MI I~A~4 I~AIL~ Fancy Vesting and Trouseringl Willdow Display The largest and most com- plete line in the city in bth Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right. We guar- antee perfect satisfaction. G. IH. WILD CO. 311 S. State St. Your Founxtain Penz doesn't twork to sit yo inaye-t it yon knew that were selling one with a large ink caacity and a No. 4 gold pen just twice the sze of the ordinary $ 0 o ll)for $1.50 yon might lbe inte ete. Well gladly" show VllI one SHEEIIAN & CO' TheStudents Bookstore Money Loaned On Watcesi,, Dila oac, Law fkwks. or ohre persoalp rperly Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains In Watches & Diamonds Office at residenes331 E. Liberty St Ass Aroar. Hanc3St 11:30a. i.,1ito 3:30 nd mo 9 P. a. JOSEPH . WATTS 11TH-E MICHiI AN DAILY. "I t s ikIad toglutilakelltli 11 i til --s u fil l(, o lce" citfSa M ih- Entiered atsecnd nlassimatter a he mAn ig geeli,.ci]1 IwliillI arinnl, Arbratfice ee. c el ill 5and auth~lo.Sld illconetion~i~ wihis nc le tleel ht it wordon c- Publishied dilyt(Mondas excepted dicig the colegeyear at 17 Rass Washingon "eriS 5 iiicli -li iic etcki geierat streetSlluphne 892. fomce phane 76. lma.y notbeiiss51-. Iitiaselleeviet - --to hoe' of tlefacultye1an 1d listuelitiiiidy Managiiig Edior-Arthur C. Pound wlitic interesed iiii ineli iiork Busines-Manager-C. E. Winstead. tlog ths ie, thatlthe gretier pierion of Micitlgaiiiieiifaito apptlreciae te EWlTOt. 'ilileruliil-oferett leli by su-hellwork News.......David. Stevenson cari eeli ouit uiei liteciitllege cure. Athletics .......Robert H. Clancy 'T'ht ii- lieraiege iltuietiwhiilotitc - Exchange. lenry A. Montgomery louptipos lccilcl ionoth thaee ireaey Mutisic andilDraiia..Paul S. Mowrer itiier college pilittction lloeii so.iiti Womlen's Editor..Louise VanVorhis alil iliiiide o ch psile Ihonoir acc rinig, hitnhhcrasit iipotitli le ies t orlacquaint rorilOaA. STAF. lii icthegeerlrsctaniing aot li te George A Osborn J. Earl Ogle. Jriiiiipiis, .iiiia t ier ta iiti t riou Ilarold C. Smith iithoughtiiofitheii Iirec.ptesenhte. .Aiii ASOCAT 55tCOlS. yet civeijiurnlitii.crl ihile ill heniry F. Schulte Glenn D. Bradley ctcegiitie lice ti: wayito no smalli William A. Mulhersa Floyd I. Jones ' gte forliiililli c ciecs itis lprolie fesssut.I c ii i iitn.lice iiiiet mu t i illrough Chaunlcey Boucher George H. Hobart lhuiii ci I wtile in i college haitic A. F. Ritchie I. John Wsambold ec ll shorteedithelints liofiihis pr- J. W. MCandless Guy P. Bliss uiii i - p i tei ioute iworli. Hirami S. Cody WtilliamssF. Gradolph -lThem tciligeli Iofcih' Iaiciiy, I- Carl R. Moore lthoi lutticiiiuiind lit,' K.evit arc BUtSINESS 5STAFF frimilieitorsiiiiccutimagzinsacniii nes- .liiF XWir, I Itrry H ill ipapers- 'l'bwsi"iedilorc wintc ollege ied. RATES;c$Si5n per yea, sr a.su it paid is ti iiiiiiict i l tci.Iutg adace. - - --- ticourna lsm iiay oftetimesiihc lii ont' Addirrtqc CHA. IR. WINSTEIAD, Bsinesicot'.liahlc 'tocii ice c-' olrincig, butiti Maaget, 22 S. 12th St. Phae 707 L. ciiciliciiiici ciii OffittHrs:ic12-35 to t3 ad h3ta ycrt P. M. Dally. 6 c, lard of vrI ic pacii'ltil eperieciei. Addess:cARTHUR C. POUND, Maagng it cstdentsic whoialgatic iitetiedtoe Eidtor, 75 Mnre. [t aiu ileproiasae o Otfietlous;at2 to 3 P. rl. Daily, ic' dccci cci, leu who l vii hal traii Ilocept Ssdsy. ig cd esperinlce i outidicce iwork OficecHours af News tEditor, tl::Weunti lii 12:1Q ii icil' u'iiIhi Dily, at (liter cin t 0a , Ititerity Ial.am 'ailcitylitio .any iiihoi m iy' c iii't or. - cfi acithe i d thusl offeredl i s noit.Il to bconiderediliri tcly ProinentiIiwin-ieii cci lice cccii of tlt,. cfcult "sp cially i t e