The Michig"an Daily VOL. XVII. ANN ARBOR I, NIMI lIC l\N. V'I D AY, 1IA .-Y No. 75. PROSPECTS FOR TRACK vc il vi \ L~ifiN SNI'I l I CONFERENCE HEALS WITH TEAM ARE DISCOURAGING! it NS SIBIO~RiIk(on lliSi' WISCONSIN TOMORR~OW ia:n s . tiicis.. Jan i. \illiats But Thirty-Five rlen Reported and \iilitiSmithl of Gaud R Iitapids,. tr- Michigan Men Ar Aroused and May Only a Few Veterans Out -Squad dttkttfroimithe itftth contigrssion al Again Agitate Withdrawal if Wis- Leaders Appointed. ,{,stric Vas tonigiti eilctdtnits-si cosins Policy is Adopted. Tatis cnitan toiv susccedi lRusselliA, 111(1 lo s a d i-cot tragitig ire -Ug\N - Six ballot, there te-cssd tos dv-i T ile "lig Nits '-tc.. i citas-tiill meet screl-aiiit caacciato l o irk te c tstittt. iSt ti,5-5 o itor 5 t>5 ecde55 the opeinitg of Ptichigni ts indoor tack -- -- ti ct"'s itS\ i s-sic i ate eligiblei fteshmni byli acua l cttlt t[t\ I l?'iI'll:\fI 1 \i\\:1 t fcotkIs -idcd 1)~natst1it ,pind ii t Capsttt tanG rsis cal ora s-_ isranttt osr tack ithonr Thsistturt t 1 \ tmee t g ofithe eptaint c its ts ittin issitli- Fitzparick atil k ilt sltCIhiteit li tiIc isi no visit isa iitpet tas eseclly dittittsheatent ingtoCatchhcct ., i~-5atoonimtl ttsansss- list tug titsttttct tttlttttt tt i ttntt tats cii s--siot theliihetttti siwt sifeticiucc -sit s ito' it stissli-ass Fitzptick andfCap tai arl ite n 1thi otiflii\\i51 iii ii i i i iui tlsrles m-s toat ii ii t itt- faeofaco p ri ilta ist tt-iear liimee ti lt ing, aii baske t al manageirit lu the t(bIangii tit li ll ttuI lii ait 5 i ,ii tlit i ntu i I til hiaii - isi ic Ic-tl is ii u M iien oelo e mird m n Bah iin c S B uh r tw _ u ait uisl is iicoc[re 1 itos ass o it l t v "red- t t heitnl sui itt sis n fotfi i t ia is ced to thup siioiiio tc t liii It isI ccii-'' meti (fa.ea. le ac ha h 'X iN, a Nc altnI-g theirsklt ti t t u mo sillrar i l itesis ise gave aii~s s iste iirea sin t leh rya d ae ec as sn asti akt ar tAn te acd ap iof at yar tutu it uondtiotillsi lhave lentandtarI mcits ~ ii als be its ars. tt~-Ie tsaid: si lst ii ttlst ii sitI ssi\G iss tIsststF;' ls ti i t ississh Pits o l it itob itsly bi to "tilt- stilt-s is liii i n 11111 thati s -i- n cf orse m , -s it Isig patieintiep of unert-IieIt tiitit tiltitionis fo is iii isocey wl hl is\rcig~ 1 ni a< io e w ih pe ald a fv-y a,, 0 1etl mettnuhisve ig t S o iiss sit e cn ~ ni b Mirchf tiican afer hv igsb titri csi -ittistig R o S l F o ' J id n it l o , ,ii d t n n tl .tc t r iht atle tics f s everallt I thu si itt a -itiga its ti-t s isartitlstrk- htt- bytt-snr- heis- ts m t r l, s e ily c m n . m ,n h y rptc ]il f r o tn (i mus l ie to the 1i1 lilt ssi-kt l sp1ri. Isit s h s + ' Afe h dd e s n in-ii , f r e po Ici-l n lt th.