TH11 MICITGAN DAILY I IL Sami Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can D~eliver the Goods SAM DVRCHFIELD & CON 106 EAST HURON STREET COLLEGE IDEAS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS Furnishings for Dens and Frat Houses U. of M. Banners and Souvenirs in the Latest Designs Mack (Q Co. THlt FARMESRS AND MEICHANICS BANK MAIN AND I URPON STRI3eTS Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,000 Doe a venral Ia SIng isiasand1 lay 3 pe'o Irtrst n T~inicand Savings lt-psit, SafetylDeposit Ilonsi to ront :,tV-0 acidlupwards It k ouzr,lies. W. C. ITE VPOVice-Pres. i+ llakic S~, son aC II. A. 4)iLLI.AMO Asst. 0. M. Martinu EB OW ItezTide1II 302 S. 5th Ave.Phone 114. AMBULANCE 0ON CALL BrTown' DrugStr FOR Machinest Tools, Cutlery and General Hardware, CALL ON MUEHLIG & SCHMID 205 S. MAIN ST. ALLEN, THE 6LOTHIER, MAIN ST. ADVANCE STYLES IN FALL CLOTH-ING YOUNGS HATS, FALL SHA PES, "NONE B r University School of Music Faculty Concerts First Number, T hursday Evening, Oct. 4 This seris ofC1 1 (3 Ilts, iv each Csemester, Iven by5t1 C head 31of (IeparnsrI I aCre C oCf theC highest artistic stand1aId, featurts in the 11111II I ifeIC (I the Urn) r1sit i ley} are Course Tickets $1.00 .Single Admission 25c RCeliablC 'III eii scII 3ishiiig to sll Chorl l lion111 and1131 1 the i ce P ofII I 111 of 'Music. CHAS.A. SINK, Secretary Rcntschlcr, Photographer Moe's Barber Shop 0. A. MOP) 705 North Uni, ersity Avenue Yaos. a o mget a. Hot Lunch At Tsattle's, 338 S. Sta li\ilS i II .tfIII 111 I \t 111111 f I rcc11111 5 1 d(ItoI ' !\"C a V( Ir in lIcr IIIl taI l )I III 11 loll mm ll wn~',111TW;4 ull f (Ill. i l Ilg I I' Illl 11111311 1 1and1 I hII I Il -i 11 Iic:I 111311111i dlt~ icn inI mki ng,111 a fe11lr 5 v )a i )n and 5 111 111111 I1 1111 ll 1 I I 1 tdii ~u ialteIi~utcn n)nt )wri ill he1one1()f (.'1 11 1 tt kd i ,a s 1 u w (w as1I1j11\'n; lic's T h a l w s w ll tl e ih a e y 'It!d th r e a Ir )(r n i e i h r t tn ia \lIIII"Irc. Iand Ihe Iottl 111 C 111 re 111111 111sin 11c1. ,l m l t e c o 1"I ,1e1I1)1~i1the11nn i NOW RBADY 120 EAST ImiERTY sTREETr stn E11 'I ) I t d 4 than(1111 SETTBR MI1)'." J 15er3 1 I t:Comeaand see CUs Al a rm Clocks Arnold's Jewelry Store 220(1 1)T lIiAIN ST. FRowe's Laundry T homas Rowe, Proprietor A R R 326 N, f1th Av W a Jc1~. . ' 'I hneI57 IIl lI lls hocj457-1. CL.UPLCO SJI R UN C 0 L L A RS Students' Supply aeo tinnwn ontin;yn1 i Stoes apriate 115511W 111C IIIIII prces hi nk1111 s t 0(p11 C111 l "tll In s te ttt 0111113. you buy the11 collars not13 alter-111 11S nie styA e wad111'1 fid3.c tlsan he 15c each; 2 for 25c Cluett, Peabody ftp Co. t;';~ ntEro a and Sh irtll11e1'rl. S tu d y I Lamps 1 ( II I I S ItH Genuine Welsbach Incan- H O O K S descant Gas Lights 30RIS 35th Year inIII- IIIICctIicity. CELLANY Ann Arbor IItrgC ,-ttiII y atILow (Ptics. I Comlpan.y AnAroGaCo AGOAnAroGaC. .t St., Opp. Lawsa Ixxoldtiroil I II Ild lc 1 HIM1t- r1111111 Sl II L AW,'c Il cIll(t1 .aI L A lc( lcomc"t, I 5 \av iii l 35th Year In CIc trill1 tI 1 ,c I u°:( i) 11111 Ann Arbor rclI1 II11 r I i f ~ c Itll No11I1111IIL i rcli, 1 au~s 11111 r