THES MICHIGAN DAILY 1I! Samu Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BUCFED& CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET LL H 0M Co~l In Mack's Tea Room 1f ,wN adfrte. atanlII'-r ry, Meats, Vegretable. Soaf. etc- hi Ittwe,!ttiand pais Iftie Noi.d fe rits cel,---tat. cowfetable appointmlents ad Lina ike sleroanaita-, t hist"lea I ipo i i4very Pl)ula enwit h t it i a -t ;nd ittdoitsof zn A 5 rr LUNCHES SERVED A: LA CARTE At Most Reasornable Prices Macks.(6,Co. 11111fUARIURI~S AND MICIIANICS BANK MAIN AND) tititti +1SlI;ti Capital, $50,00t, Surplus and Profits, $(,5,00 Do ,a l tr ra t latiitt iIltt , _ iat i I fla 3er!fil iil' a '[ nti , i t i % r iDep,tmttt, (tet' Ip-'i t i itI; tLt i'l' at, CLAWtt alIi11a) :r, lt. Ii atli ,toa I I 4 tttt. 0. M. Martin :;RL l R t ticr 111 S 't'l Av 'i 10 8 tteit i ttt fi;o2S .:tA vOit Nt I i to :;11,. AMBUL ANCEiON CAtLL 1 WE SELL II I 1 f CUTLERY MEUHLIG. & SCHMID 205 S. Main Street. Suit Cases Suit Cases Suit Cases We are showing this week a large assortment. $500 Ask to see Our All Leather Case at ALLEN.., THE CLJOTHIER, MAIN ST. 1 t - .-' { I MPO RTANT!1 The Annual Sale of May Festival reserveti seats will begin on Monday, January 14, at 9 o'clock, at the Uniiversity School of Music. From Mon- day to Saturday, inclusive, FIRST CHO 0I CEI of seats may be tail for $3.50 each. FESTIVAL DATES, MAY 8, 9. 10, 11, 1907 THOMAS ORCI-EESTRA Frederick Storck, Conductrt THE CHORAL UNION A. A. Staney, Conducttar BYDER-KE.LSEY JANET SPENCER SCHU"MANN-HEINK EDWARD JOHNSON CAMPANARI W ITH ERSPOON and others. THEATORIUM Program For The Week SATURI)AYAND MONDAY The Out Licnse . The IEx-Cnvict TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY A Cuious Discovery Drunkard and The Statue Lore uva. Title THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Bird's Eye View rof Par-ia The (ireenHoordsMae ILLUSTRATED SONGS When the Mocking Blirds are Sieging in the I Want fly Pia. On the Pliloiws of sit I i r. Moe's Barber shop 0. A. MOE 705 North Unlverulity Avenue Totl fOdit NlNI' il at lirge I wisitoti advise tlteit to take lhi n i itthe futtire tt ittttoi=they tie- lEterthei ibaggaigetittiks ntir i-tar- ria it tilt e ot t at - justt decidein atit-jstc' cot urgis ite t gie this iotlice. A ceti ti etttoinitg to AnntuSArbor latfill gatve hi ittheksto a an ttir tihletdepotiwitm hettt stdgi ihith cutlieyapfpis itgbeintgsiie. t rThectenitt titre tttoltnte iowtite irly titit otntisittti ttii thsttt gt t wthe it ttta rlef thttl l ieas notIhirirto th ity atigItimtodoit hisrk fe otttuttheidthtithe stuion-atmurttit look li t wtt-littnilie etrute with th V. ISo.eathVan a.tunirtt, 'ingi. lt BI-o r - nua it t .ln a lt tti AT 1- retta>'ie AD. ys carefly f thtt c~ni ii i iixpctttt ytt hetti i tnlt11tiCletteti. 1Ge org ~eate, ii ofstree rl 'is pty I itit ttf ti e at t tt T t i ket wit aatolt ary t ofiiits ipug at s ata tr selr iav cc tt t f or 1 cltlc'ttl e ttft rpem tair& O o utr S W l and evl- Y tan inOwtclat hasreet.o cial w lcfor he oeasiw. 