-ri4p- mLi(4IAN fDAILY GRABS Al H hi or 1 v L t,1 1soi evr getol good. inn,;; ill 1 jirtItIc11ts, Dry C,- C hin i , Panty ,- Ar- ticlc ,, jewclnrN', StatincrS 'dnch I tttrijutents In the lotar :in 1thcr" mortitl p to Ii' l it ii"i1 .11 it 111 y HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY SiTOKE Occidental Hotel We Cate r tO Banquets, Etc. Hixson Lunch- Ypsilanti Ntot "HOW MUCH" a Cigar Costs But "HOW GOOD" it Smokes. Winner Pittsburg Stogies 4 for 5c. $1.10 per Rox of 100. WNW. DEAN ft CO., Ltd., 214 S. Mairn St. _ __ p tlES TAit.OtttIG. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. fateststies fill andi winter snts and cloakn:,,to inorder at 0oncC at reanon- A]] leron Wl"ht~lt~o Il;IdkT blt hrct e have tthe latent designs tit ~ l~tots cal a 41r l~llt~til _ JonmJ. Schan, tI ttlt. \N ,1'ii Ni el Eo i . \Villiam St. 'I i ll t tt i c iti n f tw tu'd II( ot Icntet wl e 5IC' " '-2willbyafr l .l.; n hr l int t w lurtll: ,ittic thatniay saye you several ;tlldticlct 1tkcr v~h; wil sc~cc 111 th h lvireI. Call us utp over either phtone %Titv IIill, it 7 P. llEtate tittrallve Co., Atn Arbor I'ic wnor law wll ol Stt m- si°tvli, b I iN lock,lRo o 2o. eod The r >t o at it i ciitiittics it AN litidlo ;u vih tnc Il I)( c'tlc~t fo a d il(, etcfit' 1,t ;ct ItvIi pr liion l ltt lilc titt I-i8ii j I'tcrcwillhe ntetin f tt(, unir it ifa toryp tailnring at satisfactory lit, ot~ti ,Ro~u C .11tnt. 1111 ltrt ri Is. itler & O(Connor, 69 F.. Will-' t~f t< liutiinc it) I i t t i ti tt e lit e tatitstrevi.t= it iiitl«tittli nt'ari titi ill s i I 11 ilr Fspetnitla (Car Itavatna i a r PRICE CUTTIN4G SPECIAL Here are a few of thte very good things we htave left for yotn Lot t -Fortner price X20.oo, nose _ .__.___$14.50 Lot 2-Former price $t5.00, n1100 ___ $10.50 Lot ;--Former price $tn.oo, now-------------------- $ 9.50 Lot 4--Formner price $tio.vivi, to - - . 7.50 Sevett-five suits, broketn lots, formterly sold for $ti8.oand $20.0oo are itt this sale at $1o-50-cs All Odd Patits 25 per cent ciff Matnhattan Shitrts 20 per cent off. Several lots of Staley atnd Ypsilantti Utnderwear are enortmously redutced. Reule, Conlin & Hiegel 200-202 So~sth Mallet St. t HNRY Q CO. TAILOWSHigh Class FVAILOERS Merchandise H ATTERS .111TolMl Popular Prices Diretly North of Law Btzildimg 709-711 NORTH UNIVERKSITY .AVENUE '11IE WAN.LT.l/ D. Y. A. Aii. J. RAILWAY "_ ltii ii If t I careiiitoilliant heilt i c at I) p. 1 iii is li ;' 1 n I l c y J)l il' cas il d lclg a.(r lfe Iiil}itil';illr FINE LUNCHES - 11' ISCY tht l, r_ I))i f 1'I i t Kflsti{ tits pressed 25C; trousers, toe. 1tlth; 1Itt ,\ Nti l ii')IIII 'iesrf'tif an) I ttiviite& Iil iii iitnrs A (ensilitrt'r(Poller & O'Connor. tf tnnn~lt Itulli i < ltil ,iiii\tii XX on unto. tarati) tiiililiilX vci ti at newiil ii allI f R. E.JOLLY. Stft.eSt. hlit Ciiplat'".i list lil c~ti ""'80i ANN ARBOR RAILROAD Readl the Detroit Jounatl, Michigan's AND STEAMSHIP LINES. -rC itest newspaiper. eod-tf Tr-.aIs.s LraR-.'a Anon.r. Awrbn.- = - ,Xntog North 9:no) i.iii i li l3i) l \Vatcti, jewelry anid eye glass repair- Gong Sou l Ii.25a i t i.. siit ~.i iiig hi stiilled workmen. h~aller's Jew- ... 1tilitY, ii I''OtLi elyin Stnre, Malt street, eod lntiot i iiii Agnut),r Ie liipiaer-c iiiz iI lii 's Typewritng andti nimeographitng cepytdnei in large or small jobs, at winsA )rCENT T) l';I it nrd Bros., over Shteehtatn's book VCH 7 si~~ toriState street. Statephiotne tny8br. "The iaga,-a Falls nufP ._ _..... .