THE MICHIGAN DAILY Soilvelir Postals is Each Ant ntirey Nexw Series Just Reeived at toags. Fifteent Beautiful Views ot Ann Arbor and the fI nix ersity Iiird ed icta of3 C C 111 t111333 15115 hailI I S° l l m3 -, Ii I T h P ,,1 1-17< S.T om sCah li (11 1111 ii They ae All Rtgtt antul Only HOA'S oarIMan andWaIhigtn Occidenai Hotel We Cater to Banquets 1:.. Hiixson Lunde == Ypsianti D. Y. A A. J. RAILWAY it.alit cvI I y iI 17:'1,; i l .. -n . - ItIi1 ..s7 '2 1 1A I ' lie ii'A -i,. R. '.JOLLY tntt, St. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND $TAMSH11 1INNS. Tre.I-e t'Lua.v. Ar,-A,-la riiuq- oufa 7da . -. 1:3 t :t p a .I. .1712131'. W '. 1311.13 i'etlYaso. Aii- I (,Ait, Pt let 13Oho AnnAbo- e 511 14 ll phone 111 1r Ho- 11 tt. 9 JAwii1GN CENTSA 1P7h 4a raP la 8'. Chcao ufloit Bottton New York tileaugh'I' ia a nat -' Iria tT+ Lcal@a fiti fa<. t, h s it, 4t3{. 1't raugh i'ains Wet I -a Ia. . 1 ,.1 0.")a p. C W w1AtAgnt AnaAb FIRST NATIONAL BANK oAAor, tict (:,It.1it ne 1' -. tr i so r i, V ac,5W . ikiu (ahe ca i a'$ al.O , arpit aacl'I leilliaI*, I BAILEY & EDMUNDS zportiW (3000 21 leat Lt bety Stee. lx i' KNt i1ti0t Chinese Chiop-Suey estaurant 11111111 lila till 3- PI, Ietorlse I ~ it1s 111 I'3 al iat I Iallil a. Rowe's Laundry T homas Rowe, Proprietor 32o, tifthitANac All Students' Supplies. Station- ery, Fountatini 1en1s, U. of M. Pins and Banners. "igars and Tobacco. Save a Walk and (live Es a Call. Studcnts' Supply Storc 11Iti ..l i 81 P -it Aave. Not "HOW MUCH" a Cigar Costs But "HOW (OOl)" It Smokes. Winner Pittsburg Stog ies 4 for Sc. $I. 10 per Boix tif t00. ]DEAN (ft CO., Ltd., 214 S. Mai St. I f n, r i . iw i ad . PRICE CUTTING SPECIAL H(err art- a fewx of (lie very good things we haxe left for you Lot1 i -ortiier prite;21.00, tiltax $14.50 ~ot 2 -Frmier jprice .1 .o iiolV . --aa$10.50 Lo,ttt3 loriittprice $12.0. tWlix-------_'$ 9.50 Lot 4--Fttrinerprice ioaoo, nov- -___- --__ 7.50 5ev xtv five suits, broken lots, formerly sold for t8 s~ooand X20.0o, ire ini this sale at $10i.50c. All Odd Pants 5 pergetit off. Manhiaitt an Shirts 20 Ipercetrillfit. Sex-erat lots of, Stale'y andtlYpsilanti 11nde1rweriare enorinsly redced i. I UNIVERSITY NOTICES. DIES' 3IlAilI RIN(I; SillIandt i nixtler sitsara "Xe liae th(, latest desigi e l (.cell i]1na ft: :ls Ice to1use1 wih 1 h ii IBros. il c.E t i, , ie u le, Conlin & Fi ege l 200-202 So~nth Maim~ St. I Ii I - I 1 11 11 1 11111. uu It I lt-. s I 't 1 lI '1 II I I. 1 1,1. 1, r 1 t ~t\.(1 I ill.k , HI )( 'III 11 .- I - I le t lf t 11 iii ; II 1 ii 11111 Ii xlc tis1, t 1 3 1 1 ' II ltx~ II ;cI : ;"I - :ttit cri ll tI(InI oit t Ut~ lrnl~e it l.I 1tc;I1 i l1 II I 1111111 Il Il I t4tlltt Ii II R 1 nt 1, 1 1 11 t r I l lIc j rt tar lsl 1 tll1),( ti(( 1:t 1t( l 1111 l II 351111 1 t~ - 1 1t I (it (Ii 5e t11 111ho11 t a - I I~l l ( i-ill Ia53 111 11 1IiII kill 1( ti (1 . 111111 I, .lItl Ii{I fit1 )111 a ii 1 1 Inc,11 -"1.1 11111 -y( 1 t~ IlI)<'11 1 11 t 11 l l( 11 ;n tl r i t Ii1 1111 111111r<(.1111r 1111 I 1)( 11 sm 1 1.1s111 ca 11 11hi i-( I r . I p o)ii h 111111 h l I EI id(' that Ill il)tl gamis111a1 1 (11 IIt r )fi 1111111 11(.)d 1'I e 1111 11111 a t il I I( ti r3111 Lost, tir re-Il, i-Ic., a1113are l take )113 at the1 tfice if tile buiniiess 5 l t Ig 1duri1,33hours, an~d iar1e17c311ih inail- batlesltreloeient peraxord pt-I Ita.Ir- Lion1,;llno ad111.111ll or lessan 111 tiecty- IIV Icents1. if Bijou Theatre POLITE VAUDEVILLE SAlways a Good Show 8 ilcadliuc Acts ,8 TWO OStt NtiiTIY S MATINEESL t 1151)AYS TttiLRSl)AYS inO SAlt. RI)AY, 3.0)0 -a l_ Amuatenrs Wanted for F riday Ni t- z I f l t I HENRY (Q CO. TAILOR.S High Class FURNISHERS Cf~la Merchandise HATTER.S IIIbLPplrPrices Dfiretly North of Law BtsuldIIg 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVErNUE U FOR THE JUNIOR HOP AMERICAN BE=AUTIES Roses of All Finds. Vio- lets, Carnations, anld all leading Cut F=lowers. Are alwatys first=class, FREYI,IN(i & MENDELS Florists c : F I s{ d i " I , . '.: ' 1 : x'Kj :w E # tu Vii: F:. 55t111111 wlry and0131eye gltasrepair- (iR2ANI) RZAP