The Michigan Daily Vet; VII. ANN ARBOR, MfICIIIiG\N, \VIKII\SIIAY, \.1 ' NY23, MO-*7 N().~ 25. _ _ -- MICHIGANENSIAN TO BE SENT TO HIGH SCHOOLS Regents Nave Appropriated Sum for This Purpse-New System for. Annual's Management. \t thir licinviiigFriday last, Mte bordiiof regents toedallnpy opri atiot "if $;; t teiiiig ii lstit board of controlfirtoe iiipose'ofidiniilig 'and ditributitntg one hundted cppis 0, ast years I tna i coiamtontg.tie high shols of ie litay'friimiia pratilt o fitriiee busiess mianiageimen ts iNliihiickhs dfelute chi lto itpoir lb financmaltacests ofi Midi gait ypel book l I lilth e otntiinittee they, didiliiiteiispig olitoo a~to assinet a i tn ii u i toutif l(- ito litilsof vninafirsitheipoliyof siiiissitt ninhuh timaiagr isedeittle on- lieato frte f iial ut cc ies' of h ii chtilgtm tut a chai t iw ia, it illo thi lise iwiri hs tnot hi i at i-s ii s itmatagr il te Iis.i ti,'i s irs tub ftltisigutenouttig o iadjusthis stpptl of 15bosto iithu load.':,calbo sl t ifrme i th'rs'eei ' hun'red toites ofii th lii I itiertnIonit'irits tiand iiiot ptresn me lt lfo tte ril iidli Th~wciceiofieti'tiit''.thettltur-ii we're purillsedNtd it fgrthtentab lit ditlcl ed i ii s'iiiii e mis pinth thimarki' etiterhtfllotiaigrice oitenr ai iso ti" it i cens itatihtalesit suctih pgiesic w idel tittili rndth teopstiteittiy ilthe fall foiuw$jing Ii foie05teut. Nt i ttk lesn \\li' lt h b tt tdg iiei'ia i alr this seas reeig anei ialep90( ie.i antrol dri nit ijselfft i triitt itl itno t~t astgli sops iaNflii took iii y cmai lotfat ,heri llisi sioiigradi pose nd eiftir th anua l imnbsrlet ~ it 1sthe silaeti ittanlelwlii;l levt s'Nfii thaensretaniti eru iodst e a nbers-i ala'mer untsipi hairfotloing prutb- iratin. t itths iiitistn eliis-ifthe i/igatiit walite tro-e iledtrs iitei ti lIbelet c mit 11 ti awittiaconittal11 iisand laiboar it is c tiliandgprmantte .foo iit-theit ilitot lhs as recogni1 ised:ll it I lispboaslit cotrot ldeiestaboutit storsagoihat noltt itsile coet of theloikl'itheii wiere at to pubilish nilo ulditigrais postri ti o ig11 ifthelc li oksnt ii liele highst ut sdemandititid iieer saitfid aaobrneedlitip, oer- tttslllrtuide stoyed.sth tilis tel iyviwlielis yopers ofiitleg1its ei ti leresritei, anit at lie saetii tini nt ta sitnge copy' wiii be offerred for, tale at less titantheli original tline er'l'trflat sheets 'of the copies ;secretary Wade will distribuite 'are already in the hands of the binder ani il ttlibe ready toiisendt litoitile high sellus iniI fill Ieks ihcl ol'ttt i c eiig'itsi tt wa s illse iof tilt lily lest sitilil I iltli t hei k i of it itn tielt'lrge high schloolls ofi f'uiersii'tiof MIicii'ig'iii is and1 iwhat it Attheiii uiness' mteeIting' If thie' i' ii ce i soi et lsti fighiiiit fiCa''l 1>. rttile'ittvas eted ills iidttfortih' secoit s ii ttii~i'Il tm itws pre- setedti' i'mitsti itatfter.iptig 111d dslyclusiugs to tK ttiseiiiiioit'd loig I ltitiol-, aindiielcion i lthe tilt' 'oslit'linstead of lettingi ty wet k itesveneii asit e c ii tittitl of ' t e' s. iiibii' i reus hit ths ilir ii lIiate N b l iiI.liih~~ glunt, dtfaigl R.diRit i Hodlttn't-IandeeT. C.elireli ie abatti ay tgiby ilit th tficeitfryeisNditg lbcItaryf.sht i A'prieitia 1 '1 liaedingtedtsii reviisean te cl"tier iti tittItn a it't n k it t' ii iiilayhIs.sot li pprori to Isi's "infolesltitipriOtn fapcn bfte sirt ie it lfitersttit i er i theltit etittot uilesitkt ie s i hi otris a ii li orctin le this yeas'i'itealil