___ _._ Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through 1ralas Last sisa.,i.lti ti. Lecalsnt o ti).ii.,'1i.1s a. 117., 4 .'1 11 i.nW HEN YC Throuh agnsWestt a i .5t In, a. it) ltC Y a116 t 55Iii' k" W. NN. CA it. Agent~ Ann Arbor FIRST NATIONAL BANK Bring them to us, fo ofi Ann Arbar,MSta. Best Shoemakers S i W.viiii ti i ttai. iilXSewed Soles are pu I4V.h-isLai40 Si IItntin Iron., listribtutol laite specially for usn lhe tmanufactriersinitNe Yink City. ihey are rigl Bijou Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE Always a Good Show 8 Headline Acts 8 TWO SHOWS NI1lITLY 20c 7.30) and 9.0f _-) MATINEES TUiESDAYS,THIURSDAYS SATURD)AY, 30.-.I10 Amateurs Wanted for Friday Night. aV WANT at. or we have the two in this state. All it on with the new S. y v t, i 4 9 a 2 i Is 7 1 tisptt1t, otniloon. Cilillis aniii i t,.151,00 BAILEY & EDMUNDS 0portini _Goobo 121 linet Liberty Steret. WAI KtNOi L00 Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Oe-rge Yeelinw & Jar Proprietors. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fifth Ave. N-is Phoner45 il' lnt'h ihne45;-II All Students' Supplies. Station. ery, Fountain Pens, U. of M. Pins and Banners. Cigars and Tobacco. Save a Walk and Give Us a Call. Students' Supply Store I It!S. University Ave. ALWAYS AHEAD IN !STYLES and heels finished with the Champion Finisher. Our work is better than new, because we guarantee stitching not to rip. INO DELAY Can repair shoes while you wait. Will call for and deliver work. HOME PHONE 573 119 S. Main St. The Up-to-Date Shoe Man NOTICE===FRATEiRN ITI ES Inter-Fraternity Bowling League now being organized. All wishing to enter please call on S. ROTTEiNSTEIN for full information. 707 N. University Ave. _ fpF- hi "=:-tiS; 1 r_' ... - l "_ w E-_ . ..L'-'- C_ :C' S." Y. "i T ' :; 'f: . -" .S - _:._ . Tx 'r'te '. I . . Y - F_ =mod ,. _. . F. Here are the Reasons Wl''y The Fox Typewriter is a Better Typewriter than anzy Other Typewriter 9 It Hase Peefeat Visible Writing. The enetire witing line is in direct line of viseien of the operator and all the matter written remtnins se-de-anet pass eat ef ight ander any part of the machine. It Hans an Assenmblhng Serf.ce fee- the Type Bnes of 16'2 Incahen. (Othee visihle typewriters 4tm ). This admits of the ose of a type har elgofan inch wide- anniadjustable bar-ivet the Fox Visible the durahility and peraanence of alignment of the hblind' machinet, a hitherto amponsihle thing in the constraction . of visihle typewriters. It Ha. Inter-hangeable Cae-ringes. Thin meant if yoa own a Fox that yea do not have to hay a new typewriter when yoa need a long carriage for your machine, simply buoy the carriage. It is instantly inter- changeable with the one already on the typewriter. It Han A Tabulatoe-. Every machine is sapplied with a tahulator, which for hilling, invoicing and tahalating figures in practically indispennable. It is farithedfree with each machine. It Has an Automtatc Twa-Color Ribabon Movensent. The rihbon reqaires not the tlightest atention from the operator from the time it in pat on the mahine until it is womryoat. It oscillates an that its entire surface is osed, and by simply teaching a batten in the hey board yea print a second color as desired. It has a "Speed' Escepentent no that by simply moving a levee the machine accomodates itself to the speed of a fast or tlow operator. (this preventt a fanot operator "piling" letters on a nlow machine.) You ought to have these features in your Typewriter to secure the best and most economical results-they are all found only in the NEW FOX VISIBLE. They place the Fox away in the lead of all cmpetitors. Let us prove this to you in yoat own office. Catalogue onaapplication. FOX TYPEWRITER COMPANY Factory and Exneutive Officn Front Street, Grand Rapids, Michn. Branslm and Representats nmalt Cities. ..._ L- J ML WARD, THE TAILOR~ THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING