MIC iG AILY __ Fancy Vesting and Trollseringl Window Display The largest and most com- plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right. We guar- antee perfect satisfaction G. H. WILL) Co. 311 S. State St. How to Play Basket-Ball Fist get agide of is and incidentally rake alook t the Spalin hg Official Ball at 5,00 iandltie Petic1Ball at $3~50,1(1dif yoi 11eed Shoes we havie them too Gym Su tpplies of all kinds you Wsill tied SHEEHAN & R'S The Students Bookstore Money Loaned on V at-cinI )Ia. i 1 L1 k~as Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Dliamods Oeat Lreisidence31 . Liety St Ann Ab. Hour: Sto 11i30 a. In., I to 3.90ad ;ito 5 p. ti ALL BUSISi S ONINTA J0SEP11 C. WATTS THE MICHI JAN DAILY.f iteed asiseond clssiaioiiterat the Ann ArborPostoffice Publistheddaily (lMnuday exepted)ding the cnllege year, att 17 East Washdigtintt street. Btllphoine 892. H imephone 76. 11,niagring Ediour-Arthiur C. Pounad BuiwcManiager-C. E. Winstead. YhiT5xsi. l i]dllilitc cl i s s w l cz od i IC n e kei ii a wurlid of ciig .\lii'hig.i atnitle toifli '11 ile i rk .no le iysi fact ate greai dc- III ._ I iisi..iiil iriiiieiii lliiii lol i l ii i i moiinuii ni M'uui4 ittiile ..ei ........David 1F. Stevenson ii. 1 (i'r ltctr i iin~lilii irtiiientis Auldetick.es ......Rnbert B. Clancy i I ledo~ji ii i ki ldlfiddlivery andiii 1 xchange...Henry A. Montgomery tiii itii I I)"'iii aldfacii. Mutsic anii Drania..Paul S. Mnwrer -- Woinei's Edlitor...Leslie VaVorhis O, cr ii clit <4 ir stati' lrgili EITOR1IAL STAFF. Geoirge A, Osborn J. Earl Ogle. Jr. i Ilarold C. Smithl:tpcri ASSOCTEEDTOaReoS. i>tt°t Heiiry F. Schulte Glenn D. Bradley ''lii 1 William A. Mulhern Floyd It. Jones 1. ~ti i tiCFOtTERS. Chiaiitiey Boiicher George HI. Bobart iCt RATES: $2.5n per year, onrlss oit paid in nCrm{> advance. ilii i t t i wit i jigineItoi sat I balII ii (i)iif'ii ii iiii' ll)).r have leftiiiii iiii" calips iei&),. () ii cict i ciii hc fr t!Ic~t IfclI Insle hat ( illeg. lot ul h z~o d fo b( l iipo li i c a l l n l , i n c t i n e r a s le ' t i i if ii V . i 13 c l iitlt The i'.'ii-. is pr(ld "f ts le iltr sok Aiddrests:CHAS. Ei. WINSTE~AD, BasintesI ~ iiiiiii l ii1 Manate,226 S. 12th St. Phone 707 1L. F iium i icl, n'nil Cli tiiait'eli CX- (Ofme 1Houes: 2-30 to 1:30 and i6:30to 7>30 lcnii C Ciii(1 (opoac iluir, L eis fir P. . iSaly. III, old a is '.iali liii orier, whether Aiddress: ARTH URC. 'POUND, Managing i it, or iot pan ci ehi' k ta Editor, 715 Monroe. cwe Iiui'I'ueIi,'nceii'taken oiith Ofie Ho~urs; 2 to 3 P. it.Oaily, Exncept Sunday, Shuil wii' giCt .1) iiliiiiiiil rcgard- iiniicye!lour itt Newi' i toriii , l.W mni'i'i'0ii ' " - - :1(1m ir i Dailyat Ofice t"Room liUntersit _ \t th ah leic' ernlc ion iirevil. i "Fn 'n \i.u .liiio flc'vitooIIai iViit v rg iliiiiiiiat the orderiolaiiiitate the tak ming oiiheIbal CALENDAR. aio1iiilhetkn J ii 0 ihopinC. I),Williamis, ainnuall kFl A I ,ldS 51.5,IIAN uidiress, tivi'esity Christian Ahsoii '1(3 'I L1; 1111111'11 EIAId'' ci'diiiiis tUvrs ity IFa~ll, 8 Pi. Il. Jan 1-tl vidrisliarti oiii Sk 'S ehersas h v I iigiiii orth p .1 :30Shii Pi . In. uili i it hurl tirGerm;i'.llnplayminl'iiiiBibi is. 2 w\lcinL o ?gndutyo htea, h lt' D usce een cr______I___a__IIc lili ofthciii] el ls Jil. 27il F. Ii tol 'insii' ii dn li ii (on iiS . L i liii Ii leveing h pa , ifrih :iliiii( iliiii imlil c.iloli 11eri i'.11ii' over ilarefiiill and ;useiolacy lecmtiun.ion o mbasetbal i 1l Sdilld lliieithe layhisomtei l," after I noolliand evening;u hamlctiu unn Ni ftic i mennt i titryit 111S11111 SSLLlIA S TO ADDRESS 88S. C. A.5 'IIEETING lishop Chres 1.)SWilliams'.of SMich- igani has bieit seuetoil gie the nil' dres'. at the anuatil imeetitg of te Su- ients' Chris tin assoiaitini this eeti- iigat7:0 'lick i Untve rsity Hilul. oa s organiied (ie yer 88 'nd eas th io neiiih amiongiereligiosssiciatiiii