THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fangc Vestillg and Trollserillg WiIndow Display The largest and mst com- plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings You will also find our prices right We guar- antee perfect satisfaction 0. H. WILD) CO. 311 S. Stat St. A NEW PAIR OF GYM SHOES yout need11but Ihaie 1put oltgetthuing, my be. h1d he r. in all sies. Spaloing make, .of depeiidlable qualty.s SHEEHAN & CO3' TheStuodetsIBookotr Money Loaned Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches &s Diamonso Office a residence 33i E. 1iberip s Ann Arbr. Htous: o h i11 oa. n.. iito 390 abdutoSt JOSEPH1 C. WATTS THE MICIIJAN DAILY.1 J Publishedilalily (t day exsepted) during the callege year, at 117 -East Washingtono street. Bill phonue 892. fhore phone 76. M ::atoageog Editor--Arithur C. Pound IlSoie Mauager-C. E. Winstead. News-,.....David F. Stevenson I' Athletiors...........Robert H. Clancy w) Fotoloange...1lery A. Montgomery 1'); Vuoican id Drama..Paul S. MowrcrioCt ti ye n's Editor..Louise VanVorhis T.ITIIPIAI. STAFF. George A. Osborn J. Earl Ogle. Jr. I Itarold C. Smith ASSOCIdTE vmirrORS. Heiiry F. Schulte Glenn D. Bradley (,11 William A. Mulhern Floyd 1-1. Jones t1 1t'OiTEIIS. }111 Chiauncey Boucher George B. Hobarta11) A. F. Rfitchie 11. John Wambold 1i J. W. McCanodless Guy P. Blissv - Hree S. Cody William F. Gradolph iil Carl R. Moore~ l itIiNESS STAFF. Caerl 11 -(eI-AItil 'atl It RATES: $.5ipr yar o $2ooitpai i Addrestig CHAS. iE. WIN5ISAD, ituinmess c 4t1 1 Mansager, 224 S. 12the St. iPhotne 7017 L. Office fHours:2-30 t1 0 eand 6:30to 73till 1 Pt. M.Ofatly. I 1r Address: ARTHUR idC. POUIND, Managing i1l Eiltor, 715 Monrer. 11i- Ofifice Housar; 2 ta 3 P. It. Dilyh, 1c Exacept Sunday. ()diceeio Room C, t eleity toi 5 toal Itl. ta NN5c151ll 111\ N:i ttrtoday__. JONNVAM130LD, 11r1 f N CALENDAR. ______ - I ln Ist)I sIHistorical rescitl, ESchumttanny," iy Albtert ILstktw-od,ESchool of Il so,0(_:._ }c2 x# t'1 Crfo l7 Io D't .' 1t 111, Isuotl NO'TICE. < ii It . ttcS n -isisio on 'North r itt, ti ,Il i i s-ssi- O 1t ft1 ti . iii .0c 1 an1 ictr \Noo hutid t i 1,, clii 111s11s 1 t si f lit h lrccl1a 1 ( NI irk4 il l~ fl))- (-111cat~. 1 I II Csl N( l ., I iii -il1rth i week pr the friiend,(t f 1 1 1 lid eritIf with f(,1(\i slls c 0 .i e ailil-llitio lt ha ! 11 1 c ni 1 (-1 it s ep i t a .cc 1 f,- i t I N's 051 (siIl ( re1 l: \ 1 111\ 1 th. . ti y'a , h th r- il iit l i l(, (Iic it (1 1 '1. ,, d Ig t c \ Il 1 1111 l1111,ii,)j {tlI TIll pc'1 1 ca \e sh l I tI i- ls itt i il t nd it is tiii i p (I 1)ct ha t \i1i)i;(~ 1c 161 Ill \\t g an ed il I1,( itllit t oti n)\ th tir a g s -i-Isit i in I1s t e st ee ed -)1111c tl c Ii i chg f rs lc i t i 11c c(tlos Itr : ;Is ,i llso (to tl c ae Irecillsidrtl oe ~ N l it lii 001 0l- lg Mi - ii ill haI I ci lollth s-"ll A ,111111 11111 lfo l t he i l ill - ,t ik Itr inthesi l ni to liian1d1the t, ;od 0 ( i l ciiill toraos ,ilio f ,ctlo\ o~i, ,1S dh ei l t he 11 1( 1 Il1i\' 1 it o tln s is pi n n - (, it tl1 to soils piti o i t >1 eas NifihiNI so ltan> amtlii fci lii e t, n ii soil . l (((ot.lo, safer herill-Oi 51 ist~llr 1 (l e lii gsir'. i n"r r (ne iafll (-1there i, noting I i ned h i llt tc in t10 aro.I MUSIC AND DRAMA topro ra 111ul 111 lliin lg 11iii~r hit~ ic tu - r e citals0 hast iii t re-e ii t l ivenito I r (im les rI i ct 1(11 - iint~ I i si lioli r1(0 lii ai m N I 010 pro- Inrat i l a"i followit. 1n t~ (li O. ll t itlsootooto i in ;al ;,rl 1%5 ai. hC17 c till t m r r : li t all+(1(11 Lil(W,1 I'hantatiti . iti t o 1110 cuII enrl F i ii a<~ der15o inlc Ia - t; 111(01 Notioitiiool Nil> ;. 