THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fancy Vestinlg and Trollseringf Win~dow Display The largest and most com- plete line in the city in both scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right. We guar- antee perfect satisfaction. 6. IH. WILD CO. 3 11 S. State St. Our 1-4 Off Sale of Sweater Vests is rapidly clearing up the the stock. If you need one you'd best come in before the line of sizes is broken. $6.oo Ones $4.50 $5.00 Ones $.75 SHEEHIAN & CO.'S The Students Bookstore Balliers and Pillows 14011f at DARLING & MALLEAUX 224-226 .S. State St. THE MICI".SAN DAILY. I s '}.l t'm "nr( iin thesm ba" t't _ ; tr joe ir t nad woth\ Enteedasecoindclastmateat thieAnni ittivlitti'a't .IT l eaOu n- Arbeor I'utiiflice. titani'r ttittain htevst m a rity ofntudelnts favinig uw ithdrwalfr Published daily(IMondaytexcepted) duringihr the college year', at 117East Washington street. Bell phone 892. Horeiuephone 76, grousit fbeietaeIn tttetine - iinfrs that the tttjn txt v fllowedsi Managing Editor-Arthur C. Pound a feet lcxilni , awithout loonking 'or the Business Manager-C. E. Winstead. itit 'iii twitht co fnsideiniig thet ii tiiitt we'lfa e f th- i e sty. i { rDITORS. News............. David F. Stevenson Athletics............ Robert H. Claney Exchange.H..Jenry A. Montgomery Music and Dramna..Paul S. Mowrer Women's Editor..Louise VanVorhis MIuTORtAt. STAFF. George A. Osborn J. Earl Ogle. Jr. Harold C. Smith ASSOCtATg Zurf0RS. Henry F. Schulte Glenn D. Bradley William A. Mulhern Floyd H. Jones ttFt'ORTERS. Chatucey Boutcher George H. Hobart A. F. Ritehie H. John Wambold J. W. MeCandless Guy P. Bliss Hiratt S. Cody William F. Gradolph K . R.ItWilliams Leotnard C. Reid Carl R. Moore BUSINBSS STAFF john F". Wure Harry Hill Carl II. Adatt RATES: $3a5t per year. nr $2.00 it paid in advane. Address: CAS. iE. WINSTEIADBusnessn Manager, 226S. 12th St. Phone 7o7 L. Offcne SHours: 12-30 to 1:3o an.d 6:30 to 7;30 P. M. Daiy. Address: ARTHUR 'C. lPOUND, Managing Editor, 715 Mttnroe. Ottlnelloura; 2 ta 3 P. it. Daily, Etxcept Sunday. titlosftours at Nlews Editor, it1.30 untilt1 u10 tinily. at (Officein It ttiiiitC, Ult'si''rity Htalt. CEtr today-A. F. RITrCHIE. 'lUlISDiAY, JANUJARY 22, ii907. 1'1c isidomttu tf our staniiitadvocat ing withdirawnal fromthestr Coinerence thas'beeniquestioned il ore hanon studtilo f sotund h udgment. One ortf itm has askrilusitse ueso li'tis: "'Adtlntinig that thelis'lg maor tity ofl sttuilonts favtorwiithdirawsal, dotheyi knott' ilyixlry fastor i " "tat shall ise diiowhnlretiareot' Calil isetstill play. onitforereescootls where we sraret itmattkinigtilturtteas ri tsir iligibtiliy rutles, ttr will they b'Otl ittrs'Xt thrt foo1ttbat ll an bse hal gaes caneaiieshedulinthe easin andis it t rtirsmet1 aneatit te ixn Caot ntis tiatethe CIonferisetntce let Ifook oti t itI ias aritter ottllgo oraxiz thero ol fcocsr , ru n? ow ~tlileavet~ xi outrncritic',10ctin on'ithexmhaty-is-gt~ c ittin suet pnon ehaen a rot t tfih i tS t litti tudeaxtiseti mttrl - isi it l d ~mIndo s ToIltilonat ffistintheo Itisr htiole tt't'tiwnti tl m tria llyt t thesiti it iti hil ft i i s1 t a tit i itt , I ixiti lt stti d dasi x tin. Whe '.itthe, arived It t it-opiiosb 3 lidy olowix he ledtinm ttr liton as w eiveta ucesu t t it lilt th ligetsliil Ii. t gt'itrrttt ilimtis c was t llt fc'itornta dechui tte tth regets i n tixheti iewsxta stiltsrsthatihast beet n nti reyoerooe 'ti'thu frit' the sis lti M chga 11eIc r l ii