THE MICHIGAN DAILY ANOTHER LOT OF Michigan Stationery at 25c a Box Steel Eimbossed in blue ink on extra good stock. livery student who sees it buys. it. E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. STATE STREET D. Y. A. A. J RAILWAY t o ,5 ItO0 at 0.,0 toA t Lwo s .ui00 . t ,t 11. Iw-H lo']Ait ,orito .e0.lryIO';O:1:. a., 10. 1<, I1:15 P.m WAVGRtO'O, totti0tON ST, WSTOtOMAIN. VINE LUNCHES 1t 0'Ve tt o t' A0'feO f TUtI's 1A1 I AY 10oJ t '11ktIil) l 'gretttoooatii jtooottostlO A ,' A -:.71AOr,. A ro'utototttv [Otorf altOON, aea t tttt fo' 1),t~orttii 'to 1. tlA c N & to. atoo3 1: I 9 4, I~> I & At At I 1 ' fiecoclt i(,N -B ,: R.'E.JOLLY Stae St ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES toluIg North 90 r, .. in, anl43. p. to. going South 7:30tta to ,11o36ao.o. ad 7M . m. oonIlPass.Agentt Agnt, Tledo, Oo s AnnoArbor tto dell phoe 13-1r IHomer "hon 698 * I4WHWAN CENTA "The Nagara Fio Route" Chcao Buffalo Boson New York Through Trans East-AS .m.,1.'0 .tt o 4.551>,1m fa4t33011p. t. 1105 p. I. L~ocasst-.5 .t.., 1o.1.10. t., -4 i.05to '.0Op. tot -Trogh Tratns W rs t .tot.58tOw,.i.,, Z',1, p. h7020p.I. Locals We -.24 a.t.,, -1.40 p. 112200401 Sunday~o.) ~ot tlott at Chticago fo St Louts Kt as ity anthetlWes~t. W. W. CASE, Agent An Arbor FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Artor, Mith. K.U tlootrey. f11 itt nSule, S. . Cl rso,tCashier troapttl, 100000.Sorrl us ad Proi t, VAX 1BAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 Eat Lbrty Street. WAI KING, LOt) Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant torgr YeltBow'& JoeProrietor. ;al1t~ , 1, r t tto irtt loottfor lies Ilonn otuo '12too140 S.: t at S i 01 Oret. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fifth Aver. New~ Pltototo4;05ll t n 4 57- I4,1 All Students' Supplies. Station- ery, Fountain Pens, U. of M. Pins and Banners. Cigars and Tobacco. Save a Walk and Gilve Us a Call. Students' Supply Store 1111 5f . Univerrsity Ave. ALARM CLOCKS HACK AND~ CARRIAGE HIREI totO?=ttt.atot tor tcit ;"_-tnr} to and Chapman's Jewelry Store; 6r to sad to p s ndfrom top. mf 21p6 SOUTH MAIN 51'. too6 ( , 5, 0o ents. For rach trunk 25 toen5 t to ofl if laten above ther tecond 'too' 10alt , ltrt wettooo n p'tot flo or 5o cetos. For racho couple to and lAtt'r tol O ao lootrforooomt, 010 partsto hot 1pice will be in $.5o, after 0 a. on. 5,200 percouoplr. BR~ANCHI ST0RE'0AlTtRolotoAN0& (to. A. B. WALKER. 204 South State Street IVW. 1ItSoTR. _. I UNIVERSITY NOTICES. (;,0, C111)t l, toti tttoo t '007 00,00 tt, tR~oo 0., t'tooo'oosito' tall.1 .070' 000 0500r08,11; too1tott ltot 1., toon . :\trro tr50000 m f ril tonigh at . 74; Act , (Ifo t~ tto ('1 '. trs onitghot :i 7: , t R If . 301)tt.eototiontt .01 ,' b toot,' 00 0700 Icr. Ia-. P00. . I o'. 11ttol t sto foot tho' 'oo litt baskko' ba 0000 000'li 0 o ll thoe t}'tttt t'. i 00 to 0Coto 0 S to th oto th '.to tob s eb l te otttttrcp o ttt't o ckt tot in'o t hettt '1b r ilb ott go o f the0 '(070 lit 0000 tbtl 1 1t1('1t t h , a t r a il a t:3 It -1- .u h rs :nt ice lcr 02.000 t tot 0 '0 000000 o i f oot .C, 0at o'c-w000 00 ly ftrn ott t tot, toot-.nclic w m othto tootyt # O nt. t cl0a000otait ickeot s t foothtoo toot VI b 1 too iOog of tl fi o"I*,;,' totottooiig to t' .ooooooo'o o, .()f the t() o 00.00 l t o l o t om '., foo %c tto t1.111, oiretootto ftet he too t t to ANv tt:of 0.5 1510grader strings owilt Treot] 07- Imtoo pr o the'toneot o u ~tr ma0n1 ot .ol g rk t lto 7 Calott o RIooot's atootgot l F tatttishtod 1858. The collrge jrw- 'ros. I talor's je r y t Stuare, Main orrrt. rod lVnitnt oo0bol. tto tlact Bijouet sTheSa atre, Always a Goox\0d aShowre 8 Al HeadlilenAts o"8o. TWO IOWENliTI.YBos 7.30) and 0o00 - .