11 N gulho trugbn .01001 F cins, lori i(utsmuloo Ntit tRpliuetoito, 1001 A1( S. N 010S CsIs. 1:\1 . I 0(0100 it (ntsootC10100 Ho((im, Ch pto I totrlt ls nia 1.1 NN 1 1'.5 n tClt (I NI I Iiko (ils ilt oo Ito,- loilga lii frltooliol 1((00 01 ii co trililoull ltit 1( 10 5 gerol slllil 0001r it tln 1- ilaeoom(o ing 1 or-i 3.1(m0 ofiiti tot pr00 ofe(1 slillil w ils - I ttlo~.Lo g,;N i et . titligsio idct anito is111 a ilu ed hhi e etstt ((g% ounditmaklio hill ,ol1- otah IT, ,C-ric 001 1 ~li it ilolio .5 (."01 010 TO110 ACI NEli- I> C o I of ,ioooroos tor e> ll tr. asBen hlted $o.ycho f 1110 olloiiil( . footba. l lNotote o d Itoo aceto e ot , oil he,- he -ni 701i gfrtstn eewspaper ar.. n scd- it or s lero--tie T5110ot(ro,%icopl Ntordent:: Cost tofiilst I il 77t Track & Gymf Supplies indooryrac11) se 4 4th saes tao sitto I ,Netl sgler t1 ii 1111.of a thte toggers lit 1113acL Ite, cs-ttirs e u tl it gstittord mItIll Prices Always the Lowest WAIIR'S LYNDO0N PHOTOGRAPHER $2.75 FOR A MICHIGAN SEAL Vo1 lei cft I i 01 uo n c 5 1 i lot SOME NEW POSTAL CARDS Leather Ones, Too Notitn o (1f1un- tAi 1110tinl~g. ttasli~it t k lbs or s e Io 111 5 111111 lto-alt u'(o.T- Call 1096-J. Night or Day to a feo s u>1. wilt11011 or- trait-andtool elp i lii Cibit LYNDON O -:~e tSII6llhi.anoodi-ouppolo The Ann Arbor Savings Banl ICapitaltsoc lo fa0,00. 5 cspliiil.,VO. 10 KZsour cs, Os.t,°5.0d5 A General IBaking tusiss Transactedt (Irrorelt.S: Iloas. E iis 11 .1>01.les. W:.ito iaeritcaoo.Vice1) - l .eo _s It. .t u te.lii'li > cic SENDIYOU NAME t~ For m.Caededoge" of Spalding Athletic Goods Mcll-ltou Wh natspiestboou lre so elee l Iid i id akfra list o oile-ulioandsioiSc> Ll She 0111. 5 -1db I'l l Il 'Mit Order 1Dept A. G. SPALDING & BR6S. 126 Nasau iSt Now OtYor. 149 Wabs ue..Cliao 17 -Lostre ill Froncits I,eos pre boolr iRomsuts odo Victort It oto,''1to P'roif. Ileiesat dtordtoeso--. 010 tillIe t o1o-1(1 th1, 4 . M.11 il- 3lshigait Choicago Idebate, i Uiviersity- Ilsll. Nh lui Ni Io ti s I i dht jail. B1 otrd of regentls'tmeeotinog S~g11 it Jloke :0 \it No-l hao ll. eli i n1} r i> tzr Bal .nI oo s o 1 t, 100001 Ii ' "wIt~ iIat." J1a00. 21o1-hisllpC.ID NN ittiao1s, a11a s,1illloo-o loosoosoty C l1iooiaooN s-o- eaisol Univers0ty I llN8. (liii Jn1--i >rlt1-cpim n Mlc he ill 100(1I~ i ll JANUARY SALE At fthe Co-Op. A Lot of (loud Things tiust Go. We [lust ! lake Room For Our Spring Goods. Cmso>egwear, regular price $i000 amid 5ocfnow------_ 65c amid 30c Ncglig ee Shirts,' regular price $ 1-. and $ i.oo, mow $1.00 amid 85c -Cravats, regiular price 75c atid 5oc, mioss' 35c, tltree for $1.00 Gautlet Closes, regular lrice *i2.oo nd mid1.50, ntow---------------------------------$1.65 and $1.25 Unisoersity Pillow Covers---- ---- ------ Discounted 25 per cent K. Uuiversity ansi Fraternity Seal--, regutlar lpric $4.50, no0w----------- --- -----$3-7 Moore Noi-eaablci Fotutain Pemns-. Discounted 25 per cent . Pzitritan imieii lPound P. per. reguilar price 351c, 11w ._ _-_20c r °.$1Y0.-i 'NOWIS YOUR TIME At-THEi/ CO-o p The Store of the Students, by the Stuidents, for the Stndemits 55 Ov-er fifty-fiac headiing MA GAZ IN ES amid peiodicals of the -cotry sr.- accessible too allimueniatatiamtoe AT MoMILLAN HALL 55 Watch for details later. ,STUDENTS LECTURE ..ASSOCIATION Booker T. Washington - F. Hiopkinson Smith - January,2$ A. B. Cummings February 20 Leland T. Powers February 25 Creatore --March '6 Oratorical Number March 1.5 W. J. Bryan, March -22 S. W. Gompers April 2 Senator La-Follette X11 _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 - UTll STATE ST,-