a, 1- THL MICHIGAN IbAIlY Sanm Burcdileld's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET COOKING In Mack's Tea Room at XrncNiaItelifta muan Pasa , it 'tt t Negtal letSonlps, ike sut nt'ca in;-s itt'.his Teii a citi is ery poplarn iwithitthe ctizenits tt an tuI itt' of AnnitNiho LUNCHES SERVIED A LA CARTE At Most Reaseonrable Prices Mack . sCo. T1111FARMERS AND !sUCIANICS fBANK MAIN ANDI hUtON STRIF1TS Capital, $50,000, Surplus anti Profits, $65,000 i pert'eitIntireist -is titritittid Stvhteg 5igpteits. atetly 1itiptei it i to rti, at itiUl n pwArttit R.It F le V .b. i. ('twit 11 A. NVttinoin ,;ASnt. 0. MV. Martin RT . AMBULANICE Ott CALL Holiday Goods NOW ON EXHIBITION A Fine Assortment att Very Attractive Prices Browil's Drub, tore 120 Eiist Liberty Si. -- OUR GASOLINE Pressing Iron, Will Soon Pay for Itself. CALL AN) SE'E ONE MEUHLIG & SCHMID 205 S. Main Street. t I I Suit Cases Suit Cases Suit Cases We are showing this week a large assortment. $0 Ask to see Our All Leather Case at$50 ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER, MAIN ST. for I IMPORTANT! The Annual Sale of May Festival reservred teats Xwill begitn il MIonday, Januattry' 14, at 9 o'clock, at the untiversity Sclhool of Music. Ftrom Mo- day to Saturtday, itncluivie, FIRST C HO0I CEI of seals ttay be 11a(1 (it' 3 5t ittCit. FESTIVAL DATES, MAY 8, 9, 10, 11, 1907 THOMAS ORCHEESTRA Fredierick Stock, Coniductore THE CHORAL UNION A. A. Stanley, Cioducotr BYDER-KELSEY JANET SPENCEtR SCHUMANN-HEINK EDWARD JOHNSON CAMPANARI WITH ERSPOON.- and others. THEATORIUM PROGRAM FOR TODAY Ephenmeral Wealth Snapshot Fiend Change of Program Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. JOE GILLARD, Proprietor. 05 Lit. '07 Law Moe's Barber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North University Avenue 111-1"iS111 'sitFI I T''RAC'K it titititied froin lage One.) 11 1 he'cut a o ti iii tititi it' - I lsg tt worklit ring, het'tst year1a Phila elphi, at the iterse in crk, and thcrctt)rc nvcd int rc Fincicr iosc 'idvmc AT ;; xt Ru"mA pi-cparatimi, organir.c this \vcck and hc- t tilt tt';i'll'lit. ll\ V N I)Ii111111 N' The t tilt, ii' lo i 't 111 ('11111 has manyi i.li' ye r .tInitii , 20 n1111 lii e( at tIt cmiii atiti it itti it it 'ti t - it irc et s an t m itti t he bi i ''til caiiy 11111 t fil d I(, t iii liii t() al I"ta i) s a tiii ll liii n et tract "im tltttillF iday tiit t I 1 ya can id te illi hei't I "lii it)i liltsw ih 6 1 re o t i ife e t. rep()tcclt() Itke M rphy t) he lii11 i. inn i')1'the i -sts ()ftt lit(-t witer and the Oudo -sle )ttilt' sprig nii 1e oniit li th i t , hihI 'mini i()l atli h it(t he i it ty ari t elit as tutu )i the varity. "p i ite lrg sti I he lit lL IL SN Nttiii iapl" t. 1 ''ttu 4 II111 IV1- i ii' Iittitt73-1I 7it li I 1i fatettty les fallanid wiiterstitsaiil clotaks imadei'toii'orerat tonte atreason- title trites. NWe havie tile latest tdesignus ini latest (oiittti. Jolhn J. Seliai., cott 6ti I'. Williatm St. SUIT ii' ('S ISUIT CNSIS ! itt're 1oitilg thitsit'ek a large a~otiit.uA sk lttoise our 'all leitter strcet1 6-76 Ce1t yur etectin tickets, latnce pro- ,)rams, etc'., at '10111ANsARBnORPoEtSS' 117 F". NWashigtnistreet;Iprinters iof Theii Michtigan lDaily, Intlander, Alano 'l, etchitic, Utniversity News-better, S. Ct. A. 1i Iniboliok, Yost's Great Booitk 'loil Footbiall, IHigh SchotoldOiiega, etc. NVe ldo attre prinitinig for the studiett hottly uhntatlt other shops cottbined Sooinia iottr own butildittg, Maynard 'streit, opposite Gratiger's Acatletmy atnd just norlh of Schtool of Music. tf W~atc'h, jewelry anid eye glass reptair- ing bty sktilled woirkmtett. flaller's Jew- elry Sioce, Main street. roil 81111 diNt'S--$2 will buty ia fire itn- sameputtcy thttmtiy sate youi several t utudredl. ('tll is tipi iter either phonte 1ndte will dlo the rest. NW.It. Smith, 7 itt Estate Itisaratte ('., Anni Arbor Saviigs tBantk ttlock, IRoom 20. rod Satisfactoiry. tailoritig at satisfactory thrices. Futlle'r & O'Conntor, 619 E. Will- iamitstreet. ti G (lasses repairedl. Eyes care- fully fitted atid testeid. George IHaller, Maiti St. Hot Lunch At TvoOtt's, 338 S. Stasteo If You can't Go HlOWn MICHIGAN SOUVENIIRS PINS, SPOONS, FOBlS SEALS, ETC. WM. ARNOLI), JEWELER 220 N, Mati. Strret Rcntsch icr", Photographer Elctict Supplied to College Men and Wotiien fort All Purposes. Washtcnaw Light & Power Ca, 200 E. Washington St. locking Valley Ry. CONTINUSES IT'S [,NI lilt EN' TRAIN SEIV Cist Yout will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Traios Union Depots in Toletdt and Co- lumbus CALL AT .WADHAMS Q CC. and inspect the largest and choicest variety of New Styles, New Weaves, and New Effects in SUITS, OVERCOATS, and CRAVENEiTTES. A full line of Underwear, including the Oneta, the Lewis Grand Prize, and Dr. Deimel Linen Mesh. Sweaters, Bath Robes, House Jackets, Flannel .Shirts, Stiff Bosom and Negligee Shirts. Fancy Vests and all the newest in ties. WADHAM S ( Co. FASHION STORE 121-123 S. Mahn Street- E. CLARK, 32- Campus Martluo etrolt, Mtcl..i p ~ IL~ 'lip--- 2t~haoRfIANDA4-L) THlE PHO TO GRAPHER Phone 59 8