14 and Glasses repaired. Eyes care- fte Whtyt itt it ttt 1ttha tr cm o ~ttf StifatoGeaiorg aesaist.r kid fat ituetae attue nigp rce.F lr& 'on ,6qK Wi Holiday Goods NOW ON EtXIIION A inae Assrmnteaeel at ie Attraiet'Pries% Brown's Ibrug Storc 1201l,.I ILiberty SI. Rcntsch 1 , Photographer Hot Ltinch At T-ettletts, 338 N N 1st EXPERT JEWEL I tY 11( Watch Repairing1 4t14t)4t I ti i t t I It I IA I's OURt IF I'Il)1) "W 'ni. Arnoldiiiii I 220i S. Marn StIii. I FOR T l J U NIOR HO0P AMERICAN BIWALJTIL Roses of All Kinds. Vio- lets, Carnations, and all leading Cut lilowc-rs. Are always first--clas, WlifIllI ill:()R P1-fIlS FRdiYLNO & M1,-NI)L Florists (iRANI) RAIDS, PCt:III(iAN StitticTttt t i nt pafl i gh p rtfticls lttt 2ff t tl t ftttt insrnc la k i tftlcos. t- itagy tptitt l)ttic Pp ISS()iS 's INiCHIN PINNIINC, .-- ISS 1,( fl', ff2 S, latc St P -o Srrits tressed 2apt; trousers, toc Iirller & O'Connor. tf i ttptisfallton uaar1 p la iIt c w P It- Get your election tickets. danepo A Word to the Wise is Suticient! Dotyouikntow that at WEBBI'S CANDY STORE 109 S. Main Street Yo can ntit ow proure arty of tthe following: Ice Cream -Plain or Ftancy Moose-Plain or Fiancy Ftruit Ices---Fruit Itlavoars P~unches --trozen. and liquid Individual Molds, ltancy Bricks, etc. Mr.WOb itif A inall orders isf persnal atteation. te alsot fis ini stoik fapauieseta Npkirns witli e nflletas tuitabfo tr tary spjec~ial da I" otcttaiiittnantI a complt ett line offWavoforItedinnrint int- biese tc.,anti alntotarries Nie- ding fake Bois in all varitties, plain or with rriouogratti. t , s , _ , l - --------prints, etc., at 'Inc Anna AtotJPESS N-rtlitttr N1rflt trt iiralumnts tof te ti7 C. Washiugtont street;l printers of tnitters-ipy, ItasPretlyi iben appfifte T hIt e Michigan Daily, Inltander, Alume- tiltotr-itt-chief tof the DeftrotitPrete Pressnunts, "Tchniic, University News-Letter, dittce hisCgradutatiton, -fte fat ternntS .5C.A.IHandboitok, Yost's Great Booik ic~ti ti-itlt te 'rtittute atitt iatertie' ottFootbtall, IHigh School Omtega, etc. t'a Izs fit ratik is arteitotrial wtiler We do tmore pritinrg for the sautdent s eceptiontailp high anditlgaiined for body than all other shops combitted 1111this excelrift it vantcitemtent. Soon in oar own haildirig, Maynard srtopposite Granger's Acatdemtyan Alarrm clocks at I-lter's, Main street. ! just northi of School of Music. tf i I I Elcticit Supplied . to College Mefl and Women for All Purposes. Waslitenaw Light& Power Co, 200 E. Washington St. Our Annual Clothing Sale! Suits1- 411 Overcoats 4 OffFrench Back Overcoats, Long and Medium Length boc NECK WEAR 35.-3 FOR $1 1-4 OFF WADHAMS ( Co. See Show Window Main Street 'The 61 -tetcl1s ,, IIBILLIARDS, POOL, II BOWLING ALLEY,'S UIlP-If)-D(AllEI S iiftl it t 'Phi i S eT e lyo Bowl. it ii I i I (.Idl, it ta l~ sth i tof I rtti!,r to 'Cry Our New ut Soturl (irlsr. 220 ((li it xt TIsihw ilt 22 tE I.1.Reyno ld's Cu, ,. - 1 r'.- Pt wasklugton L R ANDiALL , ยง12 1 iPHO TO GRAPHEy;R Phone 598