iawiadiEngish deactentsicl, itake til Cililcior todcay GEORGE I. H-OBART. icilic li intrs, andiheilicd, ecrildalge _--_--- meitcsaimtu ic haepo edivlu be 't1il XX'JASNUARY 11, 1907. iThecicigcnumbcercoigrduai tec accie i sulscaintilst cdlisi' in thelii clii CAT ENDAR. cclisttit' d whoittc'rmembille ithl I icatinic andliiprofcith laccys wh letey -cwty. it ow i stor , a dlithec iilccl i ii i io e Jan. 12 juiorlcilgirls '"cildren's party, ii cc'h Is ll Iictllielatyc i hie 1111cr tillbicilegymnliium11 1, 8 p. Ii. candi troboth ie genii iouralictic ptie in.13 .ii Mc X oli ldiiimaniaiging fcciicwll doiellticonsIc uidllier sriuslcy etorofrnto S lob(ck, at kMc~lilihe cli cilcgetilland iopporuniis pe- I']iH lii i i Iclli:0 p.1 eed b ciyit rillt pulicait'ttonsl. Xkis IRuthicPaxsonii nternatiionailsecrii Spakuiingspcifcliy. The DaIily lits tayY .(.A., aI Neccierry notiwactli1 ellwo aiitre eeig merey itaill 6: 1111p.iii the lihonor or thei cstindintg,.foiiiwhile Jan. 1-itocriclirecial, 'Si"llSchman," tecount. theyI liiarconidcertilos ty' AlbertLIckwoodielSctol ofolheld iit ccscondaiIry lscs iy Ie mmi Muscc.iicwoth ile-thue lien wcolwiclsl achciee Jan j7i L cturle imFretch, LeFre- ccue'e-c ascKauclIIHairimancilha,.icwon.i iner RomanlS~s dr Victor lHugo" tby- tiro. Beiat de Borues TapanP LMIST. tl lc'ureiroo~umi d pu . - Jan. i8I--Miciga-Cicago debate, ill leM .iltuie SI. Germaie, plimit Uivesity' Iall. and solotige. Iadst, 50 cets; cards, Bosard of regents' meeing. 2 centsI. Roml~ 2, Cook Hose.tHors, iin. 20 BiciishopC. il X'iiitiunctnimal toiit. Ii. Ic 9 p. Il. HIvecis olt lire by' addicress.(Uiieriy Chrisian Aso- imIitatilos ccf iorelrl membes of cerr ciiiill, Uniei t ~iy' Hatll 8 p. Ii. tilcii att1lriterniis. Eenuings cat fra- Jan.c 2,-11F t ictkiliciliSmitiihion S. I,. I rililacdisororiiyi hIousecs a stecialty. A. (liarsce. 72-83 MUSIC AND DRAMA An inteliresting '11111soewciatiti Il~l~i proigram waisi-giel aiticeFaculico- cer lt ight. The Cc~~cm esrere ented w iere quitic mioiierin, clidtheucic- cinltiry personnei c lofprformer it ti Subtjected to cige illthtc te litce ccl Albeirituckwcood, I whiiiuscually' cllabioi- rae,, icuicth nniEn cnchplilys5hi cian selcionslcwacitalkeni Iy Mits IGeorge' I3. tllcaictii'hoc ishowedc leell to bec' tipia tili ofdc rci e i liitiy, cmbin ingwith her licersii as tca.scolistcec the knack of theiisudcc-lflt 'ic iltililci. Th ir cst 11nulberi, ai cinatiIfoice pianoc aniioiil cii uiiinc srt by A.5ReichethIe Icihiec ioft teiri Eri, cwas greeidiwitti iteec.I ti constrctieionwasoticomccii pcii itti gahiedrherthanostu u inl cri i tsy' vcery imli~ity stecily' notibleiwis ticeiadaitgio,.aSinl Ciuci moveentkeepig caiiiostcietielyto lice it iand G stcinigc cfcthclii'oil. WXiiam iii wlandi sangi-ccheiIi' cciv an 'aia 'Lu' Ticmbocciir clajr' Ifrom ..iict ciTh.1ocmasi "''Le'Ci ithccii gra ie(,c,,,reueinig lthe''riai as ani enoe ]lie sdct ihlisntccommoni oiii,.but iccadmiiricty suid itoXMr Hwadvice litr ieian hid- wcik'c drmtci setii Sr XXalte Siiic ccic iit alld, Lchc iiii ii Perhapscc te mtdstiigcicichi lof tiihe pogrm ws Eouac chtt'slict- tctc iteliiCa'riucicl XMigno,CO-c ' enthe ctesigineditasicidecitaliicmisic liii li cc ''i'i hiipuppetshow fc Hareqi i Iand iC iihi ii Xiis. 111cc it ci ic llly' l ii ciii. intihipii fhe u ct, andcii iuiter ir ciilil.iiti intcgesc heitc hl wiaic delightfuhlly chatracutiri-luc. (i(1\ tt h NIt DEALS XXWIT'HI XI SCONSI N 'TOMORROW11) (lCnttinued tfatsPae Oe.y in cc o cihedulice gmesc cwiihicllegc outside ite paie oftheii'cnfelrncu' Thiing, iwouldiiili' icriously 'cmpliitiedh howeersholdlits'conin in ilouci al Sati urdatc's eini''hg Justciwhattheii MIichiigan fc Iulctewoudiditch in suchir-d cusacsis cnotiknocwin. Ithliereso- lcutiictutussec t thelii Decmibtercmeting chic tic Ie utide efecti icive ihbe cs ctarythil th leu passatwhithiiris cte. At aImeein hg col te' athletic 1buoairdI of cnrlhlyeterdayie aiternooncudi.Jiige Lane waselectedu deegtiito ill(,coii ferecie. FRE1NCHI FIOFKSS(1h1 GIVIS LEK.CTRE ON VICTORlhIUGOhld Prof. Bziat deBo tiesdlivieed lihe civet of i i cihis eriecscof lecures oni VictoreIHugoc yselrdhay' aftlenoocth suibjec iing'''hie F'rte'nchi NovietBe' lure time''iiof clVictorItHugo-"' 'Tle talk iiaticgiiciiatci 4 'clotuck i lic e c- lure roomciinme'TappanititHalt cccii iiatiwccci attnde b'ih'thy an aud' iceici' in largey ofl FrechccstuecctsProf ecsor Beiait des'cibedi'iitiferentu'u Ikinidsc cc Frendcch oelsIcandiitle ifluceucofclthei 'Sp1ri' '."ciii' cciitlie eCrl nocels. The evelpmen iofthe' nocieci. Iegi- nicig thu tIAstre"i ui tl. iewascflii- lo e hrioucgh t ' c'i'ihiiuciiti tucid eighmteithicntluris Track & Gymf Suplies T'he opening of the imdor track sea oni sets us witlm a well selected line of all the Dggery and tack iiecessitiesrepresent- ig standard mamkes Prices Always the Lowest WAIIR'S LYNDON PHOTOGRAPHER $2.75 FOR A MICHIGAN SEAL Xciiwlli I 'alicepoin compqari sonthttthe t st iovalvce e SOME NEW POSTAL CARDS Leather Ones, Too Nottilnme un thailtaking flashights these' long eecimgsg- thpmake goodchposlta: aditri cord peaant events. Call 1096-J, Night or Day to atfeiw days I will make pi- traits antd griop Iictueec'ight om' day- in a neat nci oeatitg LYNDON VERITR4P N -E Klodaks and Supplies The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Captali stock,.$50,000. Srptus, $StOl tteources $I,200 A Oeeral Banking Bsness Transacted orric'eos:Ch(tas. 5. llscich. re. W. ml ttarrim ns.Vice Pres.: M5. J. rlt.tastldr - Spaldig's Official Foot Bal Guide Cotaining the wiifllet. pe e latry pi teres. 511 ted lip iWale camnp. 'metl arget Put BaCil Gitlde. vet pubsd. lethal ofcfotiual lifortal- - tio; etes ecst;lc schedueis; apteiu; ecrus; sces, pturer f over4.0lav uer. Prie 10Cets A. . SPALDIN 0 & BROS., Newc Ycrk Chcag, St. touies aPFci seco.c yinnee olittirier Bulohi.Srcue~ePittsbuirg,.Philitdelrpha Botontii, WashtlingnCicinai,tltittor. Sendlyoulr aeindgta freet copy cif the Spaildig FallaideiiutrSpo~r ts aruc tt egr eoi'iciig plitres atndprices of all the itw seaiscnlce athetic goids.. tlt F JANUARY SALE At the Co-O0p. A Lot of Good Things rost (do. We 11ust ]take Room For Our Spring Goods. Umderwear, regular price $.oo ammd 5oc, now ---65c anud 30c Negligee Shirts, regular price $ z. 25 and $ i.oo, no0w $1.00 and 85c Cravats, regular price 75c and l oc, toss ...3Sc, three foe $1.00 Gauntlet Glov-es, regular price $2.00 and 1.50o, now----------------------------------$1.65 and $1.25 University Pillow Covers---- ---- ------ Discounted 25 per cent University and Fraternity Seal:; regtular liner$4.50, now---- ----------------------------------------$3.75 Moore Non-Leak able. Fountain Pess--Discounted 25 per cent Puritan Linenm Pound Paper, regular price 35c, tnow------ 20c NOW IS YOVR TIMIS At TE WtCO-OP The Store of the Students, by the Students, forthtie Students I I-E J. As MacDonald, EDITOR OF THE TORONTO' GLOBE SPEAKS AT McMILLAN lHALL January 13, 1907 STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION Booker T. Washington F. Hlopkinson Smith A. B. Cummings Leland T'. Powers Creatore Oratorical Number W. J. Bryan S. W. Gompers Senator La Follette January 25 February 20 February 25 March 6 March 15 March 22 April 2 Il __ __ __ __ __Il1 CIGARS, TOBACCO, CADIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 "zIUTil STATE ST,