof itile siatler scthools, Jail 218 Juniuir lit dicec'tiilcrbiour ait iis this 'idictatiiiotby'smalliii'ciii- giulillsiuti. 4- "-' haisi nla.b Regit Llev'i ,.. tarbuour ita againt ilves ci ilto is ptirse tii aid aIU'iier- sity' project. ticrclic'. le ills cecilonic of our miostcon'isten~t benefactors, his gts ranging froni the large idonation to Barbclour gytmntasicum to smaller acts ofi friendlsthip when funds cere moast nettll.I isi latest bequest is one that strihis a chicrd of grititude itt the stu- den t lmind4. Itncrder to prociiie ready fiiiiis for thie c'tiiidelittg of tile Cooley rsiiecec'to maiikc'it hettuc fit thie needs rif ai cliitdoiuse, Regc'nt Blarbcoutrlas do- ntda loi t in'e ifty' of Detroit. It is ther intecntiont of the i.'niontto raffle this prpelrty in orider ti turni it ito cash at1 dn . Onic'ieore Resgetatirbuir ihls prioced hiiitsc'if a frietid in nieid. MUSIC AND DRAMA 'Its cl eingi5 lt y7.30 cicloch, at thte Scitiocl ccf :Music, tite fillowcing prii gritmswill lie gill biy'thii pupils if the~ eliiciitiioitdeparitmlenit, assistcedibythis cittind.Miss Lecila t'aclini soptranto. Au ni inis teni cents. Tlo a W\ildi tose.t. ..tVc1)oi,'ll Ga'lotp Burlesqiti ... ... .. ;srliet oirothtyWinits, Reaintg--.lie Wind ...... x4i Sister's tBest Felliciw.. .. Ilon NoiraiFogarty. Thei Rolsy :o..l.....iciikvzc'ahy' Stella Liacrids. Scene---Prairie i'rilitc es D~uchiess Grace Buiehiler. laidy Nann~y-Ada Sm~ithi. Dashinig M\adgc--J. Conlstance' Clarhkei Lighinllg LouiiBecssie Lecmncarid. 'lr. Niagaitdi'C'. JiihiiiLigniall. iGmndiiilcra .... ...... Rii'ill WciitcihDatice. . . .Allak The Siliiriie....' ci.etnech Katharcine Sm~ith. Readiintg-Keepinig a Seat ci thle hRee lit.................lPisk J.Contance Clarken. iles. IDirothy Probert. Reaiieg Charlie Shallh Not Ring Tic- night............... vAio Wa lter Sprites ....... eller Taratella. . . . ogeas Fairies' Revel.:........ 'Seeock :Mary lBaynes, Raiing--Darius Greell andi His Fly- ing :Mlachine ............ 3'rendciriige C. Johnl Ligntianl. TYliti"sRITING - STATIONERY. -Senlior court work a specialty. Etm- biossd atl plaitt stationlery at student pi'ices. Above Co-op. Jolliffe & Kitz- imiller. rod \V'AN"'IhD---lace is ciick or tiorter in clib or frcte'rnity' hoiusc'. Addrecss CAM.NPUS VICXS-32 for 25 cets at Miss l~ocell's, 332 S. State street. &i-eoii Neic Hatiibirger place ott E:ast Ilib- erty' is ilia opein. 8t-86 Track &Gymf Supplies The opening of thte itidoor track sea-ott sees us with a well selected line of all the toggery atn 3 tratck tiecessitiesrepreseut- itng.statndard tmakes. Prices Always the Lowest WAIIR'S C. E. BARTHELL Le .w Medi ca. Dervtod BOOKS Text-Books Dictionaries Statutes Quiz Conmpeuds Etc. CASH or EXCHANGE, For Old Books C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. Shale St. It is diiwiys hueaithtoi' iisee'icrseii c' aetesicee gas. iFor this ec-csoiCii printiiieiiwi pcrtiofitheCi'hic'agoi tiiarcon's Thei Hu cci 'ii editors iiare 'Cl'ierIcolic_ gilnsandil whict they' sati s ilii'ciys cortih o liili \'hiile the p ointoi iwsfi aepeetdinl ainliiilight thict is wellI worti'hi cullsiiier'iig Sciy s'the .Maroon :i "Mhichiiganiihacs soti 'siounld reaisonls lice wainig toi withidieaiifromiiithe tig Ninei. IHteiest cathlelte's are barried'lifrcii We riteac urll iiifthiat Muichigcan hay noclquarreli xvithiCoinierenice coilcges, partcularlyii ith hoeitii iethletic ccii .ar cona pr ii iihicocr'. If stcp% cll b taelto met hicgoi, or all tlt ci v(r iiccpp lie i ll iitie wecst, Mcia 'Indens cwll wseicime the alliancei. \iiciii'z' reasfi edi c ofii opcr'a- thsis in the miiile weni ith liieasternl gamete is iimportanti Icaddenda. Buthtt tre's- ciiia (i illeiinceiconitiiilitnse.iintoler' quiekrt and os iiWcticeiemedy' is withdrawalcc . 0 ~L01~. SEND YOUR NAM1E T p li g MR b1 For a Co~talo j~ze of Spalding Athletic Goods Mention chat sport you a r inteisted in ancd ash Ins a list ofuleligi' unit sech supplies. She Spa1dcag Athsletica Llbra y Text bok s neesy athl eeort.lile lee (sipy. Sieadlfsorxomplete Ltstl Mail Osder Dept A. U. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nastaa St., New Yerk. 149 Wabash Ave. hicago How About Underwear ? Are You Well Supplied? If taut, take advatntage of te BIG UNDERWEAR SALE at the Co-Op. To titove our etttire stock of winier goodis we are selling the satite greatly BELOW COST. Best $1.00 Grade, now - - 65c Best 50c 44i 6 - - 30C Regular $1.00 Union Suits, now - 80c Regular $2.00 44 6 - $1.35 Takc e'oatleeof (/he opporil'(it y~ . 'i ptp y hool'sel.for' iii iiitte. AtfTHjE CO-wOP 310 SOUTH STATE STREET i it Over 55 Over You Can Read These if You Want to at McMILLAN HALL The Outloouk P~earsns The Phiili-tine hPopulhar Selenci' Monthly Scriiuns Rceiew of l'viea'a ShorutrStories The Crafitoman 1C'i'ient Literature' l~etyhodyn Brcushbad Penicil The IBookian Buick Cat Charities Am. Jtournai of Sociology Watch for the 40 Others Here STUDENTS' SLECTURE ASSOCIATION F. llopkillsoll Smith, January 25, 1907 8:00 p. m. Vziiverslty Hall 'I CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES ':i __ THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 ' 1UTII STATE ST.