tH.E I A# DAILY Fallcy Vestinig and rollserillg! Window Display The largest and most com- plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right. We guar- antee perfect satisfaction. (G. H. WIL) CO. 311 S. State St. A NEW PAIR OF GYM SHOES o i i '( ill a e tit Ii i t e l/it vepu off getin, iayhe haf SHEEHAN & CO3' The. StdentisBooktoei BUNDLE SALE at DJARLING & MALLEAUX 1 BUNDLE, 15c 2 FOR - - 25 'hese Bundles Contain Plillos, Banners, Pipe Racks Etc. CO- ntttd Tyyour tL'uk THE MICHI JAN DAILY. litrrd a ond ciss atratte Jn Absr Istofh Pubised daily (Mt ondys eeptd) dii t the College year', at t ast tttaii: ti'tso Itti ir i lit i ,,lt ill 'iine i 75.iIEK'IINdtl SOC IETY'h' in ii toot. bI)Tl"I'E0I hNx> t\ 0(1 N' h 1aset rr 'ci ec i nesif. b txe i uU Root I stret. tell phoe 89. Homet phsse 76. 'T1c i o iif. ii a tin ti it to Xi lti , if tie Maniagiing Rdiir-Arthuir C. Poundr to Buisiness Manager-C. E. Winstead. si I .ar, i FITRS ~ttlt iEt .t o withn Bole Neti........David F. Stevenson i ie i (' t,,reit h rn Atleltics.......Robert It. Clancy ioilI. tt1o f presentat'10 ion wo ltEchange...Henry A. Montgomery ti itheit' irt.. lilisncnsta llteic antd Dramta..Paul S. Mowrer I.t ay, iiei .trt tiC I iii 1111111 gui hi i eEditor.,Louise VauVorhis jitt ti' > 1 111111iit ,t arespect-1. rDITORtAL STAFF. George A. Osborn J. Earl Ogle. Jr. tttttt t} iitt itd<'tit is duts- Itarold C. Smith tit 1Ii S t, i' 'tot e ettidet he'i Ii ASS.OCtATE EDITORS. i 'ir1l t tt tit cI iiiii tlc'rt ite Sau Hlenry F. Schulte Glenn D. Bradley! Ifthei I" ttuci itselfI. i wlitk.of lie William A. Mulhern Floyd IH. Jones It'tcitt iiitttiiiotnii tttlc alii't ti it ii Chautncey Boueher George H. Hobart t trtt . l _ .1} liii 't ett ie ifth A. F. Ritchie H. John Watmbold 1- ~,h ccrtts j) aeJ .M ~ n ls u .B iss t}t.' t toi t I t erae.(t't. Stden fIliai S. Cody William F. Gradolph t ;,,t()ter.. ui~lstatesnt. (art I. Moore Twitlll its onut il ltepat, JoIiF ttz5S51055 sSTAFF .i lo . IthtieIt'ree IHill tctttlcttll lattt~ l{t ftl t C'artl t11. A Ittin i(o,1 7-v tltt 1~ r ig o c i t RATES: $2.50 per year, or $.nu tt paid itt advance.itttt AddreststCHAS. 1E. WINSTE~AD, Busineus \, 1 ..t . t;a. } oratt~ac ila Manger, 220t S. 12th St. 1Photne707 I.. Ofitcei floars:t 12-3(0 tn 1:30 and 6:30t t o30lt rii t<, . iii l l iiis lc cn b P. Mt. tDaily. id t lih t uh ii t if) persnal fiii Addriess: ARTHt~UR C. POUND,. Managing %111tei irins )liihe ficttlt-, Elditor, 715 Monro'e. t I ,weColitht il I idn itftiteu rs; t to .titP.t'r1I.0Da iil el'iefsa i lit ni ncsiy al tiito Ifous of ews E itor.11:l3euntiiii' l c trl .i' i e ttri .oiit} ' hasrlt adoputedl a lii t cniiit ofi t1l)(l it t il liiI' tq' i ltlg tiili vtt ol n ba c fen lg i f i~ theii e lt t tire c b lsip lt ' a51 ill(" cvl, mc0 i lliit te ailt ii li The f i ow it iirc irti I ()fii ile iii. iiittt l ii'. tiii thu t'. triclt I tar-- ( Trltilt :Meet it i ilt xhld vct'' tet'.' weeksi'.' wici l no wayhtri o'. ict with I the lit ttt1iiit. tlt'.in If'il.s cit . A mtitt cac Icit 1j' . I vii t