- UL MATINEES SAI'URIDAY, 3.001 - - 1R Amateur* Wanted for Friday Night. F01? THF. I I I . r A New Fad ill the Latest -Cravat A Scarf Made From Wood It takes one million yards to make one pound of Art Fibre Silk. There are twenty filiments eo each thread. No wonder they wear like iron. The only house that has them in the city. Lindenschmitt, Apfel(B&cCo.'s I -BRIGHTN FLATI-CLASP GARTERS aelogboenth tandaordt I250cent gaoter. lTe patetetd flat clasp preven tttchafin, b100000 toogcatooothig t inthoeIclothting. Th1e IBrighoton ~t0,~~ Flat Clasp Gtrisatoolaot as youtr Ithanld Vt.00Worn byomenttooappre- da"tetottmforttttndlneatness.o.Maofuforilk eattic webbing. All metl prtsof ttas--hadty tntckeledl. 25 cet- a pair, all dralrs or bty maoil11pretid. IFttr10000 who prfr a cord garter1 'e taveterfec'e LOCK-GRIP: BRIGHTON GARTERS While tlory are tquikly aesto ly de lttachetd, yetrte ave thte fitotrot grip of all toord gartrso. T' lebllrie roulober diattottd gripts with a bull dog ternacity. No woar to'rtr of tttr socks. C~an't sprintg loore or brcomeorac'cidentally dtetachedo. Mtade of fttrst ottaltity webtbittg ; all mtttaolbarts thoetad iikrl plated t,,j teass.. 25c and 50c a pair, all dralers totrtoy tmail, tprepai. ,., PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 710 Marktet St., Philtadetphia. tfattttoofOPioneeio'Suspenders. too tcoo-\ ootII F ott 0007 lit ot btO ll 0000tot~tt.t seO ttlettoo ("t JUJNIOR HOP1. atot t}. Im Imla},o to' to omlto. tot t Ot ; ,;'tl slla* intRoto x) IAMERICAN BEiAUTIEiS OH haskeotoo 'tba lrelty canodoidteso Roses of All Kinds. Vio- ~tt 0 000 oo reott ot or'tt0OctOtto lets, Carnations, and all t ttototttotigtlastongt wo retoo leading Cut Flowers. 0000' .m 11t sot ao rptttt tat.0 ttdrt or';()Rc(Ott II tct 000000 Are always first=Class. g;oo 00nsl l etr t( o ttoa . coot, Fltratrck.WRI'TE1F0R PRICES 'hhec Wil Ir ;il im ott 000000000 of 111c t ooli iwt, lOtt otooo tooin fml C". 0 f'ooooooooootO t,011 o'toook otto othsatoEl_ REYLING & MENDE LS rautl ctn~dto '.000lins5"l he toGRAND) RAPIDS, 1llCIGAN irs oIr.o tpitto .ott cttttt'otwto t urn 000 (Mt t1() t. toot 011's__________________________________ (I 1. SOLED BY MACHINERY No Dela,.y BETTER. THAN HAND WORK. Uses HOT WAX and LOCKED STITCHES. We now have the two best shoemakers in this State. WM. P. PURFIE;LD 119 S. Maim St. tr(se Vp-to-Date Shoemrazi f f d 1 i ' TO LEARN TO DANCE Join the Tuesday Evening Class at Granager's Academ y. Lesson 7 to 8. Practice 8) to 101 o'clock. 12 Evenings $3.00. Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors!r Professors ! The boett istoot. too good for yotu. Ytou can't afford to waste your tome andtod ientce wth thetoold-sty le fountatnlet. Buy a Self-iller, and Stoore is ott!y ooe pratical anod succ~tessfutl Self-iltlong IFountain IPen.It ts CONKLIN'S aSelf- E Filling E 'The pen with the Crescentt Filler'-thteolevice thtat made self-filling pens poosible, practical and perfect. Don't be deceired. Actept notohitog hot ther genuitte- / Conklin. Alt othoer self-filrers are in the0010erimtental sge. The Conoklin itprfect--been on the noarket fur years. Used atod recommended by thousatnds ofto studenots and college professors. Possesses all the sooper- ir advantages of the best fountain pens su pplemented 0 by the following diotinct and desircable featuesoir''0 Fills and cleans itself. No dropper. No inky fingers. No bother. rr No joints to leak. No clogging. Nothing to take apart. A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to i nickel crescent filler and pen is full,I ready to write. Why take any chances? Order a CONKLIN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guarano- tehof natisfactory. Book Free upon request, teling-+ about thit wonderful pen. Manufactured uoly by The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. ' Sold Ia Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. I I ALWAYS AHEAD IN .VTYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TARINGi