THE MlitC~tAN 1DAtLY A Fallcy estillg aild Trollserillg Winidow Display The largest and most corn plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will alto find our prices right. We guar antee perfect satifaction. (i. H. WILD) CO. 311 S. State St. How to Play Basket-Ball hit t get a guide ofi us and tucidentally take a look at thie Spalditng Offitica all at 31.5a d e1 a ti cit1BIal at ~y andifitloul ced Siteacs e ae teuitoo. Gym uppStltie ocac inktds SHEEHIAN & CO3' Te iStttietslBookstore BUNDLE SALE at DIARLING & MALLEAUX 1 BUNDLE, 15e 2 FOR - - 25 TIhese Hundles Contain IPillows, Planners, Pipe Rack, Etc. Co-and Try Your Luck T HE MICHVJAN D)AILY. tublishtddatlyiMontays ecte) duing he cottege tye, at 117tFast hWashint(v street. tell phonce 89.Rtomie phave 76. \tagigEditor--Arthur C. Pound Ita. s n c , Manager-C. E. Winsteaid. ilitTORS. : ..... David F. Stevenson !A ,.tti:eti........ ..... Robert H. Clancy tCx < inage .... lcnry A. Montgomery i~.i i atdtDrama..... Pant S. Mowrer1 in' iicx'itEitor, ..Loutse VanVorhis UI~TORIAL tSTAFF. George A. Oborn J. Earl Ogle. Jr. Hlarold C. Smith ASSOCIATt SIICOnS. lHetnry F. Schulte Glenn D. Bradley William A. Mulhern Floyd 11. Jones Cliaue vytoiucber George H. Hobart A. F. Pitiie H. John Wambold J. W. MeCanitteac Gay P. Blisa Itirict S. Cody William F. Gradolpb CartR. MHore BtUSINESS5 STAFFl .clii V.XX'xi, liirr illt Carl tIfXtAda RATES: ta5 ermyear, ne $ if pent in advance. l h y 1It ,piitl " ., xatli i uerc th. degract- fliti ii v i i.o 1rc I nel, p oc "-v i ll4i ' ii Min tnovery a life delaei tatth i iiihit :i' IA , o i 0faliinethgatO it l,' li 1 4 Ii 10 l'1l)Cii Ii iii tha ill t; i ll i i ccciiiil iicwitdr iii, t )ti t i +' fa uly niild i- h v 1il i ili'fif' 'Ic-ice-. t i"canei itfir Ill ii i iiii ()f ti. ic r riiti b)lii ul t'tt iti i cii -i ii till atti tl.I t s btei p)s c t a f ii liitc iiccwicltc ctttand gito h ticith r iird M ai It. i ,cclii tilt. $ tiii I iic 1 i, ii tt , 11fit ii iii iil l i tfIll(,1111-11 lilt ti- ii it tic- ttle t .11n t tittitis i~ti ilie ciiheuth Atdres: CHAS. iE. WINSTE~AD,)Biesse' i t ,{ INi 170c r>3 11111 Maeetager, 2201 S. 12th St. Rihene 707 1,. OiffierHoars: 12-30 toe130 aned 6:30 t 7 ,30 P'. M. Daity. 1 \ i ii ip"iseta oocii 11111ch Ile il Addresa: AliR TRC. POUND, Managing c ci litii . b a1ib t lila hnscalppltiica- Editor,715 Meeroer 0t. lm ii iimad('tictg"Ill tlhe vitotill ofliceHrs;l2 tt 3 P. 11. IDailye , ix 11 yi.,t' cii i witti Chica gio.tOur Ecept Sunday. t l 11 -ii.'ci tfic lici u ittifti lit tic , 3 tli,t ti c it I t cllthe''c 4i rcct ,gof itlt llai tar ii tii cx~wli d l i11, ticillic I a _ - cn i cii iiru di Iti ccii ti icu tgesx MUSIC AND DR~AMA Barn iteefiant his cmtpaty ofiStae- cl-V tperoresis ato beiivengtni11 gti ini UnXivitout tall t 8 o'clock "Twetth Nght"isito btipreenot;andtii i a cottege to it. iwure i ithe memesof even ut tciartaiciitrlivere t- clae co te grel a Egisth iipoetlywightleither becus iof i