al ndii v Itimii I, it Tomo trow inight ti l.t r brnc .wl.l'hold a cc dta hc A1 t tr stults. luttileo. tl' o Track & Gymf Supplies 7'1t1e. opeingo thle itito>r truck: sea'.tl seesits with a rell selectedh tlie ofal the toggers arl:t track eceessites represontt in tt andtardel m '.ke; Prices Always the Lowest WAIIR'S C. E. BARTHELL Law Medical Den tadl BOOKS Text-Books Dictionaries Statuites Quiiz Comperids Etc. CASH or EXCHANGE For Old Books C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. Sate S. ,ouu.SEND YOURNAME [CYeu5 .' For - Ca~tadogzs~e of Spalding Athletic Goods out ton' wtiort. ttrci''test.'ct ina( Lhtt Spaldlitg Athitetlat Lbary Mail tOrder Dept A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 26 Natsat.'. Nwsor. 14 Wabah Ae hicao Edtitor tttlav'-GIENN D. BRADLEY. III (I)ItO', JANU'ARYiN';, 11117 CAL.ENDAR. It 1 its li nto n in ign i r Inet- in, cil he ~ c~feir i tion. Onceii artc, no onecoul tlrdi thereslt. Jazz.i 17 .let lire int French, lites P i-trak tiltl lc tre oomt, 4 Ipitn. 1 all d r l te ttimpusx but bei Jail S8E-M ichigan-Chiictigo sdebate, in c1111hestdets imt1 iii itit the lii- UnEtiversity IHall. v lt utoi i tititound it inicessaryito i lti a -ti '.c1ca. lcac t rlcae1h tau to S peite d n Btoarditof iregenlts'metinig. clss Liii '.Prfesoir Iiciaughlini o it it lii '.iuttlt I \Iictus ll. 11111 ii I thatth- l as ta e tep t l,~iwlt itkrin izshl.r ~l t rlki )t tt'lhugcmpsix h . lla i s tett8t'. i t. uti li S '. itixl ry tail ortninat asfa 1cr O 1 ct B n G e lye rs11111 akxioIll cet o er sen norras, t Eit ill- pcarc°'s " l° i lf ii f ight .'' .t l ietaut street y woty o su ens t CC tt IE'.i li(tt lii' ix itt '' 1 latusses repairedl. Eyes carefully fitted Michigan ptis, fobs and spoons. Hal- In Otee. George IHaller, Main street. Icr's Jewelry Store. Main street. rod JANUARY SALE' tthCA Lot of (od Things lust Go. We riust flake Room For Our Spring Goods. Utidte-rxvear, regutlar ptrie.o o and 50c, now---65c andc 30c NeglieeSlhirts, ritgilar htrice $1.25 and $ itoo'. non $1.00 antd 85c 'rax'.at , regiular rhiceiit7'5ct and poc, note .'.'.35c, tree for $1.00 (r.attttlet Gloves, regulart pricee$2,011o ach $.5o, 110,-___----------------------- .---- $1.65 and $1.25 .Univeirsitsy Pillowv Covers--- ---Discounted 25 per cent 11itix'ersity andh hratetrnity Seal..'.regular lance : "14.50,. now ___--_ ____--$3.75 Mloioe ott-Leikabtle Foutntaint hfets---.Discounted 25 per cent Pu~ritan Linttent hounod Paper'. regttlar priee 3'5c, noiw----- 20C NOW IS YOUR TIMEC A t THE CO-O 0P The Store of the Stndentts, by theo Sttudents, for thae Stttcents BISHOP WILLIAMS OF MICHIGAN Ulliversity Hall Sunday, January 20 7:30 p. m. STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION, Booker T. Washington F. Hopkinson Smith A. B. Cummings Leland T. Powers Creatore Oratorical Number W. J. Bryan S. W. Gompers Senator La Follette ,January 25 February 20 February 25 March 5 March 15 March 22 April 2 1cif EI . 1 L A CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 AUTH STATE ST.