0 The. Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, '\ilf 1,il '1\\ '['~f)\\ \\ jA \s' t 122,1907. \VOT. XVII. t, 4 "J" HOP PLANS ARE NEARLY COMPLETED Novel Features in Decorations Are Vtomsd-List of Patronesses to be Announced Soon. \, thi t'elii~'t ffirrhe J ititl i f) Hog tits s eff ts aketh is rsbl iii" hert ion rcord. tirtig'sr'being I hutee Is yiist tirig te tor ~f cring for fithneitfsmaldtis Of ifie iritigriltnIwhttf icar inti'ssars for :ttid itiii i i tak rs il r o , t gagri 1anditheiisriiicei be itotiys tiieiduriiigthfienng Thf'fim fir ftiftgitiitgtheifrepto has heen'fuset fir fi nd I rfisCii foirr uty ill off dititif.' grtiif m itrhiandti eif, 1o t w tifflfhe in ifll sieig. fhfirlisitf msicrwillffcontaii ti at y siirfrist. Niilsfcts iltlfffi; bfuiigtintoiiiiliay ttutigfutheiis('eiitlig' iiohih d oratfnsandeletitfetuoirs. S iti' prisiw it'esredinitBfarfoutr iynst t tiott ttiri :o, aidte fur frovtidtftilriffhfth ttfdafintfy ad tut 'f'fi. Te giisfs wiiff fit'iieidi ilt ton'tiofitfis,reafi fakigthefiir trn. i entefriig t' sptfir 'iooml, wfrrr ifur wtifflfur sreert'rfIfing tblsfiisruinttg Nt otl i l triltf danicrrs fite frt- octuprtif l tr riOg trttk ofthfe gyn- naitosmotwil firgivthefirfistrf acomit- mitodatins An utei r stirwsaytthiei gtuifry tif fwirectertifor tuir us anti stats ritiiv frided t. ''Te tpiear-r tneor'f tfinbeattiiftl ristini', ifhr chatginig fitotitti gtste fancirfftii tco- raittis, ntthe f tcon itiuos itorncerrt, wfichrin itsslfiis noismallattifrction, arctiff irgd byfihefiomsitulite as i- iueetI for'i rgr gttllr 'ttiinid- C'airantio is sis tat the l ist iof tewhsduit i sito ft'tntotisr mtteitr, hfitbfet tit slsig'fori'svrrl fats 'told iiitias ittrtd for ti ihilitat tifftistit'ith ,bodsile uposhis a fits ee eicted E/XCELLEttNT'F'F)ERii Rnmotit s i tutat ~artittitKchrf JotrdfaniiofLilndi Sttnftrd, Jr., tittirr- sity tatd erts umtdei a1ver Nattritg ~ fi tilt' irtrsftiinitg, wichtisi t fir cliiistruceusrftpo tirsitr f ttr ruins ltsythet'tarthq~uk. Tie offerr fianifhte taeas verysompimetatry;I especriallys is it is siituat Mr Koht is mio'st ifurs ti rfuse'it. Wiiscontsiive rrsit't'ptats to art firs hutitrredrandidtets out for ter trck tteamtnextspritgPrsto Vn ie aitu thsememtbrsoftifefirfaritty host fore aitipiait t iveisttrtts shoa- ic creditrfor trining to trtck twork tntuthftintetontis 1toigrt esry tan tit for trick workViWith this umbteirr dotitub ftedtrttot an rexuflltittitm. f'f/ fftFlSSt if f 'hi/fti,OODi Trneloo e~ress, hs e tit iti t'of! fth nte m thattsn f r Ni' giiarf ast Fria i ght To theu fuatu's' i fiee. el t t tuk f thit i dtbftei n 1 fit n t he iii i leO tr ria y in, iTek, wel flAi hiri it ,~t'ntf iii-c t itit h y t erdt itt tte f tntes han icap ed ifom tlck'f' deba t- tng tuxpe ite'c'.fi t aittll w it if ari t i "% cn tit rot C it il )to)i heari the ol iet 'ts aut i itt gre haft itihe dehter aeluitedtheselve sfith ra crt. ufirtitgt sre t'ssfitas thiei ii (tin 1 ,objec, tlirnd if dstir ut't' t t frtttr, fir! ,ifs dasegri itiethnts riittem.u wtrn t mtauiteffir tiht for sculfuir- ;( - lit 1,,,\-,r/ l;. hIIa/'Pr'rt, 1ti'cctttly .I/,J'oilrtcd Fcdrrul judge, in DI is State. siigg sttionsts Protfssotrs Wilgiusatnd ititforof thit'tdiebttig boartd, atut oi fir, Smtiller, fir, Cutirr andtiMr.Hap liftso htieardtihfur rgiutcurts of thei debaitters. \Vrry iriif '-gyours Tr. C. 