dirclt.acqlitatincetithic si hightichtixectriven1111hitta1tihi tictata, it i, titirilty tticessairy to idwett po WXittiiiimoiat f1u, the quetion ofl theti ix tu t i c' t o t eirct itrioic ttyle ostt i cuopen cne.Buttheitiolil p iiituiyutfc couittutg yStakespiear in 1tl' i 111.1 temohmnbintg'. welt traitti-i ill tieir rtit ad oi n itet ateefp int edi paes i t'yxgoclei. We'iaytie tir to scOil sioaii iolainiallttthe glamotiifiicc ot 1- d ct otmtuu' y othicht ititod xtisteclft Ihas ttmade poible,1 utu0,tXithe i-iame. tieteiidlitinatl value tot ',S1t'u cISirdct e intitti- mait ticetio tam tAndocilt.tiieitmiarty t iin io ci t c'tic o imprveou L u z , h l a , t e s e t o mrl e i tu l a ssu t f t h eli t eti a r'. 1 d e p a r't i c wet lat igt.'eoaitlitvrttmmb elcth maiinfunsdte cthiettiaiouirc teof uemecnt. lerot Prtit, he aii-.ut et o 'theson, Tetti Mid t itof '08," tprsie itthcuecpinto Thecomitteei' hichlitidttctitargee chtrman, lPo luttecaitilil, tricix otti an c lgucy Itobetlanc pesit. ti1e eterdayttitis it Clarecei at 'ciatithe.. ii titeitiing oinicultir strss251tr r uoheneosrte. Fthcver& lOaCnnr. chratersi ltsinisttasi teyapeartecda es Iti itiegietioe'ottilol bc'hety.n Si -8 Readth re dtroit trosrna M chian greatest newspaper. ed-t Track &Gymf supplies The opetintg of the itidoor track seasotn sees us with a well seleted line of all the toggery ai track itecessities, represet-l- tng standarid itakes. Prices Always the Lowest WAIIR'S C. E. BARTHELL L ..w Medicral. BOOKS Text-Books Dictionmaries statuxtes Quiz Cornpends Etc. CASH or EXCHIANGE. For Old Books C. E. BARTHELL Ecitor today--Ft.OYD H. JONES, CALENDAR, a i.l) l Gre t players il Si it.1 - lcc s "Twelfth hit 'iccit" I Illl'tillg awl c c ciii of teic d ei Icci"+ g iic citon la"-,icto lc ci i c Xtiportaic ciid vitcc c c ci ("i the camps.Th cc c hId in ncte ot f v y hi til " it ..1t' iitik 1ilS Jan. cc Iciii C~ 1). X ittiaiui, anu a,i T he i ttg irs iii the "' tcibckctballitteati coo", Uaiverity ChriistianttAxso-ti liii agien crecogiln ci i ition by th uniotr 11111 ms, Uivertu ity Ihtall, 8 p. i , cass a iein ,ug lieldi cciitea .XA j~.:' ac rs atltAci XX cn cciOln IVAi o i cti' dttt.$25 "tastoatic-lftor cc hitw-8:,;o . . igic tt t i .iir i ittland i ccii itt itotic- irt- lsc Ji tw I iiictui xifit Suilcti s. i.. I w ib ;it ccli to i ck tt1l ilaich t he t lam 25 F.llpknsn S it o S 1. cxrcii .1 Mmcc ciiiisto itac the-i c ctt ofti A. u1ccn metls t cctheothrilaiahleic 'tic ccr.c. Iit tthe sa ecit thaianey Co tit. 2 ti-BeniGe ii ~t layers it -Ciicic as11111 t uilic 1cc Jicid icbasictbael lcI t;iaferonit ndt e venng . i t I ,c ifo'the bys'tea ilil A tco- Jcci- ju io ili cdll c ttt 10t iii liii iti ee w s a pitedto ar 1.' i c-t tittit cit ilt i eliii itt iii cios i tof Ruttlke, liii ciccicc i cci th tic-he ccfitali ig latt igton icio tichll. ']'is'wathec Ido1 and a tic Thee \.,i ti tci' cins11111 1 en ow and iunet.o ii i ITel 761. 326 S. State St. Irt SEND YOUR NAME PDm WAKl Spalding