THE MICHIGAN DAILY .ic ANOTHER LOT OF Michigan Stationery at 25c aBox Steel Embossed in blue ink on extra good stock. Every student who sees it bys it. E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. STATE STREET . Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY tt A 1 INM A ,)) 4 I !',. V :A, CSS~l I .. :t 0 "4, ' ' tm 1 l I i fp Sp! I.t sI 44004 440)4 :. 1 0txand F 54 5. Fx ' , , I' N E L U N C H ES F 'm~om 1 Y N' . 4IVAIIF1 Ts-.of IasaL at , Arasa. Aabm[,r 'tkdod i i)A% A.aA)4 1' 0hPIP S alo Y' 1c.).) k II Thal leffa 10411 NAwbork 3l40g uh 7FF41a. 4)4 11:3a 0. . n214 10. J. J. ) 4))) 4), 4 .. ) S Tledold4 )o A nni IAror, MichO ThrughlTrainsEast 8.Fa. n, 2.0 .co 4.5 p4. 4. i. 10p . I ). .3)a1 Locals et- -.04.a'., °1.0 a . p, 'lm "83, COn.0. 9.8 . . A p lr. 1,4Agl, . Abo Uo , this: t'Chwo o r St. LouA s IKns es.Hop-snouRetaran S W.rge Celaro n Caher'Fl~I t4 4)44'1p i '0) 1))4oA1 )0 S rls n f its, f 1.400)4 212at ibrty Ste. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor II326 N, Filth Ave. All Students' Supplies. Station- ery, Fountain Pens, U. of M.I Pins and Banners. Cigars and Tobacco. Save a Walk and Gjive U3s a Call. Students' Supply Store 1411l t5. University Ave. ALARM CLOCKS 4)4 Chapman's Jewelry Store 2o6 OUTH111MAltN S1. 1)440)2 O\1o3t i f1a I l)c C)444 f )iht Ala BRSANCI2ISTORE1(: Al 204 South State Street HACK AND CARRIAGE HIE e))4a ath passenger 10 a ' 40 all ra)0S between the hours .o4) ))11 p. m4., and frobn 15 p. ' to 0 a4. 30 cents. For each trunk cents, a'dio~f taken above the seco flos ; ,o coots.For eco Icoupte to a 44,-in parties the price wilt he $t. I a. I.400loWer00coupte. 0 )4)& Co. A. B. WALKER W. 1l:STARK. of 25 ad .50 UNIVERSITY NOTICES. 17tNi)])ls)ha)l)1 )))4A4)A4)4) 1r11 td. 111c, Mgr A,11... oXl ha)) cnof4)nstrl4)4 44)ARIc))Aliou. d irr. lia,,4 1141)4401 of all kindls oacle to oardor ;it :Miss I Joyouls, 332 S. Slate St. cod 4)ic 44 144414) .gc4 ,ce 44 0 14s1,ih I'4044 riig and m i4))losgraiiplIg don in)] 4)) 1 large or smlall jobs, at lVci tirdo bros., ooer Shecthan's1)001) 'toe, Stte street. Stale plloIre 12581,. cod l'-,A,1:>hed j838. Tlhle college jew- olo. 14lr's Jeweolry Store, Maill 3 44 4) 0 0 4s( lip) 50,10 e stritigs oil] re)041)44])) !]o 1toeof your0 Iman- 1 t,':. f r 4 . ('m ' 411 41)l1l 4)t)Roo t'sa d got 41 e od 'J"0)ere)is)notin~g omore enjo4y- able .4t4an a 41)m0 of lbilliardts. You4 ne0dI>0)440r04reationl;who not1tlis ?Ve toy to please04141 ofe v.1 comml~odation 110st1010Bros. 31taS.StateSt. Bij ou Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE Always a Good Show 8 Headline Acts 8 'IWO SHOWS NlIl l'l. 20c 7.30 n3 90 MATINYEES TUESD)AYS, THUIRSD)AYS l1c Amateurs Wanted for Friday Night. .. r A New Fad in the Latest Cravat A Scarf Made From Wood. It takes one million yards to make one pound of Art Fibre Silk. There are twenty filiments eo each thread. No wonder they wear like iron. The only house that has them in the city. Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s BRIGHT ON FLAT-CLASP GARTERS ) have long been 414.s1144114125 lent 5aiter.F ht enl e 1404d flat clasp Re4 ed pev ents chinhg,444 , b i i dctc~hling1inte clothing.I TeBrightoni Trad Marx Flat (C1asp14(4 tercisasflat as yourF 1h4441 Woiri by ma oa4 ppre- ciate comOfort aiid 41e1t14s Made of tore silk elaticw ebing. All mertal parts of brass -heavily tickeled. 