elnit etarsicespo f sue' Hoar Cri f h iivs it o ii - igiatiilibttdliveteitihs dSottAndhr e, chutrhltltiest i eyritt ii ptbrstthit Rhenii tilry N ash e)I.,lrotis l-itn t bridek ii hittrit'NstlleubjIctswill thte iCr ti be taittratte atil i111 itatait ' 'mn fwielarig STRANGE COSTUMES AT tiNb001-)-l'u lFIerl''lf i IN MICHIGAN ANII YALE WOMEN'S LEAGUE PAR I Y ' hstt'IttYX~~t't i FRESHMEN COMPAREDJ Character's of AlllDes riptione IRep- resented-AnotetriParty ho tie tilsera Sotun. , II IIII i t II till 'i, 7 1' enlreeI'eu- li t Harlp 'r 11c~tla t"1etiilk.; til' ; li'st eat l ie" si I1 15'iii's Ile + Il l iii tuis 1' )( 11 '1ii :tilt 'uy iii \ tI Ii ''' I I( ,t Were vair I mhiss Iitrn n :ise uiie :i ss'ib elush s I 'ug l 'ii i a 'e aed 111111 a ic ttraitic iiii ttui'dn e I "(i 'iethu wetuhuuui e rfiuiii l ite cliii-' Tliii huuiit 5 iuuuiu'uiiuu i I' I in e a Friay folowng 'xii 'iti 'liii 1 'T's af ir ii w ich usi Wiillsunite.uii i ' ii B\r'I,,ge;l uiu is Psiii iuiuiiuiiiLACEDtu N ill 11.i ' Iii li t s I hullsg lteasne o Nlst fewi das f locsor lltuuiiu I uifessuir mciiii i ias 1111een 'luingii no h'i l as i n I prisa si t heiiiChiiu'i Streti I ai he'iiiuy. iii ~r '~cv is i~.ell I iiiit"m as ani iii 'thr till i s \liet o tills at in thc recent r i yta ti raesI hl als u~ ea li it- (7t inii' iliuli' I ' Iii l do ii in uiwiith the iicommiss ion ap ite ti'1 l>rini ilii tills ci' iiii ssionii i iii'si tastk it n to l c p aii' lthe tangiblte crating,'I b-,c il - iea'ob the uIea it it of th wok ia iett'i lita i le rm t h at hatI iti imb ed ii i5 m lai ithe' apparesi lyl l ;link (isui ,i f ii Ii thiniiti hirttofr hunded it fre tftilieeIlve o hi gui'ruusu iii y , peuiafutut c II I'IedIt)Ii i ' situ isslb jecti PR,( auu llui liii ii iis 'i ' iug'I1 I 'nil' isg bn, Ithois'chirman'uofs'he. atlic hoardi i of i I uontollusays ili'iiha t th iig atic iatediii' tiieiuof' thai, t hof, Im ofi tI i theh'e'bers\wil tktoKpb. lic 11 1*an so thean iu tudentI' cal Glay blerie hae een ma eyaslit, thei tl pe suitlii of lulse atihletic 'Iad o stu' n h I tili lii'sih e tedii by11 thest udenti li fc lyiicth s atu eill udgeil anei i'uau''t uI-uug il The uguun ll istuent rsiss uu'tl Yale Students Have Better Lung Capacity --Michigan Stataistics Furnished by Ur. lay. Alli iii l-iistill'ari lei I ul iiiiiiili ii'11. ph ic~ cIN 'llpnunt tul bill'f'u'sicnu uiIt thu hii "s of u i tiihi1 iii iha; I 'iii ut'- I~rl be i' )r Maii viiiei i calui li i nc i g1;tt iillaI hiy ii t ui ii'I b ~all' 'lii liiccd hIi n' tuil'n f ak ii h} Iir :I'lii u' iiiiihe''I,;'i thu lIii icoli- eels NI 1vcii i dshu t he irs f l, fr~ m l. (ifii liii unuuuuu 18irh11tlld till' iior } telil ii il ::l lcti uuiemost lo Ih l i ni1i'.Vuiiehauiut S ga illsIc iu'ietii thy" hiia'th,' iu'ui itin heart li i I~c ac sg 1lccop c iiif it ii i lullfeeh l" iii iAgue, ii' ii)'cair-lu/ iii it cuh t77 i- l viii I i iiie, iit'li u~om i l smo ii gld k~ncill' th it.ilii ''Ill i' Lutu l il s tt ' is i t h ln doieu',hg tll tl t I he'111,11.1 ii o K ld il i n ii11ihii rriiuI si I I iii i 111 ion I , g lii tt h ia 1 11i g n et 11111 l lii iii uti lk thn inii o of st Its uuuuuu I )I e\iay bli %c."Isu Iil ii i ,,Vt ,th a uit btsu iit Ill l o I t( iii I i ,11;t1 ot i t't hu I cd, ta fl a k-, 1 he ~ blthfA''tI% ilY 11151 t he tioorc ccls t T i il utdi~ ol i ° hi, toi a hleic ablty in ia l as- i , n s mts h 111twui yeteniaginleiuhiw atiottit [TYteI igan nuat nSe ~t FAseT PLSLes'AsaunoOF A NGEb totPOTRAIT,