'Titti'stiutliott. COMEiDiYIX'CLiff iflL L AiE' JfTIRI PI~f(f{f~iiR IR/'MANC E 'fTrier eest't'i1 be litfit' ression Comeidy'fgcluibiis goingto pieen't fte pltag. "A S crapf oif Papier," fur fur firsi unotifi Fbrurs o. 'htfisithe Sturdiaity fuitittgit' Uiiiatifirsi feairedthait thii earl asu fltft's ftrtilcrtaintiff iut ies '1' s'rit ii UDENT BOWLING LEAGUE ORGANIZED eTeams Will Compete For Tro- hiles-inter-Fraternity league to be Formed. ite liiititicatni t1hisats rssriiify betit aie. tilt'e fgamie u' tutu sit rin 'if vrt'ss St i u av atsrilloti t i 2 iii, aiflls> iutittirr tilts'n theifhini shp sta'ting. fu',Star s-f-ifck t' rr, cttiiti t If1 f, cln isfi m its-ifth, f i f caf t a i ;i fit-f 'lii' ffitarnag , Ift ttuio c, G 10 Slut'sir, ill'uts. ti r tlts ifcr -tii k',thunl' i 1111 t :I ,or \\'t',\IN'S INf,ANDF/R IS f)C ffXCf/t'I'f NA\I,ifMERfIf' ite tiut n's tutmbfr tof tih' Inlandt'r, whfic'huusts iltediuion sift' ill thur boaok sto'rrs Stturuday, is itt tmati regtirds as goo atu t s'tutu tutiur issud thtis y'ear. Thtcvef ightbueut, wiith a drsign in fuIus tirffct fig Miss ItoiteVatn Vt utur is, is nrtru'ptionaiy ottrartive 'iT'etleaditng;stotry,"'Tsh itP'rfidiy ifj fRch'l,'' it' ;fits Batrfbara iMcrlvayo, wit h iitakelststhueup'a'e'utf tihetusutai iead- it'' ariclet'is uiusualfly ltvrantuin-i iu'i'usiuing tittnfshowuts rotre originaliuty. fio"atnititiliettuinstd o fuut g ait os ifs atiftur, "it Allegoirtial'Faile, i dfutifi Nut Writutit byt a Woman."It i is hut in tlieisaute.tlwittiutnial it as it'esuirk if Carin R. Mootri', wichf lasheled tt i i inre tepoula urity' of ihiin"b i fss 'tutu\Voourhis,a tutu'st's v ifi 'tuudent fifeinl antilt fdI)(] ills a'itt lteres''tting; pt an show1s silifti t-ftatntuintg if udiaueftt. ''C'tfoia veu',"itisktuft wiuth ita c lrd sci beis tili tp rplex'itit's if tutie t fit'h iett i walkitngiwitht flirt. 'it sitThe i mdinustallmutut tif 'Tebe" li- on inudstotry tugtun in th tisue ifthet tInlanttde'r, ftyJ. ruif 99 utu ft tff tuistatinstuhife iti ttrst well andtu t levs its a rah herou int ia fTe editris, twoutitofuhicft uare upfon itte byuu utifii Iautnd 1arc II slgtyptron-isl izlng;in itone, butfotilttet iholet',treat thir isubject ts faiurly. I fThfethurus irtlttus furee fullupagies fhistimeu, ads pci ii gototiInotaif1' "Sometu 'i llsi f utu Ripes,"fit andi i"'Naturul itr ottu f lthe C us-u rstty if iMicihigan."' li f i th ituommunicatttns, ttsdfe~ndst I\hcii t, tus tatt i resfige:agast jCaspeur 9 ttu ts truticisu ithtet'rir- BAIRD OUTLINES NEW ATHLETIC POLICY Ftootball Schedule Will Not e In- jured by Withdrawal From Conerenc. ftnly uca ter tu tuiifuift1 in h mel!. 1\ih- f~ti w611'uu' 'ttu' fitcr l ttitti t uhflu o liiir turte u 'i i t fufl r ct r k id i t , iii /tuf tu f i f/u'h ft lg,'Itip o, fr nc s i withd frawa itl i "'Iit tt t i lt, iiyi i't~ ''t 'i, tilt 'tutu Ic;M and tutu" 1 o ft " ''\\iu te Co f 11csa . 