25cents a4plilr, 011)1ealersor by mail prepaid. For en w4 ho prefer a cord garter, e hate porfeted LOCK-GRIP While they are quickly and easily idetachied, yet they hate the firmest grip of all coed garter'. 'rhe flrexible rubb~er diamondi~ grips with a boll dog tenacity. No tvear ir tear of the socks. (a'alt sprinig loose or heconie accidentally itetachied. Made of f iest quality webbing; all mietal parts iheav4ily nicakel pla'ted hrass. 25c and 54c a pair, all dealers oirby 0m0i1, prepaid. PINEWUPNE O,78 aktS. hldlh . PIONEER SUSPENDER rC . 18 MartS.,PlaepIt The Harvard Medical School BOSTON, MASS. hit ))))itts o rg eo te441' d4'' )4)4' e '14)') ,rey 4o4ah) 4'II )4 )to),' ),)o a d rser'44))tt 4)4)44'))oll )))ospitalsof 1tsi0ol)) afford,)))) 41) )0)44)401 i.410)4)4 .).).) 4)44444)) iltio COt1t51 F k lHt11: 0)441(12 4)1M. 1. four ya's ourl4seo o, 4 ba4chel44),) osoft, li c, t , p44))))))o or scienc4' ant t prsno feq41 441ii 4114'))) 01 )4))) eads)t4 the. F.4))of) 1 1). 'i'. The 0)0u)4e0 44 the forti year4 44rew o yeli ;the))y4444,', 44 nclu444)de; 4444)4at43 044) ',,''4.;;en 4)44' ed iei444, gem raF0)sur4gery adth joi4t is4) ral 44.444 4nex '4))school a ye ar tsfom) Spte'))))) 041.4o1)4.44',4 .+t HlARV~ARDt1)MED1ICAL SCHOOL, Boston, AMann. i WHEN YOUV WANT SHOE REPIREDRIGHT- Bring them to us, for we have the two Best Shoemakers in this state. All Sewed Soles are put on with the new Champion Sole Stitching Machine and heels finished with the Champion Finisher. Our work is better than new, because we guarantee stitching not to rip. NO DELAY Can repair shoes while you wait. Will call for and deliver work. HOME PHONE 573 119 S. Main St. The Up-to-Date Shoe Man U TO LEARN TO DANCE Join the Tuesday Evening Class at Grang~er's Academy. Lesson 7 to 8. Practice 8 to 10 o'clock. 12 Evenings $3.00. I I i I Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors! Professors!I The best is none too good for you. You can't afford to waste your time and patience with the old-style fountain pell. Buy a Self-Filler, and there is only one practical aiid successful Self-Filling Fountain Pen. It is CONKLIN'S SePEN "The pen with the Crescent Filler-the device that made self-filling pens possible, practical and perfect. Dont be deceived. Accopt nothtng but the genuine- Coaklin. All other self-fillers are an thoenperimental" stage. The Conklin is perfect--been on the market foe years. Used and recommended by thousands of i students and college profeasors. Possesses all the super- r ior advantages of the beat foontain pent supplemented ! by the following distinct and desirable features fills and cleans itself. No dropper. No inky fingers. No bother.7 No joints to leak. No clogging. t' Nothing to take apart. A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. W{07000, 44. onesaerasm~t~a SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guoaran- toed satisfactory. Book Free upon request, tel ing .- aboot this wonderful pen. Manufactured otily byj The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. rt Sold In Ann Arbor by/ GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. , /,, i A1LWAYS AHEAD IN ST~YLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING