-The Michigan Daily VOL. XV II . Ica. fit. MICHIGAN TEAM DEBATES WITH CHICAGO TONIGHT Both Teams Confident and Ready For the Contest-Visiting Deat- ers Arrived Last Night. liveryhingisin re it''. 1r.hed1 bate wiathcao toS h held itn IUlu i v it y- 1 all8 tonight811 'll,1 Mi1higa it 8lstprc ie tiand wiltsent he ay il oditi81118818 tetl 111. ztitiiiieitill take tii 118818 t litan strogst tef ortto i.STheta get. nd(it i eI tc at a large auie11118w 8l8 8be a 1181881 (tit Ii 18 8to ( The8' Chicago,8 team1 arrived81811 t tti't a81d1will8 spend8 thei 18a181188 estitigtiandt visting the Un81111881 881 itt . 88111i 11)tea cnitsogticto I, 8 Keyes1,1 118 111 1G. in i rces 81'1811 1 i tilt 1 a11 h811d1 year Chitlcago ad wasaltenIte c l 8 h111i veiity tf Chi1cago 81811a181g1team wh88 8 ith too1l.,Bart' in1111e11entr118 l1(1 gu11 deli te(118 two8y1ars1ago.(181M11o1188ton1is81a8senir '1118, 8188881 at one'it t 88ptomi 1111 tAe a whol11e,88the team is881re1cognized'i to ha aiedtit 11818888 111811g11 81818 Thelipropo8sitin8 to ieidi ated'is: ed." 'The' iiquesit Iin 81818live one and.8811 teprstt' 8)ime.It:is a quesionl1 hic1 ittois s.a88d 188It() 81stud 111ntwh w ishstog Profe1118818an1y will play'a slect~tilt' Oi RIccou1\1 ofNhis\CillssWRAPIIo wlowl fill c ejudgNI J.INI oIeR Ticfe tfo1118he1188bat~e w818l7b1 s111 10tee r andIli;18o88ltc118Ithiit'ii.c~ at the, thx oi in Univerity hall.ii The81888oframtwillybegin pia 81188 8111 dor ilheargtcl oseddrngthes. 118111818 PE IarioIF', MCinITiee 81111THfct er read antd aeceptetd, anii it 88a8 decidedI to place a cut of the class officers 188 the Miehiganensian. ('1 I It .A(;f) ]7I :1;:1'1'l:Il 11'} 3O \1 E?1;'I' 1 CC'I 1 [t .tV 'IT A A1 '1'ONI C.11'1'. 111"i.V;NTS1«11W"" IiS8.'8. Ss PROFESSOR STANLEY'S 8'INI-' IRFN8.I', 1Q1"I SiIOIi I WORK APPRECIATED TisII W]*ttti'tl1 t he bo r{I of I ii tgilit' NNiltk }tite I tit (1818o18 plac8ing 81111e H as Been on Uiversity of Mic'higan lit tilt (flahle ics n a rc 81 tii I faculty Since 1i88 - anks board,88a. 81 188818.8881 drat8Ii (8 i 1'. 8.11 its1 iigh as. Compose r. lilnce c~d t ttiwitdra(18 ii Ii Il (8gan flltt fit' 18811 ii tti811188 888 e., t li 18 81 tl iii.. irr(Yp tci.'ti 181111 i lite 4 h tg ns tc crv e e r d N tri, ws hf r"t 3 N I XIIrI li 'i Ii ci tilt. d., ;" 11 ~ i~t 4 l '1 n e n ;Ii(ii 3,i( 1.8Iii 188 1 \1' iii (81 taro d 81(88888 8888881 ii' at d inn 1881(8,8(8 is tt ri cii 8888'l \ 88 1 18118 188~ic 118811 18888(818irri 118888818(1 , tin (liii t88 h'i lr r 1. t'1''a lii1b 'rt .lf. I rs Is ll{rrrtlt an- fil?\88818'f l ACTORS 111,A) the enin pe fo iitic o t (8888 w ia i '188 88i 8 81thte 188itelt' 11881111181t fr m Y lan thi iIti l ce they1play8 toit . i The 18888(88it (88818T8e1th ~iiNiit" 888(811811 tii I t ii ( w ii oc a i 81888e8'unti lii 8888' ii' 888811 (tt ii lihe sale 81881x 881 d t thei i verslity881 1al1ticktoll 88(81'e genral ad'll' ; ,i88888 de ill no8(tI tpeni8(tnti 7 o'clo k of citoice stst eftii 1 t the' '8.8 81itittper- \VIIN .C . Xlk vt'isity nt 18 '88888811 t ilt l lug liii 111d e'8818in t o heittitint it 7:(1 188 5ltil inte trohy1 oom8 of 111' gn lat'tilg 88h mal~ prsentthecups wle t'ainr 888881to kill1in 18he 8program itshot 1t1 the81clu8(8 1888888 ii of i rst88188 nd till i t time 818 w i innro it118.p8a81intheit si meii event88 a e i ll tl.fit'8. w88811 tuticublivesto he ite'alus o such n orga iza in' sity8 ahlet1.. 1l888i (nteresed iar i iti o ci e t: h etn . T l liticso cii (N8.1' i.X88 Iowe(ndl Cap 188i8n11811 ill 818 881(1881888havgrl>n881 to1do'wp h i i I sptita11 interts ofii tletii i1A8 11818tin 181811 (8818(8 re, irls eiy geld t 8881rbour88811111 ilriltgyestelack o afernoon. fortitprpose ofd Drxplaini1188 ordiero ihrlientte chapcerof mny'a FRESH MEDICS SIGN HONOR SYSTEM PLEDGE Dehated System Finally Adopted- Will Be Used in the Coming Exsaminations. T l ii 81 tutu lit''arc88't 8888 gning8tt11tie honor syste 1818818 ((wichtittait pted by die scyc ~ it'. 881188ago andi i ch W ih iven a'8 Ii ildi ng888181 e188corn~ig 88 miifittti8 lii iuiuut iN nn i o hitc its intu tor. 't'e1 8 r o h feh 8(8888arc8liing indelt the88111sys8tmI ldpi i. A f t 818how 8,som 88(Iliii- 8888t tin te late8(88181(81811 till 8181118 1181888181 aiul. 'lac eld'. 'fr(Xc Till, IciS 88pl1d111r'11181111 888888, 'o.818. lagee tnithto('8 8888n r rceve t tl ling at' t ritte toi re til 8(8iti inI ilg te tt't of'i (Ii ls8881'v i 18888proerly8888881 d cmittlt81 teeito be'i R~( Ps 5'~ .8 ''8 8 'i''8' 'tt 8 1 (81;sight11188 lit 'tti peare81istit rda'yilt jm818ittc 118t11i tititi IutIw1o11 ofli thiesie trettarcIftilt I itt 188(811 itw1118t8il Itt lIit t v~ltti ii 188( e18 188v8(111 etut Ite litt- e 88ur ii It tita sltion, one'111 'if [,iii' piit n tant nohinirt hm88'8 l~y 81 ec a i(881g8'iito 7t ltti it xerise11 i d itn t he Pit ai electe. te tm wl odiie e todtaty. The fro8nt8 ispice k8a halton8888' the s' enta i f thco poI t rai Iiit f President( Ai .1 188 A 1188 iiicis paid tto ithe i8' 1818f888o'88111difses 'f81he id18881 lr feso ti 81 1 utlini n I i'8 t brief >X 1(88881 oflis 88lJ1if cota118iig aI 891881 hi serviceswi88hut itdereithe ivcr-'jl'i ofadXof "1?igtnt iuCoimmejntltti ." Among Presentat 'in' o cth hiPortraittf nrn ii,i'" 'tdvlnXliii of the liii (1 i'ht ll 8188'a 1118' 8811818i8n of1r1 gett a1(t the location18888o8 th tll c l1a ilpus. 'ii t' r itheantint'ersting phi'hotograph' i) ofNit 1888'lugri tein Tk iJn.tt88 tetualpaesar ic ed t118 tehchpr88 an 1 88811)ech iii d lir sil tha88.88 caion. 188818'tIiRcentliii Xhtigat 118(11)' deba1tigteamltu ichw8881l18 11eit 818(h8- jcago 1tand I,11111 .esthl)' ie T te ti ' l t pateah of 8818 811888181 8188881818 8.<' Fof the . ivil R XIMUT10NI.. 188181 dentsNed R.Clark1n.W11881, oe sic1i esti''818'8(1)titi 'tha ft tu' u(he uhlaw llss ofi),s'h18ou15ld ai t 'i t1188e888881 tilt fori teireithdr11a1wa8l1;teef81.8 l lit tt'o181, ,8 that' thet clas18 her'b' affirm is 'Itregre t 'ir tihi misfrtunet'ih 18888 to881'8thm itc rdi a feeling'1 of81re-i ats fin aheis t iesfort'irIaspeedy1c recvey' adi e tui.'cs.r etteUeit 8 ,81 ne poflthed Uniesityoch ig aily' _ _ ,. .. i a nscl , i ci.I h i hi rl toiii 'i' lt li lt' ,,I it. h "I 'ar~ i fw Its lf 8 c d i"rili n a cnd Iw ot''t i i t-rn ,r ;1' 1 l 11 1 18.88wen t'to rc t'tu't i u,titiI th it 't i t1118(8181tli to~, I hi s 88'it 8 h 8881t hutt lie ga t Ic :o s ll til ti litl te lily O lh ti to188888 icaiii'81188S11818 1188It i I I(I mu i l Iiiad1(81 t)s poi tioll 1'8(ait (tiul If yearin~ o Idc o ccp8,I, ' a tril I offer18' 1(8881 t.I n ihu t t ti s w1 " iii 888881 t le v 811'8II.' it Ito' out cI.Imt c II i vI ti 8818 tit g\iclt'. 88888' t p lft'lsc8 11f t f I iri ht t t t h' svlkt 188 icu l 8t spea 'til ft' lii h lt' i I l i s.1 8((1 t t of nl~al ~ il,,who' Iviicshavei Si t tcccist tti i 't1,t11lI\ Xutut i i I h rit lt hi gh il '(il ttci tlt :milt (((tlll ' 88t h ~r'ini iit lttti £ I I I rIs and i l((('. 1 i lNIIt 81(811 nd I I Xp itionc it 'tcuuii'u ' 88881 ittl i th 1-- hasIt 88888 tihityti ii ii il t icio88 8n( pih te opr ' i ' alld t it oth1881 he i, oit~iwd8id8ini 18881w 888881 fhut tiiutuuiiuog tI 8o i. io II i'8188In18818rdanceith l-pa 888 'ci t(ttu: Xtlu 4e 8 frth8a ,rleu 81881>8th it 1 e :t 1 o8 88181881 (8 888(818t~ 8heir upilshilt twltl p iiid and lit plitildng o ch ra ltr. I ar liii'hX 881(8, Xl icianitt, t he t8(>8 ii Iotatorha, ~ iit,, liii 'thu 88> 1n8118 8 8 8188'.;iti , II 18 .1'188818 hut 18881l8of.the .Xjeri ill88881.18) .0881 188aln88