iiir o n o n thi Cam-io i t'I',al i made t t he t it, vit fett i itoro i tlsn 'I a ireg nt itrging it hdrawaittl 1 the lay beforc t m tin. m te N I ig n a ithte t' Ittitd n enI cr trsIt \ t rt aitctiti '0t Supplies Tac ,4,1 lcy tio p el 't .I t ran it j sie mdnt it - a ilt nterli nt tat ptfef.oIcardl'heto' n thi(rn~poli o (t itre e. Asant ittdritt , sr ~the tttt iitixr rck sc it fcrcnec had beosloting- iitltila siolt Ieree tati s er t er ii tit t nui Ittseoood Iix' f-l iii cidus n mi actii hr i i I ail' t 'jheIOpgenig iolithie Sit1e t cr n'7 t vs'ttI1t tl of tIitnI ii iooorstiack reroo ins't tuc t xtedI iene t eitioI 0n of ito Prc s lw y 'ldc oitti littig iii nii tot ittin is cororaed inte I ittl Nf ite ___(' ___n-___________St __ndard _____________ fernce fBit ti trritfi o IAmightV "0 m'ligtnt he displted DndRrecoLL in C i to arnothndyreferencesPricesAlw ay ks'u'd nottlbnti lt o then goui d thetto w e sW Tti Mtliiga ttrod ant safi Mpath as lttitong 'tshehas, in siteo tl mi, dering ofi tint-'lfrtoiut tot heed doe s sird F0 itptric ato n it lst -hi uu eI'xnk tnio inttitt d i to itI. C1 tttt t Stgg'. C oB R T H E L Ld clote inhinsiath ~rt ite poces.Xo hav(heg eNt abilettwih ll toh 'iit CA H orf-HA G ke inatl t ut or'ab iveita ittItittn thelttF r Od h ok foi altittos e' r e~tlasedu ronlt fal,'xolOo v'tis ai t fimt tneel~tu~nt. Dst aentaRTl I as i i lit iit ii Is tii ttitti er~. 3 6 S hl I ti[ utie ig 'Pan t d is, dt iin m'tmt dvai id y"tlmo rin to tlt.tiestraiigSTex -Bo ok111NNI s n table t. T hese('tt'um ll. ' itton v-r t iil "~~lf) O i on 0 thme lresu lt'f 'netit it in it tlgs s n , van xe th\lionitit lttt v iii' ito Iitm i lti f oxStatu .ts l~'e o 0mm xin mxis spetltr orgazt ( mpion saved pti m Ik15~L hexro t the t vi,, tit ttti ti tl f it t Cuitttsi o rtt imxii d utnxii,~ that it' e't e,m' u chml t ati~tO i mit ii iLitt 'tu5' mxt x 'ome of the ruling, % A.1-CttireLtb point nlerililifx tO xixr fo.uyrn inall uoiltn C. G . SP ADIN & OS in he tcet th a g e hree.)po 126o NasiTe a 7 1.. 3e26 S149Satsh S. hm JANUARY SALE At the Co-Op. A Lot of Good Things 11ust Go. We ]'lust flake Room For Our Spring Goods. Uniderwear, regular price $i.oo amid 5oc, now ---65c and 30c Negligee Shirts, regular price $1r.25 and $i. oo, now $1.00 amid 85c Cravats, regular price 75c amid 50c, now----35c, three for $1.00 Gauntlet Gloves, regular price $2.00 anid $i.5o, now------ ------------------$1.65 and $1.25 University Pillow Covers-----------Discounted 25 per cent Utniversity and Fraternity Sealc, regular price'$4.50, no----------_-_-------- ---$3.75 Moore Non-Leakable Fountain Pens=--..Discounted 25 per cent Puritan Linen Pound Paper, regular price 35c, now---- 20c NOW IS YOUR TIME .At THIE CO-wOP The Store oj the Students, by the Students, lou, the Students Over 55 Over You Can Read These if You Want to at McMILLAN HALL 'Te Outlookh Pearsons The Philistine Popular Science Monthlty Scribner's hReview of I esies Short Stories The Craftsmanl ('orrent Literature Everybodys Br ush: and hPencil The lBookmn Black ('at ('biarities Am. Joornal of Sociotegy Watch for the 40 Others Here STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION Booker T. Washington F. Hopkinson Smith January 25 A. B. Cummings February 20 Leland T . Powers February 25 Creatore March 5 Oratorical Number March 15 W. J. Bryan March 22 S. W. Gompers April 2 Senator La Follette ____ ____ ____ __Ill CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 ''UTHI STATE ST,