It its kinid ini Amierica. Folr mnly yeirs itits bieen ic tctimitoi holila ubmilici (listing idiriig leyer atwhil'ich sme prominen t nn souild dresle Sin- iets olithle tUniversiO ty uonlomei iotnn riligious tupi. le tietig 1 iianua eeting. Bihopi Silliamiiis, the sieker f the eveinlig is itell kloin tohia lreriitii- burilof Univer sty cstdets, haFnig ic- liw eredisseral addressesi AnniiArior duing le pas]tti yers. li e is re'iig niii s aliinauhrtonmdnr- 'ie rigrsin firthiie enig is a Olrga.. . ....Io. A.5.A. Sanile 1 iiiitii n i 'rt~ . '1var 'Y ' N't, C) Vcllo Solo...............J.sLParkierun It I"iii'sIuis'i Bllli isolilim;rox f'iiliigla hchiht 'sevienileii ity arcissbeSlos ed'. forv iitheoics ion.i iiill li\'iii Lt3AUii' OGe o iuIy, ln l liin's Leaigei iwiriihiri'iomolust the grnidestrh twi.' issiSnmlleyi an is'lh'll i T'hu'ieimsiic tiiall iiieliiid biiGranger's 'c'st.iheiirt illie noichrge for te arty,'iii.bt' urt wit ditd itutae'siiie r ii liucione is iuriigedtyIoeidnrfaigncy lies elii i hnothslu inhae'iiswas ivfr'tsuccsflI. lrenubro irsatnewisntg ct umesruifgall 'encileiin Vinc'sdng chidrnsdantyi avu th7i''Wiza 'kf z carecro.w'h'Is'i ili lrin'i lcra'tt'iphrtrn inhie ingi elboat r beutiulhan itisto he Imphaied.tha'othe partyirinday iiright, lietanoglasiiyar,4wilbsictglys Acaris e's(1dolrven iig. Ilssin to Ap il 0th l'8-841 Aoarmsclocks itat2HailerthMIngaste. Track & Gym Supplies Thte opening of the indoor track seaott sees us with a wel selected line of all the tuggery and track necessities represent ing standard makes Prices Always the Lowest WAIIR'S LYNDON PHOTOGRAPHER $2.75 FOR A MICHIGAN SEAL Y'u nilI teal ieurn omptijari son that its the liist valte ever OlTered. SOME NEW POSTAL CARDS Leather ones, Too Nothingiimore fn than taking flashiights thes'i long evening- thip in'ke good lotals atd ri- cotd pleasant eents. Call 1096-J, Night or Day In'a fewv days I will make por trails and goup pitres-night or day--in a neat, ne'oeraitig LYNDON VESITYHIAVE- Kodaks and Supple The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitai stoek, $50,00. srpus, $20,0 Resores, $$2,20,0 A Geneal Banking Buines Tranatd oeelCnso tlCas. E. tiscnk. Fes.; W. I Har rimaniiVice Pes.; il. S. IF ete taslie' 6 ~S ND YORNAME ~~ For a ceit'4 lo4xe of Spalding Athletic GodS Mu'iiIio wiat sort yu arceiteested ii'tii ak fie a lsi t i iiiie'i' and shol sppies. the spaidinsg Athletic Lbrary 'it bo uks ontievey atic sport,10er.ii e 'opy. 'end for(DCiiiplee' Li't.t Malloder Dept A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nassau St., Neorsk. 149 Wabash Ave. Chcals JANUARY SALE At thxe Co-Op. A List of (ood 'Things rlust Go. We ! lust 'lake Room For Our Spring Goods. Undmierwear, regular lirice $i .00 atid ,oc, now---65c amnd 30c Negligee Shirt'., regular price $1.25 and $1i.00o,tnow $1.00 anid 85c Cravats, regular price 75c antd hoc, ow.--.,35c, three for $1.00 tSzitittlet Gloves, regular linen $2.oo amid $1.5o, tiow------------------------------------ $1.65 and $1.25 University tillow Covers-------------- Discounted 25 per cent Uiviersity atnd Fraternity Seal . regular price $4.50, ow ----------------------------------- ---------$3.75 Moosre NommLeak ahle Founataina tens---.Discounted 25 per cent Pumritanmt Limnen Pound Paper, regular price 35cow------ 20c NOW IS YOUR TIME At THE CO-OOP The Store of the Studemnts, Imy the Students, for, the Studenits BISHOP WILLIAMS OF MICHIGAN Uliversity- Hall Sunday, January ;20 7:30 p. m. STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION Booker T. Washington F. Hiopkinson Smith A. B. Cummings Leland 7 . Powers Creatore Oratorical Number W. J. Bryan S. W. Gompers Senator La Follette January 25 February 20 February 25 March 5 March 15 March 22 April 2 ______________________ ~JJL JIL "I CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 'g'UTII STATE ST