1 ir, i , s i iii cr tutu tc nutu lif, ~n ucuuit, \,uuuulrfifi, tt tt r a u I 7ifio tiut,' atf iitttficttt ythefit' eflit il l it ith \i'ish t',ti 'ttudIN u, ' ii. 111 at11' fi giuh t siiftiu's \\'it f t/ngs'rathtlet i's'i-tuitfy hi'rfdiiui t its ifi lsf-tutu fuigfu, I atut f it ipo nt uiii ift k',,t ws ill. certinly kee our cli us l tsr guisrd huiiigh hdin lts tutu iii ithe irita i trst "eam, wl rl gitvtek,, ii ai, -ltltpileteh colt oiuttt ttuld r tt cituyer-i ws ttulayeitu ony lln is il tttthe f fiutualcot' etih "As tuti s' rel ruftu t i ^;if tut ei onyevn 'cut i recttlu nderfi i \tuft Cofertill' t horitis ttuhe tckf de gitn'511 is theri'tifwrichi poplef hin wtill uf i hi' iust fhtt tilii the r fu passed ttha rfisi' t utu f tutu luttiftitit ilfonaelongedtilthe ster ntitfis nt i leiti, tiss ' if ti nt' etutu itisl sefi ounly t tr'ii cki f ici i mlitutu' wesfterfn' in'AffifY it\Vc ry)ffS i1rec orfdViinteas, basfdtlurI tNIcf/nC' al t t i makesu t icus eeti sorii' tht we)ii i'.u gitiwelcom ed fn t he iri(bit snm'ut"'' ii 'iii- ri' utt 'tt' uuuuFAVOR 'iS 4 III-tlt lutithunced lI istutffiji' t'nha t l' irhif tilt witthdrawiugfrmfuthe Cnfeenct Il "Theirif gntis are'tiui gim i inft thes' pos tintt authletit' atutu ari efoilii titc so l iste encuragi d ' it d'ut dIiattu -ihigatun ui I ti fu-h -ft if fit' ~ fitsl.irwctrstsird nFjit trc isn rtisius iuptilthifusIff thinkwf ttu itul ufm fruilul s i til t ifo fthe NItfi 111in lsltetunrn'gsenht'tft f h/lu' ofuttrolut. wthrw rm h 10sfectiexpi esionstioit it'sit' I u tuiii i ife obt'tainedii from ix fouto teeih ifegentstant here i i t s flit aut igo f l ii iTh'uftun ituit f so'ie tuit ugil ho fdtill lat met'ti in f 'ti e s~tuh rrs tn hti i ff -Bsu'uto ill uuu tuffithsolli it fuj im "Theit Creatti'on of'i' t itus'. ccun: ft is expcteft'fsf huat ftre'e utuoret' ftsnfiet refnu cult,) ll IIio h utturss tiill h its's' n'li bouuttttilt' firs tof team, hgh teu'amuuu'uraugr, hugh itutun :laurcht. fT'e clubft isthnow' fracticingi, s'tutu-u' 1411ii 1I tutu tuu 'tuttgi' ,'tutufhigh duaily' i sin d r thu gutt hut'plfay' its'lit i iidtuuali sC tilt i' utu tult i ha fhandf anduftheh a uur sut-turk' ove't' (. ufoirte it ittnirleitoi daiftitus 'rii III the i fit li- OI)i thii' utihug tof Saturdayus, ft'i rittu hut'th tuusicatl sluts will f/ines fteir n -ii i ... 3 tush Junuioruhop coneruuut. 'T'heirpr _11Sr ... unit j3 sij gramtiihas fhpurosely bfirmateusho utrt so fThuef is ..1. ...333 thuot it wii liotinterfere wtiththfis houuse u 1'nfus ....... / .1617 palrtiest 'andiuoter stciai5 ieveftnts sfih i f'Azes ........... u . uu fs' utthei u fr'teitts tins hut ligh s ttueam us .9 -111 Situ's 773: Cosrnellfitsaospfted the olutotni coachi- ing systemnot ur foouttal nxt yer.-Tihe f'ild commnitfee is rcomnposeufof ftse cap- tui f nthff'eittt f rothal utu fn t'o llfittli tur fornernstudentus, iwearers of thenfot- 'ball "C,' tihiich fillhae complter c'hatrg'eantd controtlof f ith roachig if ft'e team. sPt utit'r-frtate'sityvagueiot'l two- itrtissueif Oui/tg, attti the ther sets manut teas 'ul stis al1so it being -o(tittirt'uf fourthsouthitritusttuswhy 'girlsdtint l uthndfclssmhtinhfs. Pitru ''n10 fth Tsuuu ihu:Iuit' TeI oaduf itconutirolf uidti hottltiits if 19'iscoiu, whfileu (mt shkitinigresently,'mtutu'nts'last tightis guts u'seitt-'dut.ifTe broket' tughuthe icejutanuu forshsome hoarinll uhf dubtiuiit'tudy etu's-i mtimetia tutu rs'mauinint jtheflit' eruit. \Whfs-ttrevs iiiilt C u, rtobtahlypola uter thanu furs- cueth hut' ii 'ttctry' u'akufromtuexhus~ttion lay r .1 I I The Inlander--lO Nuofberth? Rest 50Oc um rs teYerSSCRIBE NOW AT ANY~t BOOKSTORE OR TELEPHONE 989-J