+ , a rfactilthttlist i-iints is pasitsy a h r in V 1 e fed f r ofie . o h nii. f il, can i t, il h invited.itst tisissi st-isis-is declie irl t-esahitscs- iterst amonglstii to- tinilsi -i-th st~t-iis mustIsesovercome- - thalits e ~rc ap n two -- Ire te-stits i-ti - m st dsit . Ilotcr tingI titiichshoud itvi nit-siz fir l iii- is altciipri stlt liltn its tlitlts iof ipii sicheets Isi61 nlist suit st-i i gill 1 speitc t lts 1 tilr That ishuldi e l it, > 0 , ,, is litt int I k ir of , nr ly ai'K p $ t tr in s orthisirsi tt--tt itt it'S rm ta titpo i' 1 i lt 11111 t is lrt iii iiiy iD l-sirco it i sts-i ntsde a cns ttridts5for ltlit stil.itigt o t itdsis - tcists-is tion Isihat ic sisalfutesibestl nilit- lits ii sit tillw itshadst-epireiW- eni ttirh sitisfa id ts makel s h odis t-iisastcii- ist titite sotlp ig 1111til ecodi 1 in itt tin liii Isl iii two kits the nrs ii lii fitics tsstttt plucis ti 5 t ti :cl "contsu-s. ptttgst tts mpitiotu its init Ofii tetirl t ssttsttts its it i :it t s it n tingaift a l f a drzessi I. h wttls t-ra-tt wtili thtt Ii ts ttct t isis frit n lnh tratlt hal-, t att 1ctot-r misngtitsiststs t . S i thritigli Ict itrIsatcs simIs s ilit itip recrn, liltgreat wtrksnl t heis- Crosss Itn -i-tview f ts- striotsnn-ss ofi lis adtltI i r-iof ttl itistist is kntttt cbrs- cett , wh-. icherliIts-sculast freight car "fittnnssu whtich htatv- tc- ttsrtitlr. is tickfi s -n(v i ts( falstamtlps lhitttassa high clta ltc stnlr--s tiper-attitl s---n-sciiti p11 of it l5 islis Siltre shrch fortmte, Attother stanr tislock, aof Ills cwtlstbtn, the lltstt't if lilt- 1s1cr- a n-ill i Wettdell Phtillips hightsnctootl, Chticaigooi tonr, tereotofteine-ti oeist, sit ps o'uhadrct int the quartnr-mnile. Besidens htating rttttstair: commiterce ctmmtissionton lte pren- s- to isparalzticrain ii - l' ist- close tn 50 secondis for thtn distn, Is-i-lintcar fatmileetls Iatt anpportuni geal nre grntoseiosli sitii tntasa embri-shereayteitsic tnsir iimprtntcomisinpf umerbuinssit hePlist an (Continued on Page Thz-e.) wschlPfrof. II1. C. Adamts, formerly ct-n taffest usheItftt itindisiry afcur i ts~istlt, is eccsutit ttntl LiitNiliniski COMMITTEES NOW CHOSEN ,,ci~ iits lsinclt liayrert t hai tci FOR BIG MINSTREL SHOW ItIsIt( in Ilse coniferentce. FI r a mtt oficasonis Nctnatkihats tatplied ftr-j Work to he Started at Once-Good uli stn 'I'bis ear lt-e kurt tttsks-r t Material in Sight- Fletcher Is rerset-i1cat thr ficst tession tat (eneral Chairman. uls flo I - itssiustt tits hei- contfetretce. 'Tile vaious a stti ilt-us fit- tilie big stilo e ot if lte I"ig thNine."ative worik ti-ill commencett utattinsce. slits n()s\\privilegedii us uit'ttallt ip-is Titet t uutltuttecs iarcu tstlisuau-i ifreri-ie-- hit - lir clegeitiand t hato rtsltttsunone sctttisu 'stutdettts Nutrt itt liaityear% itstilt ionferenit-rlingst tLatirtisltuishowundutuintheriiUsn-ltitersity IIIse thelstrigidi lawtitfifoupSsstdundrta(ttkings avut provlicdtt-ulii tsitlesto inta t 1ciliisua itipmig tiejoup ttt- ,aui-e lite pistl workers. us ry tNebratskau if lthe-Ifisctltyswuldi GenetralChimantttharry 1Il', te- satiot iswidrawa-l. I)rIn cststhe iin niiitntrviwttxpisisedtlitiutisuslf A!; ratoayrcsut- s art- pass-el antd bet~ tinpvey conidet tlitatiitheistiswwill Wos us l ii k1 lihe- Itiuttil skit s, stil l be lit ititt lans still sous t' I t- w lIlttisler il itos compe te itihitanyp-college ifliteisayp Nithis lussslidet is huts alrewily lip> ist-zic.tlhtirsuuithiriitettilts lto try ot, liTe ~ casis dilegteti- hut consiltItr- and thegetneral feelingp intulalttitude tilts lipas al 'sitbeapistris-ill di to voits how a ou terc mp s r-is Is 'ur lis higaIsuiansdtthitago tililundpoutely areI as-- al -isaittta beth eaes nth ruae g it te I itt 1 11 sai tilt isal chirmictn, Isso prepareto support any115 eail c~tsn- - t tieti, sitputag antager, iedStitht-- si ,trytusetsrcs Wts-liuthsiti coferut tilso tutu asisttisla-u tmaniager, Ahur~sl coidiis-cc. Whiscosin, tof courtse.iswill Ii Ja putis ;csupro ptcuis - Frnk Row- co us sits tin- chief oppoltsitiion. I llt'; asistatlnutlpety ittati -'witt F. t11sip-arSchooal fasvors the 1ito('iruls an III iii t;rchesitraii leader, 1 ttgce J. till o seissisi t) ilattmpts Itu ails-i ttihu sc er even tuioixsi tupoi tliwiithawftomitheiii ht sli ttias trttuutuii:uu htirtu, cst iscutitif any preacttiiprtnteasur s Rober tit lacy(;CIrs-ttnehW.IPavick, ac- pasted. \IIbvit FIttiucllhi-itt-p Schutlteshill- Si su i\Visconin t isitiuslraw fIromithe lt itat.Ii Fl'sks. ca cenc het wtuldl still bitaletcou Lilrt I tosscomtittee :IChirmitiat, IBarry the is-uslul sasttuuci-li thesetutaretnperu- - lltttta PiertuhIMauice Crulthtlic knlr, (Coninued an Page Two.) Whiiliatu ttuc kp, SItnIPorterArthtur - - - - - -~~~~~ICIuIttI I N. 'tI ais tt iulNsia ldv ti N ltttnite' 'sirar Georg ()hrtttgtst,;Ryle fhCisirt Vt-inpr1 nt aI a I~F s 1 tc urcnso lacle lIi~;urcc m uits h irmanus, llI r Iliiil i I I Ph inokiwis 5C. 5 Criu. PIICIhlstNAtill PI'1IaSPPINS INs1t S ti lII NIl t Isar ls I'i - H l - th- auh "Ih g ir l t I I r ," i s u s I, ::, learned t~~~-i ititsi r~, i ~, ,ta ii;,l iout, ut ist I itni i-slt, 1 ,ftc leIfig tl~e (yuier"t-iof -s i ', its iii trefitiei itt ilrc r ss :,,d - ttt 'r-stir hilati, it isscwell listnwnus t emintlt-ntly quiailii-id fir a y plac oithlisscomtmi'ssioni thsrughlisl lsts umgh situsip of ecnicc ondiutlCutionuts. h( itl silt sltit-ine striv-inlg Itodiscoventra us i tip~ firthrelpre-set-lcair famsiine, a tosatisfaistspy arrntgemelnt toIs allevite d (:istitig condiliins suild sltnlit-fosrths- tr cointg. us- si-is-c}t-. i t utsi atitil. lii Ic cC!:thus I t-i 11- if uslit-cI "child-11";